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Fantasy Lastlands: Pawns of Muurdaan (IC)

Oznah Alder
Turn 02

Oznah stood on the balcony of his Manor, looking down at his newly developed and growing port of Green Star. He needed to secure the loyalty of the locals so that Alder ideals would continue to flow and reign in Aflil. Xion Parsifal posed an issue to him in claiming a settlement he'd set his eyes upon. It irked him that the Parsifals were getting in the way of his dominance of Aflil, but he already saw how to profit from this change in the winds. One must turn an obstacle into an asset.

The Touryans were watching and scheming, their agent poking about. He was making a point to be seeking maps or information on the region to seek out mines. He needed a good yielding one to turning into a mining holding for the Touryan as was expected. Insufferable bastards.

House Alder had labored all this time and now he had the chance to secure lands for them away from the inner empire. The Eternal Empire was here, all the various nobles coming to poison these lands with Muurdaan ego and stupdity. An empire built on the bones of others. In deep, darkest truth... he reveled in the chaos of the Capitol. He hoped it would go on, that House Alder's chains would loosen as even the Touryan would be drawn into the exhaustive conflicts of the Capitol Houses. One could dream.

To begin that dream, he had brought various books penned by both Leo and Haecho on matters of state and more obscure subjects. The first act was to establish a uniform rule of law symbolic of House Alder's long standing tradition of embracing other cultures and race. The original Bastionic Code was to be put in place, no longer defanged by the Touryans. A small step to the bigger plans of show the Alders were a power unto themselves.

Instead he found himself spinning a web of trade contracts and business relationships. The Parsifals represented a new player to potentially stand in the way of the Touryans. Karim Malsa was a worthwhile investment, doubly so due to a rather scandalous secret Oznah had stumbled upon. Others were bound to him in debts and services. More were needed to continue the work here. The Lion people posed a true issue. They had to be either enlisted, conquered or exterminated to secure his hold over Aflil.

Spirits were the answer to his concerns. Just as he had called forth the Great Kraken against the pirates. There were spirits here too, one's he could seek to barter and entreat. If they could be drawn into his plans, the Lion people might embrace his presence and become full allies and trade partners, perhaps even subjects. It was that or become fodder for his labs while he perfected his studies in the arts of Blood magic. He would set the rituals in motion discreetly to hide his purpose, to avoid sabotageo or interference.

That left his obligations to his new trade partners. This raid into Shiv. More profit to be had there, even if only in the flesh of bandits he could take back to use. There was potential for artifacts or loot as well. Clearing Shivs was useful considering its reputation as a pirate hub. If the locals could be thinned, it would hampered any plants to raid his shipping and business. A very important matter when he had clam farms in the works. Food and Pearls were a lovely combination for his future. The Amber could wait in the corals until he completed his business with the Lion people so as to not poison negotiations.

"My lord, our forces are gathering. We will be ready to march with Xion of Parsifal soon as you requested," said Tulvel, one of his Dark Sifu.

"Good, set the other works in motion. We still have time to do the rest before I have to leave."

Character Information



PORT BASE INCOME IS +1 wealth per turn, subject to increase or reduction.

Calculating, Occult

Martial Arts, Fleshcrafting, Diplomacy, Trade

Martial 2 | Unarmed, Unarmored
Blood 2 | Mutation, Fleshcrafting

Bracers of Martial Might

3 Populist
2 Noble

Owned Land

Fief Structures
Great Port (Green Star)
Manor (Lavish, Fortified)

Tensions between Alder/Touryan
Trade Agreement [Xion Parsifal]
Trade Agreement [Ortes Keter of Parsifal]
Trade Agreement [Karim Malsa]

35 Soulblight Monks (4s)
6 Dark Sifus (6s)
2 Mercuials (10s)
10 Hardened Outlaws (?)
10 Blood Nuns (Part Harvesting)


Intrigue Play
Oznah will commence rituals to court and negotiate with the spirts worshiped by the Lion People in the hopes of brokering peace, alliance or subjugation. Wealth open to spending to improve chances with offerings.

Oznah Alder, 2 Mercurials, 10 Blood Nuns and his Soulblighters (35 Monks, 6 Dark Sifu) will move to Shiv to meet up with Karim Malsa's and Xion Parsifal's forces.

Oznah and his forces support the Shiv operation Karim Malsa has set in motion.

Action 1
Dispatch Hardened Outlaws to scout Aflil for resources/deposits.

Action 2
Oznah orders the development of clam farms to increase Meat and Pearl production.

Additional Notes
Establishment of original Bastionic Code in holdings.

Aflil Fief established: +1 Populist to 3 Populist, +1 Wealth to 3 [Turn 1]

Trade Agreement with Xion Parsifal, establishing trade between Port Green Star and Trading Post in Aflil.
Trade Agreement with Karim Malsa, establishing trade between Prax and Port Green Star in Aflil.
Trade Agreement with Ortes Parsifal, establishing trade between Wes and Port Green Star in Aflil.​
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Sir Wernhard Ceslaus
Turn 2

Sir Wernhard watched on, as the messenger galloped away with great pace. The urgency of the horses speed made him nod in approval, but the sound of one of his sergeants approaching him ripped the noblemen out of his thoughts. "Did he confess yet?", Sir Wernhard asked before the man could even salute him, causing the sergeant to stop and shake his head. "He remains defiant, Sir. Keeps cursing us and the gods.", came a reply, which caused Wernhards brows to furrow. "Then lets get it over with, he made his choice long ago.", he decided, pointing towards the tent where the last of the outlaw captives was being questioned. "We have what we need anyways...", he also added, slipping back into his thoughts as they walked. Wernhard couldn't stand what the other outlaws had told him all to willingly, after applying a little pressure here and there. His nephew had already been sold, to a person with a dangerous reputation. At least he knew that he wouldn't be harmed or killed, as a great sum had been expended. These lands were crawling with outlaws, but it only increased the nobles resolve and determination to bring law and order to these parts. But in order to do so, he needed to make sure his family was safe and he needed allies. The battle had shown how dangerous it would be to work without other noble houses support, hence the urgency of the messenger. He had been dispatched towards Lord Akcay Yusuf of House Vashna, as Wernhard was determined to kill two birds with one stone. Allying with this Lord Yusuf would hopefully work towards fixing relations between House Xyphon and the Houses Vashna and Varna, turning potential foe to friend. But he knew that it would take far more than an exchange of letters to achieve this.
Regaining his focus on the here and now as they reached the tent, Wernhard barked some orders, and the outlaw was immediately dragged out and pushed towards a large tree stump. "Fuck off!", the man barked, despite his rough shape and Wernhard just shook his head, like a doctor would at a doomed patient. "Jugdemental prick!", he outlaw shot at him and the noble pointed at the tree stump, causing his sergeant to force the mans head onto it. "Only the gods can judge your eternal soul. But I see fit to judge your mortal body.", Wernhard declared, as he lifted his hammer high, aiming for the head.


"We are making great progress, mylord.", Wernhard heard another one of the foreman promise, causing him to nod in approval. He could already see, that the man wasn't lying, but being as careful and dilligent as he was, he just had to see the progress on the monastery for himself once again. They started to go over the plans once again, making very sure that every detail was being followed dutifully. It filled Wernhard with pride to know, that pilgrims would be able to safely traverse this region and shook the foremans hand, congratulating him on the work. "Send another letter to Lady Larkbella. Tell her, that the monastery will be finished in time, but that we will be leaving soon. And leave her a cadre of carrier pigeons, so we might converse again.", he instructed another messenger, something he had often been doing in the last few days. After taking another satisfied look at the monastery under construction, Sir Wernhard made his way to join his men once again. To his surprise, he found that not only Akcay Yusuf had been contacting him, but also the noble Lady Niki of House Xyphon, who had started to make herself known in these lands. The locals appeared to only speak well about the Lady, but it also might have been due to them being intimidated. As he went back to his tent, he immediately started to draft a response, wishing her all the best in the Lastlands and filling her in with the intel he could offer.


"Men, today we must march towards battle once again!", a firm voice bellowed across the assembly of soldiers. Standing in front of the Statue of Saint Vitus - now back to its original bronze hue - Wernhard Ceslaus spoke to his men directly, before they would march out. "I know it will be a long way, but no distance can stop a true pilgrim! We have triumphed in these lands before and we will triumph again, such is the gods will! When we arrived in these lands, we had our backs to the wall, facing dire numbers. I couldn't be more proud of you! Our pilgrimage shall lead us to the Gleeb, where battle awaits us! Onwards, pilgrims!", he continued his speech and once again, they were set in motion. Scouts were the first to swarm out, followed by the rest of the army. He had made very sure that the organization of the long march was on point and as the road just seemed to fly by, Wernhard felt that something was aiding them. A thin smile formed, as he knew that their potential new friend was keeping his word. Inspired by the hopes of potential alliances and rescued family members, Sir Wernhard and his treck made good progress and finally, after the difficult days after the battle for Esau, his thoughts and plans seemed to align in order.


Action 1: Establish a monastery along the main pilgrims road. Local workers will be hired to leave a good impression and Wernhard makes sure to choose the right location. The House Xyphon monks and priests shall report about those who enter the Lastlands. [Skills: Theology, Diplomacy] (1 Wealth spent)

Move: March to the Gleeb, with help from Akcay Yusuf and his magic [Skills: Logistics]

Intrigue: Send scouts and agents to ensure safe travel

Action 2: Meet with Yusuf and prepare for battle at the Gleeb [Skills: Logistics, Defensive Tactics] // Probably scene
Turn 2
Xion Parisfal


That was what the beginnings of his venture could be seen as for not only his personal fortunes, but those of House Parcifal. Already he has managed to begin getting ahold of a large portion of the necessary wealth that is needed to secure the continuation of his family House. He beamed with pride at the fact that within such a short time he had managed to acquire. The community paying its necessary dues to him as their new lord and the running down of bandits to acquire their ill gotten loot.

Soon enough he would bring all the bandits to heel and bring about a wonderful bounty that comes along with having both Law and Order in the lands. Safe travel for merchants and pilgrims alike. With this land having a port and being a more central location, others will have to pass through these lands. He would strive to make them safer. Eventually he will manage to deal with or at least get a better hold on the large monsters that roam the very same territories.

Xion was pleased. The nearby nobles of House Alder and House Malsa have proven quite amenable to working together. That alone is good as there will be many enemy houses before long. House Parcifal could grow its military might in order to protect its allies in the times to come. They both seem to have enemies. And in his experience, it is far better to gather useful allies that have skills in areas that you do not, rather than let them fall to an enemies blade that you are capable of deflecting right into that very same enemies heart.

Xion would take those enemies and crush them in honor of his word. The Chivalrous House Parcifal stood by those it called friend.

He would be accompanying his allies on a trip for treasure, to keep them safe and sound from bandits and monsters. It was a worthy goal. He was himself happy with the deal that he made out. By his calculations, he should make at least 2 more wealth out of this venture and strengthen the bond between House Parcifal and Houses Alder and Malsa.

