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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Willow gently pulled the amulet off of the birds neck. 'Better?' She asked Shina hopefully. 'If this works then maybe i can fix them too' She thinks to herself whle looking over at Enki and the half cow half fox creature. "Ebby i dont think the bird is going to land in your hair.." She say to her friend, still wondering why the tree has not responded and where Jay could be.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Momo Mix @Lotusy @sitanomoto
(Well that was a short curse duration ... a bit boring but meh)

The second the amulet was removed, a flood of memories flashed into Shina's mind. She yelped, er chirped, and fell onto the ground, hands covering her head as a major headache kicked in. A second later, the pain was gone and Shina's memory returned. She looked up gratefully at Willow, "Thank you, Willow. That amulet seemed to block my memories of the past few days. Taking it off returned my memories."

She flapped her wings and flew back up in the air, finally realizing how strange the gathering before her was. "Um ... what ... happened to your hands? And ... everyone around here?" She stared at the fox, struggling to keep her laughter in as she saw the cow tail poking out of his behind.

@OceanBunny @sitanomoto @metalcity @Momo Mix @Lotusy
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"Wait....." Kino said as his ears turned into cow ears and he got a black splotch of fur over his left eye. "What's.... What's going on?" He looked Willow up and down as his belly began to turn pink. "You're.... Turning into.... A crab...?
'Well Ebby woke up blind, We found Enki on the way here, Nyx turned into a kitten from drinking my blood after you... Well anyway, I picked up a pearl and now seem to be turning into a crab, Im not sure with the fox but i think it might be from that cowbell.' Willow explained to Shina as another pair of arms began to grow from her sides. "I think we need to find a way to break this pearl before i really become a crab." She sighs. 'Maybe if i freeze it and then we smash it?' Miyuki offers creeping towards the cow/fox with hungry eyes.

(beware the frost leopard
@sitanomoto) @PhoenixFire13 @Momo Mix @metalcity
Shina stared at the kitten with the sunglasses. He had started to scratch the collar around his neck. Slightly confused, she tilted her head a bit to look at his neck. She saw a cat collar and everything fitted into place. The cat collar might be the reason he's a cat! Maybe he's actually a human! I'll help him take it off.

She flew over to the kitten and landed on his chest since he was on his back. She began to peck at the collar, getting a piece of it in her beak. She tugged, making sure the collar was tight between her beak and began to fly upwards, struggling to pull the collar overoff the kitten's head.

@metalcity @OceanBunny @Lotusy @sitanomoto @Momo Mix
Enki meowed his last meow as the collar was lifted. He started to grow to his normal size. He sighed happily "could you have not done that sooner!" Enki shouted as he approached Willow before asking "why is it so cold?" Then he looked down to see it all hanging. He blushed as he covered his genitalia and started to sweat.

@OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13 @sitanomoto @Momo Mix
Willow went bright red as Enki approached her. Spinning around she quickly grew some small vines and moss. She wove them together into a makeshift pair of shorts. "Here." She said offering thrm to him without turning around.

Seraph walked into school now as a male, for an unknown reason. Though she seemed pretty calm about it, it didn't seem life threatening for now, hopefully she could get some sort of explanation from someone. Please. She threw her bag over her shoulder and let out a sigh, walking down the hall.

"Was it because of the demon? Was this the side effect? She wondered if other Students had been turned into the opposite gender as well."
OceanBunny said:
'Well Ebby woke up blind, We found Enki on the way here, Nyx turned into a kitten from drinking my blood after you... Well anyway, I picked up a pearl and now seem to be turning into a crab, Im not sure with the fox but i think it might be from that cowbell.' Willow explained to Shina as another pair of arms began to grow from her sides. "I think we need to find a way to break this pearl before i really become a crab." She sighs. 'Maybe if i freeze it and then we smash it?' Miyuki offers creeping towards the cow/fox with hungry eyes.
(beware the frost leopard
@sitanomoto) @PhoenixFire13 @Momo Mix @metalcity
"OH MY GOSH IM TURNING INTO A COW!!!!" Kino looked at himself and he let out a small startled "moo". He was now fully "cowed up". He looked between his legs slowly and then reared up on his tiny cow legs in terror " IM A GIRL!!!!!!" he cried out. He began running in a small circle in panic. "No no no no no!!!!"
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(I'll log off after this post =w= Much embarrassing scenes in this event)

Shina blushed even redder than her plumage when the kitten began to change into a.. a... a... a naked boy. She covered her eyes with her wings, trying to resist the urge to pinch herself to rid her mind of the image her eyes just saw. U-u-u-u-u-um... I-I-I-I saw nothing!!! She sent a silent thought of gratitude to Willow when she thought quickly and made him some makeshift clothes.

