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Fantasy Kotori Academy

Shizu continues to nibble on the one half of her sandwich like a weird little squirrel would as she listens to the two talk about how this school is funded by "powerful" groups in high up positions and she wonders to herself exactly how powerful theses people are, more powerful than her clan Military wise? or connections wise? Shizu finishes one half of the sandwich and begins on the other half, eating it the same way as before, Rie the Entire time seemed unphased by the comment Altier makes about how its unwise to attack someone hear without warrant, if someone dishonorably attacks either her or Shizu, she will put down without hesitation, she will not stand by and let people walk on her or the Clan, but after Altier says that he smiles at Rie.

She knew exactly why he smiled at her, that statement was directed at her in aa attempt to put fear into her, thinking she would be scared of a few pampered assholes with too much money on their hands, never fighting their own battles, hiring people just like the Yakens to do their dirty work. Rie only tightens her grip on the knife further, her nails start to cut into her palm and cause light bleeding, she does not seem to mind and above the table she seems to be completely calm and fine, not at all furious. She wants to kill this boy but if she was to strike now that would be dishonorable if she did that, so shes forced to contain her anger, sorta hoping he makes a move just so she can cut him down. After that Altier makes a comment towards Shizu that only annoys Rie more, its almost if hes trying to get closer to her, Shizu however responds "W-Well..That be fun! maybe we can play something cooperative.."

@Mediocritys Muse

Altier / Lilian

Lilian started to eat her cake at that moment, her thinking to herself as she does so, 'Shizu seems nice enough, although her friend seems pretty uptight...it's really a shame, I'm sure she'd be alright if she just relaxed a bit.' With that thought going through her head she swallows the bits and then takes a sip of her soda, a light sigh coming out of her mouth as she enjoys the taste of the cake.

Altier looks over at Lilian and pats her on the head, him knowing all to well how she is when she gets some kind of sweet in her possession. As he pats her on the head he looks back toward Shizu and says with a light smile, "That's sounds wonderful, Lil here isn't that into video games so it is nice to have someone around that does enjoy them." With that said he pauses and looks over to Rie, him asking with an honestly curious look upon his face, "Do you enjoy video games as well Rie-san? If you do you could join in." He wondered at the moment if she played them with Shizu, although if he had to guess she most likely didn't like video games.
Rie contiues to keep up her passive attitude while hiding her anger..theses outsiders seem to nice, too cheery and just rubs her the wrong way, it makes her skin crawl. She was never made to be in public places...She was made to be a ally for the Yaken's in combat and would msotly be found in a combat zone and she would spend the rest of her time in bases or the Clan's home. She was never made to be much of a talker, she never negotiated her own contracts, her Contract would be negotiated by her owner and give she would get her cut of the payment; Just like Shizu, Rie is out of her habitat and tossed into the general population a bit confused and uncomfortable.

While she dislikes theses Outsiders she can respect the tight bond theses two have, two people from different families coming to be sworn siblings, despite they are not of the same ancestor. truly it is a heavy vow to place, to trust someone as your brother or sister. but it was sadly not enough for Rie to tolerate them. "Well..Thats sad, i sorta e-enjoy playing multiplayer games, More the merrier...Its nice to have someone to play with..." Shizu looks down at her lap as she nibbles on the remaining bits of her sandwich, Rie only shakes her head and looks off to the side, away from the group. Then altier asks a question about if Rie also enjoyed Video games, when that was said Shizu jumped up a little bit and looks noticeable more tense. "No...Tired it once..Did not like what i saw.....Also, keep your "Cute" little honorific for yourself, outsider." Rie says slightly passively and not making eye contact.

A small puddle of blood can be seen under the table...

@Mediocritys Muse
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Altier / Lilian

At the moment Lilian said with a light nod as she sat at the table with a half eaten cake in front of her, "At the moment all four of us are outsiders." After she said that she went back to her cake and looked over at Shizu who looked rather nervous at the moment due to the atmosphere that was present.

