Kemonomimi Central


Always Sick

Character Sheet BASE







Species: (Human or Kemonomimi(KM)- specify what kind of KM)

Appearance: (Picture or
detailed description)








Dating/lover/crush: (yes, no, who?)

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Species: (Human or Kemonomimi(KM)- specify what kind of KM)

Appearance: (Picture or detailed description)






Dating/lover/crush: (yes, no, who?)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/tumblr_lxw4616QaG1qkxwb3o1_500.png.9ba0fff791d8abb28021af8a01fe68c0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/tumblr_lxw4616QaG1qkxwb3o1_500.png.9ba0fff791d8abb28021af8a01fe68c0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Title/Nickname: The Silent Stalker

Age: Estimated to be in his late teens.

Gender: Male

Occupation: Wild, none.

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Light on his feet, Bloodsong moves silently. He reflexes are quick and his claws razor sharp, he is an extremely talented tracker. He has no magic.

Species: Caline Kemonomimi (traits of both canine and feline).

Height: 5ft 2"

Weight: 90lbs

Personality/quirks: In the wild, Bloodsong is a very quiet individual of very few words, (or sounds... seeing as these calines don't have a spoken language). Endlessly curious, even as a kit, this used to get Bloodsong into trouble and still does now days from time to time. When he's threatened, his ears flatten, his teeth are bared and a hissing snarl can be heard as his wolf-like tail thrashes to and fro. He is a vicious fighter and does not give up easily.

Oh, and he likes fruit. Which is completely strange for a carnivore species.

Bio: One of three hunters of the Blood Clan, Bloodsong and his Clan live deep in a remote forest. To this day, they have not seen humans and keep to themselves, except of course when they fight the other clans. The red stripe across Bloodsong's face marks his Clan status, the same mark given to his father. An only child in his litter, Bloodsong's siblings all died in the harsh winter of their birth which almost took his life as well.

From an early age, Bloodsong showed prowess as a hunter and his father helped guide him on this path. His dog-like paws soon left no tracks where he stepped, nor any sound. Over the years, his skill increased and he was soon given the title The Silent Stalker for his talent in stealth. He prefers to be alone and sometimes travels for days to explore the forest more, tracking new game to take back to the Clan.

Likes: Hunting, nature, thunderstorms, the smell of the forest after rain.

Fire, being hunted, humans, snakes.

Being captured, humans, cages, collars.

Weaknesses: His curiosity, his temper.

Dating/lover/crush: No.

Other: The caline's lack of speech allows them to rely on their other senses more, and if one was to get somewhat close to their home in the forest they would hear the strange calls echoing through the trees. The barking and howls has a strange, almost cat-like sound to it. They communicate mostly with body language and soft sounds when near each other, leaving the louder howls and barks for long distance communication and alarm notifications.​



  • tumblr_lxw4616QaG1qkxwb3o1_500.png
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Name: Connor McKinley

Title/Nickname: Servant to (insert name here.)

Age: Appears to be a young adult. So let's say 22.

Gender: Male

Occupation: Servant.

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Servants are not to be seen or heard, usually, so he is adept at disappearing in a room, usually hiding in plain sight.

Species: Maine Coon KM.


Height: 6'5"

Weight: 223lbs

Personality/quirks: He is utterly loyal to his master, or mistress. He only speaks when spoken to and stays very formal in public. He does, on occasion, try and convince his owner out of a rather stupid idea.

Flaws: Again, he is completely loyal. This can lead him to do stupid things. But he does have a backbone, which may lead to him being punished.

Bio: Born and raised in captivity. He was taught how to read and write, in case someone wanted to buy him as a secretary. Most of his schooling however was on how to properly serve his master or mistress. When an appropriate time to fill their glass was, what they would like for that night's dinner, etc. He had just recently been bought, however, and is preparing for his new employer.

Likes/Dislikes: He has a bred in trait of having a sense of pleasure when serving and being praised. Like wise, if he fails his duties, he will either go into a depression or get angry at himself.

Fears/Weaknesses: He fears the wilds, anything could kill him out there and no one would care. Being born in captivity, more for looks then for anything else, he is rather fragile and weak.