He knew that once this overhanging family debt was dealt with, he could more greatly grow his army to further protect his allies. But that time would come soon enough.


Intrigue Action: Gather the two most powerful Lions on opposite sides of dissent in order to offer assistance. If peace would not be made, Xion would ally with one faction over the other. (Gaining Lions would be a boon to his own forces)

Move Action: Xion and 10 Paragon Heavy Cavalry move to assist House Alder and House Malsa in their treasure hunt, keeping them safe from bandits and monsters along the way.

Action 1: Construct a Barracks and begin training militia

Action 2: Patrol along the roads to keep caravans and merchants safe along the routes to House Alder's Port and House Malsa's settlement

Current Trade Agreements:
House Alder (Ozna)
House Malsa (Karim)
House Parsifal (Ortas)​
Turn 2

Dejan of House Laesarale

Nature/Bone Wizard (3/3)

Spell Descriptors
Nature: Travel, Rot, Consume
Bone: Movement, Shadow, Envelop

Age and Personality



GuildHall (Birch Shadow)

4 Wealth

Necklace of Eyes: Individual eyes of the necklace can be dropped/hidden to spy allowing you to see in real time, but you can also capture stills. Necklace eyes are immune to negative effects.
The GranitePaw: A bludgeoning weapon that also functions as a shield. it is magical for the purposes of overcoming magic resistance, and does 2x to objects (inanimate targets)

Military (2)
Populist (+)

Recent Activity
Defeated the monster, Graniteheart, a dying beast of a bygone age -- it's horrible afflictions from a hundred battles was the only thing that allowed you, to be the one who finally killed it. You gained an item from it's body; the GranitePaw
The Twilight River Children, a confederation of goblins, orcs and bugbears, has your love are convinced your lover/spouse is the bride of some kind of spirit or god, and stole them from their pleasure trip on the edge of the frontier. You must find them. This is more than embarrassment and dishonour, your own spirit is in jeopardy.

House Laeraslae wants you to take a province (or the better part of one) and establish a great settlement... from there, they intend to charge you with building a "Tower of Doors" to travel to other planes and locations....
The Unseelie want you to build a folly, a structure that looks like it serves a certain purpose, but is purely decorative or defensible. The folly should like an entrance to the feywild, but is instead a defensible trap.
Make a name for the family through amassing wealth.

Closet Skeletons
To be revealed by the other players

10 Dark Sprites
35 Planeswalkers
1 Formorian Giant


Common Wood
Dark Wood
Dryad Wood

Familiar: Mallachdan the Faery Drake

Thalid: The Thallid cannot leave the magic of your demesne at least not yet, and not without potentially disturbing the balance if you did not accommodate them... and they seem "into" balance... at least for now. Available labour in Nerry, for you specifically, rises dramatically, these are not troops, at least not yet, but any work you do in NERRY will not be short of tiny hands. The Fungusaur you can consider a guard beast of sorts, and a deterrent to outlaws.


The atmosphere in the Birch Shadow was cheerful, the common people of Nerry and the logging communities that were their backbone happy with their new Lord, their joy growing more and more as the day went on and the drinks kept coming. At the Guild Hall's head sat Dejan, one leg resting on the other as he lounged on his solitary seat, a small end table by his simple throne and on which rested his drink and his mushroomed man servant. With a beckoning finger, Dejan signalled the Thallid to bring him his drink. With a mighty heave, the Salad servitor pushed the stein within reach, Dejan plucking the Darkwood float out from within it and running it across his teeth and tongue. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the small sense of euphoria from the wet woods innards.

Recent events had been good for the Lord of Laesarale. His communion with the nature spirits had granted him the Thallid, an ancient race of forgotten fungus now at Dejan's beck and call, his shroom servants racing between tables at this current moment, plying his supplicants with liquor and ale. Supplicants granted by his swift mediation between the two opposing sides, loggers and cultivators, per the request from the populace. And for it he had gained valuable commodities and the common man's respect.

The latter was of little concern in all honesty, but it did feel good to be regarded as the new Lord of Neery. A position he hoped to consolidate with the coming day.

Raising from his chair, he held up his flagon.

"Drink merry! Drink deep my friends!" he shouted over the hubbub "Tis a time for celebration as your Lord gift's to you a wonderous wood for which to profit from. Let all know that the Birch Shadow and it's Master are forever at your service"

There was a loud cheer as Dejan performed a modest bow before settling back on his throne. Sipping lightly from his cup, he subtlety gestured with his free hand, drawing upon his spheres.

With his magic he tugged the shadows closer, a black blanket over the guildhall, an impish illusion to mimic the coming of night to Nerry to hasten an end to this celebratory charade. So eager was Dejan for his subjects to return to their homes and loved ones, to nestle into their beds and hold their lovers, their spouses close as they drifted to sleep. The sleep of the Damned.

Within the rafters, the Dark Sprites waited, red eyed and ragged teeth. Soon he would fulfil his obligation to their unkind kin...



1. Employ the local militia, soldiers, veterans within Nerry as members of Lord Dejan's retinue (Military influence (2) used) (Lord Status used). Good/ill well gained from Intrigue action will be used, if possible, to garner more interest.
2. Expand the Deep Woods around the Birch Shadow. Mallachdan the Faery Drake, Thallid will help if possible. (Consume/Rot Descriptor used) (Arcana Skill used)

Punish the Loggers in the name of the Unseelie. Formorian Giant and Dark Sprites will oblige while Dejan keeps his hands clean. (Shadow/ Envelop/ Engulf Descriptor used) (Intruder Skill used)​
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Albwin vam Holt
Turn II

The beats of an orcish war drum echo throughout the camp, its grating sound as uncharacteristic to this land as the felled trees and deep ditches scattered about the fortification's surroundings. A testament to the spirit of the times, as man's conquest of this final frontier signals the epilogue of creation itself, an end of history. A view seemingly taken to heart by the vam Holts, perhaps as a means to compensate for the taint to their blood. With the drum beat slowing and a low hum equally displeasing to the ear taking over (from some primitive wind instrument), the remaining few soldiers not stuck with sentry duties file hurriedly into the makeshift arena. Katarina sits alongside her family, in a box built higher up and separated from the rest of the unwashed masses. While she was used to the conditions you could expect when travelling with an army on march, she feared that the rest of her family especially its matriarch Alysa vam Holt was woefully underprepared for the journey ahead. Her worries however were overtaken by the cackles and jeers coming from the lower benches as one of the captives from their last battle, stripped completely naked, was released from a cramped but mobile pen pulled by a pack of donkeys. Some of the men imprisoned actually pushed their comrade forward, not wanting to be the first in whatever this was to be. The man armed with nothing but a knife fit for skinning game immediately rushed towards the vam Holt seats, pleading for clemency to anyone that would listen. But Albwin had little interest in the man, intently pondering the ridges and curves of the ring in his possession. Katarina had always admired her uncle, but she had to admit that ever since he'd been sent down to the ruins of Ulman, he'd been changed somehow. Soon enough, the kneeling man was interrupted by a thunderous cheer from the crowd as an almost feral orc armed with a malformed and bloodied axe took to the stage. It only took a few minutes for the charade to be over, the body had been cleaved to bits, but slowly for the crowd's enjoyment. Only the head and torso remained intact.

As the troops began to march once again a scribe stood near a large, old and withered tree from whose branches hung 4 others killed in the same gruesome manner. Pinned to their bodies was a message, "MUURDAAN HAS COME. YOU AND YOURS WILL KNOW PAIN AND DEATH. BUT THE INEVITABLE CAN BE DELAYED. SEEK OUR BANNERS AND BUY YOURSELVES TIME."

1. The main party sets camp in the province of REILOR, and waits for parley from the various brigands in the area in response to the message. If contact is established Albwin proposes a scheme against his Touryan overlords [BLACKGUARD], expanded upon in character-chat.

2. Move to the province of BAUMUNG.

Cleared in character-chat.
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Delavizh the Reclaimed
"The Hero of Haakon"
Turn 2

Delavizh was in a world unlike the one he knew. Surrounded by an ecosystem of spiders from tiny swarms to hulking beasts but all eight legged and likely horrifying to the those accustomed to an easy life, like those back home. He, however, didn't see this new world as a place to fear. No, he saw opportunity. If he could claim this province and its riches in both minerals and unique beasts, Haakon would certainly be on the path of redemption he saw for it. The way he saw it he had two tasks to undertake to not just 'claim' the province of Choss but truly and wholly control it. Firstly, perhaps the easier of the two tasks, was to get the wealthy mining towns on side. That was still an issue that required work to conclude to ensure it was done as efficiently as it truly could be as Haakon was not in a position to waste resources. If he could get those towns on side he would have a base to project power and could even consider the region for the building of the fortress due to its abundant resources. The Second task he set for himself however. That was a grueling one. He needed to deal with the pervasive eight legged critters in the area. It would be wrong to say he never considered just slaughtering them all, but that was a waste of another valuable resource the region held for him. No, he knew they could be tamed, Baris had proved just that, and he planned to streamline the process. He first needed to learn more. Learn these beasts and their behaviors and learn how to not just tame them but domesticate various species of them. Not just for war. For while Delavizh was forced into a life of war and focused his pursuits on mastering that domain, he also knew the power of commerce. Powerful beasts of burden, with the ability to traverse the roughest of terrain and even vertical cliff faces? If he could achieve that then surely House Haakon would have a truly tremendous asset to ensure its continued prosperity.

Join Baris in finding spider mounts for my soldiers
2. Investigate the ecosystem of the spiders, mostly to see what they hunt and their behaviors and to see if there are spiders bigger then the elephant ones already discovered and if there is any hierarchy to them, do they serve an even greater spider? (Investigation)


Learn more about the mining guilds, when they will meet exactly to discuss their council and which groups are the most powerful and what their protection consists of(Is this acceptable intrigue?)
(Investigation, as well as Influence |Nobility| [3])
Just "Camus"
Special Items:
The Disc of Circles: This is a flying disc that has summoning, binding, communion and other types of circles engraved upon it. It can extend the range of rituals, and make rituals cheaper or more powerful.
Nevvinyarrl's Coin: This is an adamantium coin with a mouth engraved on it. The mouth can be activated to devour unruly/enemy summons.

Movement: Arrives at Chainwoods
The air around the group of 33 people shimmered and distorted as the space around them began to crack and split open. They felt a sudden jolt as if they were being pulled through a tunnel at incredible speeds. When they emerged on the other side, they found themselves standing on a grassy plain. It was clear that they had been transported to a different location, far from where they previously were.

"Welcome to the Province of Chainwoods, boys." Camus smiled back at his retinue, just in time to see one of his pikemen vomit into the grass.

Order 1: Astral Summoning Ritual - Summon Sirin, Alkonost, and Gamayun, the three Half-Bird and Half-Women Astral Creatures
Camus will set up a ritual to summon the Astral Creature(s) Sirin, Alkonost, and Gamayun to aid him in his endeavors in the Chainwoods Province. (unclear if this will be singular summons or multiple of different races each.)

