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Nation Building KRONOS 2 ALWAYS OPEN CHARACTER SHEETS (An Intergalactic Nation Builder)


Crystal Gem

Nation name:


Origin of name:

Age: (How old is this empire?)

Demonym: (The name of people residing in an area or a country.)

Titles/Motto: (Is the country mentioned with a title, such as the 'Land of the Rising Sun' or an official motto like 'All for Norway'?)

Capital(s): (What is the established capital? Are there more than one faction using different capitals?)

Major cities:

Other places of significance: (Are there perhaps meeting spots, places of religious significance, or other areas where people flock or that are for some reason famous?)

Technology and/or magic: (Is it a fantasy setting? Do people have really advanced technology, do they rely on magic, are they still in the stone age or the middle ages? Briefly describe the level of tools, technology and other sources of energy and construction such as magic, alchemy and witchcraft.)

History: (Who founded the nation? Why? How long time ago? Did they wage war in order to claim the land? Were there people there before them? How have technology and social functions advanced or collapsed since the funding of the nation?)

Pre-history: (What happened in the region BEFORE the current state was funded? Are there relics left behind by older societies that have since disappeared? Was it a land of scattered tribes before they united - if they united at all - or did your nation conquer the area through militry force? Did they simply immigrate along a withdrawing inland ice? Were they the first to settle there? Look at the history of existing countries for inspiration.)

Race: (Caucasian? Asian-looking? Elves from Mars? Give a physical, and possibly mental, description for every present race and intelligent species. Example: Dwarves are short and stocky people where both genders sport a beard, and who favors battle, precious minerals and deep thinking. Elves are tall and slender people with long ears who live in the woods, and who hold nature dear. Ancient Swedish people were typically blond and blue-eyes, while their neighbors in Finland were immigrates from a different area and were more likely to have black hair and dark eyes. Is the population heavily mixed as it would be where different peoples meet, or cleasrly distinguished by physical traits?)

Livelihood: (How do people make their living? Are there craftsmen specialized in a trade such as smithing or woodcrafting, or is everyone still a hunter/gatherer? DO the majority have jobs from the state?)

Cartography: (Even if you have a map, describe every note-worthy area in words. Are there mountains? Is it a forest landscape? What about rivers, lakes, moors and cities? Is there snow there, or hot sand?)

Climate: (Is it a hot desert or a cool tundra? Does it rain a lot? Is it windy in the spring? Does the area experience seasons such as summer and winter, and what are they like?)

Smuggling: (Despite legal restrictions, are there mention-worthy things smuggled in or out of the country under the nose of legal authorities?)

Economy: (Is your country in a recession? Is it rich, poor, somewhere in between?)

Currency: (The name of the currency, such as dollars, euros, rupees...)
Agriculture and farming: (What are the most common crops grown in the land? Are they famous for thir swift horses, or their wonderful goat cheese? How common is farming? Are the farms large-scale to support the whole nation or do every family have a plot of land that feeds them?)
Piracy and raiding: (Do your country often carry out raids against other countries/settlements? Is your country often a victim to them? How does it affect their economical situation?)

Name: (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam...)
Important deity/deities: (Is there a deity or two that really stand out? Mention them with a brief description! For example: In Norse paganism, Thor is a red-headed god of thunder who kills giants from his goat-driven chariots. He protects mankind and is widely worshiped. He is central to the faith and worshiped widely.)
Semi-important deities: (Same as above, only with deities that are not as central to the faith. Example: In Norse paganism, Fulla is the concort of a main god and knows healing chants. Though mentioned in scriptures, she is not a central deity and worship is/was probably more scarce and not as emphasized.)

Supernatural beings: (Do your people believe in beings that are not gods, nor mortals? Are there fairies in the woods, sirens calling the sailors to rest among the waves?)

Creation myth: (How was the world created according to these people?)

History: (God created the world in seven days, and then more stuff probably happened, right..?)

