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Fantasy Kamirotha: End of an Age

Over the sounds of the fighting, Arawen heard Alaric's voice ring out above it, just. Something about... now? She glanced his way and saw him kicking in what seemed to be a hidden door, turning her attention back to the fight, she dodged an incoming attack which sliced the flesh of her cheek. She hissed through her teeth at the pain and quickly backpedaled from the skirmish.

"Come on!" She called out to those who had yet to turn tail and she ran through the door and descended the stairs that followed.

If they were followed, which they probably would be... they had no time to dawdle. These assassins were brutal and organised, she'd never even seen their type before in her life. Too bad the old elf didn't give them any useful information before he was murdered.

Gwendolyn Dewitt - Fire and Ice


Dodge. Attack. Sidestep. That was really all that was going on in Gwen's head for the moment. But no matter how many of these stupid assassins she kicked away or tried to kill, more would come back like they didn't even take any damage from her at all. She did a quick glance around, noticing she wasn't the only one troubled. Dodge, attack, sidestep.

It was getting awfully hot in the chambers, the sun shining through the stained glass lit up their grim battle. She was already feeling a bit exhausted. "Come on!" a voice shouted at them, and Gwen vaguely recognized it as one of the elven girls. She turned her head to look at them, finding them retreating into a hidden passageway, but the moment she turned her head, a dagger came at her. She didn't have time to dodge, as the dagger sliced her upper arm. A strangled scream left her lips, as she twisted her polearm in one swift motion, piercing her attacker.

Drawing back, she was ready to flee with the others, untill she noticed something familiar. Someone familiar. A fire elf with hair as red as flames itself was on the ground near her, obviously dazed out from the blast. Shit. She did a quick detour, running to him and pulled him up harshly. "Come on, you have to get up!" She hissed at him, feeling the heat of his skin burn hers. The heat was almost more unbearable than her arm wound. She slapped his cheek hard for good measure to snap him out of it, dragging him up to his feet. "Come on, we have to go!" Gwen called out, trying to get them both to the hidden door.

Pyrder Asther: Haven - A place for safety and refuge. Dictionary's got it all wrong...

When Pyrder had arrived in the chamber, he swore it was empty. It was only him, himself and...him? That didn't sound right, but it's the only thing he could think of. But now, a old but wise looking elf with long white hair accompanied with a beard that was the colour of pure snow, was standing in front of him...well...them, and was talking with an air of authority. A cloaked man followed shortly behind the old elf with a hood hiding his face, and stood by his side.

Welcome, Storm coming, Kingdom, Letter, dream, vision, future, the Slaughter.

These words were all that Pyrder could mainly hear, and other short sentences. He let out a yawn. Then, the hooded man took his turn on speaking, while taking off his hood to reveal his face. Now he was no longer the hooded man, instead, he went by the name of Ser Alaric Wulf, as the wise elf, who was actually the Councillor, introduced him.

So many names to remember. Pyrder yawned again. More names to remember, since the travellers who're here in this chamber with him were apparently going to be his allies on this...mission to forge the nation? See, he was totally listening.

The fire elf stretched as the Councillor finished his speech with asking them if they had questions. The first voice to answer was feminine. Feminine but deadly-sounding to him anyway. He didn't bother to look to where her voice came from, instead, he was amused of the sarcasm visible in her tone. The Councillor replied with ease, somehow knowing the traveller's name as well. Arawen of Kamarath? Pyrder should've bought a pen and paper to remember all these names, actually, he would've burnt the paper.

The bored to death fire elf was barely keeping track of who's talking anymore, but he had a hunch that he should've listened. Nah, he can ask the others later. Pyrder started to close his eyes to let out another yawn, stretching as he did-


Something purple exploded, then yelling and then the ground met his face. His body's temperature rose up by a few degrees instinctively, but not enough to burn to the touch. The shock of the explosion must've dazed him quite a bit, especially when he was about to yawn. Someone was hissing at something, but the words were slightly drowned out from his dizziness. A firm grip on his arm made him jerk upwards, his body tried to stay balanced as his head shook itself to get rid of this headache.

A good, hard slap automatically snapped Pyrder out of his daze, but into a painful state. The voice who was hissing at something or more specifically at someone, was talking to him. Since his dizziness was fading, he could finally tell who it was.

As he let himself be dragged by his 'saviour' (again), Pyrder gasped "Gwendolyn?"

Suddenly, Explosion (Directed by Michael Bay)

Isenrah was about to inquire further as to how he knew this, when suddenly purple arrows pierced the Councillor's body. She saw him begin to... she didn't know how to describe it. Expand? Yeah, she went with that. She realized he was about to explode, and turned, covering her face, trying to protect herself. But she was still knocked onto her face, and she lay there, her ears ringing. She slowly stood up, then saw the others recovering. She drew both her katanas, despite the fact that her right shoulder was still sore. She charged into the midst of the assassins, swinging her katanas wildly in their midst. Alaric ran through a previously hidden door, saying something about going through there. Coward, She thought. Running away when he should stay and fight.

Haven Meeting Chamber: Assassination/Battle(?)

T.E.S.S.A. was blinking in confusion when the sudden burst of void energy tossed her and the others about the chamber like sticks in a storm. Hitting the wall she felt her heart stop for a beat, her armor briefly malfunctioning before correcting itself. Rising to her feet she grabbed both of her katanas, slipping them swiftly from their sheathes. For a moment a bright purple glow ran through both the lines on her body and her suit. The light increase crackling energetic discharge as it flared brightly from her palms and in to her swords. Breathing in deeply she spun her swords into an underhanded grip. There was the soft whirring o motors as he darted forth, light nod energy cracklings from her blades as she darted across the room an to the door that had been indicated, moving directly through a small cluster of assassins as she did so.

