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Fantasy Kingdom of Truth CS // Closed


Faye Hespark


The kingdom of Hespark

Faye is the only daughter of the king and queen of Hespark, twin to the only son. Growing up Faye used to be proud of her kingdom. She got to socialize with the citizens, got to meet people from all over the lands. But something changed as she aged. They started to be kept in the castle more and more until, eventually, they were not allowed to leave. Faye was known as the people's princess. Now? Now she never got to see the people. Her father always said there was a reason and he'd tell her when she become of age, and her mother? Her mother always just pacified her. What could be so bad out there when her kingdom was the most successful and prosperous?

As the people's princess Faye is the friendlier one of the twins. She always goes out of her way to help people. She's always polite, and sweet. Since the twins became shut ins, though, she has buried herself in the pursuit of knowledge. The girl had become a history master. Books from all over the kingdoms, every book in the library, books smuggled in by her maids and butlers, she's studied them all. Coming from a futuristic kingdom she's also had access to amazing technology, something she's taken a interest in. When she ran out of books to read she buried herself in studying technology.

Faye is very charismatic and knowledgeable. She's studied maps, she's studied every book in the kingdom. What's the saying? Knowledge is power? Plus her knowledge on to work/alter technology, she proves herself rather useful.

Her brother is her strongest bond. She used to be loved by people all over the kingdom, though since she has been stuck inside the palace she wasn't too sure now. The rumor from the maids is that she is still loved. She hoped so. Faye is also loved by her father, though she is hesitant to love him most time. She gets the feeling him and her mother are hiding something.

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Danton Poezyn


Lotus Dynasty

Danton doesn't have any family. Well, he probably does, but he doesn't remember. He was taken at a young age to be trained by a secret council to be a weapon of a secret martial arts style, a style a select few are capable. The council was strict, harsh, and put him through a strict training regimen even at the young age of 5. He became the dream fighting machine. Still, Danton dreams of finding his family some day to ask why they gave him up...

Quiet and serious. He doesn't speak much since he didn't socialize much when he was growing up. Wake up, train, sleep. Wake up, train, sleep. That was his life...and it still was. Save for the occasional spy mission, all he did was train. Tall, dark, handsome, he was the ideal person to swoon foreign women. And if things got tight he was fit to fight his way out, which never happened. His whole life revolved around his martial arts skills.

Hand to hand combat is his main skill. Persuasion is a skill he uses when he needs it.

Danton doesn't form any real relationships, he's not really allowed to. He's a spy, a weapon. Weapons don't need friends or family. It's a lonely existence but it's his. He'll get an occasional partner for a mission but then he never sees them again after it's don't.​
Lottie Bently


The Kingdom of the Bronze Reef

Bently, as she prefers to go by, has a giant family. Hell she has about five ships full of family. Blood didn't mean much on the fleet, family meant that you were on these wooden monsters floating through the salty depths together. The Kingdom of the Bronze Reef isn't a stationary place, its a fleet of five ships. The main, and Bentley's home, is the Discourteous King... ironic considering the all powerful king of Hespark is the main reason they no longer have a real port to sail home too. That very man is also the reason Bentley never had a mother. Bentley can remember her mother sitting with her on the docks, watching as the boats sailed out for the day... its a peaceful memory that is tainted when she remembers that those very docks being blown away are the reason her mother is no longer around. It was a dark time for everyone, they lost everything but their ships. Their homes, many of their people, their money. Before their kingdom was one of fishing and travel, now it was one of pirates and gunslingers.

Despite her tragic past Bentley has a pretty quick witted personality, she didn't let her life turn her into some sad reclusive son of a bitch, instead it turned her into a snarky, cut throat... pirate. Around her friends and family she fits in quite well because they're all really that way however around outsiders she probably comes across as rude, crass and boyish.

One look at Bentley and most assume she is just some pretty face around the ships, or a cook or a maid or some sort of typical and sexist "womanly duty" but that couldn't be more wrong. Bentley is one of the fleets "gunners", a term used to describe their combat crew. Bentley herself doesnt use a musket or man any cannons, she sticks to her blade, a long slim straight blade made of pure silver with a handle created from her mothers rings melted down and jeweled.

