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Fantasy Land of the dragon


Tanis had just finished closing up his bag when Kara burst into the room. He stared stupidly as she started biting his brother. It was almost too much to believe. I'm starting to like this dragon more and more. With that thought, Tanis shouldered his bag, scooped up Kara, and ran out of his bedroom. He knew his brother would be getting up soon, the punch only enough to stun him. Kara squirmed in his arms, chirping quite loudly. He glanced down at her, speaking in a calm, if not rushed, tone. "Be still little one. We're almost out of it."

Tanis reached the door and hit it with his shoulder. It burst open, banging hard against the house. He stopped short, almost coming into contact with Sophia. His face was inches from hers and he raised an eyebrow, flashing his teeth. Her face didn't look so pleased. It showed mainly surprise with a dash of anger and a touch of worry. "Deja Vu, huh?" Tanis spoke while he brushed past her, turning to add, "May I suggest we run?"

@Veno @Ignace
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Kara squirmed and chirped loudly as she was picked up by Tanis, as she was still sot of in 'defensive' mode and was quite set on giving that man some trouble for hurting her friend... Of course, if Tanis were to leave her to do that, she probably would have been stepped on, or kicked and easily defeated. Hearing Tanis's calm, soft voice, her head turned a bit as she focused her big, bright eyes up to him, her head tilting a bit as she chirped out quietly, after a few moments she shook her wings a bit and purred quietly, her calm tone seeming to calm her down, and tell her that everything was alright. 

The adorable little dragon snuggled up into his arms, but still watched the house that his brother was in warily as her body vibrated a bit as she purred comfortably, her ears perked up. 

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OOC(Sorry I've been horrible at being on. Luckily I don't work after today until Tuesday. So ill be able to post tonight and then on for sure)

(Yay!!! It's okay. ^,^ Life comes before... the other life? 0-o Oh... wait.... I think the word is RPNation..... .......... Nah. It's other life.)
Name: Tartarus

Age: Juvenile, 161 years

Gender: Male

Tribe: Somewhere between Boise and Meridian

Behavior: Stubborn, Doesn't trust anybody

Human master: A group of men and women that capture, and force dragons into fighting for their cause

Species: Wyvern

Power: Ice

Mate: N/A

Eggs: N/A

The shadows shifted about the area, flickering menacingly within the light of the fires. The savages had finally moved their "base of operations" into a clearing far closer to the towns than the last had been. Sure moving the dragons was an absolute hassle, but in the end, they all knew it would be worth it. They were well out of sight from any known path leading between Boise and Meridian, where they could prepare with ease for the coming uprising. Nearly everybody was busy fulfilling their role in this little game they played. Some carried supplies around and organized the new camp grounds, while others planned their next move.

Another group was to stand guard and watch over the dragons, and that they did. Wielding some interesting weapons that they had scavenged before the war had torn the world apart, they stood guard, punishing any dragon who tried anything that wasn't tolerated. Tartarus stood calmly, a dragon-grade muzzle around his snout, chains tying down his massive wings, and his ankles and tail were also chained. The people there knew he was capable of creating small waves of cold energy if he felt like it, so they found an effective way to sedate him with a mixture of herbs, so he wasn't able to get the chance. They re-sedated him once every few hours, a short time before the previous bout wore off.

Tartarus grumbled lightly. The whole area seemed to be a bit blurry, and it made him rather tired. Whenever those things spoke, it was slurred, and seemed to echo all over, bouncing everywhere.
Yeah :\ I mean, us five, and whoever else is still alive, could start it back up? Err, Just forget about the other characters/pretend our characters didnt interact with them or pretend they ended up walking off? Or we could force a small time skip if you guys still want this rp to continue?

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