LAST person to post is the winner!!!

this thread is gonna go on forever and now i'm a part of it
This thread has much history and lore that's worth uncovering, it's like excavating an ancient egyptian archaeological site. I've taken it upon myself to read through all of it, uncovering the secrets of the past and clues for the future. If this post gets 1 like I will put together a complete timeline of all activity that's gone on in this thread.

I mean honestly what else have I got to do...

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Sup ppl
so. . .
my old account N-onymous email got hacked
so yeah
this is my alt account
While on my expedition to uncover the past of this thread I uncovered this, I thought the irony behind a Anonymous member (or Anonymous wannabe) getting hacked was to funny for me not to bring up. Sorry Anon...
Mia was attacked by a few thugs and ran out of arrows during the fight. Surprising the injuries aren't that bad but Mia will need a new bow.

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