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Fantasy Land of the dragon

OCC(Ahh sorry I've been busy with a Halloween party and moving a roommate out and another one in) 

@Lost @StriderBro @HuntedFox


 Akita  takes the Valerian root and puts it into her satchel. She looks at him with wonder.. Why is he hiding his dragon from her? A tamer none the less! She lets out a small sigh. How much do we owe you? We can pay in coins or meat since we're going hunting after this.. maybe some for your friend upstairs.. She says a little bit quieter.

Kiko starts to smell smoke coming from upstairs. Her sense of smell was a lot better than young hatchlings and humans. Guys.. You might want to go upstairs.. You may have a fire. 


Kyle finishes his list and looks up at all the books lying out.. I'll deal with those tomorrow.. He looks at Edur digging around on the floor and laughs. But today I think we're gonna go digging.. He empties out his leather satchel and puts all the contents in a desk drawer. He goes over to a cabinet full of his tools, he grabs a shovel, a soft brush, little pads to go over Edur's feet to protect him and the artifacts and, lastly a folder with a pen attached. He puts what he can into his satchel and carries the shovel himself. He walks over to Edur and kneels in front of him with his coat pocket open to him. Come on.. Let's go hunting for treasure..
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Galen looked at Kiko, skeptical. "Are you sure? I don't have anything flammable up there, except..." All trace of suspicion left his gaze as the realization hit him. He bolted up the stairs and threw the door open to find his previously tidy room in burning shambles. Panicked, he frantically searched the room for his dragon, until finally he spotted his starry-hided dragon. Orion didn't appear to be cowed by the fire. In fact, his little dragon seemed to be enjoying himself. Had the dragon not been midst of the flame, his tamer would have put Akita's advice concerning discipline to good use.

"What are you doing Orion?" He hissed, disbelief evident in his tone. "Setting fire to the apothecary isn't the embodiment of keeping a low profile!"


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As Sophia dealt with the man, Tanis laid still amidst the broken wood and torn cloth, trying to catch his breath. His nose was definitely broken this time. The blood had slowed to an ebb as it thickened in his nostrils. Not only was his face smashed and bruised, his chest hurt with every small breath he took. That was probably a cracked rib, or two. That guy must've weighed over 250 pounds, more than enough to crush him. Over to the right, Tanis could hear talking. Something about a brother, then, he heard Sophia call to him. Apparently, they were going now.

It took Tanis' full strength just to sit up. His head was a little foggy and he shook it a couple times, getting himself dizzy. Tanis used a finger to softly probe his tender nose. It was his lucky day, the break was near the top, where bone met cartilage. It would be easy enough to fix. He ripped a couple of small pieces of cloth from the wreck around him. Then he took both his hands and gripped the crooked part of his nose. Tanis winced a little as he felt the cartilage grind unnaturally. Better now while I am still hurting... And with that thought, He slowly pushed his nose back into its proper place. As it locked back in, Tanis grunted in pain and ground his teeth. He quickly stuffed the ripped cloth up his nostrils as they began bleeding again.

With that done, Tanis got to his feet, slowly. Brushing himself off, He walked over to where his dragon was and picked her up. He chuckled as he walked past Sophia, though it hurt his chest in doing so. With a glance behind him, Tanis spoke up. "Are you coming or not?"

@Veno @Ignace
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Edur didn't really pay that much attention until he heard the word 'treasure'. At that his head shot up to look at Kyle. His eyes sparked with excitement. Treasure! This was great! Edur willingly ran forward and launched himself for the ground, leaping into the coat pocket. He moved around and poked his head out of he pocket so he could see.


Tempest // Boise


Tempest breathed out a sigh of relief at the young soldier's nod, allowing herself to relax a tad bit more. While the two of them were far from close, mere acquaintances to be exact, even a dragoness like herself couldn't help but make sure that he was away from any immediate danger. He certainly did seem to be in good enough condition, if not a bit dizzy from his rather intimate contact with the hard ground. Perhaps she could interest him in a visit to the Apothecary or the Infirmary within the village, since she definitely won't be able to heal him herself, regardless of whether or not she knew any remedies for his injury. Being an dragon will do that to you, you know, especially when you didn't have any limbs whatsoever.

