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Fantasy Kingdom of Truth // Closed



Zombie Enthusiast
In a world made up of different factions, one kingdom rules supreme. Hespark is a kingdom that rose to leadership due to its community of generous and forward thinking individuals, they are known as those who help and provide to those less fortunate than them. At least that's how it started. For hundreds of years everyone has lived in a silent peace, nothing too bad to start a war but also nothing good enough to hold parades about. But recently things have been stirring, things have been .... bad.

Spots (6)
1. ZombieBaee ZombieBaee
2. Sir Damien Sir Damien
3. EclipseRosee EclipseRosee
4. Colt Voltage Colt Voltage
6. Pax Pardus Hale Pax Pardus Hale
In a frustrated rage Danton fussed with the tie around his neck, his long index and middle fingers loosening the thing from his skin. Honestly, why did he have to wear this? He understood his mission, but to be so formal? Today he was an ambassador of the Kingdom of Caeven, a small kingdom on the northern part of the lands. The remote kingdom relied heavily on the Kingdom of Hespark. The land wasn’t fertile and therefore didn’t have much produce to feed its people. It was rich in jewels though, so in order to feed its people they traded jewels with Hespark for food.

The honest truth? Danton was a spy for the council of Kingdoms. A secret council made up of one person from every Kingdom. The kings and queens didn’t even know of the council, it was just an old wives tail. When the treaty was first established hundreds of years ago so was the council. But since then people thought of it as a thing of rumors. Little did they know. The council was to make sure the lands kept the peace. As of late some nasty rumors were spreading. Hespark was getting more and more secretive. Usually unusual activity worried the council. Hespark? It was the lack of activity. They seemed to shut their doors to most people. Most trades seem to dwindle on their part. Caeven was one of the ones to suffer. They were willing to offer their jewels, but Hespark? They didn’t seem interested as of late to trade food. And that hurt the small kingdom.

Danton looked up ahead of the sleek black cars driver seat as they approached the massive walls of Hespark. The walls spread as far as the eyes could see. It was one of the original 4 kingdoms, and each year it seemed to get bigger and bigger. The land was very prosperous. Mines, land, weapons, technology. The had it all. There was no rule against one kingdom becoming too powerful, but some would say Hespark controlled the entire world. The thought put Danton on edge. No place should be that powerful.

“Bently, we’re approaching the gates. You know the story right?” He glanced over at his latest partner. She was an odd one. Most of the time he was sent on missions by himself. He understood the necessity of a partner on such an important, but she seemed more of a wild card. Wild cards were unpredictable; she was dangerous to his mission. He was sure to be careful around her.
Today was the day. The day she had been preparing for. Her people thought she was visiting old contacts in Caeven when in reality she was fronting as one of the assistants to their fake ambassador, Danton. Besides her Danton was fussing with his tie and she let out her own sigh of annoyance with her own outfit. Most days she would be in her normal wear, shorts, boots and her jacket with her sword at her side, today however she was squeezed into this white bodycon dress that hugged her body like skin with a pair of white heels that she teetered in awkwardly. Honestly Bentley had no clue why she was chosen for this! The council told her it was her "take no shit" attitude but in reality that attitude might catch her some trouble. Hespark were people of poise and elegance and invention. Bentley was a person of brute force and sick jokes.

Bentley's first steps into the Kingdom of Hespark were mildly traumatic. Having to keep a straight, unimpressed face as she spoke to the guards was a lot harder than she thought. She handed over two ID cards, one for herself and one for Danton as she gave them a weak polite smile. Hopefully it passed. She had tied up her raven hair and removed her piercings for this...

This was a much bigger mission than any in her past, before it was just infiltration small towns to find out where they stored their treasures and supplies but this was... this was important. This was for her people and all the others outside of Hespark's giant city walls. The city itself was miles away from the walls, presumably to keep them out of the eye of the public. But everyone stuck outside of them was well aware of what the job of those damn things was.

