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Fandom KibouLand // ZetsuboLand: a DR OC RP

yeah, me too, but i have a study hall then, so i'll just post it and we'll give it a few days for us to develop relations and stuff before a murder happens @ismaddy
Okay, but my time zone is exactly 12 hours earlier than EST, so it'll be midnight for me when it starts. Don't start the killing wothout me guys, I promise I'll wake up early
@GetThree ah, don't worry, we'll definitely have time to form some relationships before the killing, no matter what time zone! a few days should be enough, i think?
wait i have a question. so like, by relationships, are our characters able to form crushes with other characters? or even relationships?
i meant it in a broad term, such as friendships and enemies and crushes and such, but i don't think two or four days are enough to form an actual romantic relationship
alright. and the other question is are we gonna do the same type of intro as in the game? like where the little shit teddy bear explains whats going on? or are we already skipping into the roleplay part
what i have planned is the whole spiel: everyone starts waking up in seperate classrooms, then making their way into the larger classroom. once everyone's there, Ketty-chan (the monomi of this game) starts a cute hopeful intro, but then monokuma comes in and ruins everything, explaining the game at the same time. then we get some time to react, and then monokuma opens the doors into KibouLand (except he just spray painted over 'Kibou' in all the signs with 'Zetsubou') and we interact from there. every 'morning' (in-game), characters should head for daily gatherings at breakfast, as per the original games, but that's not mandatory.
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[QUOTE="bullseye boy]what i have planned is the whole spiel: everyone starts waking up in seperate classrooms, then making their way into the larger classroom. once everyone's there, Ketty-chan (the monomi of this game) starts a cute hopeful intro, but then monokuma comes in and ruins everything, explaining the game at the same time. then we get some time to react, and then monokuma opens the doors into KibouLand (except he just spray painted over 'Kibou' in all the signs with 'Zetsubou') and we interact from there. every 'morning' (in-game), characters should head for daily gatherings at breakfast, as per the original games, but that's not mandatory.

Sounds good~

ismaddy said:
ok im gonna go to bed adios kiddos!!
Night :D
ismaddy said:
alright. and the other question is are we gonna do the same type of intro as in the game? like where the little shit teddy bear explains whats going on? or are we already skipping into the roleplay part
im laughing 'shitty teddy bear'

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