Spend 1 Wealth
Astral 5 | Relevant Descriptors: Ritual, Luck]
Relevant Skills: Rites, Ceremonies
Special Item "The Disc of Circles" used to enhance ritual
Special Item "Nevvinyarrl's Coin" used to ensure summon subservience

Fluff Below
"General, please prepare these materials and have the men them out roughly according to this diagram. Don't be worried about following it exactly, I can take over afterward and do the fine-tuning." Camus pulled out a scroll from thin air and passed it to General Zeno, one of the two Githyanki Knights.

The General nodded as he took the scroll and immediately carried out the task. Once the task was completed, Camus took over and properly arranged the ritual exactly as it was in the scroll he provided with even some personal additions for additional effectiveness.


Camus stood at the center of the formation, his eyes shimmering with excitement and anticipation. The Sirin, Alkonost, and Gamayun were Half-Bird and Half-Women Astral Creatures were powerful beings, albeit not as powerful as him, who will aid him greatly in subjugating this province. He could have chosen to take things slowly and engage in diplomacy with the tribes here but circumstances has forced him to change his plans. His Sinister Infection acted up which delayed their arrival in this continent. The deadline for the audit of the Keshurgen House draws close and he has no time to delay completing his objectives.

As Camus began to recite the ritual, a soft glow filled the surrounding, emanating from the intricate symbols etched into the ground. The air around him grew thick with energy, crackling with astral power. He raised his arms to the sky, calling upon the three creatures to heed his summons. And with a mighty roar, they appeared before him, their wings spread wide, their voices a chorus of divine song.

"Welcome to the Prime Material Plane, my friends." Camus smiled.

Order 2: Diplomacy with the Bird Tribes
Camus accompanied by his summons approach the bird tribes. They will be his first stop in subjugating this province and his strongest allies. It would have been hard for him - an outsider - to approach the bird tribes but with the help of his summons, creatures who are viewed as angels, he is confident there would be little to no problem. Not to mention that he will be constantly using his astral magic to manipulate their opinions regarding him. [Charm spells | Relevant Descriptor: Mindblast, Luck]

The astral beings will introduce themselves as "divine intervention" provided by their ancestors to aid the bird tribe in securing the province while Camus, the Archmage, is a sworn friend of theirs who they met in the astral planes. (They must not appear at a random place but from a place where it would be more believable. Perhaps the Ancestral grounds of the bird tribes? Add in some special effects with Astral Magic for some shock and awe!)

He also serves as an official representative of the Empire and a sign of their 'legitimacy' once they take over the province (technically a lie? but why would birb angels lie to birbs, right?). It is highly important that Camus is introduced as an equal to these bird angels to not offend the bird tribes.

Through his summons, Camus will exert control over the bird tribe. If absolutely necessary and safe, Camus can cast [Enslave Mind] in conjunction with the enslaving ability/skill of the Siri on the bird tribal leaders. [EMERGENCY MEASURE IF THE ABOVE DOESN'T SUFFICE AND BIRD TRIBES CANNOT BE CONTROLLED THROUGH THE SUMMONS. CAN ALSO BE USED IF THERE IS A SAFE OPPORTUNITY.]

The Bird Angels will convey to the tribes their plan of letting them usurp the position of the bear tribes and take over the province. With the help of Camus, the bird angels are confident in carrying out this task. They will first have to create the perfect opportunity for this, however, and this is where Camus will play a vital role. He will make "space" for the bird tribes and attempt to whittle down the powers of their rival tribes. The bird tribes should assist him by also utilizing their spy network and espionage resources. [SEE INTRIGUE ACTION]

Once the time is ripe, they should strike. They will be aided by the full force of Camus' retinue (Camus, 2 Githyanki Knights, and 30 Medium Infantry Pikemen). It is important that Camus' and the birb angel's intervention in anything must be kept a secret until the bird tribe strikes.

Intrigue: Pandemoniom in Chainwoods! Disrupt the fragile status quo!
Intelligence will be obtained from the Bird Tribes as well as personal investigation by Camus through Astral Magic.

Camus deploys his two Githyanki Knights [Descriptors: Avarice, General, Assassin] to shatter the unstable peace in the Province by conducting assassinations and sabotage. They will be aided by Camus himself who will guarantee their stealth and mobility (portals, gateways, etc) through his Astral Magic. He will first scout through Astral Magic, then teleport the Githyanki Knights over who will attack physically while he attacks mentally [Paralyze, Soul Slay, and Mindburn], discretely plant false evidence of other tribes, then teleport out.

[Astral 5 | Relevant Descriptors: Travel, Mindblast, Luck]

Influential people will be assassinated and false evidence will be planted belonging to that of other tribes. Astral is also used to agitate the minds of the people. If an opportunity presents itself to assassinate leaders, the three can act together to carry out the task. These assassinations must be quick, silent, and elusive.

If the plan works, the Bear Tribes will be attacking and under the attack of other tribes while the Bird Tribes lay and white for the perfect opportunity to pounce to exert dominance over the province.
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~ Turn 2 ~
~ Lord of Reilor ~


  • Darius sits in his tent, and with the flutter of the tent flap, he senses the return of his vassal. All in the world is dark now, at least when it comes to physical sight. But Darius is possessed of Astral magic, and through the astral plain he can sense the world beyond himself. All things appear ethereal to him now, physical objects appear as misty barriers of energy, while people appear as ghostly apparitions whose souls shine in the perpetual dark.

    "I am sorry, my lord." Orvan speaks as he approaches Darius, his voice angonised. "If I had done my duty...."

    "Orvan, what is done is done." Darius speaks with finality. "Nothing can be gained by agonising on this further."

    Darius' forgiveness could only twist the knife of guilt in Sir Orvan further. Any other lord would have Orvan executed or at least flogged for his failure, but Darius does not. Looking to his lord, Darius sits upon his cot, two great blackened holes of seared flesh where his eyes should be, a hideous site that can only be remodied with coverings now.

    "Do you... think you could ever heal yourself, my Lord?" Orvan gauges the topic gently. "I know you have tried, but perhaps when your powers develop further..."

    "I do not know, Orvan." Darius returns rather simply. "The poison used by my cousin was potent. It had already destroyed my eyes by the time I could cure myself. Perhaps someone of greater power than I can heal my eyes, but I cannot. Perhaps there is simply nothing can be done to heal my eyes now."

    It pained Orvan to hear this, knowing he was responsible for this calamity. But the knight remains quiet, knowing he has already irritated his lord through repeated displays of regret and recompense.

    "The Amul Ranne were more prepared than I had anticipated." Darius admits. "We bested their assassin, true, but only just. There will no doubt be others, and so we must be cautious."

    "I will see to it that security around you is redoubled, my Lord." Orvan assures. "Is there anything else you wish of me in the meantime?"

    "Yes, check our construction sites for signs of sabotage. We cannot rule anything they may try to harm us." Darius says, fatigue clawing upon him. "Now please, I must rest."

    "As you command, my lord." Orvan says, bowing to Darius before taking his leave.

    With Orvan gone, the tent falls quiet, and Darius is left alone with his swirling thoughts. The noble takes a piece of clean linen and gently binds the top half of his head, covering his ruined eyes, before laying himself down and sinking into the warm furs of his bedding. "Two down." Darius mutters to himself, his conscious mind slowly fading into sleep. "Many more to go."


    In the dark, Darius senses a presence, one that he can sense even from the depths of his sleep. Returning to the waking world, Darius' heart almost stops as he realises he cannot see, and once more embraces the astral plain to see for him. As the tent appears ethereally all around him, so does something else appear from the gloom. He sees a being within his tent, one whose soul is simply ablaze, shining so bright that it was nearly blinding.

    "Who is there?!" Darius speaks, his voice loud and harsh, scrambling himself out of bed and hastily summoning his powers. "Speak, intruder, or I shall have your head!"

    "I very much doubt that." The being returns rather simply, a voice alien to Darius, though there is something strangely familiar about it. "You could do no harm to me, Lord Darius, though I have caught you at a disadvantage. Allow me to introduce myself. I am known by the name of Viridios, a name I believe you are familiar with to a small degree."

    If Darius had eyes to widen, he would do so, but the shock of hearing that name shook him no different.

    "Viridios?" Darius spoke, knowing it well indeed. "Yes, I know that name. My mother spoke of a Viridios. The Lord of the Wilds. A God of Nature. My grandfather... worshipped him. Yet you claim to be him?"

    "Yes, I do. If you doubt me, all you need to do is look. Look upon me, Darius. I know you can see me, see me for all that I truly am." Viridios told him, and so Darius did, looking deeply into the soul of this visitor.

    The Lord looked, plunging deeply into the swirling mass of ethereal energy that consisted of this being's soul, and he saw it. He saw the ages this being had witnessed, the vast stretches of time going back and back far beyond mortal comprehension, glimpsing into an existence spanning countless eras, with brief flashes of images of long forgotten worlds and beings and civilisations running through Darius' mind in blaze of memories. Only through his strong will did Darius pull his sight from the being's soul, lest all he was seeing would have shattered his mind. To examine the soul of a God is no small thing, and Darius, quite suddenly sapped of all his strength, drops weakly backwards onto his bed, shaking and breathless.

    "Convinced?" Viridios asked. "I am impressed, Darius. Not many mortals could look into the depths of an God's soul and remain sane. Though, 'God' is just a word, a title afixed to those of greater than mortal power, no different than that of 'Lord.' My true nature, however, is something much more... humble."

    "You are a Kitsune." Darius speaks with tumbling words, looking again towards the blazing spirit before him, though this time without depth. "I-I saw as much within you. But... you are ancient. Beyond ancient."

    "That is correct, Darius." Viridios speaks, his words warm and approving. "I am old enough to have witnessed the repeated beginnings and the endings of this world through the passage of the eras, more cycles than I care to count, and I shall yet witness many more to come."

    "W-why have you come here?" Darius speaks weakly, but pointedly. "What do you want from me?"

    "I want to see you succeed, Darius." Viridios begins. "I am here because of what you have been attempting to do. Because you have chosen to fight the Amul Ranne, and you have chosen to do so in the name of the Endless Cycle. You have seen the Amul Ranne for what they truly are, and you have chosen of your own free will to bring them to justice for their crimes against natural law. You have chosen this path, yet you could have chosen any, Darius. You could have joined them, you could have used them, you could have even stolen their power to feed your own. Being raised in such a family, you would have been forgiven for becoming so corrupted by them. But you have not. Instead, you have showed devotion to the correct order of the natural world, and you have even given back everything those loathsome malificar stole. You returned them to the Earth. You have shown your true nature, Darius. We are... more alike than you could know."

    "I offer you this, young lord." Viridios pledges. "I shall be your guide in the turbulant times ahead, I shall grant you my wisdom and my knowledge, I shall complete your training and help you attain mastery over the natural world, and I shall fight at your side to see the Amul Ranne utterly destroyed."