Once finally cleared by the guards the two of them were escorted to a vehicle that was explained to them as their "rental" for the visit. They had told Bentley about this sort of thing but seeing the sleek metal thing in person was different. Her blue eyes instantly moved to Danton, hoping he knew how to use this thing.
Faye looked out the window of the library anxiously. That was probably the 90th time today, and it was only noon. She was anxious. As of late ambassadors didn’t come to the palace. The gates were seldom open for anyone. Her shoulder length silky silver hair had its usual wave to it, her icy blue eyes studying every detail of the large gate that separated her and her people. How she wished it would come down again and let her go.

Gently she shook her head to clear the thought. It only passed her mind about a hundred times a day. No, not today. Today they were getting visitors! She couldn’t sulk. She was the people’s princess for crying out loud! She had to be prepared.

Hespark was well known for their advancements, especially in technology. Faye was the prime example of that. On her left arm was a dazzling silver metal that went from her shoulders all the way to the top of her fingers, a small Bluetooth looking device attached to her left ear that matched. A moving light traced the outline of the arm and ear piece that switched between every color of the rainbow, her only request of the tech really. Her brother had built it for her. It had a bunch of crazy abilities. The arm gave the frail silver haired vixen some form of strength. Locked doors? Her arm could pick it by itself. He had even inserted lasers into the thing! Not her favorite thing, but it was there. With auto aim. It didn’t even need to be charged, it ran off her energy!

The ear piece was her favorite. A small piece was inserted into her brain and retained all of her memories. Things she’s learned and studied, things she remembered, it was all on the device. And it was so simple to use! All she had to do was think about something and it was in her vision for her own private viewing. Plus, it could sync up to her phone so she didn’t need to actually look at it. The hand even acted as a keyboard! Their kingdom was amazing.

“Father said they’ll be here around noon. Where are they?” Faye looked over at her brother as she quietly whined, her hand tapping in thin air as she scrolled through the conversation she had with her father earlier the week. Arrival time, noon. Where were they?

She jumped from her seat as she glanced out the window. “The gates are coming down!” Faye was in a off the shoulder silver dress that hugged her thin frame, the dress ending right above her pale knees. Her silver flats tapped against the sleek floor as she ran out of the library and down the elaborate staircase to the common area, and out to the gateway. She was so anxious to meet them!
Ferris did not share his sister excitement as they sat in their usual chairs in the library. In front of him was his tool kit and yet another small device he was working on, this time it was a hoverboard that could double as a shield. Stupid, yes. But in their kingdom they were literally running out of ways to make life easier. Everything had a way to be completed with technology at this point. Literally everything. Self moving vehicles and self cleaning tables. Everything. So all he could do was make stupid things that had no true purpose but were at least entertaining.

When his sister spoke it brought him back to the thought of the visitors and he set down his tools and peered over at her through the various hologram screens between them, "They'll get here when they get here." He grumbled and blinked, closing all of the imaginary tabs that appeared in his vision. His sister used her implant for memories and her own learning. Ferris used his for his building and hacking. While he didn't use any fancy arm to control it, his mind and a bluetooth keyboard worked just as well, although not as cool.

"Hell Faye calm down." Ferris grumbled as his sister jumped up from her seat and went off at a full run. When she was out of sight he allowed him self a small chuckle at her excitement before pushing back from the table and straightening out his sliver suit jacket. Well here goes nothing.

Once outside Ferris took in the sight of the large gates sliding open, even he had to admit it was impressive. It was something he hadn't seen in years, not since they were much younger. "Faye you'll scare them away if you don't calm down just a tiny bit..."
Danton gave the sleek car a small eye roll. Everything here was over the top. The car had no wheels; the silver car seemed to hover and run on solar power. Efficient, but it looked like this kingdom liked to show off. Okay, he knew they did. Everything was elaborate here. Silver everything. Hardly any color at all. It made his eyes hurt. “Right. Well let’s go.” He glanced at his partner and waved his hand over the ‘handle’ of the car, the doors raising and allowing him to duck inside.

