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Realistic or Modern Koganei Kita Senior High School

Takeo Nakahara

New Member
Takeo Nakahara submitted a new role play:

Koganei Kita Senior High School - High school life.

I boarded the Koganei bound train, squeezing in amongst quite a few people. I netted a few curious looks, my black clothes and silver jewelry earning clucks from the older men on the train. I ignored them as I dug through my bag for my mp3 player. I found the headphones attached to it, and gave them a sharp yank. Out came the music player, as well as a pamphlet, with my name Takeo Nakahara printed on the cover in the corner. It fluttered to the ground, falling open. I picked it up, and...
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I boarded the Koganei bound train, squeezing in amongst quite a few people. I netted a few curious looks, my black clothes and silver jewelry earning clucks from the older men on the train. I ignored them as I dug through my bag for my mp3 player. I found the headphones attached to it, and gave them a sharp yank. Out came the music player, as well as a pamphlet, with my name Takeo Nakahara printed on the cover in the corner. It fluttered to the ground, falling open. I picked it up, and read it for the first time.

"Here at Koganei Kita Senior High School, our faculty, staff, and students are sure to make you feel welcome! With an outstanding Kitaya rating of shลซ (็ง€) we are one of the most prestigious schools in the country! We welcome you with open arms!"

I sigh, annoyed at the ignorant manner that this pamphlet was written in. I folded it unceremoniously in half, irked. It was stuffed rudely into my bag, causing the paper to rip. I powered up my music player, putting in both corresponding ear buds. Preppy, and pompous, this was not the school of choice for me. In fact, it was as far as I could get from what I wanted. Ugh. I shivered on the packed subway car, cranking up my music to avoid having to talk to people. My music, an American band by the name of Escape the Fate, was a favorite of mine. You see, I was born in America and lived there until I was 16, learning to speak both Japanese as well as English. I'd have finished my high school career in America, but my oh-so-perfect father wanted to move back to his roots, pulling myself and my mother from our firm grasp on America. I hated it. I'd made a few good friends in Maine, USA, and I hated my father for it. I had no more time to be pensive as the subway car, pulled into the station, dumping me into the crush of people.


This is a slice of life roleplay. As such, there are going to be rules, though not very many.

Rule 1 is that this is loosely based on Japanese culture. There can be deviances here and there, but do some research beforehand. It'll increase the accuracy of your parts.

Rule 2 is be nice. Almost goes without saying, but I've seen instances where people are jerks.

Rule 3 is to expect fluff/angst. OC's in this RP are teenagers, so such moods are normal

Rule 4 pertains to back story. No overly dramatic/stressful backgrounds. IE
"Beaten as a child, barely escaped with his life as violent father burned the house down." No. Just...no.

Rule 5 is respect, follow the current story line, no going off on your own because the current line doesn't "suit" you.

Lastly, I won't be requiring an OC sheet for this. That just takes up a lot of time and cuts into the fun. All I ask is when you sign up you leave a brief description of your character- age, gender, hair and eye color, height. Just so we know what we're working with.

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