    "And in exchange for my help, I ask only for one thing. Your worship." Viridios says simply. "Your mother worshipped me, and so did her father before him. Now, I ask for your devotion as well. Become my disciple, my most loyal and devout worshipper, and there will be no end to my patronage to you. This world as been too long without me, Darius. Return me to this world. Together, we can destroy the Amul Ranne, and even bring about the beginnings of a new Eden."

    Darius sat there, apprehensive to respond, thinking on this proposal. He was not one for Gods nor religions, but what Viridios offered was exactly what he needed. Viridios probably already knew this. Darius needed help, he was seriously out of his depth, and now with his powers locked by this curse from the Amul Ranne, he is defenseless. He survived his last round against the Amul Ranne, but he won't survive the next. He had no choice, truly. He needed Viridios, and it seems Viridios needed him as well.

    "I... I accept your offer." Darius spoke, remaining seated upon the bed. "I pledge myself to you, Viridios, and I accept you as my Lord and my God."

    As Darius spoke these words, an energy rushed forth into him, filling him with renewed vigor and vitality. He felt his strength returning, his mind clearing, and he even attained a certain depth of feeling toward the living world around him. Darius ceased to shake, and his breathing returned to normal.

    "Good. I knew you would not disappoint me." Viridios returned, with warmth in his words. "From this moment on, you and I are bound by fate and destiny, Darius. For as long as you remain devoted to me, and honour natural law, nothing will be able to break our bond. I shall be at your side now, until the very end of our days."

    Darius nods to these words, though he is uncertain whether or not he likes them. For good or ill, what is done is done.

    "Our first mission would be to break this curse the Amul Ranne have placed upon you." Viridios says. "I can break this curse, though I will first need to return to my former strength. Normally, a century or two of worship from a growing following of devout worshippers would provide me with all the strength I would need to destroy the Amul Ranne, but we do not have the luxury of such time. Instead, we will need a shortcut. I will need you to find a place of great natural power, Darius. Once you find one, travel to it, and I will be able to do the rest."

    "Now rest, young Lord. You will need it for the times ahead." Viridios tells Darius, his words warm and reassuring. "And remember, I will be with you always, Darius. Should you need me, call for me, and I shall come."

    With those parting words, Viridios' soul slowly evaporates into the surrounding world, returning back to the Astral plain from whence he came. Though, Darius does not feel entirely alone anymore. There is now a constant presence, one that cannot be shaken off. Darius lays himself back down again, the previous renewal of energy suddenly draining away as quickly as it had come over him, and sleep soon pulls him back into the depths of dreamless oblivion.
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Orpheus Ap GwynTurn 2

The lone figure of Orpheus approached the ramshackle hut, his long white hair flowing on the breeze that weaved between the trees. There was a smell of smoke in the air, a faint glow of orange peeking through the poorly made huts walls, a clear sign of a small fire inside. Orpheus dragged his feet and pulled his cloak tightly around himself. With his gloved hand he knocked against the door, if it could be called such as a piece of wood leant against the entrance way. There was a quick shuffling of feet and the gentle clanging of metal as those inside tried their utmost to remain quiet…failing miserably. A gruff voiced man with heavy scarring over the left side of his face answered the door. He only revealed his head, the majority of his body remaining out of view.

"Wha do you want?!" He snarled, eyebrows betraying his clear anger at an unannounced visitor.

"I'm truly sorry, my carriage was attacked by bandits and now I am alone and cold," Orpheus replied. "May I take shelter here until morning? My family are extremely rich and if you can give me safe passage home I'll be able to repay you handsomely."

The man stared at him for a moment before disappearing back inside. There were multiple mumbled voices from inside that spoke for a few seconds before returning to silence. The scarred man returned, this time opening the door. He revealed an interior that perfectly matched the ramshackle exterior, damaged furniture and scurrying rodents were the key standouts of the unique design choice.

"Ya can come in lad. Get ya self outta the cold," the man said far more warmly. A smirk crossed his face as Orpheus entered, shutting the door firmly behind him.

In the room were two other men, equally rough on the eye as their friend at the door.

"Seems ya in the wrong place…" one said.

"Definitely took a wrong turn somewhere…" the other added as he stared at the blade in his hand.

Orpheus began to shudder in his boots, looking around himself frantically to find a way to escape. The man behind him laughed tauntingly.

"There ain't no ovva way outta 'ere," he mocked. "We don't take too kindly to your kind round yer, nobles are scum."

All three of the men spat on the floor in unison at the mention of nobility.

"So don't fink bout tryin' ta bribe us…we'd rather have some fun with ya…"

Orpheus could hear the man smacking his lips as he dropped his sword to the floor, his face filled with fear as he backed up against the wall in terror.

"Just sit back…relax…and if ya lucky we can do ya in quick." The man's eyes were filled with hunger as he loosened his tunic, revealing a symbol that was all too familiar to Orpheus. The man of Varghul smiled instantly.

"Excellent," he said, confusing the men in the hut. Orpheus stood upright, seemingly growing several feet as the facade of fear fell away.

"Where's dis bravery come from?" The man by the door said with a laugh. "We do love it when they struggle."

Orpheus reached inside his cloak before thrusting his arm outward towards one of the sword armed men. A flapping object floated throught he air before being caught. The man used his free hand to try and get through the long black hair of what was in his hand.

"What is it?!" The man next to him said, stepping closer to help move the hair out of the way. Within a moment the pair both stumbled backwards, one falling over a damaged stool inconveniently left behind him. He hit the floor with a loud thud. The voice of his ally echoed through the cabin.

"It's…it's Dacre…it's..it's his face!" He yelled in horror.

The man at the door slowly turned to see the wide, cruel smile of Orpheus mere inches from his face. There were no further words as Orpheus took hold of him, arching his head downwards as he drove his teeth deep into the neck of the scarred man. As his teeth met through the man's flesh he yanked backwards sending a spray of blood in multiple directions. The man's hands rushed up to his throat to cover the gargling of the blood rushing over his exposed windpipe. Blood rushed between his fingers as his attempts to stem the flow were futile. Orpheus removed the flesh from his mouth before cramming it into the man's own mouth. The man fell to the floor, becoming limp soon after.

Of the two remaining men, the one standing charged forward with his sword, thrusting it at Orpheus with tear filled eyes. The servant of House Varghul spun to the side and watched as the man stumbled forward from his miss. Orpheus rushed and took hold of him around his neck. Reaching inside his cloak Orpheus drew a knife that looked more like a corkscrew than a blade. He repeatedly thrust it into the man's abdomen, the pained grunts of his quarry driving him to stab faster and harder. He finally finished him by pushing it firmly through the man's eye socket. It entered with ease until its tip scratched the back of his skull. The struggle ceased and the man was nothing more than a corpse.

By this point the third man had risen to his feet but was frozen in fear. The thud of his allies' body hitting the floor snapped him back to attention, watching as Orpheus turned towards him. The light of the fire lit the blood soaked front of the slaughterer, the crimson viscera down his face contrasting the bright white teeth of his vicious smile.

"I have to thank you three for letting me in," Orpheus said sarcastically. "It was oh so cold out there, but it was most excellent to come across the hospitality of some of the Gray Men's finest people."

Orpheus' stopped a single step in front of the man, his body beginning to shake violently. The man of Varghul could see the man trying to raise his sword but his arms betrayed him, crippled by fear. Orpheus placed his hands onto the man's shaking shoulders.

"Oh no, look at you shivering, you must be cold…allow me to help warm you up."

Orpheus began to pull the man to the floor towards the fire. The struggle began as flight began to overcome the fright of the situation. Yet Orpheus was too strong, too used to manhandling those riddled with fear. He pushed the man's face towards the roaring flames. It wasn't long before the horrid smell of burning hair filled his nostrils. The man in his grasp began to cry like a child as his efforts to free himself failed. He could feel the flames beginning to lick away at his flesh, cooking it away from the bone. The pain quickly amplified, turning his cries into grotesque screams. Orpheus rose to his feet and placed his boot onto the back of the man's neck, driving his head deeper into the intense heat. He remained that way until the struggle and agonised cries ceased leaving him as the only living man amongst a room of the dead.

As the sun rose the following morning, Orpheus was long gone, rejoining his men who had been no further than a hundred yards away. What he left behind was a blood soaked shack and a message… three servants loyal to the Grey Men, each nailed to a wooden X and their flesh stripped back to reveal the musculature beneath a land a wolf's head branded onto a pectoral of each of the men…The White Wolf of House Varghul had arrived…



-Arrive in Estmarch.

May have completely misjudged capability of actions and probably need sign off from the boss, and probably be shut down...but...


Slaughter any bandits that are come across and give them the Orpheus brand on any main road. [slaughtered, nailed to an X upside down, chest skin flayed open and finally a wolf's head brand on the chest]



Action 1: Root out any servants of the Gray Men.

-Ask a village to give up anyone who is part of the Gray Men. [Use charm and psychology, utilising fear if that doesn't work]
-If they do, slaughter those who are found along with their entire families. All young children and babies to be taken from the village.
-Leader of the settlement to be killed regardless along with anyone else who resists.
-If nobody is revealed, kill everyone apart from the children and babies who are taken as above.
-Those killed to be nailed upside down on wooden X's and flayed with the brand of a wolf's head to be left.

In either scenario claim all available wealth or items that can be sold to attain more wealth.


Action 2: Invite the leaders of all the Gnomes and Dwarves to camp on the promise of a brighter future for all in the face of the bandits and to form an alliance to get rid of them.

-Convince them to become vassals of Orpheus and to join House Varghul. [Use charm and psychology, Utilising fear if that doesn't work]
-Those that reject the idea to be killed.
-Those killed are to suffer the same fate as the villagers above, but their X's to be placed outside their own homes/towns/villages.
-Messages to be delivered to the families/homes of those killed threatening their entire people will face the same if they don't bend the knee.
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Turn 2
Phaidra Larkbella

"May our enemies burn."