Once they were inside he furrowed his brows. There wasn’t a steering wheel at all, just a screen. “Why is this kingdom so weird...” he clicked a few things on the sleek screen and it seemed like their destination was already set for them. “Convenient.” With one more click and the car was taking off.

It didn’t take long before they were coming upon a large silver gate that was slowly being lowered. The town they had drove through seemed empty and desolate. No people. It raised a few questions to be asked for later.

“We’re here. Remember to be polite, these people aren’t the friendliest. They’re a different breed.” With that said the car drove across the bridge and stopped. A few people were gathered around but his eyes looked for a specific few. “The true royals have silver hair.” And with that Danton stood from the car and gave a small wave to a silver haired girl and boy as well as a few people around them.
The entire time she was inside this hunk of metal Bentley was outrageously uncomfortable. This kingdom had taken something so enjoyable and turned it into a hands free convenience. Her entire life was about traveling! By her own damn hands! They had things that moved people without any work! What kind of life was one that required no human input? Her stormy eyes looked out the windows as they moved, everything here was so different. Nearly everything in her life was neutral tones and black, surely not sleek silver and white around every corner. And this place was so fake looking, it was hard to find any sense of nature anywhere... It made her a little angry honestly.

Finally they were at this house, castle, mansion? Whatever you wanted to call it. "How lavish." Bentley grumbled before straightening out the dress and stepping carefully out of the car, rolling her eyes and Danton's different breed warning. Not the friendliest? Did he realize that he was basically a emotionless rock and he was speaking about friendliness to a literal pirate? The irony wasn't lost on her...

The true royals have silver hair huh? Finally her eyes fell on a pair of them. A girl and a boy, clearly related. They looked alike. Siblings more than likely. As they took a few steps closer Bentley found herself having to keep from making a face, the girl looked really familiar, something about her face was very.... well... she wasn't sure how to word it. The thought was shoved to the back of her head as she put on her best advisor smile and gave a small bow to the group of people. "Good afternoon." She said in a sickeningly sweet tone, her own stomach turning with the words. "Pleasure to meet you."
Ferris was right, she was being a tad bit over the top. But why shouldn’t she? She was anxious and excited! Slowly she let out a long breath as the pair stepped from the car. “The pleasure is all of ours to be able to have you with us.” Faye gave a deep curtsy, her bionic arm well on display for the two to see.
Once she straightened herself up from the curtsy she gave her perfect and sweet smile she was well known for. “We haven’t had the honor to host anyone in quite some time.” Her icy blue eyes scanned over the people and studied them. The man seemed stoic and clearly uncomfortable. The girl? Equally uncomfortable. And... There was something familiar about her. Though, she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. “Ah, where are my manners? I am Faye Hespark, the youngest twin. This is my brother, Ferris. We will be your guides today. My father had some sudden and urgent business he needed to attend to. Don’t be worried though, we’re very capable and will do our best to keep you company until his business is attended to.”
Faye held out her hand and a light emitted from her palm, a large light beam showcasing the map of the castle. “We will start on the first floor. The main hall, the throne room, all the main things. The garden is outside, we’ll show you that and then attend a late lunch. Second floor is the library and other important rooms. Then we will show you to your rooms, third floor east wing.” There were many other rooms, some of which she was sure ambassadors wouldn’t take interest in. The tour was last minute, but she had to come up with something. She wasn’t one to disappoint.
Ferris just sat back and watched, keeping a neutral but polite face as everyone else whispered about the guests. Typical. Humans will always be humans he supposed, no matter how things advance they will always love drama. He couldn’t fault them he supposed, but he himself found the whole thing troublesome. It made Faye happy but all this galavanting around and showing off was annoying for him. “Ah yes, as Faye said. Pleasure.” A man of few words.

