• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Lake Nights


Mother of Tiny Lions

Near the Lake House:
-Abandoned House across the street, a bunch of KEEP OUT signs.
-Play Ground also across the street, but not like super close. It looks kind of like the wood is rotting, so... yeah
-Lots of trails, but be careful for wild animals
-Gas Station up the road, like less than a mile
-Denny's on the opposite side of the road from the gas station
-Lake houses spanning around the Lake, most seem to be currently occupied

Keep in mind you will have to room up with at least one other person
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Arietta Palma



Status || Unloading her shit
Location || Lake House - Outside
Mentioned || N/A
Aries pulled up to the Lake house, stepping out of her car and breathing in the fresh air. She had gotten up at the crack of dawn that morning to get to the beach house by lunch time, considering the drive took about five hours. Well, 7 wasn't really the crack of dawn, but it was too damn early for her for summer break. But she had gotten some McDonalds coffee and breakfast which had been a major life saver. She popped some gum in her mouth to fight coffee breath, unloading her stuff from her car. She had overpacked as always, and had one suitcase, a duffel bag, and three totes. Yes, three.

She sighed, looking at it all. She was totally not in the mood to carry this shit into the house. Slinging the duffel bag over one arm and pulling her suitcase with the other, she made her way up to the house (leaving her other bags behind momentarily). She got the key from under the mat and unlocked the door, feeling a rush of cool air over her. Thank god they had turned on the AC before they had arrived, otherwise the house would no doubt have been a sauna at this point. She pushed her stuff inside, going back for her bags sitting behind her car.

code by Aukanai Aukanai
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Bella needed coffee. Or a drink. Or... a shot of liquor... in the coffee? Smirking to herself at the thought, she pulled her shades down over her eyes, preparing to make the long drive to the lakehouse. She cast a glance back at her house, the smirk sliding from her lips as she recalled the heated argument she'd just left. She was 100% sure that her father was still in there, fuming, probably pacing back and forth in his study with the door completely shut as he blocked out the world. Her mother was probably still at the kitchen table, clutching her tea, staring down into it as she contemplated life.

Already over it, she shook her head and shifted into drive, peeling out of the driveway as one last fuck you to her father. She'd gone home to try and rectify things, since she hadn't seen her parents since the summer before. She had her own place near the college with some roommates, but she tried to at least visit once a year. And things always turned out the same. Deciding that her father's attitude wasn't going to ruin her trip, she reached for the radio dial and twisted it, music blaring out of the speakers.

Bella and her trusty ol' jeep made the trip in record time, and by the time she reached the lake house, all thoughts of her family had disappeared. Spotting a familiar SUV in the driveway, Bella squealed and almost hit the thing as she drifted to a stop. "Whoops." She shrugged, grimacing a bit as she climbed down from her doorless jeep. Turning to look at her three duffel bags in the backseat, she heaved a sigh and reached for them, not wanting to make more than one trip.

As she was walking up to the house, she spotted the SUV owner and paused, offering the girl a tired grin and wave. "Hey! Are we the first ones here?"

Code by apolla apolla


Noah Yu


Noah woke up with a splintering headache, one he had coming from a mile away. The night before he had partied with his friends as a goodbye bash for his little trip down to the lake house. Across the room laid two bags and a little note that read, “You’re gonna be in no mood to pack in the morning so I already packed for you… Sincerely, a sober you from 24 hours ago.”

Giving a quick prayer of thanks, Noah loaded up his bags into his Porsche and started driving to the lake. This last semester had been dreadful for Noah as a pre-med major. Assignments on top of assignments and his friends wanting to play around almost every day were getting tough to manage; even for a social guy like himself. Noah was looking forward to this little vacation away from it all for weeks and now, he couldn't wait to get there. Pressing down on the gas, Noah sped to his destination in only three hours when it should have taken him closer to four hours.

Spotting a convenience store a mile before his destination, Noah pulled over in order to buy several packs of cigarettes and coffee hoping the two would help him get over his hangover. He had tried to end his dependency on the combination of the two items several times but he just couldn't seem to have the willpower to finally quit for good.

Arriving at the lakehouse, Noah got out of his car and looked across the lake and sighed. Getting out of the car he saw Bella and another girl he didn't know.

“Hey! What’s popping guys?” he called trying his best to be cheerful and ignoring the searing pain of his hangover. He took out his bags and a case of beer from out of his trunk with a great big smile.

Ariana ended up getting up later than she had expected. Luckily she packed a day early, unluckily she ended up getting held up a little in traffic. She see's that she is near the lake house.
She pulled up in her black Mercedes, as she got out, she realizes that she didn't want to carry her bags in. She brought her six tote bags all containing her clothes, make up, shoes and a small bag containing actual camp gear. "Ugh.." She tries to carry her bags in but to no avail. "Could anyone help me? I know someone see's me struggling here!" She said, annoyed.​
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Lila absentmindedly munched on some potato chips as she drove, the music so loud the entire car was shaking. The day had proven to be sunny, warm and overall beautiful so she kept the windows down and enjoyed the feeling of the wind in her hair. At the rate she was driving she would make it to the lake house about an hour and a half earlier than the GPS predicted.

Just a few hours earlier she had said goodbye to her family. They were all disappointed she wouldn’t be spending her vacation with them but the last few weeks of the semester had been difficult and stressful, to say the least. It seemed like the closer she was to graduating and receiving her degree, the harder everything became, which was exactly why she was ready to escape her dreadful reality for a few weeks.

It wasn’t long before she finally reached the road that led to the lake house. She parked her Lexus as close to the front door as she could, unwilling to carry all of her bags down the entire length of the driveway. She exited, fished around in the back seat for her belongings, and somehow managed to fit all five of her bags on her two arms. Her bags were heavy, digging into the skin on her forearms, but she had packed everything from her clothes to her favorite books, including a few bottles of alcohol she planned on drinking very soon. She hurried towards the front door, taking notice of the three other cars that were already parked. She immediately recognized Bella’s jeep, considering it had no doors, and Aries’ car with some of her bags still left behind.