Action 1
Head to and explore the cave near Larkbella Estate

Action 2

Ul Dyril of House Nyrael
Turn 3

Banner of Unity -
Ul Dyril has had an impactful effect on the entirety of Baumung for the better, and now intends to lay claim to the province through pacifistic and earned means. She will travel with Wardens and the Autumnborn General to bring the word to Baumung that she envisions a natural paradise that could be kept in order and promise the best future, albeit she will rally the people to accept their aid in this. She will visit the elves and ex-bandits, including the moved in Summerborn elves and their substantial figure (Faraleth Gaenshar, Famous artist and monster hunter) who were attracted by her efforts, as well as the towns of Baumung. With this major step in her quest, she hopes to have the people of Baumung accept her as Ladyship of the region, and to rally productive and combative forces to join her in her current and future endeavours. (Ul has Populist 5, the Crown of Sticks grants Inspiration)

More Than BFFs - Ul Dyril had heard of certain dormant beings of great power that resides within Baumung, and she hopes that they may share her bright ideas for the future in order to sow the seeds of progress. She will attempt to seek the Earth Mother first of all to see if she can court their attention, for she has considered she along with the Stag One will be the most willing to reason and cooperation. She will take Dad, the Autumnborn Lieutenant as well as a small amount of Wardens and Druids in order to investigate with her. (Populist 5, Inspiration)

Spriggan; Setting the Scene
- With a quick Forest Step to the south to visit Spriggan, Ul intends to take a fast trip to the Eastern side of the province where nature grows lush and populations of wood elves, sprites and gnomes live in somewhat peace except at the constant trivial problems of crested lizardfolk and bullywugs. Due to her plans being halted by a destructive monster some time ago, her plans are slightly set back and she won't be able to immediately help the people yet she hopes to set a positive foundation, possibly offer some resources to help them fight their own problems, and find anything knowledgable or valuable she may accept or trade for. Since Spriggan is so close to Baumung and may share travelling inhabitants, she believes her efforts may have reached word beforehand. (Ul has Populist 5, the Crown of Sticks grants Inspiration). If all goes to plan, she can later focus on clearing up Spriggan in her expanse to turn deserving places into a natural paradise of progress and growth.
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Turn 3

Akçay Yusuf

The battle for Gleeb returned to form, or so it seemed until the troll whose name is Greed raged once both his compatriots of Orhan and Wernhard received wounds from snakejumper assassins. It occurred to Akçay in that nerve-racking tick he had not only made the error of permitting his subordinates their own initiative, but also his intrepid allies their own judgment. A mistake by his own hand followed.

Question others enough, and you will be surprised by yourself most of all. He did all that he could to avoid what he then wrought in fear of a colossus they were not prepared to fell. The irony was not lost on him, yet the relatively bloodless victory he wished for was.

He ended up razing Gleeb so that Greed may finally die. Poetry for the ages if the human cost can ever be forgotten. Trapped under a boulder against a pool of lava, the troll's body dissolved, but not his soul. Thoughts swirling as he took in the devastation, Akçay bid the darkswarms shading the basin from the sun to part.

cloak-dagger__1_-removebg-preview (2).png

Vashna had come to this land. Hegemon soon will return to their mountain pass of Pointe, Xyphon prepared to march into Bluacia, and Vashna would remain in Gleeb. His niece Şeyda embraced him shortly thereafter, and though he could not give her the wedding of her dreams in the new imperial pantheon along the Pilgrim's Road, he could fashion her a dress the envy of Capital nobility. Shiftweave robes were to be expertly tailored to a perfect fit around her frame, complimented by mercury earrings as well as a malachite necklace.

In these adornments she had the makings of a bride, and Wernhard was an excellent match beyond compare. Not only was he a faithful servant of the Gods, but a man who, like Orhan, owed Akçay his life. Ties between pawns in the Lastlands could broker alliances between Underlords of the Capital given time.

It was a damn shame that he so sorely lacked it.

Gleeb was yet to be pacified, and existential threats to the delicate semblance of control he enacted through martial law until the core region completed reconstruction still persisted within and without. There was no peace for Akçay if he failed to project strength now.

Sequestering himself away, he vowed to unlock the secrets of fire, and the higher mysteries of astral and bone before the trials ahead demanded him to be tested.


Movement: N/A.

1) The three 'tons of Gleeb are rebuilt in Muurdain fashion with strict fire codes, their aqueducts restored, and resettled by Vashna/Pointe immigrants, any extra materials or labor needed is drawn from Pointe. 5 units of wealth are used, marble (renewable) is used for reconstruction, mercury (renewable) is used to create magical lightning/neon signs across Gleeb to light it up even in the night, geothermal heating is utilized to keep buildings warm even in winter via the lava forge aided by mercury temperature measuring/regulating instruments, and a + to populist influence is leveraged.

2) *Akçay uses 3 fire sparks, begins to study in the wizard tower of Pointe, and reads the hedge wizard tome, concentrating on raising his mastery of fire magic to a goal of at least ••• like astral and bone before it. Once completed, he activates the green geode in an attempt to advance astral, bone, and fire potentially further.

A mage can use the study materials at the tower to gain an air/fire if they already have an air/fire. One use.

The tower can be used to make rituals in the region (like the portal) cost less mana.

The hedge wizard's tome can turn a 2 into a 3 in any sphere. One use.

Inside the lava, is a green geode. This can help as a catalyst to improve magic sphere(s). One use.

Intrigue: Akçay offers up the souls of 33 outlaws taken prisoner after the battle of Gleeb to major bone demons contracted to fetch him excessively great quantities of white pyrite. Orhan provides aid communing with them to ensure things go smoothly.

Scene: Akçay and retinue March to the mining collectives of Gleeb to negotiate with them and assert his claim over the province.
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Turn 3
~ Lord of Reilor ~


  • To walk the streets of Cornucopia is to walk in another land. The streets, still prestine from their recent construction, are filled with an eclectic mix of races, each more alien than the last. Elves, dwarves, humans, beastfolk, and even fey can be seen; walking, talking, trading, and going about their lives as if they were not standing within the centre of a city of the Muurdaan Empire. These people, who would likely be emaciated and tortured slaves anywhere else, are free here, and are able to build lives that would be unattainable anywhere else.

    "I have to ask, my Lord." Sir Orvan pipes up while escorting his Lord through the streets of the new city, flanked with full honour guard. "Why are we welcoming in these... creatures?"

    "Do my loyal employees offend you, Sir Orvan?" Darius smirks. "You surprise me. I thought you were a man of greater vision than that."

    "I do not intend to question you, my Lord." Orvan says. "But if the High Houses were to learn what is happening here..."

    "Orvan, please. No matter the prosperity of my employees, I am still the Lord of this city and I am still the Lord of Reilor. Nothing will change this." Darius begins. "Moreover, my acceptance of non-humans is not without its purpose. Do you see?"

    Darius gestures to the newly built Grand Market, already awash with merchants and customers, much of the goods on display being things that could not be found anywhere else in the Empire.

    "This is why, Orvan. For all of our great accomplishments, our Empire has never managed to learn skills that other races have mastered over many generations." Darius told his vassal, walking through the markets, pointing out the exotic and valuable additions shaped by non-human hands. "Say what you will, but we cannot make bows and arrows greater than those of the elves. We do not possess the smithing abilities of the dwarves, nor can we build fortresses to rival theirs. Nor do we have the deep connections to the magical planes that the fey do, or possess their mastery in the arts of enchantment."

    "Every race has mastered something in particular, and yet we are deprived of these boons by our own hand, even while we proclaim the supremacy of our Empire above all others. If we are the greatest, do we not deserve the greatest as well? The greatest weapons, the greatest goods, the greatest architecture; the greatest in all things. Cornucopia is just the beginning, Orvan. Once I prove the legitimacy of my vision, the High Houses would be sure to follow suit. How can they not, after all? Once they see how Cornucopia blooms, they will not be able to stop themselves."

    "And if you are wrong?" Orvan points out. "For many, any acceptance of non-humans is simply... unthinkable."

    "Then I should think I will face the gallows at some point, or they will." Darius returns as a matter of fact. "But we shall see. The Market Season approaches, and much will be decided then. Everything we do and everything we are rises or falls with this city."
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"So, you failed."

Marlan sits on his favorite rocking chair, brought over from Muurdaan through great amounts of effort. He smokes a pipe as he and his great-grandson sit before a roaring hearth, looking over at his favorite great-grandson with a bemused expression.

Ortes simply nods in response, deep in thought.

"Are you thinking something foolish again? That you should have known better, or sommat? That blasted trial of those monks was ludicrous."

The old man shakes his head.

"To respond to a challenge to the death with honorable battle is only right and proper, to shirk such a thing is rank cowardice. It was not your challenge that would have set that child to death. They chose to take up the blade and the means and moment of their death, and you would simply deliver it to them!"

Ortes says nothing, for a moment, before he speaks again.

"... I wouldn't have killed him."

Marlan raises a silver eyebrow.

"I would have bested him, aye. Cut his blade in twain, if need be. Knocked him to the floor again and again. But kill? It would be... pointless."

The old man is quiet at that, for a moment.

"Tch. I've told you before that you're too soft."

"Better soft than cruel, old man," Ortes muses, "though for some it seems even I am not soft enough."

Marlan turns back to the fire, shaking his head.

"What now, then, boy?"

"Being master of the academy is not essential. There are other ways to obtain control. There are the people, and those with the levers of power."

"A two pronged attack, then?"

"Aye. And sooner rather than later. You've read the reports from Estmarch. The things being done up there."

Ortes's face darkens.

"The Lastlands are out of time. They know it. They have to choose who their masters will be, or choose death. I'll be the better choice."

- MISHAK, ONCE MORE WITH FEELING: The Trial of Rage and Restraint failed, Ortes switches tack. Even though he may not have shown restraint, he still demonstrated great martial valor, and with the application of his various levels of influence and some amount of gold from his overflowing coffers [up to 2 wealth], Ortes goes about obtaining the fealty of the people and the city masters through the use of the Sampo, gifts, and the occasional bribe. He may not be the Master the Mishak Academy had sought, but he seeks to demonstrate that he would be a good ruler nonetheless; he seeks to utilize the Parsifal reputation of Chivalry and his actions in protecting the commonfolk to demonstrate that he would make for an adequate liege lord, if not being the actual Master of the academy itself. Especially with word of other, less reasonable Muurdaan nobles arriving in the Lastlands; the disaster at Gleeb and the horrors of Estmarch. After all, better Ortes than say... Orpheus ap Gwyn. While the academy would keep its honored status and independence, Ortes does ask for their cooperation; for a vision of a peaceful Lastlands, there would be great need for well-honed warriors. If prospective students would be possibly Muurdaan and loyal to Parsifal; so long as they pass the Academy's trials, and fight to keep the people safe, would it be so wrong?

- BANDIT HUNT: Ortes and his knights will ride from Wes to Skiy, culling the bandits in their way and searching for word of and the possible whereabouts of Niki's mother, as per their agreement. Along the way, he'll take what wealth and magic items he can from slaying bandits, before returning home.


The Wild, Wild Wes:
Ortes and a band of knights will scout Wes for any other points of interest than the Tombs and Barrows, searching for potential resources to exploit, and so on. He will also seek to contact the miners of the highlands along the way to reach some kind of accord with them.

- Sampo is used to feed the whole city of Mishak with nourishing gruel, boosting morale and growth.
- As part of Xion sending the wealth back home, also send with them the Scimitar of Quickness
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Turn 3

Dejan of House Laesarale

Nature/Bone Wizard (3/3)

Spell Descriptors
Nature: Travel, Rot, Consume
Bone: Movement, Shadow, Envelop

Age and Personality



NERRY PACIFIED, though orcish residents only maintain an uneasy peace with Lord Dejan... this should be addressed.
GuildHall (Birch Shadow)

4 Wealth

Necklace of Eyes: Individual eyes of the necklace can be dropped/hidden to spy allowing you to see in real time, but you can also capture stills. Necklace eyes are immune to negative effects.
The GranitePaw: A bludgeoning weapon that also functions as a shield. it is magical for the purposes of overcoming magic resistance, and does 2x to objects (inanimate targets)

Military (2)
Populist (+)

Recent Activity
Defeated the monster, Graniteheart, a dying beast of a bygone age -- it's horrible afflictions from a hundred battles was the only thing that allowed you, to be the one who finally killed it. You gained an item from it's body; the GranitePaw
The Twilight River Children, a confederation of goblins, orcs and bugbears, has your love are convinced your lover/spouse is the bride of some kind of spirit or god, and stole them from their pleasure trip on the edge of the frontier. You must find them. This is more than embarrassment and dishonour, your own spirit is in jeopardy.

