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Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

(Feel sort of bad that I am not that great at coding lol, then again I have not been active on this site a whole so, please excuse my inexperience)

Name: Dagaan Gaea
Alias: He doesn't have an official Alias yet
Age: Technically 4.54 Billion Years Old, Physically in his Prime, 1 year old since official "birth"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual


In many ways, Dagaan is immensely childish probably due to his mental state. He always is looking for things to do and people to meet enjoying the accompaniment of other beings. He does not like conflict much or loud noises, although he isn't afraid to engage someone who are harming others or the environment. He does not only sees the Earth as his home, but also as a living being in other words his figurative “mother” in a sense. He is considered very ignorant and naive, like a child not understanding a lot of things about people and how the world works. Nevertheless, he constantly sees the good in almost everything. While he loves interacting with humans and talking to them he cannot help but be angry with their careless wasting of the earths resources and damaging of the planet. If he sees someone in the act he will not hesitate to correct them.
Earth-Born Physiology
  • Being born within the Earths Inner Core and developing in there for nearly 4 and a half billion years, Geo has obtained a high level of physical prowess and strength. His bodily functions and physicality are millions of times more advanced than the average human, again due to having to survive in the Earths core for so long. He is strong enough to produce results similar to high level beings such as Kryptonian, Demigods, and Amazons could; meaning he is capable of lifting hundreds of tons. He can also exert extreme force though his feet allowing him to achieve superhuman feats of speed. Although no where near the likes of accomplished speedsters, he can move at speeds beyond human capabilities; capable of reaching speeds beyond the speed of sound on foot. His durability, arguably his greatest strength, is extremely formidable. His dense musculature allows him to tank physical assaults including explosions, bullets, etc. His senses were also similarly enhanced.
  • Dagaan has inherited a portion of Earth's life force, and as her heir he is capable of manipulating that energy in different ways some in more concrete and some more of exotic variety. He is capable of manipulating physical earth such as plants, rock, and lava. Among the more exotic this ability he is able to sense life or the lack of it(including tracking the source), heal others as long as they aren't dead(spiritually, mentally, physically), project it in beams or constructs, and even temporarily give life to inanimate objects(Up to 10 minutes).
  • He is capable of deciphering and interpreting the emotions of those around him, even capable of manipulating them slightly.
  • He has extensive innate knowledge of History and the History of the earth and the beings on it: such as Science, Mathematics, and fighting.
  • He can navigate the Earth without any type of map
  • He can determine the history of products made from earthen materials history by touching them
  1. Young Mentality: While he does have extensive knowledge in academics such as Math etc, he is still widely inexperienced with interacting with the outside world. He knows things yet he had never experienced them himself. It doesn't help that with his development under the circumstances he was in he has the mentality of a 10 year old. Thus he is extremely vulnerable to mental attacks.
  2. Connection to the Earth: While considerably his greatest ability this can also be his greatest weakness. Being the child of the Earth, he has innate sense when the Earth is in grave danger, and if the danger is carried out he will be mortally wounded himself. If the earth were ever destroyed or mortally damaged he himself would be mortally wounded. He would continue to have most of his power set but the effectiveness of them would diminish.
  3. Life Force Depletion: Due to him essentially running on Life-Force energy of the Earth itself, his abilities(excluding his already Supernatural Condition) will slowly begin to lose their effectiveness over time if he over exerts himself manipulating it; battle with a high level life form such as Kryptonians, Demigods, and Amazons for example. While he can pull from energy from other sources to do that itself costs considerable amounts of energy and to do so mid battle will take concentration. Afterwards he would go into a coma/dormant like state until he is completely refueled, to which he is completely vulnerable to attack
Alignment: Hero
Brief History:

The History of The Earth-Born is a long and drawn out one. Stretching from before humans or any other organism walked the face of the earth all the way to the present day age. Developing in the inner-core of the Earth, Dagaan spent most of time within the earth mentally observing the movement of the tectonic plates and changes of the earth overtime. As the age of the human race came into rising so would damage to the earth.