As Faye gave her tour Ferris followed behind the group, closing doors behind them and rolling his eyes occasionally. This should be his fathers problem not theirs.... what did he even have to go do anyways? It was always that way with him. Sudden urgent business. HAH. He just didn’t want to actually do any work. He wanted to wait so he could show up later and have all the glory.

“If you need anything for your rooms please let us know, they’re equipped with a system to ring for anything you could really think of and someone will drop it off at your door as soon as they can. But most things should really already be provided.” Ferris cleared his throat as he stepped in, his eyes looking over the two new comers slowly. He hadn’t really paid attention downstairs but they both seemed rather young, maybe about he and his sisters age. Strange.
Although Danton was raised by the council he never had access to even a fraction of the technology here. It was...insane. The girl had a bionic contraption on. The twins had the ear pieces in, and he didn’t even want to know what those could do. The tour the twins gave blew his mind. The castle? Big enough for a small kingdom. It was hard to believe that it was only the royal family and a few servants living here.
When they finally got to the wing with their rooms he tried not to look relieved. All of this? It hurt his head. “We will let you know if we need anything, but more than likely we will not. Your father is the only one that can answer why he has cut off trade to almost all nations.” Danton grief not to sound too bitter but he couldn’t help it. People were suffering while these people thrived. It sickened him.
What. Was. This. Place.

Was that girl a robot? What was with the arm? And the both of them had these weird things in their ears! Bentley prided herself on her wit and know how but this place was turning her brain into mush. Everything here was so over the top and strange! She had a million questions, none of which she could actually ask. As they walked she watched the walls, her eyes scanning everything slowly, taking it all in. Once they reached their rooms she gave another polite smile to their hospitality. "What my friend here means is thank you for the tour." Bentley shifted a little and gave Danton a look. "However he is right... we were supposed to have a meeting with your father by now. We don't have long to stay here and a lot to discuss." She glanced further down the hall and found her eyes falling on what she presumed was a painting of the royal family of Hespark.

"I-Is that lovely painting of your family? How... How beautiful." Bentley struggled with the words, at this point it was like word vomit that was struggling to remain appropriate. That man... the king... looked just like her own father. Nearly identical. Not once in her life had she ever seen any imagrey of the king here but there was no mistaking it. They were like dopelgangers or something! "I-uh, I'm going to head into my room and refresh myself, it was a long ride over... uh... yeah." Bentley swallowed hard and bowed her head slightly before taking a step backwards and opening the door behind her. "Thank you again, uhm knock when you need me." The last part was directed to Danton, giving him a small smile before closing the door behind her and falling into the plus bed. What was going on here?
Wait, what was that? Cut off trade? No...Father always has prided himself on helping people. That was their way! Hespark had wide open doors, they did what they could for their fellow man. Right? That’s how she remembered it? At least before her mom got sick, before they became shut in. “W...Wait.” Her finger scrolled through her texts. Her dad hadn’t texted her in a while, but she really needed to confront him about this. What would mom say if she knew what was happening? The twins weren’t allowed to bother their mom a lot, but this needed to be addressed. “We can go to my father. This has to be some misunderstanding!” Her father had seemed preoccupied more and more lately, she thought it was her mother’s failing health. A land with advanced sciences, healthcare and technology and there was one case of failing health they couldn’t solve.

Faye turned on her heels and made her way to the throne room. “Father?” She opened the door and walked inside, not really waiting for an answer from him. He was busy signing something, but she didn’t care. “What’s this about shutting down trade? Does mom know about this? Is this why you’ve kept us shut in for almost ten years?!” Faye wasn’t going to sit still and stay quiet about something like this anymore. No, she was done with that. The kingdom was on the line here for crying out loud!
This wasn’t going well.