During her musings, she failed to notice the human struggle to keep his balance. Tempest let out a chirp of surprise, a sound that she rarely ever makes, when his hand had landed on her muzzle. Her scales rippled at his touch while her feathers puffed out, a sign of her feeling flustered or upset. Most dragons would find such an action to be pleasing to feel, but to her, it was quite embarrassing. The only times someone had touched her muzzle was when she was just a hatchling, when she was too young to understand the world around her, so having it done to her at this age was considered rather humiliating.

Once he had retracted his hand from her muzzle, Tempest took a deep breath to calm herself down. Her scales gradually stopped mimicking the ocean's waves, and her feathers had eventually smoothened themselves out again. "I do hope that you're not planning on doing that again." She told him as she curled up into a pile, one that was significantly taller than the man before her.

@Jarkov Malachai
The Young Soldiers blue eyes grow dark and clouded, like thunderstorms on the horizon, and he nods gravely. His black woolen skullcap bobbing up in down as the man's action states that he would not and had begun to turn and leave when his eyes caught sight of the dying, rippling pattern about the creatures scales and another urge grips his throat.

"My...apologies." Rasps the Young Soldier in a voice that sounded like the crashing of steel doors, metal scratching metal overlaying a resounding boom. A voice that had obviously not been used in a very long time as he struggles to articulate the words correctly. A slight coughing fit at the exertion of the long unused muscles and a massaging throat set things at right. 
A glint catches the mans eye. The Metal clasp of his sketchbook which had come undone sometime during his fall and now lay splayed open. With about half of its entirety underneath the She-Serpents coils, the book having fallen under them at her advance upon seeing his fall.
Quite a few of them lay visible, the thick fiber pages flickering in the gentle breeze that wafted through the tree's. 
The one of the little Fae dragon from the shop lay most visible, its eyes the starring feature but plenty of others. A few were of backdrops, the mountains rising high above as the sun set behind the artist casting fantastical shadows. Others about creatures in flight, dragons, birds, and a few other odd animals which were unfamiliar taking to the skies in graceful bliss, the kind only flying supposedly could grant. 
They were rather well done, those sketches and paintings, surprisingly so for the thick callused hands of which the Young man had to create such precise lines that captured his imagination as well as reality so effectively. 
One painting in particular stood out slightly hidden behind the other visible ones, just the tip, a corner but it was different than the others. 
It was darker, thick, heavy, angry lines whilst the others were precise but airy and carried a distant almost air of fantasy. This one was full of the harsher emotions, vicious and the only colors upon it were black and red. Like a maelstrom.

Koen cleared his throat and pointed down to his book and then looked back up to the Dragoness. The look saying. 'I dont suppose you'd let me grab that from under you now would you?'

@Maiza Avaro

Tempest // Boise


'Hmm?' Tempest thought when she saw the young soldier point towards the ground near her, slightly confused by his action. She then looked over to where he was gesturing to see a sketchbook buried halfway underneath her coils. 'Ah, I see.' She shifted her serpentine form slightly, twisting in a oscillating movement, allowing the other to efficiently grab the book without having any of it's pages torn or ripped.

As she did so, Tempest couldn't help but notice the numerous drawings within it's thick fiber pages. Her emerald green eyes widened marginally at what she saw. She couldn't help but warble in awe and amazement. Whoever this man was, he had a talent for capturing the world around him through drawing. It was a talent that seemed useless to most, but to her, useless has an advantage that nothing else has. Useless means that only the most dedicated would master it. Useless makes other people underestimate you. And useless allows that talent to do many things. A great many of people would never understand this philosophy of hers, and if that's so, then perhaps it is best that no one ever actually does.

@Jarkov Malachai
Orion looked up, chirping at his master. Comfy! He shouted in Galens mind, snuggling back up in the flames
Koen Raad did not notice the Emerald dragoness's amazement or her study of his work. He simply walked forward and crouched down to grab his Sketchbook, aware of the green scales close by and careful not to brush against them. Fingers snagging the spine he drags it towards him and then picks it up, brushing off some leaves and loamy soil from the back and different pages. 

