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Dice Lacondra 5e


One Thousand Club
Welcome to Adventurer Sign-Ups! Please read the following document:

Lacondra, 5e

Here's the PHB: http://www.elterritorio.org/resources/PH.pdf

We start at level 3. Please give the following information to sign up:

Character Image:
Character Sheet:

All alignments are allowed, though do note that there are some limits I might place on evil characters.
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NemoTheSurvivor NemoTheSurvivor Level 1. I had level 3 written down on the document but I changed it (that was for a different campaign).

Having said that, Hm, would you guys prefer to start at level 2?
NemoTheSurvivor NemoTheSurvivor Oh! I forgot to answer your other question: The answer is player's choice. If you want to take a risk of getting less Hp in exchange for possibly getting more HP, you may.
What class is everyone else thinking? I'm personally leaning toward a rogue or a ranger. Well, I know we've got one fighter.
I'm a Mystic, but I need to talk to you about a particular aspect of my character (you are the DM, even if you play). I can't send Private Messages yet, can you send me one?
might go with a college of lore bard or hexblade warlock. most likely a young female variant human. like tweens or early teens young. like between 12 and 14.
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