House Laeraslae wants you to take a province (or the better part of one) and establish a great settlement... from there, they intend to charge you with building a "Tower of Doors" to travel to other planes and locations....
The Unseelie want you to build a folly, a structure that looks like it serves a certain purpose, but is purely decorative or defensible. The folly should like an entrance to the feywild, but is instead a defensible trap.
Make a name for the family through amassing wealth.

Closet Skeletons
To be revealed by the other players

10 Dark Sprites (1)
35 Planeswalkers (5)
They can BLINK in their own defense and teleport short distances on the battlefield... they may also escape to the Ether or Astral planes, or ambush from them. They are fiercely loyal to Laeraslae, and thus devoted to you.
1 Formorian Giant (9)
The Fomorians were once the most beautiful of the seelie, but sought to usurp the fey court, and were made hideous and driven from the feywild... doomed to wander the eclipse between fey and the mortal realm, these are vengeful creatures with an Evil eye
10 Hexen (3)
Gorgeous men and women of the wood that do not fight, but charm and mislead enemies
(seduce, illusion, turn blade descriptors)
15 Alp (5)
Hideous sleepdealers cursed of form, the assassins of the Unseelie, who are not afraid of a stand up fight either
(illusion, reactive-blink (when hit), sleep (they cannot harm waking foes, fear 10, immunity 5 to fire-smelted weapons)

Common Wood
Dark Wood
Dryad Wood
Diamonds (Limited)

Familiar: Mallachdan the Faery Drake

Thalid: The Thallid cannot leave the magic of your demesne at least not yet, and not without potentially disturbing the balance if you did not accommodate them... and they seem "into" balance... at least for now. Available labour in Nerry, for you specifically, rises dramatically, these are not troops, at least not yet, but any work you do in NERRY will not be short of tiny hands. The Fungusaur you can consider a guard beast of sorts, and a deterrent to outlaws.
Diamond Golem: May request ONE favour from the Diamond Golem for aiding it. Can teleport to the diamond pit in Nerry when called.
Increased Elvish/Gnomish Population: These new races/cultures can be leveraged moving forward.


Dejan moved quickly through the shadows as he scaled the mountainside, the sun over the peaks making each and every shadow long and looming, a boon for moving his growing retinue. While he had not received the allies he had planned for, more Unseelie had entered the fold instead in gratitude of his service. While they could hold the province, the fact they had performing their culling with such silence and subterfuge put the Lord of Nerry on edge. In all the time as a guest in their court Dejan, it seemed, still had much to learn about the Unseelie. With an untoward fear growing deep within him, the Planar traveller knew he would have to do more for them so very soon, lest a perennial posting be found nailed to him as well.

Silently he cursed his current situation and all these obligations thrown before him, from the fiendish Fae and the laborious Laeserale, all serving to distract him from his heart's want. But yet he had to fulfil each asinine ambition lest he be scrutinized or even pulled away from the Lastlands, something he could not afford. Though each was torturous for one that served as a free agent, each was another shroud to cover up his true goal. To find his beloved, something that he would no longer be distracted from, he hoped, upon meeting with the highland humanoids.

Once they were dealt with, Nerry would be secured, finally. and there would be no more delays. If all went well, the Orcs could protect the province in in the interim for him, as he travelled to the neighbouring lands for his love. Though the Unseelie were great, the humanoids were human, more susceptible to vice or duty. Or death... if they fell out of line.

Once he was reunited with his other half, their would be no need to fear the Fae but until the time, Dejan walked a knifes edge

As each one of his retinue leapt from shadow to shadow thanks to his skill in his sphere, Dejan planned to linger in the lightless world, to watch the workings of the Orcs before he approached. He needed this done right and quickly. There had been enough delays in his grievous mission.



1. Meet with the Orcs to discuss terms. 10 Hexen/ 10 Alps will accompany Dejan.
2. Upgrade the GuildHall into a Trading Outpost. Thallid/Gnome/ Elves will use Common Wood/Dryad Wood in it's construction. 1 Wealth will be spent on top of it's original Wealth for a total of 2 Wealth spent. Outpost will encompass the three nature sites if possible to secure the Tower of Doors being built (See Bonus Action).

A Lost temple in NERRY emanates dark magics... the site must be pacified.

Planeswalkers will ask the local populace of Baumung about sightings of the Twilight River Children or the DeepLoa. (Travel/Movement Descriptors used)

Bonus Action
Dejan will use the nature sites to begin construction of the Tower of Doors. Thallids, Gnomes and Elves (?) will use Diamonds/Dryad Wood/ Common Wood in it's construction (Arcana Skill used) 3 wealth spent (Travel Descriptor used)​
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Turn 3
Xion Parisfal

This place is certainly as dangerous as they say. It is without a doubt THE most dangerous place as evidenced by the very fact that one of his allied nobles had fallen to friendly fire. How was he to know that the breva man would teleport inside the very monster that they were fighting? How would he have realized that his own strike would be so true. He was perturbed by the fact that this noble practically evaporated in front of him. And every since, he had been unable to fell clean. It was unsettling at the very least.

He had taken three separate baths this very day and still was unable to feel clean as though the very gods had given him spite from the death of this noble. It was something that he would have to live with, it seemed. He couldn't take a break from bringing glory to House Parsifal to figure out a way to return his personal comfort. Not when there was so much to do.

At the very least, the noble from House Alder was not upset by the loss of his compatriot. IN fact, Xion had been far more broken up about it than he had been. They had managed to discuss terms for the continued split of Alflil and of other more pressing concerns related to a special shipment that must arrive at its destination. It was something that needed to reach home and luckily for their House, Alder was more than amenable to the situation for certain considerations which House Parsifal was more than willing to give to such a trusted ally.


The Roads.

They were an important task to help bring trade through Aflil safely. The main obstacle of which were all the super predators that roamed the lands. Once they were removed, the only possible impediment to these lands were the Lions. The extremely rude Lions were at least apparently under the Control of House Alder. So as long as their Houses were intertwined with each other, The Lions would be pacified and a non issue. Meaning that once the Super Preadators were under control, he could begin his next designs for the territory next over.

The majority of his large army would be put to the task of protection and pacification of these beasts. He needed them handles sooner rather than later. With the other issues arising in lands that have been proclaimed by House Parsifal, things needed to be sped up so as to not allow these issues to spiral out of control.



It was finally time to investigate this treachery of the assassination of his scouts by the most heinous of Houses, House Touryan. He would have it seen to that this issue would be dealt with to its fullest extent. At least as far as they could manage to do so. But time will tell if it will bear fruit or not.

Free Action/Move Action?: Send the Large Shipment with protection of 10 Paragon Heavy Cavalry to the Port where House Alder will ensure that it will arrive home safe and sound.

Action 1: Construct a Road from the Market Town to the Port (If able, also connections to the two next closest regions. This will be under the protection of 20 Paragon Heavy Cavalry and 1 Vaal Retributer who will be hunting any super predators in the area to keep the workers safe during construction

Action 2: Xion will personally train more militia. The best among them will be trained in utilizing Heavy Armor and weapons for once those become properly available. These will eventually become Heavy Foot Soldiers

Intrigue: Investigate the deaths of the Scouts at the hands of the Touryan Assassins
Orhan, House Hegemon - Turn 3

At long last, Pointe, long coveted by many to be open to trade, has become a highway of trade and transit from the Empire to the Lastlands. Orhan stood upon the walls of Fort Arontooth. The entire pass had been unified and transformed into a causeway of trade. 4 Wealth had been poured into converting Pointe into a series of disparate forts and strongholds of bandit lords. Yet, now Orhan was personally overseeing its unification, restoration, and indeed expansion. There were surges of settlers and merchants now that the Empire made lasting inroads into the Lastlands, and Orhan would see to it that he, Pointe, House Hegemon, and the Empire would all benefit from the recent events. The sound of construction could be heard throughout the Fort as buildings were being built. He personally helped oversee the construction and made sure that things went smoothly and that the most recent and modern Imperial techniques and designs were being used. Cranes were raised around the fortress to help lift heavy piles of building materials to where they needed to be. Orhan stared at the blueprints one last time before signing it in approval.


Dear Father,

It is my pleasure to inform you that Pointe has been secured and shaped into a highway of trade and travel to and from the Lastlands. I am also pleased to share that settlements are popping up in the region packed with migrants and merchants. For this reason, I wish to formally grant Fort Arontooth and its settlement to House Hegemon so that House Hegemon may forever have a foothold and serve as a bastion for the Empire in the Lastlands for eternity.

Eternally loyal,



Movement: Move back to Pointe

Order 1: To accommodate and attract more of the recent travel, trade, industrial and population boom from the pacification of Pointe and other recent events, further invest in Pointe via establishment of two settlements, one at Fort Arontooth and one at the Redoubt with plans to grant the Fort Arontooth and its settlement to House Hegemon. (4 Wealth already invested in Pointe)

Orhan (Skills: Leadership, Counter-intelligence, Diplomacy, Technologist) (Savvy Trait)
6 Lt. Grenadiers
45 Blunderbuss Legionnaires
38 Outlaw Prisoners (Penal Labor)
Astral 2 (Counter Magic, Communion)
Bone 2 (Necromancy)
Nature 1 (Rebirth)
3 Wealth
Monster Bone (Renewable) - Building/Decorative Material
Gypsum (Renewable) - To make plaster, alabaster, blocks, mortar, drywall, building material or as an additive to other building materials, etc
Blackpowder (Renewable) - Blasting powder to help clear the ground

Military: 1 Influence
Church: 1 Influence
Nobility: 1 Influence
Populist: 1 Influence

Order 2: Clean up efforts to remove the toxic waste on top of the Morph Material and allow exploitation of the potentially renewable resource. By having the undead and Akcay's Silver Messenger Bird use a portable hole to suck up the toxic waste and transport it to the lava forge in Gleeb for it to be disposed of (since it is a byproduct of troll corpses). Then treat the area where the toxins contaminated the ground with powdered gypsum as it is a soil conditioner and can be used to help remove pollutants and toxic materials.