To that Altier let out a light laugh as he looked over at Lilian and patted her on the shoulder, him saying with a light nod, "Well if you insist I'll just call you Rie then." With that said he glances down and sees that there is a pool of blood on the floor him removing a handkerchief from his pocket and sitting it next to Rie's tea glass.

Lilian then finished her cake and looked over at Altier with a double blink, "Should we go now Tier?"

He then stands from the seat, Lilian taking his hand as she stands next to him, "If you would like to stop by and play a video game you are welcome to Shizu-chan." He pauses and then does a light bow to the both of them, Lilian simply staring at the both of them as he adds, "As you are as well Rie." With that they both walked off, Altier leaving his handkerchief behind for Rie to use whether to not she wanted to or not.
Rie continued to keep her self in control, but twitched up a bit when the girl Lilian says that they are all outsiders, as if they are trying to say they are alike. Altier chuckled at that and agreed to just call her Rie and skip the honorific, but how come hes keeping sucha smile? How is he not also being hostile? Why does Rie sense no real anger in him...Is he not at all? Is he masking it? this only makes them come off as more as a threat, the Demon she can't cut and the Human she can't feed off of.

The two have some sort of advantage over Rie that puts her on edge should they turn hostile. her train of thought was interrupted when she spots Altier cleaning up some blood, she then notices in her hand holding the knife that she was clenching her fist so hard that her nails were stabbing into her palm,her grip was returned to its almost painful state after seeing him put the bloody cloth near her cup. Is this some sort of way to mock her? Clean her blood up and give up the handkerchief to her. This was pushed further when inviting Shizu over to hang out with them, the second they left earshot she stabbed the handkerchief with the knife and getting it stuck in the table, this only makes Shizu cower a bit in fear, worried about if shes gonna snap, Rie then gets up, grabs Shizu by the arm once more and pulls her along as they make their way to eh exit "R-R-Rie, you are hurting me!" Shizu cries out, also being ignored at the same time. Rie just wanted to be out of there, away from this boy, to get Shizu far away from him, she was not listening at all to Shizu's plead. It was then that Shizu was at her breaking point and bites Rie's arm in hopes of her losing her grip, Rie lets go of Shizu to check the damage, to be attacked like that from her own Clan member...While its not uncommon for young recruits to attack their drill instructor out of rage and maybe to gain some respect in the Clan, its certainly not something Rie will kill her for..But what Shizu does not realize is that this initiates a duel between the two..Rie then turns around and nails Shizu right in the gut..Not with full force, but just enough to seriously hurt her. She stumbles ot the floor and begins to cough up bits of blood, sobbing soon followed. Rie only stands over her and tries to bottle up the rage she just let leak out..she then looks down at the sobbing Shizu only to say one thing "You picked a fight you know you would had lost...Learn from this defeat..." she then turns around and walks out of the cafe, leaving Shizu behind

Altier / Lilian

When Altier makes it to the dorm room he looks behind himself and sees that Lilian had disappeared, him scratching the back of his head as he says aloud, "Now where did she get off to?" With that he simply shrugs and makes his way over to the bed, closing the door behind himself as he does so. With a flop he lays down on the bed and picks up a comic, him saying aloud as he opens it up, "Eh, all well...she'll be back sooner or later."

Lilian materialized from the shadows near Shizu and looked down at her as she is on the floor, her asking with a double blink, "I take it she does this sort of thing frequently?" With that said she squats down in front of Shizu and looks her in the eyes as she does so, "She might retaliate out of anger but I can see that she is worried about our intentions, which does not warrant any such worry." She pauses and then adds as the handkerchief Altier left behind is brought to her by a tendril of shadow, her taking it in her hand, "Altier has no motive, he has no end game, he has no more of a reason to live then the word itself." With that said she uses the other side of the handkerchief to wipe the blood from Shizu's mouth, Lilian displaying a warm smile for the first time in front of Shizu, "Why do you think I chose to follow him? It was out of respect."