Purpose: (What is the purpose of the followers? Following a gods words? Being good and kind in general? Waging as much war and havoc as possible during a lifetime or mastering the art of baking pies? Are there different goals for people following different gods of the same religion?)

Factions: (Is your country divided into factions, such as in a civil war or different groups of people of different religions or beliefs? Fill out this section for every main faction present in your country.)

Head of state: (Kings, presidents, chiftains...)

Form of government: (How your state or community is governed. Democracy? Dictatorship? Something in between? Is it claimed to be democratic but is really siffering from severe corruption?)

Election: (How are the leaders selected? Is the throne inherited, are the council chosen by the people through election, are the places of power granted by other authorities, or do you become the leader by defeating your enemy in mortal combat?)

Classes: (Lower, middle, upper, royalty, holy people, people born into the military, permanent outlaws, whatever you've got in there. Describe them, how life differs for people from different classes.)

Mingling of classes: (Is it socially acceptable for a member of the lower class to be friends with someone of the higher class? In the European middle ages, a pheasant was not allowed to act, dress or eat like a noble-man or a priest, and the same applied to priests and nobles who were all born into their own role. Are there such rules?)

Education: (Do people get an education? Is education free? Do every class have access to it and a right to study? Are there libraries?)

Slavery: (Does slavery exist? How wide-spread is it? Can every free man afford slaves, or are they for the rich? What are the standards they live by?)

Crime: (How high are the crime levels in the country? Is it concentrated to certain parts, certain cities that are perhaps less safe?)

Crime fighting: (Are there police, or do people take things into their own hands? Prisons? Executions? How do people try to stop crime, if at all?)

Gender roles: (Self-explanatory. Are genders considered equals, do they have different roles in society? What is the outlook on women, for example?)

Deviating sexuality: (What is the outlook on homosexuals and other people with a deviating sexuality? Why?)

Legal adult at...: (At what age does a child become of age? When do they marry, leave their home, join the military/whatevs? When are they legal adults? Do they become adults when reaching a certain age or are there rites and rituals they must complete?)

Social security: (Is there such a thing as a support system for the poor and sick? What happens to orphans? To old people who cannot work?)

Dressing code/s: (What sort of clothes do people wear? Does it change from class to class? Are there uniforms recognized by all? Do they have/use things like soap and toothpaste? Are they clean?)

Medical care: (The state of healthcare in the country. Can everyone afford it? How good are the doctors? Are the doctors usually quacks trying to earn quick money on morons who believe them? Is there dental care, surgery, medical hygiene and sterile tools?)

Morals: (Different societies will have different morals. People living in more dangerous climates need to be more hardy and unforgiving in order to survive, while that might not be the case with people who rarely experience death. People living in crime-infested areas would probably be less trusting. Are people generous or stingy as a general rule? Do they offer others food and shelter when they knock on their doors, or do they think of such people as wierd and suspicious?)
Describe your peoples general mentality: (Are they a hardy, hardworking bunch? Friendly to other nations? Italians and Frenchmen are said to never remember to be on time, Swedish people are stupidly polite, Irishmen go to pubs and get drunk off their assess all the time... generalize, give us an idea of what they act like.)

How does the climate affect your people:

(I tried to make this section as wide as possible to spark ideas, but feel free to add or remove units to suit your needs.)
Weaponry: (Describe the technology level of weapony/offensive magic and the most common weapons used)

Ranks: (Describe the different ranks within the factions military.)

Numbers: (The total number of fighters among your ranks)

Organisation: (What level of organization and disipline do your military have? Are your soliders drilledfrom childhood, or are they unexperienced pheasants that are sometimes called to arms to defend their farms?)

Infantry: (Infantry are units that on foot, face to face with the opponent in a close to medium range. They bear the brunt of warfare, and suffer the most casualties. Possible weapons include guns, swords, maybe hand to hand combat? Describe your units, what weapons they use, their uniforms, and everything else that may come to mind.)