Excitement bubbled in Lila’s stomach and her lips curled into a smile as she caught sight of the two girls. She scurried over towards Aries and greeted her with a hug that was slightly uncomfortable considering her bags got in the way, but she was still happy to see her friend. She gave Bella a warm smile that lit up her eyes.When she saw him, she nodded in the direction of Noah. She hadn’t known he was coming, but it explained the third car she failed to recognize. She pushed her feelings to the side and gave him a smile just as warm. “Hi!”

outfit: pink short-sleeve blouse, shorts, silver sandals
mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra apolla apolla Teacup Cat Teacup Cat
interaction: Bella, Noah, Aries

coding by: diaphanous
"Shiiiiit." Elijah frantically shoved his hair out of his eyes as wind from the newly open window blew it over his face. Clamping his lips down around his cigarette and using his newly freed hand to pull his hair back into a messy ponytail, he squinted through the smoke in his eyes at his GPS. "Shit!" Wrenching the steering wheel, he drifted across the lanes to narrowly make his exit. His beat up truck whined in protest over the deafening metal music coming from his speakers. Despite his minor setbacks Elijah felt better than he had in weeks. Months of cleaning dishes and getting screamed at by the coked out cook at the latest in his string of minimum wage jobs had been worth it for this. A week of nothing but partying. His usual morning blunt had been supplemented with adderall to keep him road worthy and his entire body was humming with excitement as he drew closer to the lake house.

This excitement doubled when he screeched to a stop in the driveway and found Aries and Bella as well as a few other vaguely familiar faces. He hopped out of the car, grabbing a worn canvas duffel bag stuffed with a few articles of clothing and enough assorted substances to keep him barely conscious for the week. He gawked at the lake house for a second before jogging up the the loose cluster of people. "Y'all ready to get weird? Cuz I'm gonna get hella weird."

Clara P. Ray
Mentions: Everyone
The sound of a phone alarm echoed through her room, a small hand reached out from underneath blankets and pillows toppled over the girl as she moaned about it being so early. A sigh followed as she pulled her mobile into her little den. The blinding light made her eyes squint to the point where they were basically closed. Clara gazed at the notifications she had the from the night before; missed calls, texts, Twitter and instagram. They were all there, but she was really only looking for one name. The past few months had been rocky for her and Jack. She loved him, but the relationship had been fading, it was more for show than anything and even Clara didn’t understand why they continued.

Getting herself up and ready she vouched for a large blue flannel shirt and a pair of high waisted skinny jeans. Of course timberland boots where the final touch to her outfit before she grabbed her keys and bags. Without saying good bye to her mother she got into her mustang and drove off. Some goodbyes were better left unsaid and this was one of them. After the lake house, Clara was planning on moving to her new apartment closer to the town with her new job, her mother wasn’t happy about it and Clara wasn’t going to have the argument again.

Once she reached her desired location she parked up pulling out her bag and just stared at the lake. It was beautiful, somewhere she’d always wanted to go and finally she was here. Clara could hear voices pretty near but didn’t want to disturb them. She was in a world of her own at this point and just wandered down to the lake. Turning her head she waved at them all but didn’t go to say hi, she just wanted to be in the moment.
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Alicia Shepard


"So yeah, Leesh here, SUMMER BABYYYYYYY!!!! So glad to be out of school and relaxing! Two things: Swimming is NOT fun when it's under scholarship and NCAA rules. Annnnnd Biochemistry SOUNDS good, but is only reserved for those who either wants to become a mad scientist or some sort of useful mind when the zombie apocalypse breaks out!"

Alicia ends her snapchat video, filled to the brim with absolute excitement and joy. She lets the wind flow through her hair as her glasses protect her from the golden blanket of heat up above. Her red snapback with her collegiate mascot on it was represented well on her brunette mane, strands of hair ever so gracefully flowing in the wind. She shifts herself back inside of the car, prancing around as she looks over to her close friend Kat. They both played college sports, but Kat had the much tougher posture. Though Alicia played an Olympic sport, she prided herself on training and being able to get into advanced fitness with her jock female friend. Her and Mark were more like siblings that annoyed each other than anything, but deep down they both cherished each other dearly. She looked in the back to a hungover Ezra whom was knocked out the duration of the trip; Kat's brother, and Mark. She whips her phone back out, taking a picture of her and her accomplice Kat in bliss for the summer getaway. She adds the caption 'My bb'. She posts it and then to Instagram. She follows up with one last of the entire car, trying to get everyone in frame for a big picture. A snap and upload later, Alicia reclines in the passenger seat and sinks into relaxation.

Alicia let her hands wave up and down to the current of the wind as the car gets closer and closer to the Lakehouse, no longer than 15-20 minutes now. Leesh texts Aries, or Ares in her terms, to let them know of their impending arrival.

Holaaaaa, we're almost there <3 See ya soon party papi.

"Thanks for letting me ride with up you :P" She says to her partner in crime Kat. Alicia appreciated the little things over much anything else. Everyone could do the same action, but the why and how was what made them who they were. The little things. She takes a sip of her fruit punch, the ice cold splendor sliding down her windpipe. She was genuinely happy. The stresses of college and finals were over and no more for the season. Now was just her, and the great energy of life. Of course she'd prayed before departure, wishing safe travels for everyone on the way to the Lakehouse and that they all may be blessed in fellowship and benevolence. She also knew that there was going to be some wholesome, wild fun too. She was just ready to dance. And swim obviously. Swimming was a passion of hers, the girl grew up in the water her entire life, swimming in the 24 foot end of the pool since 5 years old. But swimming competitively was different. It was more business oriented in college, less about having fun and enjoying the water so much as it was torching your opponent in the water. Her parents were supportive of the trip as well, to be honest they wanted their daughter away from home. They trusted her because Alicia was wayyyy more mature and wise than her age is supposed to be. In some ways more than her parents. Alicia is always open and honest with her folks, especially her madre. They are literally best friends as well, capable of talking about anything. Those who knew Alicia close enough knew her mom was like one of the clique, very cool and despite being old fashioned Italian, was a safe person to be around. Sex and boys were no different than talking about food when it came to Mrs. Shepard.