The Young Soldier flips through a couple of them, as if checking for damage, his face goes dark when he gets to the harsh red and black one, a bolt of lightning through his half-lidded eyes before getting to a blank page. Koen Raad looks up at the She-Serpent and eyes her critically. 
The soldiers voice rasps out, pointing to his sketchbook with a pencil and then at her. "S'pose you would not mind if I-" His voice catches and breaks off in a coughing fit. 
Recovering and shaking his head, as if answering his own question he continues. 
"Never mind... Forgive me..... I... Take my leave." He grinds out with a visible effort and about faces on one thick boot heel to leave.

@Maiza Avaro
Sophia sighed as the boy rushed in front of her, calling back to her as if trying to prove he wasn't as weak and foolish as he seemed. "You don't even know where we're going. Come to think of it, I don't even know your name."

She motioned at the bag that was on her shoulder. "Also, you probably need this." She smiled out of amusement.

@XTrump_CardX @Veno
@HuntedFox @Lost @StriderBro


 Akita and Kiko follow Galen upstairs stopping just behind him. Akita almost bursts out laughing at the sight of his room and the little dragon laying in his bed. Galen.. it looks like you have a dragon problem  she laughs then looks at Orion. She walks a bit closer to him then kneels  What's his name?


Kyle secures Edur in his pocket and head outside. He makes sure to lock up the library and heads to the stables. He walks to a brown and red Drake. Kyle pets him for awhile then starts saddling him. Once he secures the saddle he ties up his satchel and shovel to it. He mounts the drake and clicks with his tongue. The drake takes off at least 20mph and he heads towards Kuna. 

Orion looked up, seeing another dragon, chirping happily. He hopped up, walking over to the other human and rubbing against her leg, scales bristling against her pants. He looked up, giving her a happy little screech

Edur let out a series of excited chirps from inside Kyle's pocket. He was still really excited about what his master had said. They were going to find treasure! Edur shuffled around the coat pocket, unable to keep still. He kept trying to peek his head out but he couldn't find his footing. But he had a feeling they weren't on the ground anymore. 


"Orion," He muttered, defeated laced in his voice. From the way she talked, he was sure she had suspected Orion. Granted, he was never the best liar. His talents included sarcasm and, well... more sarcasm. And even that 'gift' was taken away, as his father forbid him from using it while manning the shop. "Look, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about him. Dragons aren't exactly good for business." And if word got around to father, he'd kill me and Orion both. He added silently.



As Sophia gestured to his bag, Tanis started back over to her. Though it had nothing but some broken egg shell and a small blanket, Tanis was glad that she had picked it up nonetheless. He still had no idea why she wanted to help him, but in his current position and health, who was he to refuse. As it was right now, Tanis still had a lot of doubts. But, he couldn't deny that he was growing to like her more than most people he met.

When he got back to her, Tanis resisted the urge to touch his nose. Instead, he took a hand away from his dragon and accepted the bag from her. There was genuine gratitude in his voice when he thanked her, which was pretty rare for Tanis. After shouldering the backpack, he looked at Sophia and explained where they were going.

"Where we are going is back to my house. I need to pack some clothes because there is no way my brother will let me keep this dragon." And with that, Tanis smiled and turned, walking back the way he had come. A moment later, without looking back, called to her. "As for my name, you can call me Tanis."

@Veno @Ignace
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Tempest // Boise


"Leaving so soon?" Tempest asked the young soldier, a hint of disappointment evident in her voice as she spoke. "You haven't even told me your name yet." She reminded him as she unhurriedly slithered towards him, effectively blocking his path.

The dragoness knew that she was being oddly stubborn in this endeavor of hers, more so than she usually was, but she couldn't quite help herself. This human had piqued her interest in the few minutes they had encountered each other, an outstanding feat for one so young. Even her Master had been in his late-twenties when she had met him, and even though she was just a hatchling at the time, barely past her fifties, she understood much of the world of the world around her. She found it a bit strange to be so attached to a man she had only just met, but perhaps that was just her age getting to her. She supposed it wasn't too weird to yearn for companionship at this stage of life, even if it was only for a few more minutes.

