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Fantasy Land of the dragon

Kara purred softly with curiosity as she moved forward and sniffed the girls outstretched hand, her ears lowering a little and her tail lashing from side to side, after a few moments of examining her, she gave a small lick to her fingers and squeaking softly and happily as she pounced away, once again running and jumping around with impressive energy. As Tanis and the woman talked, Kara explored the near by surroundings, she got a few strange looks from passerbys as she yipped and squeaked at them. 

She wandered off towards a small garbage can, curiously inspecting it while tilting her head a little and letting out a small, joyful purr. After a few moments though, the young dragon paused and perked her ears up attentively as she looked to the side and sniffed the air. She could smell something in the distance, a sense of hunger could be felt. Kara moved away from the garbage, and kept her nose lifted a bit as she sniffed around, after a moment though, she opened her jaws a bit in a sort of smile as her tail wagged, and in a sudden pounce, she ran off down the streets. For such a small creature, she was quite fast. Her wings occassionally fluttered a bit as she ran and turned corners, panting and squeaking happily as she ran about the streets, following the scent of something good to eat. 

@XTrump_CardX @Ignace
"By moral obligation," Sophia replied. "Do you know how to care for such a creature? Actually, do you even know what type of dragon she is?" She took a moment to pet the hatchling, taking note of her features. "She'll be beautiful once she's matured. A sight to see in the skies."

As the dragon pounced away from her, Sophia stood up again, crossing her arms and turning her attention to the boy. "Anyway, my name's Sophia. Sophia Whitmore. I'm not a tamer, but my family never shuts up about them." She rolled her eyes at the thought before looking off in the distance to see the baby dragon making her way through the streets. "And that is a dragon asking for trouble." She snickered at Tanis. I'd catch up to her if I were you."

@XTrump_CardX @Veno

Tanis turned and saw the little white dragon taking off down the street behind him. He let out a small, surprised grunt and turned back towards Sophia. Holding up a finger, he opened his mouth to say something. Nothing came to mind and he closed his mouth and started running after his dragon.

His head was back to its old self and his body was too. Tanis Was running at full speed without a problem, the buildings around him a bit of a blur. The damn little thing ran surprisingly fast for something so little. He was almost upon her when she took a turn down a side street. Caught off guard, Tanis ran past it and had to slow to a halt. He sucked in some air and continued after her. During all of this, He never realized that he had left his bag with Sophia.

@Veno @Ignace
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Kara ran down the streets, panting and chirping as she continued to follow the scent. It wasn't too long before the young hatchling came upon a particular vendor which was selling an assortment of different kinds of fish- every dragon had its food preferences... Fish must be Kara's, at least, thats what her nose is telling her. Of course though she wouldnt be able to eat a full fish so well yet, as her teeth were much too small to be able to do that, she would have to stick to milk, or ground up food for now. Her ears perked as she skidded to a stop, and stalked up to the vendor, chirping out quietly as her tail wagged. She lowered her body to the ground for a moment before jumping up, her first attempt to just up onto the vendor counter was a complete failure, she ended up falling back down to the floor. 

However, Kara quickly found another way, by jumping up onto a few boxes, she managed to get onto the wooden counter of the vendor. Panting from having run so much, with her stomach growling she stalked up towards the bunch of dead, uncooked fish, purring pleasently as she brought her nose up to one, sniffing it happily and curiously. That is... Until she was grabbed. 

"Ay!" A rough voice snapped out as the man working at the vendor reached out and grabbed the small dragon by the scruff of the neck and lifting it up. Kara gasped and yelped a bit as her body stiffened, she curled up a bit and quickly looked towards whoever was holding her, she didn't move though, she just let out a few small yips.

The rather grumpy man growled out a bit, he wasnt necessarily a fan of dragons. "Damned dragons... always causing trouble. Hmph, I should just hand you right over to the Ironclads." He snorts out lowly, before his gaze flickered over to the sight of a boy running down the street- Tanis.

