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Fandom Krymmeno City (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

@Kiroshiven I don't like to give limits on my characters.... ever. As long as you can handle it then I trust you. Also there is a 2 limit on megas.

Also guys, I know I didn't put up a trainer skeleton, I kinda forgot, but Alanna has one in her characters already incase someone wants to make one.
Kiroshiven said:
@HoneyTeaTree He's up. Say hello to your assistant librarian, Roy.
Aww, Roy sounds like a sweetheart. Mary will appreciate having someone she knows working with her. I just hope Roy's prepared for some naivety and obliviousness on Mary's end.
HoneyTeaTree said:
Aww, Roy sounds like a sweetheart. Mary will appreciate having someone she knows working with her. I just hope Roy's prepared for some naivety and obliviousness on Mary's end.
Roy is like a male tsundere. So just go with that as his most simplistic explanation of who he is. He may just take her naivety as being uninterested.
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Kiroshiven said:
Roy is like a male tsundere. So just go with that as his most simplistic explanation of who he is. He may just take her naivety as being uninterested.
She's a little slow on the uptake > v>;; Hopefully Roy will be patient with her.

I finally edited the colors on her sheet, so at least is looks vibrant now.
HoneyTeaTree said:
She's a little slow on the uptake > v>;; Hopefully Roy will be patient with her.
I finally edited the colors on her sheet, so at least is looks vibrant now.
Well, he's waited this long hasn't he? And he's already put himself through a lot for her. I think him waiting a bit longer couldn't hurt. LOL.
Kiroshiven said:
Well, he's waited this long hasn't he? And he's already put himself through a lot for her. I think him waiting a bit longer couldn't hurt. LOL.
True, he has! I'm sure she'll figure it out someday, though :P
Kiroshiven said:
Someday. That or he may completely lose himself when he goes mega. *shrugs*
Oh my goodness, bby no D: Maybe they can bond over the fact they both like to hide books away for themselves... ;u;
HoneyTeaTree said:
Oh my goodness, bby no D: Maybe they can bond over the fact they both like to hide books away for themselves... ;u;
Remember tough guy image? Lol. But who knows? Anything could happen.
I have posted my last character at the moment, if anyone is interested in looking at them. all are open for ships and what not except Captain.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
They are my first gijinkas from way back in the first months I first got on this site.
Like... May of 2015
Whoops. I meant May of 2014.

Hehe I just noticed that like right now.
I'm kinda thinking about upping the legendary limit. Too many ideas, not enough space. For now though, I have to go post with a firery woman in another rp.
[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]I'm kinda thinking about upping the legendary limit. Too many ideas, not enough space. For now though, I have to go post with a firery woman in another rp.

One more legendary?! Uxie!!!! *Does a happy dance8
Kiroshiven said:
One more legendary?! Uxie!!!! *Does a happy dance8
yeah. I have to think of what I want mine to be..... Any suggestions? I thought about playing manaphay or phione or maybe someone else....

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