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L.V.L Up!

A small caravan rolls down the snowy roads of <lvl 2>, Mocha stuck his small elf-ish looking head out of the flaps on the back and looked around at the monsters in the small town. The wagon would be stopping in the town center to sell their goods to the men and women of the village and he would try be of use to his master this time.
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After a while Pauvil walked out of the front of the caravan, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Réidh le dul? Time to get moving."
Mochi jumped out of the back and rounded to the front making happy chirping noises, he had his own small backpack slung over his shoulder.
"Ceart go leor, a ligean ar dul ansin" He jumped out of the caravan, looking behind to see if Mochi was following. "Gotta get to the town center. We're stil quite a ways from it."

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