Bone 2 (Necromancy) - "On death's short list"
Nature 1 (Rebirth)

Intrigue: Send agents to Blaucia to continue the search/investigation of the missing, adventuring family member(s). Take the remains of the old camp found in the prior turn to use as a medium for scrying to help pin point the location of the missing adventuring family member(s). (Astral 2, Communion Descriptor, Bone 2, Wizard's Tower (Helps with rituals))

Scene: Greed's Mother: Fire and Brimstone

Deal with the wealth consuming... landmark with copious amounts of brimstone, white pyrite, and Akcay's Fire 3.
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Oznah Alder
Turn 03

Dear Madam,

You do not know me, but I know you. We shared a mutual acquaintance from your difficult past. I will spare you the details because I believe you know who I speak of. You will be happy to know said party has passed on. Unfortunately, certain information has come into my possession due to this. As I do not wish to waste your time with pointless drivel, I will get to the point. Your life can continue uninterrupted. I simply require the tutelage of an Ivory Father to expand upon my own practices. Facilitate this and what I know will be allowed to fade into obscurity, freeing you of burdens you clearly do not wish to be faced with again. I have taken precautions in case you decide to take this personally and curse me instead of treating it like the business transaction it is.

I await your answer,

Oznah Alder

Oznah dispatched that letter on a fast ship, concealing it in a shipment of Amber and Pearls due for Lanka in an order they had received. He'd made the necessary arrangements to ensure that letter got the High Priestess he knew about. There was still profit to be made off of Karim, even if the damnable fool had gotten himself killed. It irked him to know he couldn't do anything to save the man, only catch a mote of his soul afterwards. That little bit of knowledge that one of his hapless victims was actually alive, well and prospering under a new identity was worth the effort to send the letter.

As to what else he could peel f rom the mote, who knows? He was a patient man and he had all the time in the world to extract his due from his fallen business partner. He'd have preferred a live one to scheme with, but he had gotten his due no matter what. The sacrifice of all that treasure to Xion Parsifal had been a shame, but it was another calculated move. Why did he need all that money? Was House Parsifal in trouble? Did the need funds that badly? Were they planning something major? All things he did not know, but could at least ensure that the Parsifals remember House Alder.

Green Star was growing and profitting with every investment. The clam farms were yielding, inspiring others to build new business and industry. Ships were flowing with goods including his own. It had caused him concern about the Omnis trading town in the West, but he had engaged rapidly in negotiations to cement a powerful triangle trade. The Pointe Highway would be competition, but he viewed it as a means to drum up trade. Bulk and heavy goods could flow down that road, while faster shipping and luxury items could flow through his port. Both present means to bring in resources from the Eternal Empire as well.

The Parsifal shipment would go out on his ship, but he needed to provide special protection. A bound agent to send along to deal with matters. An infernal seemed the best option but he would consult his books and make sure it was something smart and strong, bound into an ironclad contract of service. His expanding knowledge of blood had allowed him to further enhance his grasp of contracts, knowing that being the man who could seal deals was very useful service all unto itself.

The only headache he had at this time was his Touryan obligations. Some damnable mine to give to them after he'd secured and developed it. He was doing his best and scouting regions. Using his Outlaws to seek out potential points like that. That should satisfy their spies that he was trying to do his job. He needed to get his port more secured as well to afford the supplies needed for their damn mine in the first place. Already a Port Watch was being formed up and trained. Guards to protect the port, keep order and fight off potential attackers. He was glad they were forming up, considering all the investment.​

Performers mustered as party supplies were brought in and set out. Oznah was preparing for a grand gala to welcome those House Agents choosing to arrive via his port. Invitations were extended to show a general atmosphere of welcome and prosperity. To show that House Alder had established a holding of its own with great potential. The trick now would be to convince the various houses that this place should solely belong to the Alders rather than being at the mercy of the Touryan in any form or matter. The Captiol was rife with intrigue and even open conflict between those squabbling for power, attempting to ascend or simply survive.

This gala even was something to feed into that. Seeking out new allies and sniffing out enemies so that the Alders could restore themselves. It was to show another era of power existed for them like when t he founder and his wife had held the reigns so that even the Touryan had never dared to act against them directly. Bastion may be in their hands behind the scenes but the Alders could climb again or have holdings and influence beyond the reach of even Touryan. Sure there was owed actions, which Oznah was pursuing since he wasn't stupid. Once that act of effect was finished though, he would be free to exert himself fully.

This party was perfect to lay the foundations of that. He had to hope the other Houses would be interested in prying the Alders more and more a way from Touryan. If not, there was a reason he courted the Parsifals so aggressively. Others of military might and chivalric reputation willing to tolerate his ambitious and scheming nature. For that tolerance, he had invested much into their budding alliance. Even now a fiend of impressive ability was seeing to once such investment. All things to be worried about later. For now he had to present his Port and Manor, all that invested wealth and growing trade power. The chance to play the great game of power even if he knew others would seek to undermine him. There was no reward without risk. All Alders knew that.​

Character Information



PORT BASE INCOME IS +1 wealth per turn, subject to increase or reduction.

Calculating, Occult

Martial Arts, Fleshcrafting, Diplomacy, Trade

Martial 2 | Unarmed, Unarmored
Blood 3 | Mutation, Fleshcrafting, Contracts

Bracers of Martial Might
Ranger Boots
Brazen Vessel
Prayer Beads

3 Populist
2 Noble

Owned Land

Fief Structures
Great Port (Green Star)
Manor (Lavish, Fortified)

Tensions between Alder/Touryan
Trade Agreement [Xion Parsifal]
Trade Agreement [Ortes Keter of Parsifal]
Trade with Western Market (Daris of Omnis, Orhan of Hegemon)

35 Soulblight Monks (4.5s)
6 Dark Sifus (6s)
2 Mercuials (10s)
10 Hardened Outlaws (?)
10 Blood Nuns (Part Harvesting)

Trade Goods
Iron (Mine Refurbishing)
Lead (3 Units in Mine)
Elven Wood (6 Units Untouched)
Citrus (When Trade Opened)


Oznah and forces return to Port Green Star in Aflil

Intrigue Play
Dispatch letter to High Priestess in Lanka requesting the tutelage of an Ivory Father in deeper Blood Magic, applying Karim details.

Oznah will entreat the Lion People for trade and stronger relations to cement his grasp on Aflil

Action 1
Oznah will host a reception at his Manor to welcome the arriving House Agents coming through Port Green Star to attempt to build influence and connections.

Action 2
Oznah will summon and bind an outsider to serve him and protect the Parsifal Shipment
(Pale Maiden bound into service)

Additional Notes
Shipment of Xion Parsifal Wealth

Lion Folk informed Xion Parsifal and his people are welcome in Aflil.

Matchka Trade Route for Citrus (1 Wealth)

Trade Agreement with Xion Parsifal between Port Green Star and Trading Post in Aflil.
Trade Agreement with Ortes Parsifal between Wes and Port Green Star
Trade Agreement with Daris of House Omnis between Port Green Star and Cornucopia
Trade Agreement with Orhan of House Hegemon between Port Green Star and Pointe​
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Sir Wernhard Ceslaus
Turn 3

"...and thus, I hereby grant you absolution in the eyes of the church and the name of the gods. Rise now, Wentiliana the Pentinent.", Wernhard spoke with a firm voice and in hymnical rhythm. He watched closely, as his unlikely new vassal slowly struggled back to her feet. Her head had been shaven bald and she bore fresh scars all over her hands, her legs sore from kneeling so long, but she had remained strong throughout the procedure. Wernhard discreetly gave her some signals to guide her through the rest of the ceremony. At the end, he was slightly more convinced of her loyalty, but also concerned about the things Wentiliana had confessed to him about lawlessness in the Lastlands.

"I spoke to Wenzel...", he struck a different topic, once they were finally done and exiting the small cave they had retreated to, to conduct the confession. "Every word you said was true, you treated him well. A little too well, almost.", Wernhard added, giving her the slightest hint of a smile. "I know what you are about to say.", Wentiliana interrupted, causing Sir Ceslaus to sigh. "He needs to toughen up. Quickly.", they both agreed, that Wenzel had been treated like a boy for far too long. "The Lastlands are a far cry from the main empire. They will eat him up and spit him out.", Wentiliana added, as they made their way back to the camp. "I will figure something out.", Wernhard muttered, already in thought about how he could help the young man. "But it will have to wait. There is... something else, demanding my full attention. You are invited as well.", he quickly remarked, as he spotted a caravan of House Vashna approaching.


Wernhard wished he could have offered a more fitting temple to his bride, but the gods had other plans. The Gleeb would remain a place of misery for the near future, but he saw the tremendous effort Lord Yusuf was putting in the reconstruction of the towns. Whether or not the townspeople would ever trust their new protector was to be seen, but it was of little concern to him now. Sir Wernhard was happy about many of the circumstances surrounding the wedding, although they would have seemed small and vain compared to the bigger picture of a ruined region. His nephew Wenzel was healthy and attending the ceremony and Wentiliana the Penitent was a part of it too. Orhan of House Hegemon seemed like he was already plotting his next move, which Wernhard could not blame him for. He appreciated the nobles attendance to the wedding a lot, as they had so recently fought together. As much as he tried to avoid thinking about the politics of the Lastlands, it was clear that the politicking of the Muurdaan was very present here, as the marriage would hopefully have influence in the capitol eventually. As Wernhard took the hand of his bride for the first time, he gladly spoke his oath to protect and cherish her until death would part them. As they stood together on the symbolic first stone of the new pantheon, they were given blessings by two powerful houses and - Wernhard was convinced of this - the gods themselves. The Yusufs must have been equally convinced of this marriage, as Seyda presented herself looking like she would outshine any Muurdaan princess. As agreed upon, Wernhard bestowed her uncle Akcay with the Hedge Wizards Tome, after the bond was sealed.


"Come on, lad! Your not holding a bouquet of flowers, thats a sword, dammit!", Wernhards voice bellowed through the cave, as he tried to encourage Wenzel. The training he had put the young man through had been brutal, but he really needed to test all of his limits. Much to his dismay, he managed to push his nephew over with the next shove of his shield and whilst Wenzel immediately got back up to his feet, he was just as easily pushed over again. "This is no use, uncle Wernhard!", he protested with visible frustration, causing the older Ceslaus to slap him across the face before dragging him back up. "Of course it is! Quit your whining and run back to the well!", Wernhard reprimanded him harshly, sending Wenzel to run all the way to the foot of the hill and back up with two full buckets of water, something he had made him do to exhaustion yesterday. Biting down on his tongue, Wenzel obeyed and Wernhard sat down to let out a deep sigh. "He is... not hopeless...", Wentiliana remarked with a shrug, causing him to stare at her angrily. "I mean no disrespect, Mylord. He is just... a different kind of fighter, compared to you or me. Its like... have you ever watched a rock in a small river?", she continued, this time Wernhard looked more confused than anything. "What I mean is... we are like the rock. We firmly stand our ground and the water just flows around us. But Wenzel... he is more like the water... you cannot hope to make a rock out of him.", she explained herself and after a few moments of awkward silence, Wernhard slowly got up. "I... am going to check up on the lad...", he decided and they both made their way down the hill towards the well. Here, Wenzel had already filled his buckets, but instead of heading straight back up, he was standing next to the well, firing arrows of while cursing some invisible foe. Wernhard was ready to admonish him, when he decided to take one closer look. Wenzel had hung up a small target a sizeable distance away and every arrow found his mark with force. After venting his frustration with a few more shots, Wenzel picked up the buckets and froze in fear, as he noticed both Wernhard and Wentiliana observing him.