As she said that she offers her hand to Shizu as Lilian stands back up, her offering to help her up from the ground.
Shizu is tormented by two different pains, the pain of p[physical trauma from Rie and the pain of failure, it far more worse than her arm being squeezed, she is filled with regret, wishing she did not do that. She is then approached by Lilian who asks if she does this often "O-O-only when she wants to beat the weakness out of me...". Lilian then squats down beside her and looks Shizu in the eyes, she tries to hide her face not wanting to be seen crying and defeated, this is already the most humiliating thing to cry in a public place. Lilian then goes on about their motives and end goals "..She has no reason to believe you..I believe you j-just its just s-she tells me im not suppose to...We are not allowed to trust anyone outside the Clan." she then slightly inches when Lilian wipes her mouth, this only makes Shizu feel sadder, to be so defeat and weak, to have someone wipe her mouth of her own blood. She then talks about why she follows him, out of respect; Lilian then offers Shizu a hand up. She rejects and tries ot pick herself up the ground, still slightly holding her gut in pain, she pulls out her inhaler from her jacket and takes a use of it "I follow her...Because she will make me stronger."

@Mediocritys Muse

meanwhile Rie returned to their dorm, by now she has clamed down a bit more and her mind has been cleared, she thinks on what happened and begins to feel guilty, she sat down and reflected more on it and begin to wonder if that was really necessary, she could had killed her form doing that, shes not some slightly trained child, this was a girl as soft as a new born baby, so fragile. she sat down on the bed and puts her head in her hands, for once she more angry at herself for snapping so badly on her. She hates the current Shizu, all Rie wants is too mold her into something better, and to protect her from outside influences...But she was never made to do this, this was never intended for her job "Oh Teron, what have i done..."
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She listens to why Shizu follows Rie her seeing why she does but at the same time sees flaws in such a decision. However it wasn't her place to decide what someone is doing wrong, her feeling that people should follow their own choices in life and make their own mistakes and triumphs. With that in mind she ignores Shizu's rejection of assistance and helps her to her feet, a light shrug passing over her shoulder after she does so, "Sure she can make you strong in time but there are more things that judge ones strength than mere physical might." She pauses and then adds with a light nod to Shizu, "I have seen human old men well in to their twilight years break stones with no supernatural powers aiding them, and I have seen mere human women lift cars off of a loved one by sheer desire."

Her eyes were closed for a moment as she says all of that, her opening them and saying with a nod, "Those that insulate themselves and only see life in one way wither away and pass into myth and history, sadly I see that happening to the clan that you are associated with." With that said she lets out a light sigh and then places a hand on top of Shizu's hand that held the inhaler, "I do not wish for you or even Rie to wither away into memory, so just know that you have two friends just down the hall Shizu-chan." She then removed her hand and then took a step back from Shizu, her leaving a cat key chain in her palm with her inhaler as she walked away toward the exit.

Lilian can not remember much about her past but she knew that she was much like Rie, and even Altier has memories about the first time that they met...his recollection not quite how Lilian remembers it. After all...someone's blood had to be present to make a pact with a demon like Lilian...
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Yumiko hurried onto school campus a bit more excited than usual. Running close behind was Saito trying to catch up, "Y-Yu-" He could barely even shout 'wait up'. Usually Saito would have more stamina than this, but the two were a town away when Yumiko decided to interrupt his nap and go the whole way on foot. She kept going on about how he can't sleep in all of the time. Kuro, Yumi's pet, was sitting upon the rather lively girl's head as they passed by a few people with their contracted demon's. This was the place: Kotori Academy. She took it down big notches as she saw how some girl was kicking a male. Yumiko never seemed to be able to tell the difference between humans and demons even when there had been a great difference between the two. She noticed a being floating above the upset female. She didn't get to see powers in motion too much unless she begged Saito. She never saw him fly, but he had more neat tricks up his sleeves. Yumiko's shy self was kind of showing as she watched them interact in rather odd ways.