Dating/lover/crush: (yes, no, who?) No.
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Love, Love Hunter


17 years old




Enslaved poacher/hunter


She has heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight all perfect for hunting. She also has nocturnal vision and an unhumanely body balance. She goes a bit above the average speed of a human and was trained to fight and hunt with chains. She can almost mask her aura. Her body is lithe and light perfect for dodging and her claws designed to kill. Her master trained her to gain these abilities over harsh training. She has gained healthy and strong organs from the abuse her master had put her under.


Fox Kemonomimi




134 lbs.


Her master sees her as ruthless, cunning, and obedient. But in reality silent anger drives her. A deep hatred burns inside her. She has the persona of cool, calm, and collected for she learned to use this attitude from her training. She stays silent most of the time, observing the world around her and noting the weaknesses that come with it. Love may have a mask of silent fury and courage but along with her hatred is loneliness and fear. Interactions with others makes her timid and wary. She has no trust for anyone. Love tries to be optimistic but grew up with a depressing past which ignites her anger. So much loneliness and fury burns inside of her that tears pour out of her heart almost every night. She fights to win her master's trust everyday. Regret fills her soul everyday though from all the hunts she commits. Love is dedicated and strong willed though.


Her anger can get to the best of her and she snaps easily to anyone except her master. She tends to not answer back to people trying to avoid relationships because that means it will lead to pain. Love will sometimes scream at her prey once they are dead to get rid of some anger.





Someone trying to help her


Watching the human interactions

Sunsets and sunrises


Her master giving her a break


Her master angry

Her master

Her past

Herself angry



Her master



Not getting revenge


Nice people


Knowledge of her past

Not having one of her senses

Her position of being a slave

Her fears


Not interested


She was born in a litter of three. Her mother taking care of them with all the love she could provide. They sheltered in the nearby forest living like normal KMs.

Love was originally known as Kita.

Kita grew up with great companions and love. She was cunning and humorous. She was the opposite of what she was now.

At the age of 7 she went out to venture the forest by herself to find a present for her mom since it was her birthday. With a bouquet of her mother's favorite flowers she hurried back. But what she found changed her life.

A man, different from the humans they saw, was overshadowing her mother. Kita was frozen in her spot. The man, her master, looked at her and disregarded her. He turned back trying to take their mother. All her kits fought to save her. Kits fought the most. But they were no match for him.

Blood spewed everywhere. Then their mother was lying dead on the floor. The kits were shell-shocked. Their fury dissipated enabling the master to instead target them for his slaves.

At the beginning of their slavery he abused them to teach them how to be proficient workers. Her two siblings didn't survive the torture though but the memories of their screams and cry still haunt her to this day. She continued to work for him but now to win his trust for her to avenge her family.

At the age of 12 he decided to make her into a cage fighter. She hated it though preferring the open space. She won many fights though due to fear.

Then her master transferred her over to hunting. She excelled at hunting because of her instincts. Now to this day she hunts illegal creatures for her master.​
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Name: Anthony Holmes

Title/Nickname: Tony (Hates his full name)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Was a abused slave. Escaped.

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Tony has heightened senses, such as smell, hearing and eyesight. These all help him track and hunt. He is oddly light on his feet, something needed for him to of escaped his imprisonment, and something to also help with hunting and tracking. Because of his past, he also has the ability to fly, due to his wings. His eyesight comes from his avian side

Species: Wolf KM (Experimented on with Avian DNA, therefore a Wolf Avian)


Height: 5ft 6

Weight: 105 lbs (underweight)

Bio: Tony once lived with his family of Wolf KM's. His father was mildly abusive when drunk toward Tony's brother Ace, who died in the attack. Tony would be defended by Ace, who was his older brother. The night his family was killed was the same night Tony was taken. He was experimented on and made into a Wolf Avian KM, before being sold to a abusive human master. He managed to escape after honing his abilities.

Personality/quirks: Tony is rather quiet, preferring to be alone in fear of people thinking he was a freak. He tries his best to keep away from people, usually by hiding.

Flaws: Tony limps on his right leg, meaning he can't run as fast as others

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Peace, Flight, Darkness Dislikes: Fighting, Water, Boats, Bright Light

Fears/Weaknesses: Tony has a fear of the scientists or his former master finding him. He also hates being touched, no matter how lightly, and will often react violently

Dating/lover/crush: No
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  • Ina Tiran
    Title/Nickname: The White Dog of Baikal Forest

    Age: Late teens- her master assumes.

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Guard dog/ house pet -Master: Unnamed for now

    Abilities/Talents/Powers: Wonderful archer, great cook, very good with flowers and herbs.