(OOC: Just for confirmation so I do not make any mistakes. All characters are more or less in the same village correct? Or in the nearby area?)
(OOC: Umm, it seems like most people are in Galen, However me, Trump and Ignace are in Meridian, im not sure how far that's supposed to be to the village Galen, but im assuming they arent too far.)

@Jarkov Malachai
(OOC: Right had to make sure, whew. I was going to have some of the Iron Legion make an appearance searching for wherever Koen went and since that Company is camped on the ole' riverbed at Galen they couldnt have appeared in Meridian. I just saw the mention of IronClads and was like... speak of the devil and he shall appear! Darn. Here I am awaiting posts most anxiously)

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(OOC: Haha, Darn. Hopefully though our characters, or my character -Maybe Trumps character too- and the Ironclads will have a run in at some point. I think it could be fun/interesting. :D)
@Jarkov Malachai
(OOC: I hope so too. Hence one of the reasons I created them. To create tension, panic and strife. A common goal to unite our young would be Dragon Riders and Dragon Tamers. After all... *grins* Stories gotta have a bad guy, the protagonist. Sue me, but I love being as such.)
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Just to clarify, lol. There are three villages, Boise, Meridian, and Kuna. Right now, You are in Boise. I believe Galen is just Lost's character. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15817-jarkov-malachai/"]@Jarkov Malachai[/URL]
Also, I would certain look forward to a mix-up with you and your guys. That would be most interesting. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15817-jarkov-malachai/"]@Jarkov Malachai[/URL]
(OOC: OMG! Jesus sorry yeah i got that mixed up. Frick I keep doing that. ;A; yeah its Boise.

I kind of just scrolled to the other messages and looked for the little 'tag' thing that people put saying what town their in, and i saw that at the top of Lost's message and accidentally had mistaken it for the village.

Ah jeez thats embarrassing. xD  )

@XTrump_CardX @Jarkov Malachai
(OOC: Gyaaaaah crap you are correct. The little details such as placement often slip by me on account of others. A flaw with my own abilities I find no end of trouble with. Hence the reason for my asking for clarification. And a good thing I did otherwise a failure on my part would have taken place. My thanks)
It's fine, haha. Glad to help. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29878-veno/"]@Veno[/URL] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15817-jarkov-malachai/"]@Jarkov Malachai[/URL]
(OOC: Indeed my good people. I must now return to the plotting and scheming of how best to cause mayhem and good ole fashioned moments of character interaction so I actually have something to post about! Koen Raads was my only hope for day to day interactions as I am pretty sure no one but the Kuna would approve of Kyridian and Mikhails just an odd ball... That and Kyridian would see a dragon and then shove a spear down its throat quicker than you could blink. *Stares up at the sky with a frown* Puts a damper on friendly conversation that does, doesnt help the fact that he is a asshole if you pardon the french.)
Sophia shook her head and sighed. "Teenagers..." She noticed that the tamer had left his bag on the ground where he had fell. "A bit scatterbrained today, I see," she mumbled, picking up the bag and putting over her shoulder. Surely, the boy hadn't run too far. Hoping to find him, Sophia strided in the direction he had run.

@XTrump_CardX @Veno

(OOC: I'm very interested in what you have in store! :D You seem to have quite a few ideas lol @Jarkov Malachai)
(OOC: *groans and holds head in hands* Oh you have no idea, always have and always will. Perhaps to many to count. That Ashes of Creation Rp almost caused thine brain to be cleaved in twain! Course thats what I get for playing such a complicated faction and character set such as Those of the Lady of Ravens. That was a difficult rp to be sure, all my own fault but one can never know your limits until you push and reach them yes?
But until I can act, I shall sit here and ponder.. plot.. and generally be one bored soul)

There was a lot of things that Tanis didn't like about the man in front of him. He reeked of fish and other distasteful things; his clothes were stained and clearly unwashed. And his arms were as thick as Tanis' legs, but what he despised most was the fact that his dragon was in this man's hand. He had asked for the dragon back as politely as he could. What he got in return was an ear full of illiterate and distasteful words that weren't fit for the mouth of a sailor. He was starting to get ticked off, however, Tanis really did not want to get in a fight with this guy.

