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Fantasy Kemonomimi Central

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Always Sick

☆ °・*Kemonomimi Central *・°☆

In the outskirts of society and civilization, lurking within the shadows of looming trees: lie creatures of mysterious natures. Half- beasts with ears and tails roaming in secrecy within forest villages or secluded dens. Some have inhuman abilities, others are too domesticated or frail. There are varieties of them wandering the land, some more vicious than others while a population are bred in captivity. This world is brimming with cautious excitement.

Kemonomimis (gijinkas...people with ears and tail and any other animal features, called KMs for short) thrive on this world, often in or near human societies, treated as companions in travel; hunted down as game for sport or even sold as slaves, servants or as household pets. Few species have the pleasure of having jobs in societies as guards, guides, trackers due to their animal instincts and inhuman abilities.

General rules

☆---—-RULES —----☆

No 1 liners, 3 lines of text MINIMUM

No one may have the same species of KM

Ex: If both people want their character to be a cat KM, please specify a certain breed to differentiate them.

There are
exceptions- like if both people agree that their characters are from the same family, are twins, etc.

~No-god modding or bunnying or controlling another person's character without their approval/consent. It's not enjoyable.

no Mary Suing or Gary Stuing (perfect characters)Be reasonable...other people may not want to roleplay with you if you do

~You are
allowed to cuss/curse,I'm not going to regulate that. But please know that you are responsible and that people may not want to roleplay with someone too obscene.

Gore/blood welcomed, but it is the same as the cursing/cussing rule above.

Dating/Love allowed only with the other user's consent (ask them if they wouldn't mind for your character to be in a romance with theirs)

Sexual matter must be limited to fade outs, please no graphic details, innuendo and suggestive phrases allowed.


not to take a character's actions personally as if they are a user's actions...they are most likely not the same person if you know what I mean...

~Be nice to your roleplay buddies! Get to know them, or even better introduce yourself in the OOC!
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Strolling down in an early autumn mist, a young girl glided carefully on slender legs down the morning road with fluffy white tail trailing behind her. A sleepy dawn began it's day anew, lighting the girl's path as her daily struggle began with fruits piled high in her arms, threatening to tumble off and splatter in the street. A weekly task as a pet. The flickering light of the sun was captured against the dim window panes and metal bells that hung along the shop doors, and along the long silvery hairs of the teal eyed Kemonomimi girl- a creature, one of many who thrive in this world, resembling a human almost exactly except for their animalistic features and instincts. Most humans consider these creatures as mere animals, along side how one considers a dog or a cow or to the unpredictability of a tiger or any other feral beast.

On her way home, Ina Tiran takes a shortcut through the woods, sitting carefully on stump as as she set down the fruits and adjusted the tag on her collar.
Conner had just been bought. Yep, you read correctly, bought. He was rushing around his quarters with a simple breifcase on his sleeping are, not exactly a bed but not just the floor. He was gathering all the clothes he had and gently folded them before packing them. He had been taught his whole life what he was supposed to do when he was bought, and his lessons raced through his head. He was dressed in his uniform, a very nondescript suit.
Mark would be sleeping inside a cave haging upside down as his feet were stuck inside the cavernd seeling as stipes would be near him sleeping aswell upside down,as Mark would feel the rays of light enter the Cavern,he covers his eyes and sighs as he would slip from the caverns cealing and fall down and hit the floor "Ow....Ugh"he mones as stripe would flote down like a fether and land on his head and shirp at him as he would look up and say "Good morning stripe...Ugh....I will be here for a little wille you go out...Mi eyes hurt ok"as Mark says that Stripe would shirp and would flap its wings and fly out of the cave as he was hunting for straberrys as for Mark would be laying on the caverns floor looking out too the exit of it and let the rays hit him as he waits till his eyes ayust too the light,Not that he was going too use them but it was anoying
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Ina sat on the stump as she fiddled with the silver jewelry on her ears. *flutter* The soft sound of beating wings caught her attention as a fruit bat soared towards her direction. "Oh...Um....Ohayo Stripe!." she smiled lightly, picking a fruit from the brown paper bag as the familiar face came swooping around "Um...I-I...I have some fruit here for you to pick from." the girl twitched her ears as she peered into the pilled bag that threatened to rip from being over stuffed.
Several hours away from the city, deep in the thick forest that easily got most humans lost moved a shadow. Silent paws stepped carefully on the ground, avoiding anything that would make a sound. His gaze, green as the grass he was walking on, was locked onto his target. A young doe, her tawny fur shining with health, her ears flicking back and forth nervously as she grazed. She'd spotted his movement once and had dashed off, he'd given chase until she was calm enough to stop.