She turned her head towards the demon who now caught up, "What took you so long?" Kuro telepathically sent to the contracted pair. Yumiko smiles in a sweet manor as Kuro was slightly teasing. Saito was panting ever so slightly and looked both tired and possibly a bit irritated.

"Want to find our dorms, Saity?"
Yumiko said looking up at the taller demon.

Saito seemed settled as his hands found his pockets, "Yeah, sure." he said as his eyes were captured by the rather loud group of three. He wasn't as curious as Yumiko on what their powers were. He mostly assumed what they were due to his experience with other demons. Not only by their auras', but slightly by their behavior also. All beings and creatures had their own attitudes and personalities, but he just had a way of figuring something out by looking at it at times. This of course was only shown when he was serious, but honestly at the moment he didn't care. He just sensed demons of nightmare, darkness, shadows; somewhere along those lines.

His gaze was caught by Yumiko as she nodded towards a building, "Let's go!" She was still cheery, but in a more gentle fashion due to the number of people surrounding them. Some were more independent than others. Saito seemed to be a bit lost in her smile. That was just the kind of smile Yumiko had.

She then ran off yet again, "Don't fall behind again," the cat smiled. Kuro often enjoyed bothering Saito, but he was more composed and friendly most of the time. Saito let a sigh escaped his lips as he continued behind the cat and the girl. They soon neared the dorm room building and entered.

By then Yumiko became slightly more calm as they looked for their dorm room. But, they constantly either went up or down too many flights of stairs, took a wrong turn or gone down the wrong hallway. Yumiko was used to larger buildings than this, but she was feeling nervous and excited all in one. Who could blame her? It was only her second time in a school like this. The first time didn't end up going so well.
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Shizu listens to Lilian's words carefully, but deep down she can't feel like she can relate to theses statements, she needs to be physically strong to fight, the only mental strength the clan cares for is to be tactical, resourceful and zealous, none of those things matter without he physical strength to match sadly. She could improve herself mentally for her own sake..But how would she contribute to her family, how will she uphold their traditions unless she fights.

Then Lilian says something truly touching, about how she does not want her or Rie to fade away into memory, it is a nice thing to say but she can't she why she cares for Rie; its not like neither of them did anything for her to care for her. Then she places something in her palm before leaving the cafe, she looks down to see a cat key chain, uncertain as to why she was given it. Shizu leaves the cafe and begins walks back towards her dorm, still clutching her gut that is still never much in pain from the blow delivered by Rie; it was obviously foolish to attack her but she thought that is what Rie would had wanted to see, courage.

She enters the main dorm building and goes towards the west wing, a coughing fit makes hers top in her track; once more coughing up blood. She worried if something inside was messed up from that punch, maybe some internal bleeding? She wipes her mouth off with he sleeve of the jacket and decides to sit down and wait for the pain to hopefully pass away.

@ForgottenSky9272 (Poking in-case you wanted to cross paths))
@Whomever may be walking by, seeing as how the door is open.

Altier / Lilian

As Altier lays in his bed he closes his eyes and falls asleep, him quickly drifting off as he lays there.


Altier walks down a sidewalk him only being ten years old at the time, a starkly dark sky present overhead as he peers into the distance for the landmark that would take him home. Overhead street lights flicker as a gust of wind blows his jacket around, him placing his hand over his face as he continues on. The cold nip in the air caused him to shiver as the wind picked up again, a hint of a yell coming along the currents as the wind caught his ear sending a shiver up his spine. As a cloud let the moon cast a glimmer down upon him he noticed that a little girl was standing in the alleyway fighting with another little girl. One had stark red hair and the other had white hair like snow capped mountains, him at that moment wondering what they had to fight over.

As he stood there his mind was racing with things that she should do, him figuring that fighting like this was not the answer...even though he had no idea what they were fighting about. While that thought was passing through his mind he double blinks as the red headed girl draws a sword and swipes at the silver headed girl, and nearly hits her with the weapon. His eyes go wide as he drops his school bag and simply stares on for a moment as they stand there, and when the silver haired girl manifests a shadow like blade in her hand he acts on instinct and charges toward them. Within moments he pushes the redheaded girl out of the way and takes the sword strike across his back, a sharp pain reverberating within himself as he falls to his knees.