Field artillery: (Field artillery units use long-range weapons to assault enemies from afar. Historically the term have applied mainly to users of cannons, howitzers, mortars and similar weapons, but also applies to gun users and archers.)

Cavalry: (The term 'cavalry' refers to people who fight from the back of a horse OR OTHER ANIMAL OR VEHICLE. Feel free to apply the term to any other unit that you feel might fit the term for the purpose of this sheet, though, maybe people riding camels or swift motor bikes?)
Medics/clerics: (Who take care of your wounded soliders, and how/when? During battle? Afterwards?)

Signallers: (Signallers, or signaleers, are responsible for communication within the faction. They may use walkie-talkies, be horse-riding messengers, use battle horns or vocal techniques to be heard over distances, maybe control tiny lettercarrying dragons or propel little model planes that carry notes, depending on your settings. How do they work in your army? How many are there? When and where are they assigned?)

Armorer: (People providing your soliders with equipment such as armor and weapons. Are there armorers within the ranks of your army? Do they get their equipment from outside sources? They may be blacksmiths, gunsmiths, people looking after existing armor or fixing broken ones.)
Special forces: (Special forces are trained to take on unconventional, often high-risk missions, such as hostage rescuing, counter-terrorism actions, bodyguard jobs, assassination, sabotage, and so forth. Ninjas are considered special forces, for example.)

Buffers: (Spell-casters among your ranks? In MMO games and similar things, a buffer is a unit who helpimprove the performance of other units. In fantasy settings, bards or priests commonly fill this role.)

Engineers/sappers: (Sappers are people who perform a multitude of engineering work, such as fixing machines, building bridges or shelters, removing mines and clearing the path ahead.)

Scouts: (Do you have any units that are assigned specifically to scounting and/or espionage?)

Navy: (How many ships do you have at your disposal? Describe them, their crew, and their defensive and doffensive capabilities. What type of ship do you use?

Tanks: (Using tanks/similar vehicles? Major component of modern war, less so in fantasy/historical settings - although Leonardo DaVinci designed a perfectly functional tank that might give you some ideas.)

Currently at war with: (Is your nation at war? Describe the enemy!)
Reason behind conflict: (Need for resources? Squabbles between royalties?
Previous wars: (If any, mention the past three wars your nation was involved in, when they occurred, how they ended, and why they broke out.)
Previous civil wars: (Have there been any civil wars within your nation? How did they end?)

(Ignore if your country have none)
Current monarch: (King/queen, chieftain?)
Personality/values: (Describe the current monarch, their immediate interests, their basic personality. Do they want what's best for their country and their people, or do they follow their own desires?)
Heir: (The crown prince/princess, or whomever will take over if the curent monarch dies.)
Immediate family: (Children, spouses, siblings.)
Non-immediate family: (Cousins, nieces, nephews, and so forth. What one would call 'immediate family' sometimes depends on local customs.)
Illegitimate children: (Any dark secrets your ruler wishes to hide? Someone fighting for their right to be recognized as a heir to the throne?)
Enemies: (Are there enemies to the throne? Another family wishing to claim the throne? A rebellion wishing for democracy rather than monarchy?)
Birthday: (When he was born, where, and so forth.)
History: (Was the monarch born royalty? Describe their past in brief!)
Deathday: (How and when will this character pass away?)
Benevolence: (Some rulers certainly aren't the sweetest people imaginable. Others are wise and good rulers. Give it some thought.)

Common pets and working animals: (What animals, if any, might be owned by your nation?)
Are they climate conscious: (Do they have anything like global warming, recycling or toxic pesticides, and what are they doing with/about it? Do they care for nature? Do they even HAVE any nature?)
Tell us the names of three typical bedtime stories that are commonly told: (... and that you came up with...)
Are there taboo foods: (Muslims do not eat pork, for example)
Are there cherished/traditional foods: (Some foods might be consumed as tradition or as part of religion. Or people just generally have a finicky taste and likes something funny.)

(Yo, my dude, i saw the interest check, just wanted to say, YEEAeEEEEE BOOI)

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