Ferris never wanted to take after his father or mother the way Faye did. Faye was good at the royalty thing. Ferris was not. One of their guests had just had a minor attack of being weird and shut herself in. The male seemed pissed already. Faye was running off to yell at their father and Ferris was just standing there confused. Cut off trade? That wasn’t even possible! Hespark depended on that trade didn’t they? The resources that Autura provided allowed their power plants to run and provide power to themselves. And in return they provided the machinery to make their job easier. And that one place.... the bronze one! They gave us fish and we gave them well... something! Right??!

Ferris felt a sort of anger build inside of him. He was not a caring person 9 times out of 10. But this was terrible. If this was true then it meant their father was a dirty politician. One that lies to his own family!! Why would he even do this? Everything worked well do so long! And Faye loved the kingdom... so did his mother. And he was ruining it!

Ferris looked over to the ambassador and spoke, “Feel free to follow me.” He glanced at the closed door of the female and shrugged before turning and briskly walking after his twin who he found screaming at their father.

“Faye stop you won’t get a real answer out of him, not that way.”
What just happened? Bently retreated to her room suddenly, the princess seemed to storm off and her brother took off after her. They didn’t know about the trading situation? What were they, locked up in the castle for the past few years? Only a mad king would lock away his own people. Especially his own kids...no, there had to be another answer. That couldn’t be it. Where was the queen in all of this? No one had heard from her in years.

Bently, we have to go follow them.” He gave a firm knock on the door. Whatever she was going through was going to have to wait later. “Come on, we’re going to see the king.” He walked downstairs and followed Ferris to the throne room. Danton cleated his throat loudly. “I’m sorry sir, I wasn’t aware that your own children were kept in the dark about the trade situation. Do they know that your country provides over 80 percent of trades? Countries rely on you, surely they know that? My country is one of them. I was curious as why you’re letting countries starve. Did you hear about Tesuzura before you shut everyone out? They had to resort to killing 40 people each month just to survive. Children, elders. All because you cut off trade with them.”

He glanced at the twins, his dark brows rising curiously. “What have you two been doing these past 8 years? Hiding under a rock?”
Bentley was laying against the plush white material when a knock came to the door and she heard Dantons voice. Why was she even here? She was going to ruin all of thus because she wasnt able to function socially unless she was being a total sarcastic asshole. Plus this was all confusing and weird already. Not only was this place so strange... there was that picture of that man. Maybe the likeness was only due to the painting. Or maybe she was just seeing things. Either way, she needed to get over it.

Bentley pushed herself off of the bed and looked at herself in the mirror quickly, her shoulder length black hair was smoothed out and pulled into a neat bun on the nape of her neck. Her nose and lip were missing a lot of metal and her face was clean of makeup. It was strange. Maybe thats what was making her feel so off kilter.

Turning on a heel she made her way out into the hallway and followed the quickly moving shadow of Danton until she found them all in a large room where a lot of yelling was occuring. Danton was going in on a man across the room, the man in the painting, the king. And one look at him made her knees feel week and her stomach do turns. The mix of anger and confusion was almost too much. This man looked like someone she loved so dearly but in all reality it was a man she hated with all her heart.

“As if what happened there isnt bad enough,” Bentley spoke, her voice hard as she looked between Danton and the king, “Your kingdom is the reason some outside that wall dont even exist anymore.” Her own for example. Her kingdom had no hoke port left... it was blown away for reasons they still dont know.
King Benjamin had been busy all day with the attack in two days. Autura, a kingdom with valuable resources that they could always use. They had plenty themselves, but for the upcoming war they couldn't get enough. He'd take everything from everywhere they needed. He had always viewed himself as a superior being, ever since he was a child back in the Bronze Reef. He was the older twin. He always had big dreams. Dreams beyond the port, dreams of not only wealth and riches but people bowing to his feet, control over the masses, his word being law. Pirates didn't get that. Kings? They got that power. They were like Gods.

