Kisaragi High School(In-Character)

Aiko called Kotori again while waiting for Liisi to return she was waiting with her blank expression. She needed her to come to school or the Kyoto trip could be cancelled.

She chanted something in an incomprehensible Language and Kotori's phone rang louder.

@Fazy @The UES
Toyama lowered his eyes and glared at his sister "Just give it time, most people notice it after a quick while."

Nakata tilted her head to the side as her brother gave her the stink eye, not even responding to Mahiru ruffling with her hair.

She yawned again before speaking slowly "Don't really know what to consider fun, haven't had fun in years. It's all about relaxing now. Its pretty pleasing."

"This thing gets bored easier than anything else I've ever encountered during my time on this planet." Toyama spoke as he folded his arms again " I've even gone out of my way to catalogue her attempts at entertainment. All of which usually end similarly, though not without reason"

Nakata shrugged "Not much stuff to stimulate me, nothing but a rejuvenating nap." She paused for a second to give an exhausted stretch "Gonna get a nice long one in class~ Is gonna be great~"

Toyama rolled his eyes in disgust "So trust me, no matter what you suggest it probably won't enough for it."


@Fazy @Bowa
Mahiru raised a confused eyebrow towards Toyama as she walked slightly closer to him and ruffled his hair lightly as she was doing to Nakata. "Why do you refer to her as IT?" she asked, quite cluelessly. She looked over at Nakata. "You a robot or something?"

@GrieveWriter @Bowa
Katsuro answered the phone as per Kotori's request and put the breakfast he just made in the refrigerator. Since they were already starting to be late as is, breakfast was going to have to wait. He held the phone between his shoulder and cheek, getting dressed as he spoke on they phone. "Hello, who's there?" Katsuro asked, pulling up his pants. He wondered who could be calling at this time, when he realized that he just answered Kotori's phone with no explanation as to why, as they hadn't yet told anyone they were living together. Katsuro prayed that the person on the line was a telemarketer, though the prayers would be for nothing.

Kotori ran out of the room in her school uniform. She looked surprisingly good today for some reason - she was trying to look good. Shrugging at her reflection in the mirror, she entered the kitchen, her bag slung over her shoulder. "You r-" Walking in on Katsuro putting his pants on was so embarrassing! Oh my God. She stepped backwards and called back, "You ready yet?" 

@Sizniche (Gonna sleep!)
Katsuro nearly dropped the phone when Kotori walked in. He pulled his pants up the rest of the way and handed Kotori her phone, his face red. "Aiko w-wanted you to meet her in the student council room." He put a shirt on quickly and headed out the door ahead of Kotori.


Content with the workload she had managed to complete thus far, Liisi returned to Aiko with only a flyer left for Uyeno and herself. "My duty is complete Ms President, I await new orders!" She gave her usual salute and stood patiently by the door for permission to sit down, though it wasn't that abundantly obvious.


Aiko was sitting down at the president's chair surprisingly still before responding a minute after she had stood there. "Good work." She said monotonically as she flipped a page on her book. She remained silent for a few minutes which was unbearably awkward before closing her book. "You may sit down." She said monotonically as she moved to another book.

@The UES
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Liisi bowed and walked over to seat, silently and slowly. She tugged at her collar awkwardly, not really sure what else to do. Only Liisi and Aiko were present, Kotori was no where to be seen. The monotone speech followed by a continuous silence wasn't odd for Aiko, but Liisi could not stand it. Pulling out her phone, she began to text Uyeno.


Aiko closed her book and left Liisi to go to what seems to be the toilet. She simply walked out and walked down the hallway. She went into the toilet to sit in the stall as she saw many girls do it so she did the same. What she wasn't aware of is that she went to the men's room as she didn't understand the blue man and pink woman signs.

She returned to the student council room untouched fortunately but there were rumors that Aiko is a guy due to the misconception of symbols. It spread quickly and Liisi was informed by someone through the phone.