Throughout the years and years of torment the earth has suffered,a secret weapon laid within her inner-self. Sometime not too long from present day( a year), a large earthquake shook the planet. Scientists could not determine how such an earthquake could come be, as it was off the Richter scale. It seems as if all the Tectonic Plates within the earths crust was moving, depending on their location, opening up from a certain point. From this point, a large chasm opened up in the ground. Magma boiled deep within that point to which a humanoid figure covered in molten lava climbed up the side of the giant hole in the ground. It took the figure nearly a whole day for it to climb to the surface, pulling itself up into the light. Covered in lava, Dagaan emerges from the whole in the ground, somewhere in central Africa. As he begins his journey away from his known home, the chasm quickly begins to close itself. A new adventure had begun.

Aims and Intentions:
To make the world a better place, promote the healing of the earth, and to be the ambassador for Earth and The Green.​
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Name: Rai (Jenna Harlow)
Alias: Just Rai
Age: After months of trying to figure that out... she kinda gave up.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Glamours in place to look human-
No glamour spells, all natural-

Costume (Note- this is the closest I could find It's close but not perfect mostly it's no hood, the cloak is only supposed to be around her waist the corsetted top armor only has one shoulder gaurd on the right side, she weilds no sword rather both scythes are at her side and she wears boots.)


Rai is kind of blank at first. Quiet, dry humor and rather dark in nature. She almost fits the typical demon, untill a friendship is established. Then the sarcasm and the low-blows come. She messes with her friends and is rather cold to everyone, except those she considers close... then she may be very slightly less cold. To those she is rather unfond of, she is just silent. Although, her personality and emotions aren't completely her own. Souls send out wavelengths according to emotion, hers cannot, so she absorbs everyone else's emotions. If someone else is crying in sadness, she may feel mildly upset. Someone else is seething in anger, she will be lightly irritated. She also can get overloaded if a multitude of emotions are absorbed at once, which just makes her miserable. She may eventually develop more or a personality down the road, but as of right now. She is a blank slate.

Demon physiology- Rai's body is like most other demons. Tough and can withstand the vast majority of worldly damage. Sure beating her down enough will stop an attack and slow her down, but shooting her in the head with normal ammo won't do much other than make her angry. This also includes her ability to glamour herself to appear human.

Minimal spells and magic- She is no magician, but Rai can do the basics assuming she has a spellbook. What she cannot do is witchcraft (IE; exorcisms, curses, ect). Most of the spells she can cast are pretty useless, no fireballs or sparks or anything. More like illusions, trickery and general oddities although it is a nice ability to have if she ever needs to understand someone's magic. She CAN however sense when someone uses magic

Soul sight- Rai does not see physical body, rather she sees souls. The world to her is black and white with the splotches of white color with a humanoid halo being living things. This being said her sight does work to see inanimate objects, and is very good at it. Her sight is difficult to explain other than she can not see the physical appearance of someone, rather she sees their souls and she can tell a lot from just a soul. (Very little personality traits)

Horseman- Rai's status as one of the four horseman grants her the demonic mount, Grimora. He is large, intelligent and loyal to his rider. He also grants Rai the ability to travel through the rift where there is no overlap. The rift is like a crawlspace between earth and hell. It's how demons travel about but in some areas it ventures away from earth. There not demon can go in or out of earth or the rift. In overlaps entry and exit is free. However Grimora can jump with his rider from earth to rift with ease. However Rai must go alone and she has to allow Grimora to rest before she can jump back in the same spot she jumped in at, or she could travel to an overlap. He is also useful for travel (he can outrun cars) and battle (horse bites/kicks suck. Especially if the horse is huge and an utter asshole.)

Multi-langual- Only demon languages as well as english

Superstrength and speed- Strong enough to lift a semi but not more. fast in terms of reaction speed. She can't run super fast (thats grimora's job), rather her reaction speed is pretty fast.