Benjamin came to Hespark to study the kingdom. They were the wealthy and the most powerful, and he wanted a piece of that. It didn't take long to meet the princess. She was sweet, kind, and friendly. She wore her heart on her sleeve...it was easy to fool her. That's when he tricked her into falling for him. They married, had children. She didn't share his dream and he knew that. She was loved by all. If anything happened to her the power would go to their children. He needed his wife alive but out of the way. So he slowly poisoned her. She became sick, frail, unable to rule. He stepped up. His stash of poison dwindled and he needed to get some more.

So he attacked his old home. Destroyed everything except the poisoned plants. Shortly after that he shut the gates to Hespark. He was in full control now. And that's how things had been for the past several years. The thought made him smile. Well, until his daughter came barging in. She was the spitting image of him and her mother somehow. Facial shape, the chin, and the eyes were his. Everything else, from her silver locks to her cheek bones, to her slim figure and height was her moms. Her personality definitely took after her mothers.

The words that came out of her mouth made the color drain from his face. He locked them up in the castle, how could they figure it out? "Pardon?" He was genuinely confused on how she suddenly connected the dots. It wasn't until an unfamiliar face showed. "You're the one filling her head with all this nonsense?" He chuckled slightly. "My dear, relax. Everything I plan is for a purpose." He turned to a ghost when Bently came in. She looked exactly like him, like a twin to Faye. She had to be part of her family. Her brothers? "I'm sorry dear I have no clue what you're talking about. Mind telling me what kingdom you're from?" His piercing blue eyes narrowed at her, glancing over at Danton as to tell him to keep quiet. He was on to them. There was no way they were ambassadors! They were obviously spies. He was just kicking himself for not seeing this a mile away.
Faye furrowed her brows as she observed her father. He seemed so...so...so calm about this whole thing! Why would these guys lie about this?! There was no reason to! But her father seemed distraught when Bently walked in. Her eyes widened. Did he know her? Suddenly she had a terrible headache. Her hand pressed to her forehead as she looked from her father to the others. He was her father, he didn't have any reason to lie. Right? Sure he was sketchy, but...she had to believe in him. That still didn't explain how he looked at her, or why he was talking to them like they were enemies. "What's going on? My head hurts." Everything was so damn confusing! If he didn't cut off trade they wouldn't be here. But he's saying he didn't. Who the hell was she to believe?!
Ferris has never seen his father like this. Sure the man was powerful and a little pushy but this here was something different. He was angry, visibly angry. His face was whiter than a ghosts when the two strangers entered the room... something was wrong. Ferris was getting the feeling these people were not ambassadors. He took a few steps closer to Faye and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her over to the side and away from Danton and Bentley. They may be telling the truth about the outside but they still could be dangerous. They did lie about who they were after all.

As his father questioned the strangers Ferris sat back with his stomach turning. Why was their father getting so defensive? And ... wait.... “If-If they’re lying why are you asking for specifics...” it just came out like word vomit. He didn’t mean to say it but it was a legitimate question.
Danton genuinely didn't know how to proceed with this mission. He wanted to get going and fast, the mission was failed. They had been compromised; the question the king asked was for his sake and his sake only. No answer could get them out of trouble. "Bently, we need to go." There was no way conning themselves out of this. He took a few steps back before hitting a guard in the chest. "What?" When did they get there? Guards were surrounding them and they were quickly outnumbered.

With a small groan he felt his hands being placed in some type of restraint behind his back. He tried to wiggle free but tensed when the cuffs shocked him. Looking back they were some odd contraption; a blue light wrapped around his wrists. Apparently if he tried to free himself the light shocked him. Seriously, fuck this place.