    Species: Feral mutt mix Kemonomimi



    5'1 ft- 154 cm


    102 lb-46 kg


    A shy kemonomimi born on the light of a crescent moon within the desolate forest of Baikal. Throughout her early years she grew up along side a bat KM named Mark Solotov, her best friend and an older brother in her eyes. The snow lover had enjoyed the cold winters of childhood, playing within the ice and frozen plains of the icy tendrils of the forest. Although it seemed lonely, the warmth of her 'big brother's' company has kept her cheerful and happy. Shooting, hunting, and gathering had become her greatest pleasures in life, enjoying the tiny wild flowers and herbs that grew.

    Suprisingly the girl had interacted with humans more than any other in her home, often coming across them during her hunts, lost and confused. Small things peeked her interest, the shiny metals and papers they used to trade, the strange clothes they wore, and even how they could make other creatures obey their every command. Humanity was mysterious...and strange...there was nothing else like it in nature.

    While coming across the kindness of lost travelers and wanderers; this stray dog fell in love with humanity itself. The wonders of civilization and technology amazed her. One day, after blizzarding morning, the young KM came across a huddled body beneath the snow...a human, starving and lost. Without a second thought she fed it and warmed it, giving it a home until it was healthy enough to return home. Grateful of her actions, the man offered to repay her by giving her a place within human society, a home as his guard dog.

    Dating/lover/crush: None at the moment

  • white-dog-png.70140

    Description: A slender young Kemonomimi with long silvery hair, bright teal eyes, ears and a thick white tail. Her attire consists of well-worn clothes from her home forest, a hide and feather under dress, and an branded iron chest plate lined with rabbit fur. Ina has a careful stride, even with her bow and quiver strapped across her back by thick leather.

    Eye color: Light Teal

    Hair color: Silver


    5'1 ft- 1.54 m


    102 lb-46 kg

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Adilet Liron








Little known author

With only a single book published to his name, it's less of a job and more of a hobby, since it barely brings in a living fund.

He works part-time at a reasonably paying Deli to make up for it.


He's competent at cooking basic dishes. But beyond the talent for creative prose that authors must have. He's a talent-less individual. And

Powers, well he's just a normal human.


As far as anyone (including himself) is aware, he is disappointingly Human






145 in imperial pounds


Your average human background. Born to a mother and a father, both still alive. Had an average amount of schooling, attending college for 4 years and getting a Creative writing Degree. The only special thing about his background would be his life-long aspiration to become a writer of

fiction. Which he did with seemingly dismal success, his books not as far-reaching as expected. Despite that, he continues writing. Or attempting to for all intents.

All in all, he's a rather average person.


He very much enjoys walking and contemplating new concepts for books. He also has an intense dislike for tomatoes and cauliflower, probably due to forced consumption of them as a child, well on food though, he happens to enjoy grilled Brussels sprouts quite a fair bit.


He sadly fears he'll never publish a successful book, As far as weakness goes, his entire lack of above-average skills could be counted as something major.

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"Mi name....Well"

Mark Solotov


"Hmm...well i would not minde having a nickname"



"Well im not that old"

20 Years old


"Um....So mi looks dont tell?....and mi voice?"



"Um.....You mean if i work?"

None he is Free i the Wild


"Im not magical...But i can hear the tip-toes now"

He is a bat as he has Very sensative hearing too the point he can hear the slightes movment,aswell he is very good at Hiding and aswell climing,and has the ability too fly because of his bat wings,and he is good at Biting people...Yea


"Well i have wings and mi ears so yea"

He is a Bat KM and so he has the same Negative and Positive things


"Why i have red scars on mi face?...Um those are not scars,That is mi skin...its like that"



"some people say im tall,But i have seen people much taller that mi really"

6.2 FT


"Im do you think i fly?"

98.2 Lbs


"I rather not talk about it now.....But im might tell you"

He is shy too tell but will be reveald in the RP


"Is this a Interview?...because this is lots of questions"

He is a Nice and Polite but he likes too prank people somtimes especially in the dark and get a good laugh out of it or a good slap or punch,He is Loyal and respects people by all means and aswell he is Kinda Tempermental and trys not too get Mad with people if he dose Get mad,aswell he is serius and silent in some situations but he dosent show it much really,he is Especially shy wen near Girls as he has this odd feeling wen talking too one or near but he dosent know why.