As they see the lodges and homes come into view Alicia smiles and claps giddy and with zest. She snakes her head from side to side like some 4 year old kid in a toy store. Upon sighting the gas station sign, and some ancient looking playground lands, Alicia knew they had to be here via the descriptions of directions given to her. She spots the Lakehouse, matching the address with the one that was written in her notes on her phone. She points and navigates to the specified house as the vehicle pulls up and slows to a stop, and upon scanning the environment, her eyes locked on a few people in particular. Some girl in a very clean looking black Mercedes struggling with bags, and then Noah and his damn Porsche, someone she considered a friend but not too close. That Porsche was sexy though. He was talking to Bella and Ares, she also sees that her best friend is hugging people, Lila. She knew that Lexus anywhere. Her sister. Her flower. She also saw Clara, aka her Precious. Clara was her Precious indeed, she would constantly do the Lord of The Rings Gollum voice when she said Precious to Ray, just to make sure she knew this fact.There were also a few people she didn't know. Some guy in a truck. In typical Alicia fashion, she gets put of the car and makes a dry humor, corny ass joke.

"Just call me a falling donkey, CAUSE IMA BOUT TO DROP DAT ASS!!!!"

Alicia does a rendition of the silliest curtsey bow you'd ever see, followed by a knee slap and a laugh at her own joke. Did she know it was corny? Duh. Did she care? Nuh. She was ready for the summer. Game on. She grabbed her large foldover case with her clothing and jewelry, and then her Wonder Woman backpack with her laptop, accessories, first aid kit, and a few miscellaneous items in it. Finally, with her free hand she picked up her rolling case with her shoes and heels. She then lets out a hybrid of a scream and a yelp in sight of her friends, her biceps forged as she beasts her luggage and manages to give mutual hugs to everyone she knows. A peck on the cheek to Ares and Bella comes after. Those that she didn't know she gave a nod, a hello, and a genuine smile. After all was said and done she dropped her luggage, and circled back around for Lila, giving her best friend the embrace she deserves. She moans in longevity of missing her best friends, one of those moans after a hard day of work and you finally get to rest on your bed and sleep. Basically a finals week-type moan.

"Missed you boo."

She then makes her way inside the gorgeous Lakehouse, upon view her mouth gaping open followed by a breath of sheer relief. Without a second thought she starts to make her luggage towards a room, leaving the fate up to her best friend Lila to choose a room for them. She leaves her things behind the den sofa so that no one will trip over them and be obstructed by them. While Ares and Lila help sort out the room situation, Alicia's good service heads back outside to help people with luggage and bags, namely the girl in the Mercedes that seemed troubled. She helps the girl with a smile and expected one of the boys to have volunteered already, giving them a look that calls out their chivalry. Alicia introduces herself to the girl, and then moves her bags into the den. After her good deed she stops on the porch, hands on her hips with a smile as the wind brushes past her hair like some slow motion romcom pose. She was taking it all in. The beauty of the lake, the joy on people's faces talking. This was the life.

||MENTIONS|| JustAlexandra JustAlexandra apolla apolla Teacup Cat Teacup Cat _KoKo_ _KoKo_ Reticent Reticent deathworm deathworm Ridge Ridge

code by pasta
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Arietta Palma



Status || Mimosas ?
Location || Lake House - Inside
Mentioned || Everyone. So many people
People showed up to the house quickly after Aries arrived, coming sort of all at once. Bella got there just as Aries was about to pick up her remaining bags. "I think so, considering I just unlocked the doors. Otherwise there are some creepers in the house," Aries said, giving the girl a smile. "But good news - the AC is on!" she cheered.

A boy she didn't know arrived next, but he seemed to know Bella. Before she could say anything though, Ariana, who Aries had completely missed driving in, began complaining about needing help. Aries rolled her eyes, everyone had their own shit to bring in, and she for one definitely did not have any extra arms. Not for the dramatic Ariana, at least. Next was Lila, who gave Aries a somewhat uncomfortable but still appreciated hug. "So glad you're here!" Aries said, her already heightened excitement was getting overwhelming, everyone showing up at once. At this rate there was no doubt this weekend was going to be, well, lit.

Eli pulled in next, easily distinguishable by his hunk of junk truck that Aries was somewhat fond of, considering the drunken nights spent driving around in it. "Hell yes!" Aries squealed, she was sure as fuck ready to "get weird" as Eli had put it. "I have at least two bottles of tequila, and a bottle of Bacardi, by the way," she said, giving the others a sly grin. She was ready to get fucked up already, but lunch time may be too early for tequila. Maybe mimosas?

Clara pulled in next, waving from her car. Aries waved back kindly, but didn't really mind that the girl hadn't come to join the rest. She wasn't too fond of Clara, not that she was ready to fight or anything, but she would also be fine with as little interaction as possible between the two. Aries checked her phone, seeing she had a message from Alicia, only a few moments before the girl pulled up. She grinned at the message. Party Papi. What a genius nickname.

The girl got out of the car, screaming something about donkeys and dropping asses, which cracked Aries up. Alicia was sometimes thought to be a buzz kill because she took care of Aries a lot, and was known to be "religious", which isn't the case. She'd school anyone anyday about the difference between religious and spiritual, so despite Aries full support to Alicias beliefs she tried to stay off the topic. Either way, the girl was a blast and saved Aries more than once. Returning her peck, Aries picked up the rest of her things, turning to the house.

"I don't know about y'all, but it's hot as hell out here. I could use a cool, alcoholic beverage to be honest," she grinned at Belle, knowing she would agree. She walked into the house, throwing her stuff down right inside the door. "Who brought the champagne? I know one of you has it!"

code by Aukanai Aukanai

Excitement practically radiated off of the dark-haired beauty, feeding off of the unbridled joy Alicia always had plenty of. While some might consider the brunette's excited yelling obnoxious, Katia finds it adorable, plus it keeps her from falling asleep at the wheel. The four and a half hour drive has been filled with the swimmer's animated commentary and the obnoxious snores of her brother in the backseat, and the athlete is glad she didn't have to drive almost five hours all by herself.

Driving with one hand rested on the steering wheel, she lazily takes sips from her third coffee of the morning. Every time one cup ran out she had to make a quick detour to grab another and run a quick lap around the gas station to relieve the cramping driving had caused. She hoped there would be a volleyball net up at the lakehouse, her lucky volleyball had made its way into her duffel bag out of hope she could get some kind of workout in while on vacation.