There was no way to contact the council, he knew that coming in. The most he could do was make someone realize the Kings wrongdoings. "Guys, why would we lie about this? People are dying and they're dying fast. We have everything riding on this. Him? He has nothing at stake here. You have to have known something was wrong! Think of your people!" Danton yelled the whole time as he was being dragged away from the throne room.
Kingdom of Autura
Dahlia gave a small sigh as she watched Hunter woo some local women. She was watching from a distance as usual, sipping on some herbal tea from some local shop. She preferred the distance. All of these years alone and he was the first person she'd met. She found him wandering between kingdoms a few years ago. He came into her woods (somehow got beyond the barrier she set up), got lost (something her barrier was supposed to do to outsiders), and she had to come out to guide him. She promised him that as long as he stayed away from the woods she would teleport him place to place. All he had to do was summon her by saying a simple incantation.

Today the red headed witch was escorting the handsome young man on some sort of intelligence expedition. What was it? She didn't ask. He seemed to lead a dark life that she didn't want to take part in. Still, he was rather pleasant company. But what did she know? Dahlia had been alone for a little over 400 years.

Suddenly the witch got a chill. It wasn't the wind, no, this chill sunk deep into her bones. It nearly froze her. Something dark had shifted, something dangerous. Her chocolate brown doe eyes looked to the East. Hespark was that way. They had caused their fair share of political issues, but never once has such an ominous breeze flow from beyond their walls. She didn't want to stay here. Quickly she drank the rest of her tea, praying to mother nature that Hunter got done soon.
As soon as the king asked her where she was from she froze. What was the story again? Why was he even asking! Did it matter? Besides her Danton started to yell and suddenly she was brought back to her surroundings. Her hands were in some form of hand cuff and suddenly she broke. Fuck the mission. Fuck her alias. Fuck the king.
"What you blow away so many kingdoms you have to ask for clarification when they call you out? You fuckin' knave." Her slight accent was back as was her colorful vocabulary. Her face turned almost instantly, from the polite polished woman that was before them to a scowling angry girl who would gladly kill the coward and save everyone else the trouble. Danton was talking to the royal siblings and Bentley went to yank her hands out from the hand cuffs, something that usually would have been easy. But instead it sent a shock through her body that weakened her knees. "Oh hell." She groaned, stumbling as the guards yanked her backwards.

"Is this not all the proof you need? He's arresting people for TALKING to him." Bentley growled and yanked away from the guard once again, the shock causing her legs to give out under her and her head to scream at her to stop. "Don't be so fucking naive." It was the last thing she was able to say to them before the guards turned a corner and led her and Danton down various flights of stairs until they finally came into a room sealed by about fifty locks. Each of them was tossed into a clear walled cell with a mattress on the floor and a blanket with nothing else. "Well that went well." Bentley growled and fell down onto the bed, her hands still stuck behind her as she struggled to kick off the god forsaken heels. No need for those anymore. The guards had left, leaving them alone in a room she could only assume was protected by a plethora of technology. "So what do we do now?" Bentley turned and looked at Danton through the clear plastic and sighed. What could they do now?​
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Rose and her brother ran full speed down the main stretch of the town square of Autura. Why? To prove who was better. They did this type of nonsense commonly, much more now that they didn't have to spend their days in the forests. It had been almost five years of happiness now. Did they still have to work? Of course, nothing in the world was free. But did they spend every waking hour doing another kingdoms work for them? Hell no. Now Rose spent her days hunting for her own family and the families that couldn't do it themselves. She played games with her brothers and did errands for her parents. That's what they were doing today, racing to the bakery to buy bread for their dinner. "Come on slow poke!" Rose was maybe outrunning her brother by four or five feet. Her light brown hair was whipping in the wind behind her, turning her wavy tresses into more of a mess than usual. Her tall thin frame was in her usual denim on denim ensamble, a pair of light skinny jeans with a black belt, a white t shirt and a dark denim jacket that she stole from her older brother.

They finally reached the store, getting plenty of groans and chuckles from the townspeople as usual. It was normal now for them to see Rose and her brothers causing chaos around town. "Go in and buy the bread then head home, I have to drop some stuff off." Rose patted the leather bag at her side before tossing her brother the coins and waving as he entered the store. Now it was time to drop off the berries for the tea shop.