Now, he crept ever closer, using trees and shrubs as cover. Stopping every time the doe raised her head, sniffing the air, her skin twitching nervously. She knew something was watching her, she just knew it. Bloodsong was downwind, so there was no way she could tell where he was from his scent. From here, he'd be able to reach her before she had a chance to run and hopefully take her down with little trouble. Once the deer was back to grazing, he lined himself up for the attack, his butt wiggling to get his balance ready and correct. When the moment was right, he sprang forward from his hiding place into a sprint and launched himself onto the back of the doe. She cried out in fear and tried to run as the large caline landed on her back, his claws sinking into her flesh and his teeth sinking into her throat, biting down hard on her windpipe.

The doe fought and kicked as she bucked, trying to dislodge her attacker as blood ran in rivulets down her tawny hide. Her breathing was rapid, both from fear and from the teeth gripping her windpipe. Her legs gave way and she fell to the ground, blood pouring from her throat as the main artery was severed. Hot, fresh blood spurted onto the caline and onto the ground and he kept his grip as the doe's lifeblood poured from her throat, her kicking slowly getting weaker and jerkier as death came to take her away. Once she wasn't kicking anymore, Bloodsong loosened his grip, tied some hide straps around her hindlegs and began to drag her back to camp.
Mad Hatter's Rabbit, Bernard

Bernard raised his metal bowl to his lips, drinking the broth out of the round object. Something he knew he wasn't supposed to do, the other boy's in Mr. Nicholas's troupe did it, and had encouraged him to do it after he ate all the vegetables that were in the bowl. Some broth dribbled down his chin, and he used a napkin he had found to clean it off of him. He looked at the boys, who all seemed to be proud of themselves for teaching Bernard something outside of his comfort zone. They clapped him on the shoulders, light enough not to hurt but heavy enough to show affection. THey gave him words of praise and bantered him, making jokes about his extravagant upbringing.

The teens soon returned to their tents, climbing in and undoubtedly getting ready for a game of poker. Bernard would have joined them if a strong hand hadn't clamped down on his shoulder, and an almost inaudible "
Boo" sounded in his ear. He practically jumped, and was sure his heart would have burst if the hand wasn't familiar. He looked back at the tanned face of Nicholas, standing in his traveling clothes-a large trench coat to cover his body, and his usual light blue headband. He used the headband as a common prop, unless his costume forbade it.

Bernie! Wonderful to catch you before your morning poker. I have a request." Bernard spun around on the chair he was sitting in, and leaned his arms on it. His black ears twitched, and he stared at his owner with his good eye. "Yes, sir. What is it? Inventory check?"

Not at the moment. I can have Hillary and Matty take care of that. I need you to go out and gather some firewood. Well, mostly some tinder, like pine needles. I would like to have a HUGE bonfire and have our own little magic show for the troupe. What do you think?"

Good idea! I'll grab some. I'd like to take a walk anyways. I have heard that a morning walk is very good for your health, especially a half-rabbit like me." He laughed, and leaped up onto his feet. He straightened his jacket and pants, though it really didn't matter until they had their next performance. They had set up camp outside of a small town, and had made the necessary requirements to have a play in the next week. He took the small belt pouch Nicholas had taken out and attached it to his own belt. Once it was secure, he smiled. "There we go. And you don't have to give me the whole be careful speech. I'm fast. I'll be fine." Without another word from his friend, employer, and master, he began to briskly walk over to the path, picking up any pine needles and small twigs along the way.

He continued through the woods, always making sure he could find his way back by tying small red yarn to branches. He didn't mind the task, since it gave him the time to map out the area. He liked to know where everything is when he traveled, and this was one of those times. He reached down to pick up another group of small twigs when he heard the clink of medal nearby. He froze. He knew he should really go back and ignore the noise, but his curiosity got the best of him, and he followed the sound of metal.