They finally pulled off the freeway, cruising through a scenic little trail with a few small towns scattered throughout. Curiously looking down at the GPS, she was ecstatic to see that they would arrive within the next fifteen minutes. Reaching for the nearest object, an empty water bottle, she chucked it in the backseat towards her sleeping brother.

"Wakey wakey! We're almost there." She yelled a little louder than necessary, taking small pleasure in the pained groan that escaped him. Her idiot of a brother had gone to a party last night across town, and by the time they were ready to leave he still hadn't come home. Not caring whether he'd finished packing or not, she'd grabbed his bags and thrown them in the truck before finding him passed out on the lawn of the house where the party had been held. Needless to say, she wasn't particularly pleased with him.

Gravel crunched under the wheels of her Mustang convertible as she pulled to a slow stop at the edge of the long driveway, eagerly hopping out to stretch her toned legs. While Katia doesn't particularly know Aries well enough to be directly invited, the blonde was partner's in crime with her twin brother, and besides all of her friends were going.

"Oh my god, you're not even drunk yet." Katia groaned before bursting out into laughter at her friend's shenanigans, always the hyper one. Quickly unloading her several bags and suitcases, she huffs her way towards the group, looking around for her best friend, Marley. Unfortunately, the brunette is nowhere in sight, and Kat decides she'll text her once she's set down all her luggage.

"Hey guys! I hope you're as ready to get lit as I am!" Her friendly nature means everyone gets a one-arm hugged around all the luggage, thanking Aries for inviting her. The lakehouse is beautiful, much larger than she had expected. Upon entering, she throws her luggage into a room with a window that faces the crystal clear lake and claims it for herself and Marley.

Returning downstairs, she finds Alicia gazing out the front door with a dreamy look on her face. "This is going to be the best vacation ever."


Ezra is fast asleep when a small, plastic object hits him square in the nose. Grunting in annoyance at being woken up and being hit with a water bottle, he mutters a slew of obscenities at his twin. Luckily, it seems he's slept through the entire ride and doesn't have to deal with her lecturing him for being irresponsible or whatever.

The sunlight is blinding and he feels as if his brain is going to explode, hurriedly finding his sunglasses and covering his sore pupils. Partying til 5 a.m. had seemed like a great way to kick off his week-long vacation until the hangover kicked it. He felt like he was going to die, there was no way he could survive a week of binge drinking. Then again, drinkinghimselff to death wasn't a bad way to go.

As they rolled into the driveway, he recognized several pretty faces he wouldn't mind sharing a room with. The were several other unfamiliar faces as well, and one he wasn't too fond of. He and Elijah had almost gotten into several drunken brawls, though there was no real reason for Ezra not to like him, he just didn't.

"Did someone say alcohol?" He asked, greeting his best friend with a tight hug. Aries and alcohol were surely the only way to solve his problems, hangover included. They had a rather strange relationship he supposed, perfectly content hooking up and perfectly happy when the other was in a relationship. She was too much fun not to be around, and she'd learned or been there for all of the messed up things he'd done.​

Clara P. Ray
Mentions: a z u l a a z u l a OppositeInverse OppositeInverse Teacup Cat Teacup Cat
Watching the water ripple of taken time Clara finally snapped out of her day dream before her head tilted hearing more people turn up. Some she knew for the worse of reasons and some she knew for the best of them. Taking a breath she whipped her hair round in normal Clara fashion before walking her way up to the house. Her gaze settled on a few but as she passed Ezra hugging Aries her eyes caught his and she grinned before passing on. Ezra had tried a few Rome’s before but Clara had always said no, with the way things were going she could run into his arms depending on her relationship. There was no guilt from her teasing looking as she passed by.

Another person had shown up before her. She wasn’t sure of his name and wasn’t going to stop to ask, but when she heard the voice of Alicia she ran over giving her a peck on the cheek.
“How’s my beautiful girl today?” Clara winked before turning on her heels. Her eyes met Noah’s and before you know it she ran up to him, hugging him tighter than ever.
“The other prince in my life is here!” She giggles to herself. There was still no shame from her making a commotion in the middle of everyone, unfortunately it was just how Clara was.

Jackson Blake
Location: Outside of the Lake House
Mentions: Ridge Ridge _KoKo_ _KoKo_
Interactions: _KoKo_ _KoKo_
For the first time in practically ever, Jackson had made a pretty big mistake. Though it didn’t relate to his relationship at all. Or it did because if he didn’t get to that Lake House soon enough, he’d definitely be having a few relatively major issues. Jax has forgotten to actually set his alarm clock. Though he did assume it was because he’d been so busy with packing and making sure he had enough sleep for the drive, now it’d just take him even longer to get there. He probably wouldn’t be making too many stops on the way, so maybe it wouldn’t kill his already planned out routine.

Jax had been staying in his own apartment for a while since he’d refused to go back home. He didn’t really want to deal with his family for a while; not that he would actually tell anyone that. But this meant he didn’t have any breakfast waiting for him once he’d taken a shower and gotten dressed. Instead, he grabbed his bag and a box of cereal and left to get to his car. A beat up, old Jeep. His favorite. He actually cherished it, even if it wasn’t as good as it used to be.

The ride to the Lake House was uneventful. Sort of. Jax drove, only making one stop at a gas station for some snacks and a refill for the car. Though he had been pretty settled on a box of Cap’n’Crunch, something more fulfilling wouldn’t kill him at all. Which meant he had a bag of chips and a soda. Lovely.

Jax finally pulled up to the house, under the assumption that he was in the right place based on the surrounding cars. Ya know, and it was a Lake House. “Isn’t this just great.” Jax said under his breath, hopping out of the car and grabbing his duffel bag. Yeah, he didn’t really pack things in suitcases. Shrugging his shoulders, Jax made his way towards the house, taking a glance towards Ariana and shaking his head. He felt the need to help her, but he also preferred heading inside. Though he reluctantly made his way over to Ariana, helping her lift her bags. His wasn’t heavy, anyways, it didn’t matter. Jax was just that generous.