@The UES
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"Thanks! Wait for me!" she called, running out after him and locking the door behind him. "Sorry about that," she said, half-embarrassed. "I-I should've known better." Kotori thought changing the subject would be a good idea so she said, "Hey, have you heard about the trip to Kyoto?"

Aiko sat down and slept face down on the table. She is clearly tired from the planning of the Kyoto field trip. She was still at the student council room waiting for Kotori before she can start the meeting. Classes have been cancelled and dismissal time was at 12 PM so most students just slack off despite the time was given to plan out the trip.

@Fazy @The UES
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"I-it's okay," Katsuro says to Kotori,"I probably shouldn't have been dressing out in the open like that anyway." Katsuro was surprised by the mention of a school trip. "No, I haven't. Is it being planned by student council?"

Kotori paled. "Oh, that's probably why we're having a- we're going to be late!" At this realization, Kotori grabbed Katsuro's hand and half-dragged him to school whilst running. She ran out of energy quickly though, especially since she had not eaten breakfast. Upon arriving at the school gates, she gave Katsuro a hug. "Can't you come with me to my meeting? Aiko probably won't mind." She really didn't want to be anywhere without Katsuro, but seeing as that made her sound a little possessive, she stopped herself from saying anything more.

"Aiko might not mind, but the superintendent, principal, and teacher probably might. I'm not in student council, so I don't get an excuse from class to do student council. Listen, we get dismissed at noon, and we can spend the rest of the day together, alright?" Katsuro kissed Kotori on the forehead and walked to class.

Sighing and murmuring something under her breath, Kotori allowed a wave of disappointment hit her. "God, I'm stupid." She skipped off to the student council room. She was only a few minutes late, anyways, and she had not lost much time. Liisi and Aiko were already there, though. She felt the overwhelming need to increase her sense of responsibility at that moment. Despite her mood, she waved at the two girls and noticed the stack of field trip forms. "Oh, yay!" 

@The UES @TGSRoleplay
"Meeting begins." Aiko said monotonically looking at Kotori who was at the door. She had a blank expression as always and had a plan drawn out on the white board behind her. She used a rising crop and discussed her well thought out plan to the rest of the student council. She also announced they will be sleeping in the same room mostly by drawing the room placements and saying short phrases.

@Fazy @The UES
"Aiko. Can't we have mixed gender rooms, or is it extremely necessary that the student council sleep together in the same room?" The thought of being in the same room as Aiko for over 8 hours, not speaking to her... that was not happening. She had to put a stop to this before something actually happened.

"It's been that way in previous years." She said monotonically as she went over the boys floors and girls floors. It probably suggests that the student council is usually one sex every year. Aiko was discussing the schedule for when they arrive from a nearly 2 hour long bus ride. The list of things to bring is pretty normal like jacket, clothes for 5 days and other necessities. 

@The UES @Fazy
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"Wait, Aiko, what activities will we be doing there?" Kotori's eyes lit up. "Swimming? The beach? Maybe even an amusement park? A carnival? An expensive restaurant? A high-end club that's for rich people? Wait, not so sure about that last one... but the others sound great to me!" 

@TGSRoleplay @The UES

Liisi ran over to the student council room panting, she was slightly late yet still managed to catch most of the important information about the trip. "Sleeping with Ms Aiko... How many can fit into a single room Ms President? And why are we going to Kyoto? Is it a history trip, maybe a geography trip? We should really clarify this to the other students."

@Fazy @TGSRoleplay
She stared at her for a few minutes bowllrowsing through what will happen in he future and seeing if those things said earlier Match the projected future. "Excluding the restaurant, the club and the beach stated earlier, it is possible for all other events to be held in the time period of next week." She said monotonically after 5 minutes if silence which was very awkward

@The UES @Fazy
"Aww, I thought we were going just for the fun of it!" Kotori grumbled, muttering something under her breath, but her face lit up for the second time that morning once she heard what Aiko had to say. "So that leaves... the amusement park and the carnival... let's assume that's the same... and swimming!" 

@TGSRoleplay @The UES

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