He peered around a tree and saw a girl kemonomimi and a fruit bat sitting on a stump, fiddling with what looked like a collar of sorts. He frowned, wondering who she was, and more so why she was out here. He had barely seen any other Kemonomimi's since his early childhood. Some worked at theaters where the troupe performed, and he sometimes saw them working in fields. Very few were treated as equals to full humans, more like pets and slaves than anything. This usually infuriated him, but he knew he wasn't able to do anything about it. But he wanted to see what one of the workers actually thought of it.

He slowly stepped around the tree, completely noiseless and careful. He then coughed and stood a little straighter. "
Excuse me, ma'am? Do you have a moment? I was wondering if I could talk to you..."
Stripes would see Ina as he would land on the floor near her chirp happily and would hug her Foot as he was very small close too the size of a apple as he would chirp again as he would look at her and then the bag as he would clime the bag and land inside as some fruits were biger that him,as he would look around he would get a strawberry and ofer it too Ina and chirp as the strawberry was half his size
Ina smiled at the cheerful little fruit bat as he picked at the assortment of fruits in the crumpled paper bag. A soft rustle sounded behind the stump as the scent of another individual wafted into the air around them. Twitching a nose and cocking an ear; the silvery haired girl stared wide eyed at the man, light teal eyes revealing a startled expression. "O-Oh. I-I'm so sorry...Did...Did..I um.....do...something w-wrong sir?" she asked with a soft voice, face blushing shyly as she flattened her ears nervously towards the stranger. Her eyes quickly glanced downwards, toying with her own fingers to distract herself.


No, no please...no more...

She slowly lifted up her hands, examining them. For a moment she saw blood covering her hands. She gasped but then it disappeared.

"Lovayna! Get your tail over here!"

She jumped at his tone. Her hands moved to cover her face. A few unwanted tears escaped. For a moment silence wrapped around her.

Then her door was slammed wide open. "I'm not asking you again Lovayna. I told you an order and you follow it," the master hissed as he approached her. He raised a hand about to slap her and she cringed ready for the impact. But he decided not to. He took a step back and muttered, "I need you in tip top shape for this assignment."

Love looked up from where she sat. She met an angry face. She flinched and scooted aside. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered. He ignored her and grabbed her head to turn it to his face. "Next time you come right away," he threatened. She nodded.

He let her go roughly. She rubbed her cheek a bit.

"Now for today's assignment," the master said. He pulled out a picture from his pocket. Love snatched the photo knowing she either does the assignment or die and she needed to stay alive. The photo was of a hybrid bear. It was twice the size of an average bear but that it had golden eyes that sold at a high price in the black market.

"I need you to retrieve me those eyes," the master ordered. Fear lingered in her heart, "Yes master."

She set off with worry in her mind. She sprinted into the woods staying cautious about her surroundings and position.

Mad Hatter's Rabbit, Bernard

"O-oh. I-I'm so sorry...Did...Did...I um...do...something w-wrong, sir?"

Bernard shook his head, his ears flopping around as his head moved from side to side. Why would she think such a thing. "No, no, no. Not at all, ma'am. I was just wondering if I could speak to you for a small while. I had noticed you are a Kemonomimi like me, which means we are half-human, half animal. Though, I assume you know this. Anyways, pardon my rudeness. Common courtesy is to introduce oneself to their host, since I am the guest in this situation." Bernard waved his hand in an elegant manner, and bowed deeply, crossing his hand over his midsection, and bringing his right foot back slightly. That was how he had learned to bow correctly. "I am Bernard, a member of a traveling troupe of actors and magicians. We are a small group, but in opinion of myself, we are pros at our occupation. I am our leader's assistant and magic partner." He leaned back up, looking annoyingly at one of his floppy ears that had draped itself over his eye. He blew on it roughly until it stuck back up, twitching slightly. When his ears did that, he didn't mind his eyepatch being covered, but he didn't enjoy being in complete blindness.

Ina Tiran

Ina quickly brushed off her skirt in an awkward manner as she rose to her feet unsteadily. The girl quickly bowed her head, hands interlocked with each other as she held them behind her back, "Um...N-Nice to meet you Bernard..I'm...I'm ah-" The canine kemonomimi paused for a moment, trying to recall her own name ad mist her scrambled thoughts. The wind blew around her bent ear a bit, unlike her left ear which was pointed and sharp like a terrier's "I-Ina...Ina Tiran....nice to meet you...I guess I wouldn't um....mind...talking for a bit..." The girl looked off to the side for a moment, stuttering and blushing as if there were an entire audience before her, hiding within the forest.