It wouldn’t hurt to say hello to everyone just a little later.
Mentions: OppositeInverse OppositeInverse Ridge Ridge CosmicBoii CosmicBoii
Interaction: CosmicBoii CosmicBoii
As Ariana was struggling to get her bags out, a couple people came to help her. One was a girl she didn’t know, the other was Jax. “Thanks for helping me, Golden Boy.” She teased. She was confused on how he could remain his perfect image for so long, does he love or does he hate it. She’ll probably never know. She ended up getting her smaller bags while he carried her larger ones. “How’s you and your girl?” She asked, in a attempt to make small talk. Even though, she doesn’t necessarily like his girlfriend, she was just curious about their relationship. Their friendship was still on the rocks but she truly still cares about him and his well-being.
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Noah Yu


Noah made sure Clara didn't fall by wrapping one arm around her and grunted when the girl charged at him without a single care in the world. "Hold on princess," he said trying his best to look stern and failing miserably, "Other prince? I thought we were mega best friends?" He let her go and grinned from ear to ear; Clara was one of the many people he knew that was coming on this trip but she was still one of his best friends by far. A title that was coveted by most.

The sudden influx of people caught him off guard. He looked over at Lila and gave her a nod as to say 'hi'. She seemed so familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it. Maybe he met her at a bar or something? Anyways, he had this entire trip to get to know her.

Doing his best, he tried to smile and wave like a bloody queen at everyone until he couldn't handle his hangover anymore. Pulling put a beer, he cracked it open and drink it in a second.

"Ah... Sweet relief" he muttered pulling out a cigarette. He had told himself he wouldn't smoke in front of people but it seemed like that was not an option for the entire vacation.

Ridge Ridge apolla apolla JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Reticent Reticent CosmicBoii CosmicBoii _KoKo_ _KoKo_ a z u l a a z u l a OppositeInverse OppositeInverse

stormie black

|| location // entrance || mood // cool || currently //judging everyone |
| with // everyone, but no one specifically ||

Stormie sighed quietly, closing his black-lined eyes as he tossed a final suitcase into the empty passenger seat of his glossy black Corvette. The car was beautiful, but it had been bought for him with money from his father's life insurance, and a part of him always felt guilty for being proud of it.

That didn't matter now, though.

Today was supposed to be about making up for what he'd missed through all those years of been locked away from the world. With one last backward glance at his apartment, the emo drove away.

He could barely hear his own thoughts over the deafening chorus of metalcore blasting from the car's stereo, and that's exactly how he liked it. Stormie wasn't particularly excited about spending the summer with so many strangers, but he'd given the entire thing a chance anyway while feeling particularly reckless. Overthinking would not help the situation.

The distance went by all too quickly. Following the directions of his GPS, he turned onto a rather rustic-looking street before coming to a stop in front of his destination.

If there was a silver lining in all of this, it was the abandoned building that loomed from across the street. Stormie loved nothing more than sneaking into such places, and found the decaying structures oddly peaceful. He would definitely make a point of checking this one out.

"At least I have a place to hide while they're all getting drunk," he mumbled under his breath, guiding the Corvette into one of the remaining parking spots. Judging from the number of other cars, he wasn't even close to alone.


Slamming the door a little harder than necessary, Stormie gathered up his stuff and began carrying it toward the lake house. Luckily, he'd only brought three suitcases and all of them were rather small.

With his hair falling over his face in a mess of black, Stormie walked in without any greetings or fanfare. He didn't immediately recognize anyone, nor did he really care to. They were loud and boisterous and he assumed either drunk or on their way to being so.

Rolling his eyes, he offered the group a rather unenthusiastic "hello" before setting down his bags and taking in the entire scene before him.​

code by spookie spookie

James Corsair



Status || Dying from exhaustion
Location || Lake House - Driveway
Mentioned || taliaangeni taliaangeni
The sound of loud mechanical clicking noises was the only thing that could be heard on the otherwise silent bus. Every new person that got on did a double take when they first saw it, thinking their eyes were playing tricks on them. It looked like someone had been living on the bus but it was just one lonely nerd. James had turned the bus into his own personal computer room. Plugged into the socket of the bus was an extension cord feeding power to a full sized computer and monitor. Even when traveling the idea of not playing video games was foreign to Jim. He was sitting on the aisle seat and his laptop was reserving the seat next to him. The nerd was using his phone's mobile hotspot to provide him with internet and as far as he was concerned this was the life. He was so absorbed in his gaming he didn't even realize that the bus was running incredibly behind schedule. When he finally glanced at the time he sighed. Miles would probably be mad. He was the only reason Jim had agreed to go to this stupid vacation in the first place. Being in a house with a bunch of strangers and even worse...

Jim noticed a girl was glancing at him and he turned away immediately, his face going pale. Girls. The gynophobic busied himself with video games so he didn't even have to think about it. James picked up his phone, which was also plugged in, and sent his best friend a quick text to let him know that he hadn't chickened out. Hey, I'm on my way the bus driver is just driving super slow. But on the bright side I've gotten in like four hours of League. James threw his phone back into the seat beside his laptop and cracked his fingers before going back to his game.

When the bus finally rolled to a stop in front of the lakehouse James didn't even notice. The bus driver started yelling at him and it was a group effort for everyone to get his attention. James apologized and began unpacking. A process which took at least ten minutes. When he had finally gathered all his cords and shoved his mouse and keyboard into his bag James got off the bus. The driver slammed the door behind the nerd causing Jim to jump in surprise. By the time he turned around to look at the driver and say something the man was already speeding away. He was no doubt glad to be rid of the parasite that had been stealing all the power for the past however many hours.

Jim turned back around and noticed with a groan that the driver had left him at the very beginning of the driveway. The noodle armed nerd would have to carry all of his crap from here to the house. He scanned the cars that littered the driveway and realized that Miles wasn't even here yet. Or at least if he was he hadn't driven. Jim pulled out his phone and began texting Miles with all the fury he could muster. Are you serious!? I got here before you!? What am I even supposed to do now!? I'm gonna have to go in there and talk to all these strangers that don't even know me and there's gonna be girls...MILES GET HERE ASAP. RIGHT NOW. It was not unusual for the nerd to rant to Miles over text since he didn't like talking on the phone. That was even a short one for the situation but Jim was growing worries. It wasn't good for his computer and laptop to just be sitting out in the open like this. That was more important than how awkward he felt about the whole situation. He had his priorities in check.