Rose found her way to the shop and spoke briefly with the owner outside. His wife was sick, so he couldn't go out and forage like they used to. So Rose did for them. No one paid Rose in money, they just gave her family discounts on everything in town basically. Money meant nothing to Rose, there was nothing she ever wanted for herself, all she wanted was her family safe and happy. As their conversation ended Rose heard something strange and looked up. All of the birds were flying rapidly from the forest.... Something was wrong.
After the guards locked up the new people the twins were escorted to their rooms, which happened to be right across from each other. Faye thought everything was okay, but after all that? She knew it wasn't. They had to figure out something and those strangers were the key to knowing what was going on. She pulled up the phone screen and texted her brother to meet her in the basement. She needed to get the strangers out, look at what the town nearby was like. That would show them what Hespark truly was! It wasn't the evil place that they thought it was.

Faye wrapped a black scarf around her head to hide her silver hair before she peeked out behind her door and into the hallway. No guards. She made her way down the stairs and watched the guards make their rounds before they went on their way. "Okay..." A few quick steps and she was heading down the several flights of stairs, stopping at the locks. Thankfully, her brother designed her bionic arm to be able to unlock doors. Her hand glowed a bright blue as it unlocked all the locks. "Yay." She smiled to herself before walking to the cells, looking at the both of them. "We're going to go to town and show you that Hespark is still a loving place. Not everyone in power here is corrupt." Hopefully that included her dad.

Faye unlocked the doors and smiled sweetly at them. "Now, come with me." The strangers wouldn't hurt her, that she was positive about. Quickly she made her way to the spot she told her brother to meet her at.

Hunter was here on business for a foreign noble. She wanted to find out some information about a man here, so that's where Hunter came in. Nobody seemed to like to travel. Him? He'd been doing it since he was young. These young ladies that he was talking to? They were friends with the man. Once he had gotten the information he kissed the hand of each of the young women, gave his most charming smile, and bid them farewell. Now, where was that witch? Oh, right. The tea shop.

Hunter made his way back to the tea shop and gave the red headed woman a bright smile. Well, until she seemed to notice something. He looked over the way she was looking and his stomach sank. The walls of Hespark were huge, they could see them clear as day in Autura. That made him uncomfortable. Hespark was the reason for so much misfortune and death. For him it was the death. Now his nation was doing pretty well...but at what cost?

He shook out his head and approached Dahlia. "Milady are you ready?" His dark eyes looked at the girl talking to the older man. She was pretty. The thought made his smile. Too bad he couldn't stay in this place. He got a bad vibe from it, and when he got a bad vibe he didn't stay long enough to find out what it meant. He already found out what bad vibes meant. The death of his mother, for one. Hunter felt a sinking feeling when he noticed the birds fly away. "Uh, miss? Do the birds usually do that?"
Ferris was laying on his bed when the text went off on his phone and the message appeared in his line of vision, blue text scrolling across the ceiling from his sister. What was she up to now? He knew that they needed to do something... obviously something was wrong, but he also didn't want to get involved. Getting involved meant drama and more than likely anger from their father, neither of which were anything that he wanted to deal with. "Hell..." Ferris sighed and sat up from the black sheets before reaching over and grabbing his phone, shoving it into the pockets of his pants and standing up.

After checking the hallway for potential hazards, Ferris made his way down to the basement, a place he rarely went. It was basically unused anyways, just the holding cells... A chill ran down Ferris' spine when he really thought about it. Before he always thought those things were just for emergencies but they were literally being used right that moment. Just because these people spoke out against their father... didn't people have the right to an opinion?

Ferris rounded a corner and instantly his face went red. "Faye!" He growled quietly, "What do you think you're doing? People are going to notice if they go missing!" Ferris quickly looked around them and shoved a hand through his silver locks. "What is your grand plan here besides getting us all in serious trouble?" This wasn't just some little dad mad at their child thing, no this was a literal crime that Faye just committed.

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