Bentley doesn't really venture far from her fleet and when she does its not usually to make friends. However due to her combat skills and sweet face Bentley get's used often as a sort of spy for her kingdom, which has led her to her relationship with Danton.


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Ferris Hespark

The kingdom of Hespark

Ferris is the only son of the king and queen of Hespark, the twin of Faye. When they were children there was a wonderful relationship between not only their family but their family and the people of the kingdom. But now Ferris didn't feel that was true. While he himself wasn't really the social butterfly type, his twin was, and out of nowhere his parents decided to shelter their children from the outside world. It caused a strain on Ferris' relationship with them, he used to love to be around his parents. They used to show pride in his life and interest, but now they just want him to obey and sit quietly.

Coming from the kingdom of advancement and technology means naturally Ferris was in love with tech. Computers, gaming, security, gadgets. All of those things. Before becoming a prisoner in his own home, Ferris would often spend his time working with the lead creators in his land, learning from them and offering his imagination. But now he spends most of his time in the library with his sister. While she reads books he tinkers with anything he can get his hands on.

Ferris is very solemn and critical. Not necessarily mean but verging on that line. It doesn't come from a bad place though, almost all of his comments come from a place of trying to make someones life easier for them, it just almost always comes off as harsh criticism.

His closest bond and friendship is his sister and it always has been. While Ferris isn't the strongest person, or even at all really, he will always do whatever he can to protect her. Even if it is from his own parents.


Hunter King


Tesuzar Dynasty, a very overpopulated kingdom.

Hunter was orphaned at the young age of three, left on the streets to die. Other homeless people help cared for him until an older woman in her 60's took four year old Hunter in. Where he came from it was people on top of people all the time. Every family had too many children, and their children doing the same thing. Resources were scarce so they traded workers for things like food, water, cloth. Years ago when Hespark started to end trades Tesuzar was the first to go. Things got...dark. Food and water quickly started to run out. The government got desperate to try to keep the kingdom running. Every month 40 names were drawn, and every month 40 people were publicly executed. Not too long after Hunter was chosen. His mother had a prepacked bag made just in case. She gave him the bag when the officers came to his house for him and forced him into an escape tunnel she had made in the basement of their home, locking it behind her. Hunter tried to go back for her after she heard him yelling, but the yells grew distant and quiet. Hunter left the kingdom and hasn't been back since. He was only 14 when that happened.

Hunter was a fun loving child growing up, he was oblivious to the fact that his Dynasty was overpopulated. His mother made everything fun, made him feel safe. As soon as they started to cull people, though, he became scared. What was happening? He was so young when it happened. The streets were becoming clearer, but everyone was so downtrodden. People were missing. Then he was chosen. He couldn't wrap his head around what was happening. And then his mother sacrificed herself for him...what became of her? He could only imagine the worst. His heart became dark, but he had to learn how to survive in the world. He was cunning, deceiving, conniving. He did it all in the name of survival, he wouldn't let his mothers sacrifice be in vein. Over all though? He was a dark guy. A dark guy that wanted to bring down not only his own Dynasty, but the Kingdom that forced his Dynasty into the position it was in; the Hespark kingdom.

Trying to survive in the kingdoms all on his own for the past eight years forced Hunter to develop a certain set of skills. He tried to maintain the morals his mother taught him, but the survival bag she built for him didn't keep him alive for long. Hunger drove him to start stealing. He wasn't very good at it at first. He had to learn to be quick, sneaky, then run. One time he got caught. He had to learn to seduce his way out of his situation. Then he learned to seduce wealthy women for money. If seduction didn't work he resorted to favors for them, such as assassination. Now he wanders the kingdoms, sleeping with and killing people to survive. He's built up a long list of contacts over the years that made his life very comfortable.

Hunter was an orphan boy on the streets until his 'mother' took him in at the young age of four. She was an older woman and quickly became his best friend. His siblings were much older than him and never truly accepted him. Now he has rich men and women that he does favors for for money. It was a lonely existence but it was his.