Being shy is an unfortunate trait, unable to think straight and always over thinking simple conversations when in front of another person. One consequence of growing up in a place with few people to practice talking to. 'A-Actors?? Magicians..? It sounds ....just a little....fun...'

@Refaulted @Fus ro dah
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Tony was wandering down the street, a long trench coat, which reached to his ankles, hiding two, pure black, wings. His furry black ears were flat against his head, hidden in his hair, and his tail was tucked behind the coat as well. Unless one looked closely, he looked human. However, why would a human wear a manacle on his left wrist? For thats what the teen had, from his imprisonment. He was only glad he had managed to escape, and hadn't had the one around his neck at the time he had chosen to run for it. He tried to hide the metal with his sleeve, by the short chain, about four links long, was dangling only just in view, making it hard to hide it. His eyes darted back and forth as he walked, the odd golden orbs cautious.
Anger burnt inside of her.

This is Lovayna's life now, to hunt and retrieve. She never received any percentage from the sales, not like she would accept. Lovayna loathed hunting. She kill innocent creatures for specific parts. Love knows that her hands should be coated in red with how many deaths she committed.

Lovayna ran at a steady spewed not wanting to go back anytime soon. In the past Lovayna has tried to run away from the master but he somehow always found her. She was his ultimate prize to his collection. She provided him the money.

Love stopped in her tracks to seek out for a river. She closed her eyes and took a deep sniff. The stagnant smell of blood floated in the air. Love's eyes opened up. She did not like the sense that some other hunter was around. Lovayna avoided where the scent of the dead deer was but couldn't pinpoint the location. Lovayna kept her ears straightened and continued her task.

Mad Hatter's Rabbit, Bernard

Bernard noticed the the girl's -Ina's- uncomfortable posture, and chuckled slightly. "I guess I wasn't very...what's the word...subtle? In my introduction. I see that I make you uneasy, so I will try and make my questions as quick as possible. I will not force you to answer, but if you couldn't tell, I am a curious person. I like information and the like. But anyways, first one. I see that you have a bag of fruit here. Do you work in the town near here?" His ear twitched again, and he reached up and grabbed it, holding it still. "And second one, if you can answer, is what is it like to work there?"
Stripe would peek out of Ina,s Bag with a strawbery in his mouth and look at the people as they were talking,as he would only watch looking as they talk and grabing the strawberry with his little wings and start too eat in Happily eating small bit by small bit as he watches them talk,as he dint know what they were talking about mostly but still would like too see.

As Mark would Finaly gotens use too the light he would get up from the Cavern Floor and would walk outside as he takes a deep breath and get a load of fresh air as he would walk a few Feet from the Cavern and would reach a apple tree that he has bin eating from for a long time,as he would reach up and get a apple and start too eat,as he dose his ears Shoot up and straight as he hears voices kinda far away,as for him it was clear as he was next too it thanks too his Sensative hearing,as he would sit down near the Apple tree and lean on it as he eat and raise his ear hearing the Converation,as he aswell wonders were is stripe.
Adilet, who had recently failed at getting another book published, was rather put down. Having just received the letter during his break and brisk walk down to the post office.

Now, this had happened many times before, and it
was becoming a recurring event, but he was sure he had a good book this time. And as he put together sandwiches he contemplated where he went wrong and what caused a dismal performance at the publisher.

Despite this, due to
corporate policy at the deli he called his part-time job, he remained cheery. Serving with a smile as they say. But behind it, he couldn't wait for his shift to end so he could return to proof-read his book for the third time, to hopefully correct and errors that slipped by him the first two times.

In truth, his book was simply abysmally dull that the publisher would have made a loss on it, not to taunt his writing ability. But it wasn't errors, and he'd be disappointed to find this fact out for himself.
The shy kemonomimi paused for a moment, sweeping a couple silver hairs away as she nodded "I-I work as a guard...a pet....really...I...I really enjoy it...the job is very nice...I get a home in a human den and food...it's really hard having to scare away people...they never seem to be scared of me...." she replied with a quiet smile, "But I can't ask for more.....w-what....W-What about you Bernard?......what's it like to be...um...a magician? " she glanced back at the bag as the little bat shuffled around "H-Hey...P-Please don't eat everything..." Ina picked up the brown paper bag, staring down into it to make sure he didn't eat too much.