"Look dude....Um...Girl?....I cant tell...Im blind mostly"

do too his Bat KM he has lost most of his sight and uses his hearing too know But he can see but not really good,aswell he gets Cripeld in Very Bright lights as he cant stand it.


"Hooo!...I like fruits,High places *Loligaging*"

Likes:High places,Fruits,the dark places,Caves,Haging on places,Cake

Dislikes:Light,Triping/Falling,loosing his pet bat,Sad people


"Um....why are you asking this?"

Weaknesses:His poor eye sight,No sound

Fears:Not hearing anything,Too much light

Dating/lover/crush: (yes, no, who?)

"Sadly no...and why you ask?"



Well i have some Things too say"

He has a pet/Companion Name "stripe" The Fruit bat and wears that scarf on his neck all the time and his cheecks have Natural swierls and loves straberrys more than anything and he is very small



Nora Chesterfeild










Nora is light on her feet, her claws sharp to be able to gather. She is

nimble and able to use a katana which she inherited from her parents. It was the only thing she took with her when

she was forced out of her home. She also has power over the wind, being able to create powerful gusts that will knock you off your feet.


Feline Kemonomimi






Nora is cautious around other people, especially humans. She is not quick to trust, and may act violently the first time

she meets you. Other wise she is gentle and sweet, willing to help but only to those she trusts. She has yet to find someone who totally

understands what she truly is, a girl who is littered with scars.


Nora grew up in the city, living in a small house with her parents working as manual labor. She soon grew to

love some things about her city and was aiming to break standard and try and be a baker, but she was sold off to a neighbor to pay for

rent. Now abandoned, Nora was stuck being a house maid for her stingy neighbor who would lash her and

beat her when she did not do as commanded.

Furious, Nora lashed out one day and fled the home, tired of dealing with the crap she put her though. Deciding that the city might not be

the best place, she fled to the forest, quickly finding a home in a small clearing. She now thrives there alone

and though she does miss her family, she promised herself to never go back.


Stars, Fish, Wind, Sunlight


The City, Abuse


Guns, Captivity


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Name: Bernard

Title/Nickname: Hatter's Rabbit, Quickstep, Bernie

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Magician's Assistant

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Near silent when moving, quick movements Good at: dancing, simple magic tricks, mundane tasks, gambling

Species: Black Rabbit Kemonomimi



Height: 5'6

Weight: 114 lbs.


Bernard was born in captivity, and grew up under decent conditions. He was fed and had shelter, along with people he could call family. He was the only Rabbit Kemonomimi, since his mother had passed away shortly after his birth. This never truly effected him, since he had no emotions for someone he never had a chance to meet, other than his thankfulness and love for the woman who gave him the life he breathed to this day. That was all he felt.

Bernard grew up to become a very polite and orderly, but also curious, young lad. He learned from his breeders how to play poker, and he proved to be very good at it. He felt himself become more close to humans, and thought of himself as one of them. He was eventually taken in by an elderly couple who needed someone to assist them in their old age. He lived with them for two or three years before the elderly woman passed away from poor health. The old man knew his time would be soon, so he entrusted Bernard to his only son of three children, Nicholas.

Nicholas was an actor and magician, and happily took the Rabbit Kemonomimi into his custody. Bernard soon began to learn the arts of being a healthy addition to society, learning how to dance from one of the actresses Nicholas works with, and learned some magic from Nicholas himself. He very shortly after became Nicholas's on-stage assistant, performing in plays and magic performances with his master. He has so far enjoyed his ignorant and blissful life.

Though Bernard has seen the dark side of life. After a show, Bernard had answered the door to the backstage area, only to find he had been pranked, and a pail of water fell on his head. Cliche, true. But he had looked up at the falling object and it had connected with his eye, leaving him at a loss of his left eye. He has managed so far, training himself to do the same tasks he had done for the countless years of his life.

He is currently traveling with Nicholas's troupe to different cities, performing in theaters for anyone of importance during the day, and performing small improv skits or magic shows for those who are too unfortunate and poor to see the elaborate shows in the theater.

Likes: Music, energy, Harvest Moons, acting, exploring, reading

Dislikes: Sour food, hunters, thunderstorms

Fears/Weaknesses: Scared of drowning and snakes

Dating/lover/crush: None as of now.
Name: Kumbara Igarashi

Title/Nickname: Mr. Kumbara, Grizzly, Igarashi

Age: 21 Years

Gender: Male

Occupation: Barista/Undercover policeman

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Besides his beyond inhuman strength and ability to track down a meal, human or natural, Kumbara can fish with his bear hands, and fight with them as well.