@Jarkov Malachai
@StriderBro @Lost @HuntedFox


Orion.. Fitting.  Akita scratches Orion on the back  I understand. I won't tell anyone.. I can bring over some items that'll help him feel comfortable and your stuff safe.. she smiles. Well.. What's left of your stuff.

Kiko notices Orion's distaste of what was being said. She walks over to Orion to sit next to him. She hums a peaceful tune to calm Orion. 

Akita looks back up at Galen. You know you can trust me and I'll help you with Orion and I won't let anyone hurt him.. her eyes soften to him.. She hated that people would hurt a hatchling like Orion just because they were afraid or didn't understand them. I promise..


After awhile they reached the Old War Cemetery in Kuna. Kyle hops off the Drake and unloads his tools. He takes Edur out of his pocket and puts his little pads on to protect his feet and so he wouldn't damage any artifacts while he digged. He sits Edur down in the middle of the cemetery ruins so he'd be easier to keep an eye on. Kyle takes his shovel and starts digging where the ground is softer.
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Koen Raad pauses, one foot in the air as the She-Serpent flowed around him like the stream passes the rock protruding from its surface, graceful and effortless from his perspective. He lets out a soft sigh, after all today had been going waaaay too decently for the normal and having this encounter which so far had not caused him to either be eviscerated or set on fire would surely end as such. From either the Dragoness herself or... if any of the Iron Legion spotted him. Specifically Captain Kyridian. The Soldier places his foot down with a shudder at the thought of facing the IronClad in the ring and frowns as the Dragoness speaks of his leaving bringing him back into the present. That frown deepens when she inquires after his own name.

Raising an eyebrow which gave his face a quirky appearance considering that said eyebrow all but vanished up into the mess of hair that was pushed down and out by his Wool Skullcap. He had not told her his name? Well the Female dragon had not offered hers either by way of introduction so how was he supposed to know she wished his name? Why would she want his name unless this was her idea of either playing with food or just sheer boredom. The Young Soldier could not tell, no matter how hard he stared at those vibrant orbs. Focused as they were he simply was not familiar enough with dragonkind to read them from their eyes. Rage and hate, bloodlust he could read well enough having opt enough experience with those emotions. Luckily for him he read none of those in the lovely creature before him. 'Course that only made him more suspicious. His damn hand itching up a storm to try and catch her coils upon this next sheet of blank paper. He had just the green dye to capture that spark- Damnit!

Shaking his head Koen Raad stares at the beast before him once more and with a coughing start managed to speak.
"I?" He echoed in a deep rasping tone. "I.... am Koen Raad..." The Young Soldier pauses before nodding his head respectfully. "Lady of the Skies."
A little voice in the back of Koen Raads head was screaming this was a terrible idea. Names had power and he had offered his to a creature of whom it was his job more or less to hunt down. Well... not hunt dragons specifically but they definitely made the most money from said venture.

@Maiza Avaro
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Kara did not resist being picked up by Tanis, she had gotten into quite enough trouble for today, and had really experienced the punishment for doing so, as she now had a bruised side from having been kicked- it shouldnt take too long for that to heal though.

The small dragon purred out quietly with a small squeak as she snuggled into the mans arms, shaking and readjusting her wings a little as she burrowed her head into his body and laid down in his arms, her tail hanging down contently, with her ears laid back in a relaxed position.

Kara glanced up to him with her bright eyes as he spoke to the girl, 'Tanis...?' The hatchling thought to herself quietly, being so young, she obviously wouldn't understand everything Tanis is saying, which is also one of the reasons why she couldnt speak with him yet, however she was smart enough to understand that he was introducing himself. She let out a soft sigh and lowered her head back down while closing her eyes for a moment, Kara was exhausted, and for good reason. 

@XTrump_CardX @Ignace

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