Kemonomimi Central


Always Sick
Please keep all OOC comments in OOC Chat tab

Here you may: discuss/comment on the RP, chat, play, and goof off all you want here :3 No one is going to judge!

The RP advisers are: @Yonsisac @Refaulted

You may ask the advisers any questions and they may answer them if I am not here to. They have just as much authority as I do, so please respect them and not argue with their methods.
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No worries xD I woke up my dog earlier when I was trying to find an English translation to it.... Kemonomimi Keh-mono-mimi mono...mimi? beast...mimi?mimi...Kemono...hmmm..
Lol, my bf was sleepin on the couch.

I have awoken the RL Bear Kemonomimi!


No, wait, he's still sleeping xD
I think all roleplayers must be a little crazy to be able to make great, realistic characters *u* Insanity is the new sanity
We're all a little crazy here, but ALL OF THE BEST PEOPLE ARE!

But srsly, he's like, hibernating.

Like a polar bear.

Mai gawd.
Alrighty! Once we have a good amount of characters I'll put the intro post ^u^ No need to rush, a good CS is better than a fast CS afterall
Nah, it wouldn't wake him up.

If I really wanted to I'd have other methods...

May or may not post tonight, on muscle relaxers and I'm going to pass out soon xD
IM HERE Neki........Im so Hype and i dont know why...and Neki i will Have CS wen you answer mi questio in PM oka?

Oh...Hello there...Awwwww i like your Flufy ball cat ^-^....yes its open for everybodi so jump in and get confy :)

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