Species: Kemonomimi~ Grizzly Bear


Appearance: Kumbara is tall, though not at all lanky due to his genetically big bones and toned body, his strength also having something to do with his animal genes. The man has hands slightly larger than the average man, and nails that grow all too quickly, resembling claws when he doesn't cut them in the morning. His hair is brown greatly resembling the brown of coffee beans though in direct light of any kind, his hair can appear more tan than it truly is, either way looks good with his green eyes, bright green, energetic though he is calm by nature unless angered.. As a bear, Kumbara has two nubby ears on his head and a stubby tail, as well as some sharp canines, a bite or hit from him could be deadly.

Height: 6'7"

Weight: About 240 Lbs

Bio: Kumbara was born in a large, lush forest, humans call it Yosemite. At a young age his mother was taken out by scientists studying the Kemonomimi, not knowing the reason why she attacked was that her cub was near by and they were a definite threat in her eyes. When they did find him, however, he was too young too live without his mother as he'd likely be killed by a larger creature, KM hunters, or even a car at his small size. The bear boy was raised to be strong, to be smart, and to behave as a human would so that they could send him out as a domestic being, that ended three years ago when he was 18 Human years of age, he has a college education but continues his work as a barista and secret member of the armed forces.

Personality/Quirks: Kumbara is a short-tempered man with a naturally sarcastic tone, he doesn't care what people think and has no problem fighting or shouting to get what he wants, be it information or space. As an officer of the law he is definitely the bad cop, he isn't afraid to knock a perp around a little, especially when he knows they did it. He can sense it.

Flaws: He has a short temper, goes too far at times, and usually pushes people away if they get too close to him (Emotionally and physically, bit

I'm talking emotions.)

Likes/Dislikes: +Salmon, +Beer, +Being alone, +Working out, -Being alone, -The idea of dying, -Injuries, -Office jobs

Fears/Weaknesses: He fears death and his weakness is his temper, which sends him into a rage-blinded stupor more often than not.

Dating/lover/crush: No. Just not interested.

Soluni Albori :Name

Cruncher, Faun, King of Junk Mountain :Title/Nickname

18 Years :Age

Male :Gender

Auto Repairman :Occupation

He can eat as much of whatever he wants, he wins all of the food competitions, he's also a high jumper, somewhat stronger than the average human, definitely hungrier. He may or may not have fighting skills that he doesn't care to use. :Abilities/Talents/Powers

Kemonomimi~ Boer Goat :Species


Soluni is about average height, with long reddish-brown ears that droop a bit past his chin. His hair is the same color as his ears other than the streak of white down the middle of his head, his hair reaches just past his chin in the back and in the front it covers most of his forehead, the reddish brown hair on the sides of his head is shaved of leaving enough to show color and creating a sort of Mohawk with the strip of white between it. He has two horns that begin just before his ears and though long and curved they don't quite spiral like that of a ram's horns, it's more of a wave where the high points are just past the bases and tip with a noticeable dip in between the two high points, he also has a short white tail. Soluni's eyes are a sky blue with the same oddly shaped pupils as the average goat or sheep may have. :Appearance

About 6'1" :Height

Around 180 lbs, though his weight fluctuates. :Weight

Born and raised on a farm, Soluni lived a normal life, hiding his ears in his cap, that was until his horns started coming in, and he had to be homeschooled by his non-biological parents and after his father passed away he took over the family business, an old auto repair shop called "Carter's Car Can" Not the best, but the income is steady comin' in. :Bio

Soluni is a simple man, though he is highly intelligent he chooses not to use his brain and forgets things often, he is humble and helpful and though he is one huge imperfection his heart is solid gold encrusted with flawless diamonds, rubies, and other expensive metals and gemstones. He is skilled with technology and has sudden outbursts of mathematical genius but he refuses to get a job with higher pay, though he went to college at an early age (A few years after his father's death) he's stubborn as an old goat. :Personality/Quirks

Stubbornness, clumsiness, social awkwardness and his big appetite. :Flaws

+Cans, +Cars, +Food, +Tires, +People, +The sun, +The rain, +The snow, +Grass, +Dirt, +Oil, +Competing, +Animals, +Comedy, +Parties, -Being serious, -Dancing, -Meat, -Liars :Likes/Dislikes