"Listen, I do not want trouble, and neither does that dragon. She's just a baby. She had no clue that these fish were yours." Tanis grimaced as the poor dragon was shaken in front of him.

"See them fish? Them is some grade A fish. Top o' the line. Fresh off the hook, Get me, kid?! I don't need no stinkin' dragon here, eatin' them all up. So how much you gonna pay me for my loss? Hmm?!" In the middle of his sentence, some spittle flew onto Tanis' face. Wiping it off with an exhale of pure rage, He ground his teeth and looked over at the fish. There were flies buzzing around and, even from there, he could tell they were quite old. Tanis lost control of his mouth, speaking his mind.

"The only thing fresh here is that dragon between your grubby fingers." With that, Tanis raised his eyebrows pretentiously and saw the look on the man's face contort with primitive anger. Without hesitation, he dropped the baby dragon and swung his left arm low, hitting Tanis in the stomach. It was like getting hit by a bull. Tanis gasped as the air left his lungs. From there, The man took a wild swing at his head, but Tanis was able to duck in time for it to go over him. Before he could react further, the man yelled and tackled Tanis into the market stall behind him.

@Veno @Ignace
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Tempest // Boise


'Oh dear.' Tempest cooed in concern as she swiftly slithered her way over to the fallen soldier, cautiously nudging him with her snout. "Are you alright, young soldier?" She asked him, using her innate ability to speak the human tongue.

Tempest rarely ever used this ability of hers, since she quite liked being known as a mysterious creature, but it appears that it would come in handy in this situation. Her leaf green eyes roamed over his form, eyeing him for any injuries, only to land on his fingers which were tainted with the telltale crimson of blood. 'So he was injured.' She thought to herself. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be anything fatal, just a mild concussion. However, even an injury like that could eventually get worse without proper treatment, according to her late Master, at least.

@Jarkov Malachai
A crowd began to form around a fish vendor's stall on the next street over from where Sophia was walking. Please don't tell me that's him, she thought. She hastily made her way down the street and pushed herself to the front of the crowd to find the boy on the ground struggling against the burly man. Oh, boy.

"Let the kid go!" she demanded, arms crossed. "You'll just kill him at this rate." 

Unphased by Sophia's command, the man continued to beat the boy. Aggravated, Sophia threw one of her daggers passed the man's head, careful not to actually injure anyone. It didn't pierce itself neatly into the ground as it would if it was actually designed for throwing, but it did catch the vendor's attention. He broke free from jabbing at the boy and faced the girl. Sophia was unmoved by the man's size in comparison to her. She wasn't sure what to say next, but she stood her ground. she found it oddly heroic for herself.

@XTrump_CardX @Veno
I want to continue but I feel as though I should let Veno get a post in. This is good stuff, though. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/43184-ignace/"]@Ignace[/URL]
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Kara yelped and whimpered a bit as the poor thing was shaken within the man's hand. Her wings outstretched and flapped a few times desperately, though it did nothing for her. Kara listened with her ears perked as Tanis spoke with the man, attempting to ask for her back, and attempting to remain civil about this, but it wasn't long before the young dragon squeaked in surprise as she was dropped to the ground and she watched as the man tackled Tanis. She dragon stumbled a little before gasping and running forward with a few clearly distressed squeeks as she circled around the two, she attempted to 'scare' the man off with a few mighty growls and hisses, they were equivalent to the mew of a kitten though. 

Kara jumped as a dagger was thrown to the ground beside the two, startled, she quickly looked up to where it came from, and watched as the sizely man got up and walked over to the familiar girl.