The redheaded girl double blinks as she is on the ground, her looking to the boy that just took the hit that was meant for her. The silver haired girl letting the sword that was materialized from the shadows simply stares as well, her saying as the boy rolls over on his back and stares up at the now cloudy sky, "Why, have you interrupted the fight human? We were deciding which of us is the better fighter, only death can answer this."

Altier answers with a light smile on his face, his voice shallow as he lays there, "Fighting to the death only shows which is the least strongest fighter, those that can win without killing are more skilled."

As his words were said the silver haired girl stared at the boy her stunned as she stands there, the redheaded girl also silent and then the redheaded girl looks over to the silver headed girl and asks with a thoughtful expression, "Does this human have a point Liliana?"

Liliana looks over to the girl and simply lets out a sigh, her kneeling down to the young man, "It seems that he does Amelia." She places her hand upon the boy and then places her hand in the pool of blood that is gathering around the boy underneath him, "Today the both of use were beaten with a mere sentence sister, this has shamed the both of us and I can only see one way to repay this boy for his wisdom."

Amelia looks to Liliana and nods, her knelling on the other side of Altier, her placing her hand in the blood pool as well, "Yes sister I understand wholeheartedly."


The sound of a door opening is heard as Lilian walks back in to the room, her making her way over to the other bed. Altier sitting up with a double blink, "Lil," he pauses and then adds with a shake of his head, "There you are."

Lilian pauses and then looks over at him as she removes her shoes, her siting on her bed at the moment, "Oh my apologies Tier, I must have awoken you."

He shakes his head and replies with a light smile, "No not at all, I was just thinking about you and Amelia actually..."
The contracted pair, walking side by side, came across a female in distress who seemed to be coughing blood. A worried look took over the girl's cheery expression. Yumiko ran over to the unknown girl with a unique appearance. Her light hazel eyes that neared to the color yellow stared into the unusual bright red eyes of the girl, "A-Are you alright?!"

Kuro swung around Yumiko's neck and made a light whip of its tail, "Yumiko......she seems to be hurt," the cat telepathically sent to the other three while jumping into the stranger's lap. There were demons and humans who attended the school. People should've seen it coming that fights would break out, especially when there could be a hostile demon with deadly powers.

But, the situation didn't seem so dire in Saito's eyes. He was standing behind the worried two, "What happened?" he said in a calm tone. Don't get him wrong. He's worried too; just not as panicky.

(Yeah, Why not? But, I'm heading off to bed. G'night. @Fendisteel )
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The pain Shizu felt was put more at ease after sitting down, perhaps she just needed to rest for a moment, the entire time however she was still fearful if something inside of her was damaged, not exactly healthy to be coughing up blood, especially for this long. She was then approached by some innocent looking girl that rushed over to her and asked if she was ok, the two made eye contact for a second before Shizu ducks her head between her legs "I-I'Im fine..." she then looks back up to see the odd cat like creature on her shoulder and is a bit baffled by what it actually is.

Another person comes up behind them, deep down she feels pathetic looking so weak and frail in front of these strangers, to take pity on her. The second person is rather tall, black hair and ears unlike a humans..Demon perhaps? Maybe, but he asks what happened here "Just...A bad choice made by me" Shizu said a bit vague, does not really have any way to explain it without saying she got hit in the gut by a demon far stronger than her.

Yumiko still looked rather worried, but glad to hear her say she was okay, even if it hadn't been true. "Saity...." she said while turning back to Saito.