Losing things, car accidents, slaughter houses, hunters, predators. :Fears/Weaknesses

No one, unless his truck counts. Truth is he may never date, unless the right person comes along and straightens out his way of thinking. :Dating/lover/crush

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Name: Reynardine Crevan

Title/Nickname: Reynard, Silver Tongue, Trickster, The Liar

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Occupation: Apothecary, Herbalist, Hunter/Trapper, Furrier

Abilities/Talents/Powers: He has enhanced senses, his hearing and smelling are especially enhanced. He's nimble and light of his speed, able to run faster than a human can. He's also an expert in identifying herbs and plants, knowing at a glance which one is poisonous and which one is edible, which one has medicinal properties and which herb is an excellent spice. He's skilled when it comes to tracking and trapping his prey as well as skinning them. He can mimic the voices of others with little to no flaw. He also has the ability to lie without ease, earning him the title The Liar. His charms and charisma also aids him from time to time. He is also skilled with a nagitana, an object that he have had ever since he could remember.

Species: Kitsune Kemonomimi



Height: 6'3

Weight: 178 lbs

Bio: No one knows where he came from or who he was, some even said that he has no idea who he was. Rumors were that he was a spawn of a woman and a demon, taking the guise of a beautiful white fox, while others said that he was a god of some sort. All that was sure was that he came to the village and became an apothecarist, and one of the best. He was also known for the fur he sold to the nobles and the occasional merchants, furs that were prized throughout the land. He also grows his own garden in his backyards, if you ever need a certain herb or spice, he's the man to go to.

Personality/quirks: He is a charming and charismatic person, although he can also be annoying at times. He is polite and kind, always ready to help. He is also mischievous and guile, which in turn gained him the nickname The Trickster. He's very friendly and often flirty, frequenting the inns and taverns around the village, seeking anyone to talk to. He is blunt and straight forward, not hesitating to speak his mind. Although he is friendly, he rarely trusts anyone, but you gain a honest and loyal friend once he trusts you.

Flaws: He can be too reclusive and distrusting, only having a handful of person he calls friends. Though he may be slow to anger, he is a very cruel and sadistic person once he loses his temper. He can be too honest and blunt, often insulting others.

Likes: Coffee, herbs, conversations, kittens and puppies, the moon, music, art, knowing the secrets of others.

Dislikes: Excessive noise, rude people, being insulted, a hot summer day.

Fears/Weaknesses: He is afraid of the dark and tight spaces. He is also afraid of lizards and frogs, as well as snakes. Being in high places is also one of his weaknesses.

Dating/lover/crush: None so far.
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*Event Character

Mai Hinawo

Nickname/Title: The Chaotic Neutral


Gender: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Field/Animal Scientist

Likes: Flora, Fauna, soup, Siopao, exploring

Dislikes: Pizza, Cold places

Personality: Clumsy, naive, and stubborn. Very adamant on goals.Often gets hurt during experiments, likes to do as much as she can in a day. Hard-Headed and gets distracted easily in a conversation.


Bio: Mai is keen on studying the genetic code of Kemonomimis and all animals alike and how to replicate their power,but she is a chaotic-neutral that seems to wander between both realities for her own curiosity. She is hired under the country's to research and breed new creatures that can be used as weapons for war, but has no loyalties towards the human society. Fearless, brave, and often aloof to her surroundings, she has broken many bones from just walking off the steps of her house, burned, poisoned, and mauled while curiously experimenting. Enjoys new things, a little sadistic, and treats Kemonomimi's more like a new animal to test on than anything human.

She reveres her father like a god, always using him as examples and a role model for her future. Hopes to one day become just like him, intelligent, strong, and one of the greatest scientists in the world.

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She stands to be 5'9", weighing at about 132 (even though she says she's 100). With long platinum blonde hair and fierce blur eyes with a gold rim at the edge of her pupil. She has a fit body that is in the shape of an hourglass.


Rosaline Vander




25 years old





(due to father's business)


She can become great at whatever she sets out to reach.

At the moment she is quite talented in sculpting, calligraphy, tennis, swimming, and negotiating (if you know what mean ;) ).

She strives at making her father proud though and works hard at helping him whenever needed.