So it was that the nerd began his trail of tears, dragging all of his crap up the driveway. All of the cars looked insanely expensive and he was glad he decided not to bring his old beater. How did these people even afford these cars? He shook his head free of the thought, beginning to sweat even though he'd maybe only made it five feet. "This is impossible!" He cursed to no one in particular. The idea of having not brought his computer in the first place didn't even enter into his mind. Jim trekked on while ignoring the burning sensation in his arms. Every step took incredible amounts of stamina out of him and he was often taking breaks, staring up at the house like he was trying to climb mount Olympus. "Freaking Miles not freaking being here on time freaking jerk I'm gonna hit him..."

The nerd finally gave up, accepting his fate. He was no miracle worker. Besides it was hot out here, how did people live like this? He collapsed on his back, arms and legs spread out like he was just waiting to die. The gravel was doing little to help him but at least his legs and arms weren't screaming at him to stop trying anymore. The nerd stared up at the sun panting and sweating, waiting for Miles to come take his crap for him.

code by Aukanai Aukanai
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Mark was ready to get the hell out of this car. Riding with Alicia, Kat, and Ezra wasn't bad, not at all. Ezra slept most of the way, the poor bloke had a hangover or something. Alicia spent alot of time on her phone, and Kat drove decently enough that Mark wasn't petrified that they were gonna die. He played games on his phone, sang along to the radio, and inserted himself into alot of Alicia's snapchat videos to keep himself-- and the others-- entertained.

"Are we there yet?" He began whining when they were about ten minutes away, though the teasing look in his eye gave him away. He tapped his fingers on his legs, bouncing said legs up and down. Mark was the type where he needed to be moving or doing something; long car rides were not for him. They reached the lakehouse, finally, and he was the first to fling his door open and hop out. Alicia followed shortly after, making her announcement that made him laugh. She was a pretty awesome girl, he looked at her like one of his little sisters.

"The party has arrived!" He bellowed out, grabbing his two bags from the trunk and heading around to the front of the car. Glancing back at Kat and Alicia, he nodded towards the trunk. "Let me know if either of you need help, mkay?" Then he spun back around, facing everyone else who was just arriving or heading up to the house. He spotted Bella with her purple hair, grinning and waving to her like a maniac. She was near Aries, and though the two of them didn't see eye to eye, his smile didn't waver.

There weren't too many people in the world he didn't get along with. Though he wanted to socialize, he also wanted to be able to toss his shit down. So he yelled hellos to people as he passed, heading up the walk to the house. Once inside the cool AC, he breathed a sigh of relief and glanced around. Stormie was near him, looking unenthusiastic as usual. "Hey, bro!" He grinned, approaching the emo and throwing one arm around him. "You look like you're attending a funeral. Lighten up!"


JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ; spookie spookie ; OppositeInverse OppositeInverse ; a z u l a a z u l a

Code by apolla apolla

Bella grinned at Aries, waggling her eyebrows a little bit as she cast a glance towards the house. "Maybe the creepers brought alcohol." Laughing a little at her own joke, she turned as she heard others pulling into the driveway. Her arms and shoulders were starting to hurt a little, but she was so anxious to see everyone that she didn't want to head inside quite yet.

Lila approached, giving the girls a warm smile, and Aries a hug. Elijah was next, and Bella reached up to high five him. "I am down to get weird as fuck!" She exclaimed, excitement beginning to really take over. Another car pulled in, and Bella recognized Kat, Alicia, Mark, and Ezra. Her eyes lingered on Kat, and then Ezra, and she hoped that this summer was going to be hella fun. She'd fooled around with both siblings, but if she had to pick who was better? Hmm, tough choice. She grinned at her own thoughts, reaching up to wave at the four.

Bella turned her attention back to Aries as she spoke, asking about champagne. The girl started walking so Bella followed, tossing her things down next to Aries. "I got you!" Bella informed her, reaching down to one of her bags to grab something. She resurfaced a few moments later, holding a bottle of champagne. Two, actually. "I wasn't sure which one, so I got two. Can't go wrong with mimosas, right?"

She moved to set the bottles down in the kitchen, then came back to peer outside to see if anyone new had shown up. She spotted someone laying in the driveway, and lifted an eyebrow. "What the fuck?" After squinting for a second, she recognized James, and shook her head. Looking around, she heaved a sigh as it looked like no one else had noticed. "Craaaaap. Be right back. Make me a drink?" She grinned at Aries, then fled outside and down the driveway, to her childhood friend. "JAAAMES!" She unfortunately didn't judge her stopping distance well enough and ran past him, trying to stop and ending up toppling over.

She pushed herself up, a little bruised and cut up but nothing serious, and crawled over to James, peering down into his face. "What's up dude?"


JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ; Reticent Reticent ; deathworm deathworm ; OppositeInverse OppositeInverse ; a z u l a a z u l a ; Lurker Lurker

Code by apolla apolla



6 in the morning
An alarm went of at the Nevarro family house. It wasn't Rufus' alarm but he was woken up by it anyways. It was summer break and he didn't set an alarm. Last night he had visited the only gay club in town and the night ended with bringing someone home. The guy next to him was still sleeping. Rufus tried remembering his name, was it Steve.. or Steven? Or maybe Mitch.. or Micheal? He serious couldn't remember. Rufus didn't drank that much but the music was so loud that he barely heard anything.
He heard a door opening and closing, probably his little sisters one because she was going on a trip to New York. Rufus knew he was forgetting something important, but he hadn't figured it out yet. The lad stepped out his two-person bed and puts on his boxer. He tried to silently open the door so Mitch, Mike, Steven or Steve or Micheal wouldn't wake up. Walking over to the bathroom he greeted his sister who was busy with some suitcases, she looked at him and said "You got twenty minutes from now in the bathroom" Rufus grinned and gave her a pat on her shoulder. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. After opening the faucet of the shower he trowed his underwear in the corner of the bathroom, where all the unclean clothes were lying around. Rufus stepped under the warm water of the shower, he tried to remember the important thing he was forgetting, but he seriously couldn't remember. After some minutes he stepped out of the showers, dried himself, put on some new underwear and started shaving his body hair. After finishing he cleaned the shaving knife and took another knife to shape his beard. He quickly fixed his hair and put on some aftershave. Back in his room the guy had woken up and Rufus greeted him on his way "Time for you to go.." The guy wanted to interrupt but Rufus continues ".. my father is a policemen, and you got some pills in your trouser" The expression on the guy's face changed, he grabbed his clothes and dared to ask "Until another time?" Rufus grinned and nodded "Had fun, until another time"

An hour passed and Rufus was eating his breakfast while checking the news on his phone. A car stood in front of their house and it wasn't theirs. He shouted at his sister "Your Taxi is here, speed up" His sister nearly jumped at the stairs, grabbed the suitcase and said "Have fun at your house at the lake" just before slamming to door behind her. "Oh shit" now he remembered the thing he couldn't remember. With a group of friends they were going to a house at the lake for summer break. He wasn't friends with everyone, but with more people it was less expensive. He ran upstairs and searched for his bag, he had packed that thing a few days ago and needed to be somewhere. Finally he found it, under some clothes which weren't his. He trowed to clothes away and took the bag to the car.

