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Fantasy Killing Games XX (Lore)



social reject
The roleplay takes place in a fantasy setting, in a world called өлгөн мейкиндиги, or "dead space" in the common English language. The geography of the land is of wide variety, and there are five main capitals that branch off into the lower commonwealth cities. The main capitals are *Speindal, *Plethorain, *Waeste, *Dromwel, and *Keiran. These branch off into smaller cities, where the majority of middle-class citizens live. The more well-known commonwealth cities are *Dukein, *Broyun, *Shistei, *Livija, *Fromnu, *Korfeu, *Stimnot, *Zorkeg, *Florej, and *Quiren. These branch off, in turn, to the "ruin" cities, where the lowest class reside.
The prison buildings are located primarily within a deserted city known as *Blerkoff, separated from the rest of society and surrounded by a dangerous landscape filled with hazardous materials, and debris from the cities. The arena where the killing games take place is located within the largest capital city, *Plethorain. The games are for the sole enjoyment of the elite and wealthy, the uppermost citizens of the capital. Bets are often placed on the players, ranging anywhere from how long they'll survive to how they'll kill someone to which beast will kill them.

The arena is divided into four sections: a desert-type section, a frozen tundra section, a typical forest section, and a deep lake in the middle of the three land-based sections. The lake is one of the only water sources in the arena, aside from menial pools in the forest, a single desert oasis, and the ice/snow in the tundra. The beasts that must be slayed are located within every single section, and are not limited to any particular section. The origin of these monsters is unknown, though one could assume they were transported through a hell portal into the world for arena use. The four areas are seemingly infinite, however if one were to stray too far off from the other players/challenges, they would find themselves slowly losing their grasp on their sanity and would eventually die.

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