Flirtatious, sometimes to even a disgusting extent, describes her. She is very sociable and enjoys the company of people. On the outside she acts close-minded but really she is aware of all KMs and all other mysteries of the world. She is very accepting but acts rude to newcomers. She may seem bipolar but plays the role of a rich woman. Sometimes if you catch her as herself, she is kind and humorous. She loves having fun and excitement in her life. Exploring and learning are what she does in her spare time.

On her bad days, hint hint, she can be grouchy, moody, and snappy. She will be demanding but then cry asking for forgiveness.

When she is alone though she acts like a normal human being since no one watches her.

She feels that she has the have the attention in the room if there are people. She doesn't know why but she just does. She is quite intelligent even though she may not act like it. Rosaline is very understanding and will hear you out. But she can be stubborn in her decision not allowing room for change. She is loyal and compassionate though with family and friends.


Her earliest memories are those of when her family was poor. She had a brother that was 2 years younger than her but died from starvation. She remembers holding him in her eyes and singing him his favorite lullaby as he fell asleep. Their mother had too passed away from starvation before the boy. This left the father and Rosaline. Everyday, during her poverty life, she would steal food from local shops and help out other homeless people. She lived this life from 5 to 12 years of age.

Her life changed when her father was in the streets building a contraption made out of scraps of metal. A CEO of a company spotted him and offered him a job because of the creativity of the object. Rosaline never understood what the object did but she was happy her dad built it. After this their standards of living increased gradually until her dad once again built a major project that profited the company millions landing him a spot at a co-owner.

Now to this day she lives in paradise of money, but she is always giving to charity because of her past.



Having fun










Mean people

Rude people

Hateful people

Beer bellies


Sad movies

Being alone


Losing her dad


Losing their wealth





Cute clothes


Crushes on a lot of cute/hot guys, always flirting. But she does hope to find true love, even if it's a younger guy.

Name: Oscar Louls

Title/Nickname: Ozzy



Occupation: Work For Hire

Abilities/Talents/Powers: He can fly. He has night vision and finally he can make and shape ice expertly. Also, as a side effect of being nocturnal he can hide his Kemonomimi nature and blend in with humans and as an added side effect he becomes extremely attractive.

Species: KM- Snowy Owl

Appearance: (Picture or detailed description)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-15_18-42-38.jpeg.aa255094dc7eb07189eb02d65d5303e1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-15_18-42-38.jpeg.aa255094dc7eb07189eb02d65d5303e1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He also has white wings.



Bio:Oscar was raised by a loving family despite being different. They loved him like he was one of their own until on a day that will forever be marked in his mind, they were attacked. A group of Anti-KMs invaded their home and killed everyone, leaving him for last. Something inside him snapped and the next thing he remembered was waking up under large amounts of snow. Feeling horrified for what he had done he vowed to never bring harm to someone unless it was needed,

Personality/quirks:He is spontaneous and performs actions without warning most of the time. He does not like hurting people and is very soft and gentle. Just try not to get him angry. At all. Ever. Seriously. I mean it. Trust me. Do not question it. It's for your own good.

Flaws:He is afraid of hurting people and can often be overpowered in combat.

Likes/Dislikes:Reading, writing, cooking. Bullies, discrimination.

Fears/Weaknesses: He's weak to fire and scared of reptiles.




  • upload_2014-9-15_18-42-38.jpeg
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Character Sheet BASE

Name: Viren South

Title/Nickname: Toxin

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Use to work as a gardener/Currently for hire

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Viren has always been good with plants and of course reptiles specifically snakes. He has fangs with a deadly venom of which he is able to concoct. He is also able to see things based on their heat signature and has impeccable smell. His lower body is incredibly strong being made of almost complete muscle. Finally he can speak to and command other snakes.

Species: Kemonomimi Western Diamondback Rattle Snake

Appearance: Viran has light brown hair that almost resembles the color of dry sand. It's long enough to cover his brown snake eyes but he keeps it swooped over and under a leather cowboy hat. He has strong facial features with short facial hair that just makes him look a little scruffy. His teeth are a bright white and when he opens his unhingable mouth his snake fangs appear along with a forked tongue. Viran's skin is a nice tan color from always working in the garden and he usual is found wearing flannel plaid button ups with the sleeves rolled above his elbows. Finally, bellow his waist is his giant snake body. His very large lower half is covered in natural dirt or sand colored brown scales and at the tip of his tail is a rattle.

