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Fantasy kingdom of bleeding hearts

shall there be werewolf too?

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she shakes her head "I-I cant live me people." worry in her eyes she didn't move she stayed where he placed her. here stayed on his "p-please..they going keep killing my people until they find me I can let that happen" it would eat her up inside the idea of that. she took her crown off an pass it on of the girl putting her hair up so it was out of the way "I want to help
she nods slowly "yes I use to learn when I was younger and are you for getting I ws one of the first vampire?" she grins a little cheekily
He looked at her seriousness in his expression " that may be so, but your safety is more important above all else if you fall in battle you will be leaving your people in a more worse fate then if you were to escape know. You wouldn't want your fathers murderer to be on the throne would you?" He stated as a guards yelled in the distance fighting off the villagers for know.
The rioting militia villagers were all armed with pavise shields and either the green swords, or makeshift weapons. They fought like the Romans, in formations, with a wall of shields, and shields over top. The men on teh sides, would hold their shields facing the outside, and the men in the middle would have their shields up. THey hoped to use this strategy to wear down and split up the vampire forces, who were better with one on 1 engagements.

The arrogant vampire warriors, who had been expecting to win easily, fell right for this, charging at the humans. The humans took casualties, those in front being cut down by the vampires, but before the vampires could take their next swing, they were cut down by the men behind the first row, who were ready.

Meanwhile, on the castle roof, the vampire gaurds surrounded Ser Vincent and the serving girl. Ser Vincent held his sword, and the serving girl held several knives. The vampires charged, as Ser Vincent lunged forward, impaling one through the heart. He ripped out his sword, ducking onto one knee, as a sword flew over his head. He thrusted to his right, impaling the gaurd who swung at him through the gut. Another gaurd ran at him, about to decapitate him, when the serving girls knife flew through the air, imbedding itself in the vampire's head. Ser vincent and the girl nodded to eachother, as they charged down the stairs to join the fighting servants inside the castle.
faith looked at her kingdom and then back at him "ill be safe I promised" she says softly she wanted to help and she wouldn't give up
He looked in her eyes seeing her determination and felt high respect for her. He handed her another hidden short sword hilt facing her.
Raziel then turned facing the oncoming villagers his sword ready. He quickly spoke before lifting up into the air" stay close to them princess they will gaurd you with their lives." He said then flew upwards into the sky. A small battalion in turtle formation were heading towards a group of guards just a few feet away from the princess location. He quickly dived spinning counter clockwise towards the battalion. He rained straight through the top in a small opining. After crashing though he quickly caught his balance kneeling in the center sword outstretched, and wings folded. He spun at inhuman speed cutting through all the men around him. With the battalion numbers dwindled, and formation broken the gaurd quickly swarmed the remnants slaying the enemy's. He lifted into the air once more as he instructed the gaurd to build makeshift barriers around the front entrence and to hold the defensive line. Lifting into the air quickly he scanned the immediate are. The enemy forces were numerous, but if they could get the main gates closed they could have a chance of holding of the attack. As he hovered there he heard the sound of a dying person from the roof. He flew straight their rising quickly above the roof. There he saw a dead vampire noble through pierced. The door leading into the palace was open indicating the enemy had gotten inside the castle. He quickly defended back to the main entrence where the gaurd had almost completed the barrier. He went to the gaurd captain " sir ironclad I need a small group of men to take into the castle the enemy has infiltrated the palace." He said to the captain. A group of 12 men were gathered with Raziel as they entered the palace he closed the main entrence placing 2 guards to warn the troops out front if the enemy approached from behind.
faith watch, as so many people died it hurt her to see this she walked to the gaurden looking for the leader of the humans, if she got him away from the other maybe theyre plan would fail

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