@Refaulted @Yonsisac
Stripe would chirp happily and show as he holds in his wings a small strawberry as the rest was intact,the only thing he got was the strawberry,as he would continue eating it and hold it in his mouth as he would chirp 2 times and would clime Ina,s hand and would look at her and chirp again as if he was asking if he could clime her hand as it seems he whanted too be on her shulder

Mad Hatter's Rabbit, Bernard

Bernard listened to Ina speak, and nodded when she concluded. "I don't know. I'm sure you can scare away a helpless rabbit like me with one bark." He laughed. When she spoke to the bat sitting in the bag, his eyebrow raised. He had seen bats flying around in the sky at night, and had some fake model ones they used for props, but he had never been so close to one. Overall, they were kinda cute, aside from the eeriness they gave off in stories. "Well, I already talked about myself. I work for Nicholas Vintorbul's Magic Traveling Troupe of Actors. Mister Nicholas is the head of it, and he has treated me fairly, as much as his parent's had. I am his apprentice and partner, working with him in shows. I'm not as good as him, but I've picked up some tricks from him, like..." He quickly flicked his hand, three poker cards appearing in between his four fingers. He held them up, showing her the King of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, and Jack of Clubs that were now attached to the crevices of his fingers. "This. I don't know a lot of magic like Mister Nicholas, but he has taught me simple stuff. But acting is my strong suit. More so than magic."
Nora moaned, rolling over and off her grass bed. She made a loud "Ouff!" As she rolled out of her tree hollow and onto the ground. She got up off the ground, groaning. "Stupid gravity." She said, dusting off the stuff off her legs and arms. She sighed, walking towards her food supply, finding some extra deer.

Smiling, she walked over to her makeshift fire pit with her piece of juicy veal. She smiled, setting her veal down on a large rock. She picked up some kindling and tinder that was in a pile near the fire. She then found her flint and steel and struck them together, the spark lit the dry grasses inside the fire.

A while later, Nora was cooking her veal. She smiled as the smell of cooked meat wafted though the air. True, she could have eaten it raw, but sometimes having warm meat in the morning felt better. She smiled, taking it off the fire and taking a large bite of the juicy meat. She moaned in happiness, taking the entire thing in one bite. As she was licking up her paws, she smelled fresh meat. She picked up her sword, unsheathing it and holding it in front of her as she walked towards the sound, growling in a low tone.

@Fus ro dah
Kumbara had a long day, work had been more than busy and he needed to cool the flame that was his temper, as always the bear took the long way back to his home, this long way being the forest, it reminded him of something but to this day he hadn't discovered what it was that made these places so soothing and familiar. "Ugh... At least no one barks orders at me out here..." His ears flicked as the breeze picked up for a moment, rustling the leaves and temporarily allowing more light to filter through, the fresh scent of pine in the distance as well as the unfamiliar scents of ani... no... pe... no... Were there other KMs here? Wild KMs? If so he needed to watch his step so he didn't step into the wrong person's territory.

Soluni awoke to another sunny day, after doing his chores and chatting with Betty the chicken, he headed to work, quickly managing to finish repairs so that he could go out to the main city, his ma wanted him to go get some things, chat with some people and said "Don't come back without a wife!" Boy, was his ma funny. The goat-eared teen hopped into his truck with a couple of things, the sounds of cans clinking and hay rustling in the bed of the vehicle slowly becoming drowned out by the sound of the air rushing by as he drove, turning out onto the highway and quickly reaching his destination, when he hopped out he got weird looks, but he didn't expect people to understand the comfort he had in his overalls. He walked through the area, now, where was he going again?
Ina Tiran

The silvery haired girl smiled lightly at the tiny bat as it crawled onto her hand. She stared into it's eyes as she gently placed the swirl cheeked bat onto her shoulder "alright since you asked nicely..." Ina rubbed her cheek against his wing. She had seen magic a few times in her old home as travelers passed her den, the idea was mystifying, something that was ceasingly amazing to a gullible little dog. "..o....that's...amazing!" Ina exclaimed, eyes wide and excited as she leaned in close to the young magician's hand. The quiet intrigue of her teal eyes darted back and forth at each card. "I-I think master...wouldn't mind if I watched..as show..." Ina smiled shyly at Bernard.

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