"Am i supposed to care if im gonna kill the lad? Why dont you go mind your own business before you get hurt girl."

The man snarled out lowly as he began to reach forward towards her rather threateningly.

Kara yipped and squeaked a few more times, hissing before bounding forward and latching her jaws onto his pant leg, pulling and shaking it, before she bit his ankle- her jaws were not strong enough yet to do any real damage, the worst that he would suffer would be a small puncture wound and a bruise. This was enough to startle and pause the man for a moment as he jumped and grunted loudly, his gaze snapped down to the ground, and a low, fierce snarl rolled within his chest. "Fucking pest...-!" He snaps out, as in a quick movement he shook his leg, and delivered a kick to the small dragon, easily sending her light body flinging across the street and tumbling into a stack of boxes.

The man watched, sickeningly, a slight smirk pressed to his features before he returned his gaze to the two peaple. "Tch, you kids aren't even worth my time. Get the hell off of my street! If i see that little shit again i'll crush it!" He threatens lowly before walking back over to his vendor, keeping a sharp eye on the two people as he rolled his sore shoulder. 

@XTrump_CardX @Ignace
"Are you alright, young soldier?" 

Koen Raad's head jerked up in surprise at the feminine voice, a motion in which he immediately regret as it only served to aggravate the concussion he had no doubt administered to himself and set his head throbbing once more.
Holding the side of his cranium with one hand and leaning back to avoid the Dragoness's probing snout, sternly telling his hand to back down and do not reach for those emerald scales, he looked about for the one who had spoken. T'was a dangerous situation for anyone to be in, though why some Women had come onto this scene and not either run screaming for help or left the Soldier to his probable doom was beyond him. After a few scans of the forest and saw no one save for him and the she-dragon. The Throbbing had subsided long enough for his brain to begin working together again as he stared at the much to bright eyes of the Scaled Beauty before him.
The cogs clicked and turned. No one but them, that deep rumble that undercut the voice who had spoken and that odd accent.

Koen Raad had never heard of any dragons talking, or at least if they did he had never heard the men of the Iron Legion speak of it. Mayhaps they themselves did not know, after all their jobs were to slay the creatures. Not have them over for tea and biscuits about the weather. The Captain had always drilled it into him and the new recruits that knowledge was power and to know your enemy was to hold an advantage over him or her. Koen Raad felt that not telling them this critical piece of information was a wee bit of a violation of said teachings as spoken word belies intelligence and that is a dragon of another color... so to speak. That or there was an ulterior motive to the Captains actions that he simply did not understand. 

The Young Soldier almost got lost in his ponderings again until the She-Serpents snout nudged him once more and snapped him back into his current predicament.
Staring directly at the Dragoness's eyes the Young Soldier nods his head very slowly and staggered to his feet. Koen Raads balance still off slightly he stumbled and before he could stop himself or correct his fall to a potentially less deadly destination like the hard earth or perhaps a cliff, his hands flash out and land on the dragons muzzle right between the two nostrils. 
A small part of Koens brain was surprised, the scales were surprisingly warm for the beasts apparent serpent nature but it didnt really register on the larger whole as the Young Soldier froze and slowly removed his hand with a small apologetic smile. His blue eyes and white teeth flashed for a moment before fading back to that neutral expression that seemed to be almost plastered upon his face, hidden behind the high leather collar and Woolen Skullcap.

@Maiza Avaro
"I assure you that my brother wouldn't take any news of my injury very lightly." The girl smirked. She watched as the dragon pounced at the vendor. Sophia  couldn't help but snicker as the baby dragon attacked the large man. As he told them all to get out of his face, Sophia glared at the man before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. "Come on, tamer," she called. "We have some work to do." She glanced backward to see if the boy was getting up. She would be amused to see him struggle to regain balance.

@XTrump_CardX @Veno

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