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I'll do what I can.
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@Venom Adhamm

This thread is dedicated towards the protagonist's- Adam's- experience "tree", and will list all upgrades that have been unlocked and have been acquired within the RP. Please note that some "Trees" will include abilities that can affect other events outside of the mentioned category, but some may require an inventory item or two before actually being useful.



  • Sixth Sense (TIER I): Having a small voice in your head has its upsides- you will be warned when you are under suspicion, but be aware that you have no clue who is cross-examining you or where. Handy when you are caught with your pants down- hopefully not literally!


  • Adrenaline (TIER I): Being under pressure can really screw some people up, but not you; when you are hiding from an enemy after being wounded in combat, your health will quickly regenerate in the case that you have to fight again. If you're trying to pick off your enemies one by one, this is probably a nice little perk to have on you. It will also give you the ability to react much quicker than the average Joe, and you'll see things much more clearly than most others in the case that your "stealthing" attempts go awry.


  • Wheelman (TIER I): Knowledge is definitely power, and in this strange new world you need all the information you can get. "Magically" get filled with knowledge about land vehicles- cars and trucks- and learn how to carjack and hotwire a vehicle in the case of an "emergency". Better than having to search the interior for spare keys!


  • Nerd (TIER I) (UNLOCKED): Ah, the world of "technology". So much to learn, so much to do about it- why not get a head start? Learn about the world of hacking, and learn how to access the coding of certain devices and bypass obstacles in your way.
  • Keylogger (TIER II) (WARNING: REQUIRES MOBILE HACKING DEVICE): You've learned mostly basic tools of the trade- such as how to access a network code to access a pas.sword- but what if you bump into a firewall? If you find an uncrackable code? What if you can't pass by so easily? That's where a passive "hack" comes in- infest a device with a keylogger which will log whatever is inputted into the keyboard. Best used in conjunction with a compatible mobile device; otherwise it is possible for your victim to discover the keylogger. It also works most effectively against firewalls, but it relies upon someone inputting the correct code.
  • Sheer Force (TIER II) (WARNING: REQUIRES MOBILE HACKING DEVICE): Why bother going the passive way when you can actually use brute force? Using this method will allow you to get through any password without help from anyone else. Be aware that it takes time to use this, however, and that it can easily be cancelled by a guard who discovers this. Best when nobody is around and if you don't need to worry about firewalls.
  • Spoof (TIER II) (WARNING- REQUIRES MOBILE HACKING DEVICE): "Infect" a card reader or fingerprint scanned with a virus that will copy a correct input- such as a press of a thumb or a swipe of a card- allowing you to pass by without any problems. Similar to the Keylogger, but more useful for non-password devices.



  • Force Electricity (TIER I) (UNLOCKED): You've only scratched the surface of the Force, and why not turn to the Dark Side? This power gives you the ability to use Force Lightning, which can arc from enemy to enemy. Beware the limited amount of people it can arc to- three others, including the first victim- and that you cannot control who it arcs to; even your allies are vulnerable to your attack. Best used in close quarters and when you're really backed into a corner.
  • Electrostatic Strike (TIER II): Sometimes you just don't have enough time to know whether or not your comrades are nearby, and might not even be able to reach for your sidearm. Thankfully, an Electrostatic Strike can very much change that- gain the ability to mildly shock your target with a melee attack, but more importantly send them reeling backwards and stun them. Who wants a knuckle sandwich?
  • Sensory Overcharge (TIER II): A deadly Force attack upon the mind, this ability will disorient up to three of your foes for a few moments- whether by temporarily blinding them, impairing hearing, or causing random spasms, it all works out the same eventually. Cunning way for a nonlethal takedown... ish.
  • Distinction Delusion (TIER II): Play Force tricks upon any foes nearby you, and cause them to perceive things that actually are not there. It may cause them to flee altogether, albeit more likely than not just distract them for a few moments. It can also be used decently while trying to stealthily make your way around a guard, causing them to be indifferent to your presence so long as you don't just walk right up to them and say hello. It is only hindered by its short radius, which can only distract enemies almost close enough to see the whites of their eyes. However, besides that it can affect as many people as it can.


  • Natural Leader (TIER I): Normally, a Force mind trick will turn your victim into a walking robot, and sometimes this can be funny, but most of the time it'll give away the idea that s/he has been controlled. With a little bit of power from above, however, your victims will not seem so robotic any more, and will look as if they weren't possessed in the first place. Beware that you still have to perform the trick in front of them, so if they have a buddy and see your gestures they will grow suspicious anyways.


  • Force Push/Pull (TIER I) (UNLOCKED): A common trick taught to Jedi, the ability to grab and push or pull something away from you is a must-have for someone who wants to keep versatile. Be aware that you cannot "move" objects, just push them away from you or towards you.
  • Saber Throw (TIER II): What if you're going up against what seems to be an endless column of soldiers? What if your blaster just won't "cut" it, but your foes are out of Lightsaber reach? Well, that's where the art of throwing the Lightsaber comes in- hurl your melee weapon as a boomerang to make it a deady ranged tool, slicing through multiple enemies before swinging back towards you. Beware that it is limited in terms of range, and you won't have your Lightsaber on you while you toss it (duh). Otherwise, good for cutting through hordes.
  • Light Telekinesis (TIER II): Building upon your abilities to push and pull an object small enough to manipulate, this power does exactly what it implies- it gives you full control over where something will be sent flying- of course, to an extent. You still won't be able to lift heavier objects- such as cars- and you can only manipulate objects that are a certain distance from you- at the furthest, from one end from a small bedroom to another.
  • Force Repulse (TIER II): An unstable ability, yet extremely powerful when used properly. Channel your inner Force to release it into a shockwave around you, knocking away nearby foes. The radius and power varies depending upon your scenario, and its inconsistency makes it an unreliable power. Still, if you're in a pinch and surrounded this will be a great aid to you.



  • Final Stand (TIER I): At the times when you need it most, gain a surge of hidden strength, and fight with renewed invigoration. Beware that it can still take a toll on you, and you are not a god- you can still fall. Instantly regenerate 25% of your total health when you run down to 10% or lower, but is automatically activated if you were to die without its assistance, instead healing you up to 20% of your health regardless of how severe the finishing blow was.


  • Situational Awareness (Pre-Unlocked): The last thing you need is to get caught without a clue of what in the world is going on around you. Knowledge is power- know exactly what's going on in the current heat, even when things get a bit chaotic. It makes one-on-one analysis during a battle much easier for you.
  • Life Alert (TIER I): Ever wonder how your foes are faring in the middle of battle? Easy to see now. Use the Force to determine exactly how much time your foe is running on before you give them a date with their maker.


  • Now You See Me (TIER I): Useful more as an ability to assist comrades that are stuck in their own little situation, use your Jedi mind tricks to change one's attention towards you. It cannot be used upon multiple targets, however, and of course it will cause your "victim" to immediately target you and you alone.


  • On Your Side (Tier I): Fortune so happens to be upon you, it seems! Very rarely, the tables can turn for you and something just so happens right when you need it. Don't rely upon it too much, though, as you can sometimes find that luck has abandoned you...
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