Dahlia Delacroix, the Witch of the Wilds

500 years old

Formerly of the Peddimore Kingdom, the forgotten fifth kingdom that was destroyed and the reason the treaty was written.

It's been a while since Dahlia thought of her family. Her home was small, four tribes of witches living together on the land. No walls, no limitations. They lived peacefully together. They didn't rely on other kingdoms like the other four did. The main four kingdoms tried to make the witches convert to their way of life. None of the tribes wished for that. Dahlia's family, the Delacroix's, was the most powerful of the four tribes and the last to stand. She was small then, and she had to watch one tribe at a time fall. Only her father and her were left. Eventually, to try to save Dahlia, he forged a treaty between all the kingdoms. Everyone would stick to their kingdoms, helping other kingdoms to maintain peace. But as soon as the treaty was signed her father was killed by the four kings. They came for Dahlia but she managed to run away just in time.

Despite everything Dahlia had been through she maintained her positive outlook on life. She lived in her people's memory, she lived in the wild. No walls, no rules, no restrictions, and no hierarchy. She made friends with the animals that lived with her. Dahlia would occasionally visit the mass amount of kingdoms and look around. Her people were gone, but she was thankful there was no war. Dahlia was at peace with the world and the way it worked. She was as sweet as ever, albeit slightly lonely.

Dahlia was magical. Healing, nature, travel, fighting, she could do anything. Each year she aged her powers became more powerful. At 500 years of age, she was incredibly powerful. Not to mention the fact that she has survived this long on her own in the wild.

Rose Demark. 20. Autura.
Rose had a terrible childhood.
Her family was poor and struggling, her and her brothers often went hungry after long days of working with the other children of Autura. For as long as she could remember her life consisted of early mornings in the woods, collecting tree limbs that the older kids cut down. Then she moved to being the older kids who cut down the trees that lined their village. Then one day it all stopped. The day the walls went up in Hespark. The day they finally decided that they had pillaged enough from her poor town, that they had used them long enough, that they had FINALLY become self sufficient! No more taking the resources from the natural beauty that was Autura. No more child labor! No more rationing out the things that this town could KEEP for itself! The day those walls went up many have been terrible for a lot of other kingdoms and villages but it was the best thing to happen to Autura in years. Her family no longer wanted. They were finally allowed to live off their land the way their people had for years before those with power got greedy.

Although she no longer has to, Rose is still a hard working individual. But now she works hard for her family, not for those greedy bastards in Hespark. She spends most of her days in the wild, hunting and foraging for her family's meals as well as other households with sick or elderly.

Overall Rose is a sweet, kind girl although very protective of her home and all of the people in it. Many people would describe her as funny and light hearted as long as nothing is threatening her home.


Callum Aden


Formerly the Kingdom of Aden, Currently nowhere.

Callum was only a newborn when his kingdom fell. The public began to view his family as crazy, the story was spun that they lit the fires themselves. They were the ones that killed over 95% of their kingdom. They were the ones that couldn't handle the life anymore so they lit the fires and ran away into the woods. Callum can't remember it but he knew it wasn't the truth! His parents raised him and his older sister in the outskirts of the burnt villages where they never had any friends or social interactions in general. But they were told the stories. The stories of Hespark threatening them to relinquish power, the threats to the king and queen themselves, the threats to the other original kingdoms. While Callum loved his family, when he turned 16 he couldn't handle being hidden away anymore. It hurt his parents he was sure, but they understood. They helped him go out into the world with only one request, to hide his real name.

After leaving his home Callum made a effort to get better at socializing.... and honestly at this point he would call it a skill. Hes able to talk almost anyone into anything, some people would say hes a smooth talker but in reality it took a lot of practice to get to where he was today. On top of this Callum is decent with a sword, like if needed he could keep himself alive but not much beyond that.

Callum in general is a charming dude, polite, a little flirty.... funny? Well yeah it's funny. But its a dark humor. But can you blame him!? He literally grew up in a burnt down town that his family supposedly murdered. No shit hes a little dark.


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