Then she realized the boy was Enki. She began to tear up again, backing up as if increasing distance between them could make their reunion less painful. E-Enki ... It's too soon... I wasn't suppose to meet you guys yet... She turned toward Willow, trying not to have her tears fall. Don't tell him. Please, he can't know. I can't return to his side yet. I'm sorry... I miss you two but ... I can't ... Unable to hold her tears back anymore, she turned away from them and flew off toward a nearby tree, landing on one of its branches.

Really, she didn't want to stay in the gloomy mood but it was even harder to keep herself from giggling when she saw the fox finally realize that he had turned into a cow. She covered her face with her wings, trying not to crying and laugh at the same time.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy @sitanomoto @Momo Mix
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((@OceanBunny I fixed it))

Kino kept running around in a startled circle, emitting a small "moo" every now and then. He slowed down and then collapsed in a tiny, heavily breathing heap. "Oh moo- I mean, my gosh....." He said, then began to panic. "SOMEBODY GET THIS THING OFF OF ME NOW PLEASE!!!" he stood and began running in the panicked circle again. "Ohmigoshohmigoshomigosh!!!!"
'It's okay Shina, I wont tell anyone.. We miss you though.' Willows voice was sad as it entered Shina's mind. Turning back to the others she smiled at Miyuki and set the pearl on the ground. "I think freezing it just might work Miyuki." She smiled at her leopard. "If you could try to break it with your hoof that;ll help, then i'll get that bell off you." She used a soothing tone to try to calm the cow down as Miyuki froze the pearl.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Lotusy @sitanomoto @Momo Mix @Yanire
Seraph heard shouting, a lot of it, and other sounds. She went in that direction, maybe it was something to do with what was going on with her, she did in the end find them, a group of the kids that were fighting the Demon. And a cow. What the heck, why was there a Cow? She scratched the back of her head, noticing that her ponytail was also missing, meaning her hair was short. She hoped that would grow back if she ever turned back.
Kino slowed down and trotted to a stop. He looked at the pearl. "I'd..... Be..... Happy to...." He panted. His little tail swished in agitation. "OK.... Here goes," he raised a hoof and then brought it down hard on the pearl....... (Dunno if it'll break)
Amy approached the group after seeing that they were suffering some...er... Oddities as well. Her hooves clopped to a stop about five feet from the group. As she stood there, watching the cow-person run around in circles, she Quietly asked, "what's going on?" The fear was evident in her tone, and she searched their faces for an answer. @OceanBunny @sitanomoto @Lotusy @metalcity @Momo Mix
As the cows hoof came down on the frozen pearl there was a loud crack, then the pearl shattered. Willow smiled as her extra arms vanished and her hands went back to normal. "Now for you, then we can find a way to get Ebby's sight back." Willow smiled as she pulled the cowbell off the boys neck. "Hello there, are you a cursed student too?" Willow asked the mule.

@LonelyAssassin @metalcity @Yanire
Enki grabbed the clothes and put them on quickly. He sighed happily before checking his glasses. Then after seeing everything was beginning to be ok. He started to leave the group and headed to the tree he was just at.

@OceanBunny @Momo Mix @sitanomoto (@PhoenixFire13 if u want to be on the tree Enki is at, it's ur chose. Could be intresting to read)
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Kino's ears and tail immediately went fox white and fluffy and he sighed in content. "Thanks...." He said. "Who cursed us?" He asked as his udder disappeared, which was an UDDER relief to him, and his hooves turned back into paws. "Seriously.... Is this all?!?! Am I going to be stuck as a cow-fox mutant for the rest of the day?!?" He sighed. "Well, at least the udder is gone." He said.
Seraph was surprised to see that the Cow turned back into a White Fox, a white fox that she recognised, she smiled to herself and was about to go over. But thought against it, she went sad and a small blush crossed her face, she was a guy now, probably unrecognisable, she needed to find something to cure her and quick. Though it was strange, random things were happening to students, like the cow lark, she was just glad that Kino fixed it.

She quickly walked off before she could be seen. @sitanomoto

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