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Fantasy kingdom of bleeding hearts

shall there be werewolf too?

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the princess faith notice raziel watching them and she tilts her head and look at him sipping her drink there were a lot of people she did not know
[QUOTE="faith olivera]her eyes study his and sips her wine shrugging off the bad feeling she has after while "I don't remember seeing you before how long have you been working for my family?

"I've been here for two months, I'm suprised you haven't noticed, milady," he said, feeling another pair of eyes watching him. He couldn't see anyone out of his peripheral vision,but he couldn't shake the feeling.
she looked back at the servent and nods "welcome how do you find it working for my fa... kingdom?" she was going say family but her eyes sadden a little knowing she was the last of her family but she quickly hides it with a smile sipping the drick
[QUOTE="faith olivera]she looked back at the servent and nods "welcome how do you find it working for my fa... kingdom?" she was going say family but her eyes sadden a little knowing she was the last of her family but she quickly hides it with a smile sipping the drick

He quickly bit back the sarcastic remark and the pull of the dagger he was about to issue forth, and maintained his aloof expression. He was unsure how he was supposed to respond, and said truthfully, "I am not bored, milady," he was far from bored. Comitting clanelstine acts against the vampire regime and organizing a rebellion were far from boring.
she studys his face tilting her head "oh ok.." she sips her wine and walks away she head for the hall to head to her room she need to clear her head she sigh rubbing her for head finishing the wine
[QUOTE="faith olivera]she studys his face tilting her head "oh ok.." she sips her wine and walks away she head for the hall to head to her room she need to clear her head she sigh rubbing her for head finishing the wine

once she is gone, he breathes out a sigh of relief, and looks around for anyone else to serve. He wasnted to escape right now, but that'd only draw attention to himself.
she removes her crown as soon as she leaves the room messing her hair up so it was falling normally playing with the crown as she walked down the hall
The human male was defiantly plotting something as he noticed his hand twitch towards his back side a knife hidden perhaps. The princess had left the ball room and the threat of know was minimal. He figured know might be a good time to speak with her at least he could speak with her privately away from prying eyes and ears. He headed towards the door she exited and followed her. He quickly caught up to her trail, and spotted her. A few steps away he spoke calmly trying not to startle her " my lady please if you could do me the pleasure of sparring a little time?" He asked. Once in front of her he stood their standing straight awaiting her answer.
she turn around quickly fxing her hair "y-yes of course, h-how may I help you?" she puts her crown back on her eyes watched him carefully
He examined her sensing stress. He looked in her eyes with his dark purple ones" are you alright my lady?" He asked as he kept looking at her.
she gives him a soft smile "of course...just after whats happened one cant be to carefull." she says softly holding her hand together "who are you?" she ask softly
Raziel bowed his head then looked at her" my apologies I am Raziel Tempest head of the Tempest clan" He said calmly. He stood their watching her" I'm sorry for your loss the king was a good man. I will do my best to protect you princess as well as bring justice upon those who murdered your father." He spoke calm and collected.
her eyes soften and a small smile grow on her face "t-thank you" she look down "so someone is going try kill me?" she says softly
After an hour or so, Ser Vincent left. Tonight had to be the night, that accursed vampire lord and the princess had him figured out, and without him the rebellion would crumble. The peasants weren't armed well enough to completely wipe out the vampires, and the planned massacre would now be an intense battle, but it had to be done now. He remembered the signal he had planned, to inform all the villagers and servants of the call, and left the ball room, walking quickly down the halls, and to the nearest stair well. As he headed inside, he heard sobbing. He saw the same fat vampire from earlier, holding a servant girl, attempting to take off her clothes. Ser Vincent lunged forward, his green dagger in hand, thrusting it through the old vampire's jugular, ending his life. blood squirted out from his neck, and he began to sputter and cough blood, as he slumped backwards, onto his back. He looked down at her, nodding, holding the knife. She nodded back, attempting to regain her emotions, sliding out her own dagger, as the pair advanced up the stairwell.
faith freeze "did you hear that?.." she looks Raziel. she look down the hall. with out thinking like always she start walking to the stairwell, like always faith always had to find out what going she hated not knowing things she looked around as she walk there slowly
They kept on going, up and up the stairs. They were 2 floors up by the time Faith reached the stairwell. They kept ascending, knowing the plan. They'd reach the roof, where Vincent would grab his weapons and armor, before grabbing the ancient War Horn of House Huron, and blowing a note on it. This was the signal agreed upon. They continued, running up the stairs, hoping no one would notice the dead vampire.
He looked at her" not if I have anything to do with it." He said as he looked at her. He spoke calmly" should you ever have need of me simply call and I will come." He said.
He followed the princess as he smelled blood vampyre blood. Reaching the stairwell with the princess he pulled out his sword hidden behind his back. Holding it out he looked at the princess" stay close my lady I will protect you. " He said with conviction.
she wiggle her nose at the smell nodding at him but head to the smell her eyes widen when she see the died vampire she put hand over mouth "oh god." she says softly she turns to him "you don't think who did that is the same person right?"
He looked at her with a serious expression " possibly however even if it is there are intruders in the palace and they must be dealt with" putting his lips together his fingers against his lips he blew letting out a high pitched sound. After a few moments several worries from his clan appeared before them. Three males and three female vampyre. Dressed in black Armour with white lightning etched into the chest piece they kneeled before them. Raziel looked at them" search the area for enemy's give no mercy" He said as they disappeared in a flash. The alarm bells sounded as the gaurd were alerted. Raziel looked at the princess " come we must get you to safety" He said looking at her.
Suddenly, the horn blew, drowning out all other sound. And then it faded. Suddenly, shouts and screams could be heard, as every seevant and blood slave whipped out a weapon, and started attacking the vampires.

Ser Vincent stood on the roof, armor on ,sword in hand, as he watched the villager's assemble, forming into ranks, and grabbing their weapons. He turns, as several vampire guards charged onto the roof.
He looked at here" probably a call to arms that sounded familiar though. Never mind that do you trust me princess?" He asked in a quick pace.
He picked her up in his arms and lifted her up. His wings tore his suit apart as they unfolded revealing light armor underneath. He looked at her quickly " cover your face." Once she did he flew right towards the window crashing through. Once outside he hovered in the air wings flapping with light beats of his feathers against the wind. He quickly scared the area seeing many villagers and slaves had begun a uprising. In the distance he spotted three of the female worries from his clan and headed to them. The air blew against them as they sped through it. He gently came to a quick stop as he landed near them. Letting her down he looked at the worriers" take her highness to the outskirts post make sure no one follows you and keep her safe at all cost" He said then looking to the princess. Speaking in a urgent tone" princess please go with them they will lead you to safety I will follow when I am able to for know I must try to quell thus rebellion." He said as he looked in her eyes.

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