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Fantasy Land of the Elements

Now Open!

Cadence house of Ice furniture!

Stocking great homes like Santa's workshop and Elsa's lair.

Get your ice furniture sets today!
I just realized my characters are pretty much useless right now.


Marie doesn't know she has powers and Flora can trap people and heal.
Not what I was thinking..

I meant like you can use it to Poison, Paralyze, and put enemies to sleep, Like the Pokemon powders
Sorry about that post.

To be fair I had sent it right after you sent yours and I didn't see it.
@TheWingedCrusader TAKE THE CHIEFS ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE IT!!!!!!! XDDDD
Believe it or not, the letter actually holds a secret power that only unleashes if shared someone you care for.

AND YES HE EASILY CAN, He doesnt want an challengers now would he?
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