The drive to the lake wasn't a very long one. The radio was playing his massive Spotify list of nearly fourty-three hours with numbers he had been adding for two years now.
When he finally arrived at the house he noticed that there were already a few people there, well, most of them if he could count correct. The lake looked welcoming, but first he needed to unpack his bag. When he walked in the house he noticed Mark, the hot one who he had slept with a few times now. He slapped the guy on his ass "You are sleeping the same room as me" and ran upstairs, he found a big empty room next to the fire exit and started unpacking his bag.

mood: excited
location: his room
tags: apolla apolla

Miles Jones Walker

A loud buzzing sounded and a startled Miles fell face first out of bed. "Shit," he moaned and reached for the phone to turn off the incessant sound. Why the hell was it even on? School was out. He picked himself off the floor and walked the short distance to the kitchen. The apartment was being rented by him and some other college guy. It was cheap and that's all that mattered to him. Opening the fridge he grabbed the orange juice carton that was labeled PULP and took a large gulp from it. It hit him then why his phone had went off. The fucking vacation house. Jim was going to lose his shit.

On bare feet, Miles went back to his room to throw on some clothes. Yeah, he walked around his house naked. It was his thing. Without looking at what he grabbed, Miles threw some clothes into a backpack along with his weed. He locked his room because fuck his roommate. On the way out of the apartment he grabbed Sandy, his skateboard. She was named after Sandy from Grease and she was just as beautiful, even with the scuff marks.

He thought about doing the bus thing to get to the house but it was too cramped for him. Sticking out a thumb he waited for a car to stop. It was a guy. He gave the dude his destination and incredibly he was going in that direction. Only thing was, if dude demanded payment he'd be getting grass. It was the laws of the road. Ass, grass, or cash. Miles had the ass and grass but no way was he giving dude ass.

Halfway to the house he'd been sleeping the entire way and he had to change drivers because dude was done driving. He did the same routine with his thumb and this time caught a chick. They lit up while she drove. Suddenly the phone in Miles' pocket was buzzing and Migraine by Twenty One Pilots sounded throughout the car. It meant Jim, his best friend, was texting him like crazy. Bro was talking about League and the bus ride. Fuck, maybe he shoulda rode the bus with Jim. League woulda been hella fun. Then again, sleep and weed were too.

Miles was almost there when he got another text from Jim. His bro was freaking out because he'd arrived earlier than Miles. Hitting reply he texted, almost there dude.

At the end of a driveway Miles hopped out of the car and grabbed his pack and Sandy before shutting the door. He leaned in threw the window, "Thanks, babe." He winked, turned around and began the walk with his bag over one shoulder. It was too bad the drive was made of gravel or he'd just use Sandy the whole way.

He was coming around a corner when he spotted to figures on the ground. Throwing his hands in the air he yelled, "Jim! I'm here bro!" Miles ran the rest of the way and realized it was Bella beside Jim. "Hey Bells!" He squatted beside the two and took in the scene. "What are you dudes doing?"
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James Corsair



Status || With the bro
Location || Lake House - Driveway
Mentioned || taliaangeni taliaangeni apolla apolla
A voice in the distance. James could hardly hear it since his life was fading fast. There were so many things he didn't get to do in his life time. Get to challengers in league, get to grand master in Starcraft. All the things he could have been doing instead of going to school. Now it was all wasted as he lay on the hard gravel waiting for his life to finally end. His muscles were still burning up and his lungs felt like they were on fire.

When the sun was blocked out James thought it was all over. He was finally dead. Then he heard the same voice from before. The nerd's eyes fluttered open and a grin shot to his face when he realized who it was. He continued laying on the ground. His muscles probably wouldn't do what he told them to at this point anyway. "Hey there Bella. It's good to see you. Oh you know me. Just hanging out." He wrapped the girl in a friendly hug before scooting himself to a sit and chuckling. Someone looking at him right now would never know that James had a crippling fear of women but for some reason he felt completely comfortable around Bella. "I'm actually really looking forward to this. Miles said he was going to give me another skating lesson. Hopefully I don't run into another beehive..." The thought made him shudder. You never know just how many sensitive places bees can get to until you run into a beehive.

A familiar voice soon stopped the nerd from reliving his nightmare. "Miles!" James called out and turned to look in the direction of the male. James leaned back on his tired arms as he waited for the skater to get closer to the two of them. "I thought you weren't gonna show up for a second there. I almost thought this was some prank or something." When Miles asked what the two were doing James just shrugged and glanced at his computer. "Well I was trying to carry this stupid thing to the house but it's so heavy! I don't understand how people lift anything." James pushed himself shakily to his feet and offered a hand to help up Bella, noticing her small scrapes with a frown. "Hey, what happened?" He was completely oblivious to the fact that the girl had fallen right beside him. He had almost died, after all. He can't be expected to notice something like that.