Standing at the door she looked back, spinning her blades down to her side, crimson fluid dripping from the blade. A flare of purple ran down the path she had taken and one by one each purple tinted form dropped to the ground. Nodding to herself she slipped through the door. She was really confused at this point, but if one person could give any of them more clarity on the matter at hand it would be Sir Alric.

Moving in her usual swift almost floating manner she swiftly pursued the target of her curiousity.
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Alaric turned to make sure the girl who was more machine than mortal was still with them. She was key to most, if not all, of this. "Tessa!" He shouted, "Get in the middle of the group! Please everyone, protect her!"

The corridor was long and dimly lit, seemingly winding randomly underneath Haven.

Back in the corridor, those assassins who were in combat suddenly retreated, nimbly tumbling back away from their combatants. They clasped hands, the same energy that killed the Councillor coalescing around them, pulsing with Void energy. With each pulse, they faded more and more, until they had dissipated completely.
Elen guarded the door as everyone slipped past her, keeping a few assassins at bay with heavy swings of her hammer. The leather strap around her wrist let her throw it and pull it back with relative ease, but she didn't want to risk losing it to these who were so aptly prepared with magic. Cadwy hadn't passed by her, to her knowledge, so he may have slipped out one of the other doors unseen, as a few were ajar, faint beams of light entering through them into the the otherwise darkened room. The window in the ceiling did little, it seemed, as the magic flying about the room appeared to absorb the brightness of the sun, dissipating it and casting long shadows over the walls.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had started, it was over. The mages who had attacked them joined hands and began to glow wit the same dark energy that had brought them here, then flickered out as if they had never existed. This was all too much for Elen, she blinked as if it had all been a dream, but the blood trickling down one corner of her face told her it was all too real. She stepped backwards into the secret doorway, following after the others, only turning away once she had closed the door in front of her and raced to catch up with the others. Still no sign of Cadwy, he must have gotten away, his body was not among those on the council floor. Apparently, only the guards who had been slain remained there, as the assassin's bodies had evaporated into a mist when they ceased living.

Pushing past the others and reaching Alaric's side at the had of the line, she kept pace with him, asking, "What in the Four Winds happened back there?!" A hint of anger and confusion in her voice, as if she had been watching a comedy act and was disappointed by the sorrowful ending. "Explain as much as you can, I'm not leaving until I hear all that you know about it!"


@Trevor B Harper (I know you were taking a break from RPn for a bit, so I gave Cadwy a way out for now until you wanna bring him back in :3 )

Gwendolyn Dewitt


By the maker, why do I always have to save you?!" She shouted, half in annoyance, half in fear of an arrow piercing her heart anytime. She wasn't exactly wearing anything that would protect her from attacks, and having to drag the fire-elf up caused her a lot of pain and pretty much left her open to attacks. He finally snapped out of it, and Gwen released him albeit stayed close. Two fighting would be better than one. She skimmed the room quickly, noting other people who had yet to flee.

As suddenly as they had appeared, all the assassins nimbly slid away from them, doing their weird voodoo-magic stuff again. Gwen raised her polearm with her one arm, hoping they would not make someone blow up again. She was surprised to say the least, when they just... disappeared. She stood for a while in battlestance, making sure they wouldn't just return suddenly and stab them all in the back. When it didn't seem like it, she turned to Pyrder again with a confused expression. "I have no idea what just happened."

They didn't know each other very well, in fact not at all. Gwendolyn wasn't even sure what his name was, but he seemed to remember hers. Something with a P. She bit her lip, trying to remember. They had only had one weird encounter one snowy day in the mountains near the border. She had accidentally hit him and buried him in snow, making him sick, and when she tried to take care of him, he in return had made her overheat, making her sick. So their relationship wasn't friendly, but not... unfriendly either. She realized, she had just been standing in silence, thinking to herself. "A-ah sorry, I got kinda... distracted. It's odd seeing you here again to say the least." She told him with a slight smile.

"We should probably go with the others and find out what the crud just happened." Her hands motioned to the hallway door, where everyone else had disappeared into. They were still standing in the chambers, but Gwen quickly grabbed her belongings and followed the others.

Secret Passage: Protection(?)

"Excuse me sir but protect...? I'm afraid I don't understand... I am perfectly combat capable and will not hesitate to take measures to prevent harm to my person..."

T.E.S.S.A cocked her head to one side and inquisitive expression on her face. She stood in the dark corridor, the pink rings in her eyes and the fine pink lines and circles that decorated her skin glowing visibly due to the lack of surrounding light. Thankfully she never had to go through the process of her eyes adjusting to the light as they seemed to do so automatically. As such she was able to study the passage and the room that had been emptied with clarity. The passage itself seemed nondescript so she settled on watching the entrance to monitor the situation in the main chamber and watch the arrival of the others.

When the assassins finally disappeared, whisked away by the same strange magyk they seemed to favor the slight elf uttered a soft noise. It was a sound of both vague understanding and an indication of her mind working furiously to process all that had occurred. Even as her mid worked along that track she examined a few of the others who had entered the small corridor, a luxury she had not yet taken.

Saves spot that hopefully she'll use and here khu @khuyen


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