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@Venom Adhamm This thread is meant to be for reference towards Adam- the protagonist of CLASH- in terms of experience, health, and inventory. It'll also include his companions' inventory- if they happen to acquire anything throughout the ISRP.



  • Max Health: 100


  • STEALTH: Level 1 (4/15)
  • FORCE: Level 2 (6/20)
  • COMBAT: Level 0 (0/5)
  • FATE: Level 0 (0/5)


  • Scattergun: A weird-looking weapon that you acquired off of the interrogated mercenary, it appears to mix a double-barrel shotgun with a lever-action rifle. It has a cylindrical tube in the middle, allowing for extra ammunition to be loaded.
  • Lightsaber: Your trusty, flashy 'ol sword. It's seen better days, but it definitely can go on for however long you need it to, and is even more powerful than those average junkers they gave you back at the Old Republic.


  • None, at the moment.



  • Marksman Rifle: Your prize for winning against a crazy, bald psychopath. Apparently a "modernized" form of a sniper rifle, its semiautomatic, magazine-fed capabilities along with easy handling traits make it a decent support weapon. Haruhi seems to take a liking towards this gun.
  • Modded Blaster: This thing has been modded just like your blaster to suit your capabilities. With a scope and grappling hook, this definitely doesn't seem like the pistol you had originally began to work upon, right?
  • Freeze Spell
  • Jump Spell
  • Rage Spell
  • Haste Vial
  • Zap Vial



  • Wooden Sword: The weapon that you found Taiga using- or more specifically, the weapon she pulled out of nowhere to slay the officers that had pursued you. Seems like she knows how to use it, either.


  •  PHD Flopper- "Made out of whole prunes," as the blondie claimed. Seems like it mighta saved her from the exploding Boom Cannons from earlier, though- perhaps it's worth taking a look or a drink of that "stuff".





  • Duffel Bag: Currently filled with spells. Not too convenient when carried around, but it can definitely be used to carry extra loot around so long as you hold it with one hand.


  • Freeze Spell x2: A rectangular glass flask of some cold blue liquid labelled "Freeze". The Goblin who you got this from seemed like he didn't want to get caught in the middle of one of these, as when Haruhi was about to open it. And for good reason, too- the first time Haruhi used it, the officer was still frozen when you managed to escape the blockade. Single use.
  • Healing Spell x2: A rectangular flask of a golden, sparkling liquid labelled "Healing". How bad of wounds it can heal, you have no clue. Single use.
  • Jump Spell x3: A rectangular flash of a green, swirling liquid labelled "Jump". Maybe you can jump to the moon with the help of this. Single use.
  • Lightning Spell x2: A rectangular container of dark blue liquid that occasionally sparks. Whether it has any resemblance to Force Lightning, you have yet to learn. Single use.
  • Rage Spell x3: A dark purple liquid contained in a flask labelled "Rage". Was that psychopath back at Los Santos drink too much of that? Single use.
  • Haste Vial x3: A small test tube-esque vial that's labelled "Haste" with a pink fluid inside. You assume that it does exactly as advertised- speed up whoever is affected. You assume it only lasts for so long due to its compact size. Single use.
  • Zap Vial x3: A small vial of liquid similar-looking to what is in a Lightning Spell. Don't look so shocked when you use it! Single use.
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