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Fantasy Land of the Elements

HAHAHAH Classic Denver, always knows how to ruin someones day aint that right @TheWingedCrusader @SkywardSocks ? XDDD
But yeah a 1v1 tournament will happen soon

Tournament will be explained when everyone gets their fliers

@TheWingedCrusader @Stamper @CelestialBunny and Me
But I will explain the rules here and In IC RP


1. No finishing blows

2. You will have 5 posts to K.O. the opponent (Posts have to be yours so 10 posts altogether)

3. The Chief is Ref and Judge

4. NO GODMODDING!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Have fun and respect your strengths and weaknesses.

Other then these rules, this is a no-holds full-on match (Unique Abilities allowed)

@TheWingedCrusader @Stamper @TheWingedCrusader

*Ahem* Midria *Ahem*

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To see where you guys stand in terms of strength.. cause right now its mixed on who should lead the team when on missions and whatnot.
Anyways, @TheWingedCrusader you should have seen the RP @SkywardSocks and I were in... Our two characters got shipped so fast by someone else xD
Hey, I have to go because it's late here, so would it be cool to hold off the comp. until later when I can come online bc time zones?
Because Vixen wants to prove that he's stronger than Midas :P
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Ohhh sorry didn't read. Anyone I'm backing out of the rp. Nice rping with everyone ;P
Cadence isn't getting that much interaction so I've lost interest. The chief will likely kill her off.
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