He sighed as he took his hands out of his pockets. The easiest way to heal an injury that had not been a wound on the skin is to drink his blood. But, his slightly immature side was showing. He knelt down on one knee in front of the fragile, young girl, and gently placed one of his hands on the girl's cheek, "Hold still," He bit his lip until a bit of blood was drawn. Saito leaned in and kissed the girl, while the blood entered the girl's mouth, letting her swallow the black demon blood. A sharp stinging feeling would be felt by the girl as the blood streamed down her throat. The kiss continued for a bit until he let go of the girl's face and got off of her. Would what he did be considered pedophilia? She was a teenage girl and he was thousands and thousands of years old. He would go with no for now. She would feel a more intense pain in the place of her injury for about 20 seconds. When a bit of time passed, the pain completely vanish and she would feel better than ever. Her senses, strength and speed would all increase, but this would soon wear off. Since he didn't use too much blood, the increase would probably take place for about half an hour. Possibly less.

Yumiko's eyes were a bit wide in surprise. Was she jealous.....or mad? She'd go with mad for now, "S-Saity!" Yumiko smacked him in the back of the head.

He rubbed the back of his head, "Hey-"

He was immediately cut off, "Why would you straight up kiss an innocent and injured girl!" She was furious yet blushing as if she was the one who got kissed out of the blue. She scolded him while he was smiling a bit, rubbing the back of his head where Yumiko hit him.

The cat hopped in front of the girl who was healed and telepathically spoke to her, "Want to play?" The trio before this poor girl were very odd, and most would feel sorry for her.

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Yumiko and Saito both turned to someone who seemed to be speaking to them. Yumiko was half way about to hit him again and Saito had his hands in front of his face, so he wouldn't get hit. She had a distinct blush on her slightly pale face. They were kind of frozen there until Yumiko retracted her arms away from Saito in her attempt to hurt him. She stood completely straight as if she wasn't doing anything. She looked at the seemingly shy boy with unique bright blue hair, a bit captivated by it. Yumiko became a bit shy herself, "H-hi,"

Saito was a bit dumbfounded as she went from about to rip his head off to an innocent and friendly girl.... But, pulling something like that was something she would completely do. He sighed as he took his hands away from his face and into his pockets. The cat on the other hand didn't forget about Shizu, he was trying to look cute so the girl wouldn't refuse his request. Saito looked at the contracted pair, "'Sup.." That was all he said as his eyes scanned the other demon before him. Despite just kissing a girl a second ago, he wasn't a big fan of talking and interacting with others.

Yumiko wasn't one to trust others, but she thought it was her chance to make a friend. Especially since Saito kind of ruined her chances with Shizu.... "I-I'm Yumiko! What's your names'?" She was keeping up the cheery attitude, but being gentle and mousy at the same time. She then quickly turned to the girl being questioned by Kuro, "Oh, I never caught your name either," she smiled sweetly giving it a shot, hoping she would forgive the two.

@Ldybug123 @Fendisteel
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Rie pondered for awhile, trying to reflect on what she did; she could nto decide if it was justified to teach her a lesson, or a bit too harsh and maybe should had went easier on her. Pushing a girl who has never been trained in her life at the same pace they would push a recruit who has been molded into this lifestyle. She is a Yaken just like her, they need to fight together, not fight against each other; but her weakness is so unbearable, its almost if shes not a Yaken...But blood never lies, she and her are one of the same on the inside, just not so much on the outside. Rie got up from the bed and made her way out of the dorm, she needed to find Shizu and make amends. maybe a fresh start...

Meanwhile Shizu was still in pain from her injury while two others stand over her showing pity for her failure, a failure they have no idea about, but its her failure that had given her this pain. Then something sudden happened, the boy asked Shizu to hold still, then he started to get closer and closer...Then she was kissed by him, this..stranger that she has no knowledge of just kisses her when she is injured...Is he taking advantage of this? But this anxieity inducing moment was not finished because after this she felt the pain before become more intense and volatile. so much so taht she lets out a small scream as the pain tormits her.