Height: Human body sits at about 7" but lower half's length is close to 45".

Weight: Unknown, he has never been able to weigh himself.

Bio: Viran as long as he can remember has lived with his aunt and uncle out in the country where they had their own farm. He grew up happily there and didn't have much trouble until he became too curious. He wanted to know what the rest of the world was like so he requested to leave. However, his aunt and uncle denied his request telling him never to talk about it again. So he didn't, Viren packed up his things leaving at 19. Since then he has worked at a manor outside of a larger town, tending to their gardens and taking care of their rodent problem. Again, though many of the other staff were afraid to be near him.

Personality/quirks: Viran likes to talk to people but often has few words to say. He is kind to anyone willing to be nice to him. He is also a very christian man so he believes in treating everyone with love and respect. However, he has a violent temper often saying avarice is his worst sin. Especially, when he sees someone too weak to fight for themselves being mistreated.

Flaws: Incapable of saying S normally and his size and weigh sometimes get in the way of certain activities. As does his appearance in some cases.

Likes: Partial towards sweets and tea. Bathing in the sun. Working in the garden

Dislikes: Rats. Loneliness. Swimming.

Fears/Weaknesses: Viran does not enjoy being alone and will keep the company of snakes.

He does not like bodies of water.

Dating/lover/crush: No

Name: Xena Weyr

Title/Nickname: N/A

Age: My age? You don't ask a girl- Around 16 or 17

Gender: Was my name not a dead giveaway? Female

Occupation: Wild as wild can be!!! She could be for hire. Depends on if you can catch her. Which is a no.

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Why do you need to know? Trying to get the drop on me? She can wield a sword and take down most threats. She can also make plants grow and talk to full-blooded animals.

Species: (Human or Kemonomimi(KM)- specify what kind of KM) Cat-KM, specific species is Siamese.

Appearance: (Picture or detailed description)

Height: 5'4" But I'm not short!

Weight: 90 lbs. Or fat..

Bio: You don't need to know. Stop asking me about it.

Personality/quirks: She is generally calm, but will take your face off if you try to catch her. She has a nasty temper and will not hesitate to maim or kill any human that comes to close.

Flaws: None! I'm perfect~ She is very proud, obviously, and will challenge anyone.

Likes/Dislikes: I like fruits! Only food I'll eat. I don't like meat. Gross...or humans. They're bad people. I also really like animals.

Fears/Weaknesses: She is terrified of the dark, so nighttime isn't the best for her in the forest. She is also weak against anesthetics and poisons. Why did you have to say that? It's not true! I'm not afraid of anything or anyone!

Dating/lover/crush: (yes, no, who?)

Guys don't like a girl that is stronger than them and could tear their face no one. Probably ever..

Name: Valdus Crimson

Title/Nickname: Eclipse

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Hireable Assassin

Abilities/Talents/Powers: Valdus excels with a sword and is light on his feet. When making direct eye contact his target becomes paralyzed and their vision turns pitch black, thus earning the name Eclipse but this is limited only one person/thing and they must keep direct eye contact or the effects will stop.He can also fly due his wings and make them appear and disappear at will.

Species: Hybrid Kenomomimi of a Crow and a Panther. Bred for hunting purposes.

Appearance: Long white hair down to his shoulders, black jacket, sword belt, black boots, spiked greaves, fingerless gloves, red eyes, black pants, eyepatch on left eye, black boots, black tribal markings on upper body, very sharp, pointed teeth

Height: 6.3

Weight: 136 lbs

Bio: Valdus was bred and trained to help the humans hunt down other Kenomomimis for sports along with hunting down animals for supplies. He was mostly starved and abused and once he got so sick and tired of it that he tried to one of the hunters that was abusing and mocking him which resulted in the loss of an eye. He escaped when a group of hunters borrowed for some money and took him with them to a thicker part of the woods to hunt some wolves and they ordered him to guard them until dawn thinking he was tamed but when they fell asleep he killed them all, tearing thn piece by piece and then ran away after looting them.

Personality/quirks: Ussually calm and reserved until he gets annoyed, sadistic, cruel

Flaws: Trust issues and short term memory loss

Likes/Dislikes: He shuns daylight since he had spent many years locked up in the dark as a punishment for previous failed attempts at running away. He likes nighttime, meat, and a good fight every now and then.

Fears/Weaknesses: Fire and sunlight

Dating/lover/crush: None

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