Once Bella was up Jim turned to Miles and frowned, looking up at his best friend. "Hey buddy will you help with all this crap? It'll take me all night to move this stuff inside." He picked up the backpack holding his mouse laptop and keyboard and slung it across his shoulders, leaving all the heavy stuff for his friend. "So who all is here Bella? Anyone I know?"

code by Aukanai Aukanai

Arietta Palma



Status || Mimosas!
Location || Lake House - Inside
Mentioned || Ridge Ridge a z u l a a z u l a CosmicBoii CosmicBoii apolla apolla
Aries returned Ezra's hug grateful that he was there. Aries loved Ezra, but in a platonic sort of way. That being said, they definitely were a "fling" and Aries had no doubt that they'd hook up at some point during the week. So, you could say the whole ordeal was, well, complicated, but good. Aries spotted Clara smiling at Ezra, which made her roll her eyes. Clara had a boyfriend, for fucks sake, a hot one too. She didn't need to be smiling at the other boys in the house. Especially one that was at least partially spoken for, not that the two were serious or anything.

Letting go of Ezra, Aries took note of the sound of a beer bottle opening - Noah's. "Oh yeah! I wanted a mimosa," Aries said in response to Ezra. "But I'll go for anything, if we have no champagne. Nothing like a little day drinking to kick off the week!" she laughed. Luckily, Bella had produced not one but two bottles of champagne. "Oh, hell yeah," she said, taking the two bottles as Bella said something or other about going somewhere. Now that Aries had alcohol it was all pretty much irrelevant to her. She pulled out some OJ and rustled around the cabinets, looking for at least a wine glass, if not a proper champagne glass. It was not late enough in the week to drink wine out of mugs, yet. "You want somma this?" she asked Ezra, raising her eyebrows at him and shaking her body a bit, but pointing to the champagne. "I also brought tequila, if you'd prefer," she said as she began to fill a couple glasses for her and Bella. She took a sip. Aries loved mimosas, and they were a good day drink. Not good for partying really, but kind of like a brunch thing.

It seemed more people had arrived, including Jax, whose car Aries recognized out the window. Well, that was interesting. Clara and Jax didn't lovingly reunite? Must be something up in paradise. Oh well, didn't bother Aries one bit as long as Clara stayed in her path. She could also see that none other than Mark Stanton had arrived. Great, pretty much the last person she wanted to see here. She hated him with a passion, he just thought he was so funny. Aries did not agree in the slightest, and often wished he would go fall down a hole. A really, really deep hole. With spikes at the bottom.

code by Aukanai Aukanai
Eli's excitement grew with each new arrival whether or not he knew them- the more the merrier. His mood was dampened slightly when he caught sight of Ezra, even more so when he immediately zeroed in on Aries. It wasn't jealousy, just a vague annoyance. He knew half the people here were in some weird borderline incestuous fuck-web and he had nothing against it but voyeurism wasn't his thing. Figuring he should grab a room before he ended up sleeping on a couch, Eli grabbed his bag and slipped upstairs into the first unclaimed room he could find. Once his duffel bag was on a bed marking it as his he wandered back out into the house.

At least there was plenty to do. The abandoned house across the street was a must see but he figured it'd be better to wait until dark to do any trespassing. That left him with plenty of time to kill and he decided to start with the obvious. Unsure of the house rules he played it safe, walking out a back door and down to the water's edge. It really was kind of beautiful out here and Eli spent all of five seconds admiring the beauty of nature before pulling a slim metal cigarette case out of his pocket. Flipping it open revealed rows of immaculately rolled joints and he chose one at random, lighting it up as he settled back into the grass. His lips curled into a smile around his first exhale. This was definitely worth the drive.
"Oh dang it, dang it, dang it!!!" Jacy said to herself as she looked at the old watch on her wrist. She was gonna be so late! Though all of this preparation simply shed some light on just how busy she's been this year, what with all of the tutoring and volunteering and helping her family out with some stuff. Just wished she had told them all long before-hand. And multiple times after. Gosh dang it, why couldn't they remember that she told them she wouldn't be available? Though she guessed it was nice that they needed her like that. Meant she was at least doing somewhat of a good job. She was so excited to go on this trip because of everything. It was the first time she got to spend the whole summer with friends and being beside a lake at a nice house. Just the pictures of the house she'd seen a couple of weeks ago were gorgeous! But she knew that all of this reminiscing of this past week were going to be for naught if she didn't get a move-on!!!

She quickly ran into her dorm room and grabbed a backpack and a duffel she'd filled just last night, then looked around the now empty room. This next year was going to be her last one in school, then off into the great wide yonder that was the working world. With a small smile, she closed the door, gave back her dorm key to the front office, then got into her car. Everyone made fun of her for her yellow Volkswagen Beetle that was pretty much covered with bumper stickers on the back, but she absolutely loved her motorized baby. Turning the ignition on, she felt the cool A/C starting up and the song she had on last playing on the radio, which had a bunch of CD's she'd put in there over the years. This time it was a bunch of choir songs she sang back when she was a little high-schooler. Well, it wasn't like she had gotten any taller since then. But, anyway, back to business! She finally put her car in reverse, then went down the road and towards her summer destination!

After a couple of hours of karaoke (she couldn't ever get enough!) she finally made it! Parking her car and turning the car off, which silenced her music, she got out and breathed in a huge breath of the fresh lake air. "Ah, this is gonna be great!" She then got her bags and headed towards the house, which was now filling up with everyone else who was invited to the summer lake-house vacation. She was a few people she knew well, some she only saw in some classes she was in, and new faces she had never seen before. Well, time to start making some new friends and to see what she should do now that she arrived finally!

Tag: Everyone
Mood: Excited!
Clothing: Light green long-sleeved sweater, dark purple leggings, grey sneakers, and two rings - a black one on her middle finger of her right hand and a white one on the middle finger of her left hand.

stormie black

|| location // inside || mood // somewhat uncomfortable || currently // being greeted || with // mark, everyone ||

The more Stormie watched the blur of happy, social people around him, the more he realized he'd messed up. Big time.

Keeping his head down, the emo stood off to the side of their main gathering area, feeling completely awkward. He honestly had no idea what to do, and contemplated walking out the door without so much as another word.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, he would never get the chance.

Yet another person had entered the lake house, but unlike the others, this one was undeniably familiar.


Bristling from the sudden and unexpected contact, Stormie rolled his eyes at the other guy's antics.

"I am," he replied sarcastically, "a funeral for my sanity. I mean, have you seen these people? Not exactly my crowd, if you couldn't tell."

Maintaining his usual look of displeasure, Stormie stared at the floor as he contemplated exactly how much caffeine he'd need to get through the day.​
mentions: apolla apolla

code by spookie spookie

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