Rie instantly picked up on that scream, she knew it was Shizu...Its not the first time she heard it; she broke into a mad spirit towards where the scream came from, she turns the corner to see Shizu against a wall with a Male crouched over her and a Female beside him with some weird cat on her shoulder, did they have something to do with this? Rie's rage at seeing this got the best of her, she was convinced that they had something to do with this. She sprinted and jumped up in the air and spawned what seems to be a very demonic Katana out of thin air, she lands ontop of Saito and holds her blade up ready to stab him in the face "What have you done!?" she yelled, wanting answers for what happened here

@ForgottenSky9272 @Ldybug123
Saito quickly turned to another demon coming out of no where. He clasped the blade with a slight clap of his hands before the sword got any close. The smirk on his face returned a slight bit, "Woah, woah, calm down there. I healed her for you.... Assuming that's your contracted human?" He was a bit excited at the action he got himself into. But, the smile left his face as he nodded his head towards Shizu. The pain should have left by now causing the increase in strength, speed and senses temporarily, "See she's fine..." He said before even checking for that to be true.

Yumiko repeated herself as she stared at the blue-haired boy, "Yumiko T-Tachibana," she said with a bit uncomfortable tone. She didn't like having to say her last name. It was the name of a powerful and rich man who was very well known. Hopefully, that wouldn't change the way this boy would think of her. Heck, hopefully he never even heard of it... Before she spoke anything else a beautiful woman attacked Saito out of the blue. She seemed furious; she had to have been the demon of the girl they healed. She stood silently seeming ever so slightly intimidated by the aura the two were giving off.

@Fendisteel @Ldybug123
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Rie is almost at a end with her patience with theses outsiders the two of them keep encountering..all of them seem to be so "Nice" and "assisting". To Rie it was all just some facade that they put on so they can get closer and learn their secrets; Something Rie does not wish to take a risk as Shizu is naive and is highly capable of slipping up and relieving some sensitive information because she met someone that was "nice". Her Clan is not exactly well know, but certainly there has been futile spy attempts in the past. The smirk the buy gives only makes Rie even more furious. "How..exactly did you.."heal her"? And healed what? just a second ago she let out a scream in pain...." She thinks looks over to Shizu who does not seem to be in any pain, but is still a bit in shock from how she was kissed...Something thats possibly best left unknown otherwise Rie might just kill someone. she then looks back at the boy awaiting a answer.

@Ldybug123 @ForgottenSky9272
Saito was not too fond of her attitude. He too is protective of the human he has a contract with, but he didn't like the way this demon spoke. He kept his calm and had fun with this, unusually, "Do I really have to explain myself to you?" Saito could tell that the demon looked down on him, "All I did was restore her health because you didn't seem to be taking good care of her...." He said this to slightly rile her up. He didn't go any further considering how short her temper had been, "The scream was only a slight....er..... side effect, I guess, to my blood entering her body. But, it shouldn't of been that bad. She's just rather....fragile." Saito's hands were still upon her sword which was probably not a good idea, for the metallic blade started to melt in his hands. He took his hands off of the now slightly broken sword. He would probably use his magic to restore it if she asked. The weaponry seemed good too and he was very slightly guilty for melting the top of it. Then, he scanned her ever so slightly up and down. By the way she acted she could be a destructive demon who feeds off of rage. But, who knows, maybe she's just a protective, hot-headed demon.

Rie wanted to kill Saito right there on the spot, but something clicked in her brain that says he does not exactly deserve a quick death that would release his soul in a way without pain and suffering, no he seems to e eager to receive the opposite of a quick death, but she restrained herself there in hopes of getting a direct answer, he however remains defiant and claims he does not have to explain himself, only fueling her rage further...His next sentence even more so...Not because he she says shes fragile, she agrees with that..but he said he put his blood into her body..Did he contaminant her Pure Yaken blood? Ruining her birthright? Insulting their entire bloodline? She was considering the slow death more and more....Then she notices her blade is slightly melted at the tip, now damaging her weaponry...Her patience was snapped in two, her remaining rationality was killed off by her rage. The blade begins slowly rebuilding itself as it glows with some aura, Rie...however discards the blade even though her rage repaired it for her, instead however, she decided the slow and painful way to end this filth...Using her hands...to choke the life out of him. She grasp her hand around the boys neck and begins to strangle him....Maybe someone will save him?


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