The march to Bluacia had been tough, but Wernhard was happy with the progress. The past experiences had helped shape his force into a more professional army. They were no longer prone to being ambushed by outlaws, instead everybody knew how to protect each other and work together cohesively. He had payed special attention to the safety of the civilians traveling along with them, but his greatest concern was for Seyda. Taking his wife along was a risk, as long as no firm foothold was established. But that was exactly what they had come to do here. Bluacia would be put under House Xyphons protection, Wernhard was determined beyond imagination. Scouts had informed him of good locations for their presence, but also about worrying issues. If the reports were to be believed, the veil between life and death was thin here. There was no time to be wasted and Wernhard did his best to direct the workforce, once they reached their destination. Bluacia would be tamed and Kappelburg be brought to prosperity, by hard work and faithful devotion.


Meet with Wentiliana the Outsider to discuss the release of Wenzel Ceslaus. //Scene was resolved in Discord: Wenzel is freed, Wentiliana the Penitent becomes a vassal, a House Haakon assassin was slain

Character Interaction: Wernhard hears Wentilianas confessions and tries to access how loyal she is

Action 1: Start the construction of a pantheon along the pilgrims road in The Gleeb. The Xyphon priests will try to aid the common folk of the Gleeb and try to reduce unrest in the region (Church influence 4, Skills used: Theology; 1 wealth spend)

Character Interaction: Wernhard marries Seyda Yusuf at the new temple site, signalling the establishment of the pantheon and increasing ties between the houses

Character Interaction: Wernhard tries to train Wenzels Martial Skills (Wernhard has Martial 2)

Move: Travel from Gleeb to Bluacia (Skills used: Logistics)

Intrigue: Scouts and agents will search Bluacia for any useful ressources, sources of the Undead and traces of Lady Nikis lost mother. Wernhard aids them through his magic. (Astral 3, Descriptor used: Detect)

Action 2: Construct a fortified settlement in Bluacias West, near the river bordering the Gleeb. The settlement will be named Kappelburg and pilgrims, settlers and refugees are welcome. Workshops for woodworking and a chapel are to be constructed in the centre. The fortifications are reinforced with Sacred Wood. (Wealth spend: 2; Ressources used: Sacred Wood, obtained from the Gleeb) (Skills used: Diplomacy (to attract people), Logistics (to ensure well planned transport of building materials), Defensive Tactics (to maximize the value of the fortifications))
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Baris Demir, House Haakon

Turn 3

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Baris' time in Choss was well spent, gaining a new (and rather terrifying) mount, as well as a means to direct the throngs of "soldier caste" spiders within the region. However, the time spent in Choss let Gleeb slip further out of his grasp as Vashna and Xyphon forces consolidated their hold of the region. For now, focusing his efforts fully on Choss will likely yield greater results than contesting leadership of Gleeb. Choss may well be unassailable if he leverages the local fauna properly, and the land would get Haakon off of his back just the slightest bit, letting him focus more on personal matters.

Putting down more solid roots in the province must be the next step, and to do that, Baris fears its time to meet with the witches.

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Character Information

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡


Archaeology, Linguistics, Persuasion, Survival

1 | Athletics
Earth 3 | Excavation, Reinforcement, Sensing

2 Military
1 Populist

Owned Land

Open Hostilities [Xyphon]
Tensions [Parsifal]
Tensions [Vashna]

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡


≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Turn Two Decision Point
A) Spider is Baris' mount alone ("Giant Steed")


Intrigue Play
Task the Gifted Web to enter Gleeb and quietly look into any rumors of bandits with unusual keys or any sightings of a girl matching Baris' niece's description. Leverage Baris' connection to Barirbuild if this would aid the search in any way.

Action 1
Begin properly building up the Choss Main Camp, with the goal of turning it into a semi-permanent settlement, as opposed to a military camp. [Up to 1 wealth. Work will be done by Vigilants (Can be used effectively for more utilitarian roles).]

Action 2
Send out an expedition (20 Vigilant Spider-Knights, led by a Spider-Mounted Overseer) into spider territory to search for lost treasures, ruins, or other such wealth that may have accumulated over the years due to their predation. Use the spider gland to avoid engagements with the spiders. Stay away from areas that seem to have aggressive, giant "controller caste" spiders.

Go to the witches and take on their test(s).​
Delavizh the Reclaimed
"The Hero of Haakon"
Turn 3

Consolidate Power
(bit shorter today sorry will make up for it next turn I promise :specialeyes:)

This land was slowly becoming better understood but, was far from safe and further from a location to project power from. To this end the Hero of Haakon would begin talks with the local guilds to see what resources they had and would allow him to trade, while he knew the value of rare resources such as the pure stone he needed bulk goods. Powerful stones and metals with which he could begin the construction of a grand fortress. To this end he would also continue his seemingly endless endevour of scouting this province to completion. A new home for Haakon would be found and foundations soon laid afterward.

Meet with the Mining Guilds to discuss what trades they have and see if he could begin gaining large sums of hewn and quarried stone from anywhere nearby
2. Search the province for a suitable location for the new home of house Haakon, ideally overlooking the province from away from the roads south to see attackers approaching and also exceptionally defensible.


Look for opportunities to project power into gleeb
(Investigation, Inquisition)
Lady Niki of House Xyphon(Religion)
2+ influence with the Church
1 influence of the Nobility
6 points of Wealth
(5.5) 16 Templar foot knights
Turn 3

Niki had just gotten the items and money from the raid. She still needed 4 more gold to make her house happy. Someone would be coming soon to make sure she was doing well. She had heard of the death of the head knight. His name was Havern, he thought that gods would never let him died in battle. But even with a lot of luck Havaron died. She would let he have a ceremony for he had done. It may let her have more influence. She would soon make Hamlet the Polite the new head after Hatero death had past a bit. She would also need to meet with a noble afterwards about the town she had made. She hope no fighting would happen and that the noble would be alive after the meeting. Her son came to her as he had just woke up. she said hi and sat to eat a meal. As she ate bread she had thought of telling people to give the church/her money for a time in need or when something useful needs money. It would be a way to get 10 weath and help the people. As thinking over for a min she had the rest of her meal.​
1. Hold a ceremony for Heveron
2. Get people to give the "church"(her) money just in-case

Niki to Reilor

Have a talk with Phaidra Larkbella about her town
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Just "Camus"

Order 1: Bird Tribe Diplomacy and Plans of Attack
A commotion was happening in the Ancestral Grounds of the Bird Tribes as three figure descended in an abrupt yet grand manner from a spatial crack in the sky. Camus, in all his fake Solar Angel aura was flanked by the two Bird Angels that he summoned. Camus introduces himself as the Human Incarnation/Reincarnation/Vessel of [insert significant bird figure]. His identity will be proved by the two bird angels accompanying him though he will be constantly applying mind magic on the significant tribal figures to manipulate their opinions regarding him. The trio will be introduced as "divine intervention" provided by their ancestors to aid the bird tribe in securing the province. [Charm spells | Relevant Descriptor: Mindblast, Luck]

Through his new albeit fake identity and the two bird angels, Camus will attempt to exert control over the bird tribe. If absolutely necessary and safe, Camus can cast [Enslave Mind] in conjunction with the enslaving ability/skill of the Siri on the bird tribal leaders. [EMERGENCY MEASURE IF THE ABOVE DOESN'T SUFFICE AND BIRD TRIBES CANNOT BE CONTROLLED THROUGH THE SUMMONS. CAN ALSO BE USED IF THERE IS A SAFE OPPORTUNITY.]

The Bird Angels will convey to the tribes their plan of letting them usurp the position of the bear tribes and take over the province. With the help of Camus, the bird angels are confident in carrying out this task. They will first have to create the perfect opportunity for this, however, and this is where Camus will play a vital role. He will make "space" for the bird tribes and attempt to whittle down the powers of their rival tribes. The bird tribes should assist him by also utilizing their spy network and espionage resources. [SEE INTRIGUE ACTION]

Once the time is ripe, they should strike. They will be aided by the full force of Camus' retinue (Camus, 2 Githyanki Knights, 30 Medium Infantry Pikemen, and 70 Mounted Black Knights). It is important that Camus' and the birb angel's intervention in anything must be kept a secret until the bird tribe strikes.

Intrigue Order: Pandemonium in Chainswood
Intelligence will be obtained from the Bird Tribes as well as personal investigation by Camus through Astral Magic and the Grand Amillary Sphere. It is necessary for them to grasp the perfect opportunity to strike, just like how the Chapter of Verse was easily taken over by Camus.

Camus deploys his two Githyanki Knights [Descriptors: Avarice, General, Assassin] to shatter the unstable peace in the Province by conducting assassinations and sabotage. They will be aided by Camus himself who will guarantee their stealth and mobility (portals, gateways, etc) through his Astral Magic. He will first scout through Astral Magic, then teleport the Githyanki Knights over who will attack physically while he attacks mentally [Paralyze, Soul Slay, and Mindburn], discretely plant false evidence of other tribes, then teleport out.

[Astral 5 | Relevant Descriptors: Travel, Mindblast, Luck]

Influential people will be assassinated and false evidence will be planted belonging to that of other tribes. Astral is also used to agitate the minds of the people. If an opportunity presents itself to assassinate leaders, the three can act together to carry out the task. These assassinations must be quick, silent, and elusive.

If the plan works, the Bear Tribes will be attacking and under the attack of other tribes while the Bird Tribes lay and white for the perfect opportunity to pounce to exert dominance over the province.

To add more fuel to the flame, Camus will also cast a dream ritual to make it as if the ancestors or sacred beings of certain tribes appeared in their dreams, blaming another tribe (that is not the bird tribe) for the recent strikes and ordering them to take revenge.
Astral 5 | Relevant Descriptors: Ritual, Luck]
Relevant Skills: Rites, Ceremonies
Special Item "The Disc of Circles" used to enhance ritual
Order 2: Riches and More Riches!
Camus uses his powers as an Astral Archmage, as well as the Grand Amillary Sphere to locate unclaimed/undiscovered sites of riches in an attempt to be able to retrieve more riches to complete his obligations to House Keshurgen. It would be a plus if he discovers relics but his main goal is wealth! Of course, it is also important that his wellbeing and identity is protected which the Grand Amillary Sphere would also greatly help with.

A tomb of an ancient king? Rob it!
An unguarded demiplane with tons of riches? Secretly rob it!

Astral 5 | Relevant Descriptors: Luck]

Discord Scene: Chapel of Verse

Keep in mind that before any orders are processed 3 special steps must be done:
(these steps may lead to you wanting to edit your posts to account for new wealth/troops/etc. so get these steps done with me first on discord first perhaps as a rule of thumb.)

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