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Fantasy Kotori Academy

xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx said:
@SkyDust101 Oh no, no! I'm so sorry! I had not gotten any notifications for this. You're not being pushy at all. I apologize again, I'll be replying.
Oh thank you! It's quite alright now because that's happen to once so i understand the problem thanks again!! ( :) )
Fendisteel said:
Yeah thats fine, glad your back @__@ as worried you left us, was having fun RPing with @Eagershadow3 and @Mediocritys Muse , didn't want this to die out just yet :c
Also hope my posts are not shit
No, no you're post are wonderful and i wouldn't leave this rp, i'm having so much fun with you guys!! I'm glad you and the others are having fun, that makea me happy! ( :) )
Merry Christmas Everyone !!!


Happy Holidays!!!

Hope you're having a wonderful Hoilday!! (o'v'o)( :) )
Fendisteel said:
@XxBouncy BunnyxX @Katerang @rosamortelle @ForgottenSky9272
hey hate to be a bother but i was hoping you guys just never got notifications of this thread being updated instead of losing interest ( .___.)

Wait..what?!...Oh my gosh...I-I...RpN hates me for some reason!!! I never get notifications on some roleplays...WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME, RPN?!?!
I'm away from home on vacation right now but I didn't get a bunch of notifications for posts. Only that tagged one really came through.
Oh no I am totally interested in this thread. I'm on a surprise vacation right now and there isn't many places to get wifi.
I'm kind of assuming this rp and everybody in it has died or something? This rp use to be kind of Lively but now it looks lifeless, i don't mean to seem rude or mean but i miss this rp alittle so yeah......

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