Healing factor: With some execptions (see silver) She can heal her wounds at will. Only problem is she can either be moving or healing. She must stop all movement and heal.
Silver- Mere contact with silver scalds her skin with a burn that heals like a mortal. Stabbing or shooting her with silver is deadly and could turn her to dust with prolonged exposure.

Holymen- Preists, nuns, saints,rabbi she cannot harm the holymen of any religion and they may compel her to not harm people of their choosing.

Copper- Copper doesn't kill, rather immobilizes and leaves her helpless with so much as a touch until physical contact is broken. Speaking and even twitching a finger takes a painful amount of effort.

Damage of great proportions- Sure things like bullets and things won't do much unless you have silver or a holyman's blessing, but cause enough damage of any kind you'll slow her down enough to give you time to escape. (see healing)

Soulless enemies-
When fighting enemies like soulless creatures (zombies, robots, androids, ect) she has low visibility. They appear as inanimate objects and she cannot see them as well as she would an enemy with a soul.

Alignment: Hero...ish? We think. She doesn't even know for herself really.
Brief History:
Rais story begins with death. Jenna Harlow, a normal 16 year old girl meets a tragic end in a fiery car accident when struck by a drunk driver. Upon her death, her grief stricken parents were desperate to do anything to get their daughter back. Even if it meant dabbling in arts mortals had no business in. They had her body exhumed from it's grave three years later upon being told a cult's priest could help them.

What they got back was not their daughter.

The cult had used Jenna's body to pull the strongest demon they could manage from her sleep into a vessel. However, it seemed to have some repercussions on the demon herself. Rai cannot differentiate herself from Jenna and sometimes exhibits traits of her dead host and cannot remember most things about her demonic origin. So she went on believing she was the Harlow's dead child and that simply being dead for so long was what granted her these powers.

To this day she has no clue what she truly is or what she's capable of. Or what she's destined to do.

Aims and Intentions:
-Find what she was meant to do, why she was put into this human body.
-perhaps rest? Or give jenna her body back and let her continue living? Or maybe she is Jenna?

Bottom line: Solve the mass confusion she'd been thrown into.
I may or may not have gotten bored spectating and I may or may not have had a cool idea for a new OC and I may or may not be juggling at this very moment

  • Jack.Frost.full.1359026.jpg

    no staff.

    He wears this but it's white and the outline of the smile is blue

  • Name: Isak Peur

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Alias: Isak, "Grand Magician", "White Wolf"

    Personality: With his thick European accent, Isak comes off as a professor like adult, seemingly always with a cigarette in his mouth. (Tribute to John *cough*) He is always pacing while people are talking, giving the impression that he isn't paying attention to the conversation. However, it's always the opposite. Isak is always thinking of the conversation at hand, thinking several steps ahead, and seemingly "zoning out". He tends to only share his two cents once everyone is done talking, almost always making sure that he isn't interrupting someone else. Often, he will raise his hand as if he was a student until someone notices him.

    On the battlefield, Isak is always thinking of the current situation, and just as he is in conversations, he is always thinking several steps ahead. He likes to play games at his favor, making sure that he has the correct spells to fight his opponent. He always seems to have information about whoever he comes to combat with,(unless otherwise told not to) and he always comes with a plan, even if it's half-assed.


    Master of the Magical Arcane Arts:
    Isak is a "magical genius", and he has the spells to prove it. He was generally given his power by his powerful magician lineage, but his constant studying from ancient relics (which he usually steals or is already in possession by his family library) is also a main reason to his array of spells. While he has a vast array of spells, these are the ones that are more commonly used by him.

    -Magical Door: With the hand motion of opening a door, Isak can open a door in thin air and walk through it, teleporting him and up to three other people to another location. However, Isak cannot sadly teleport wherever he chooses. He must know where the location is beforehand (or anyone who is going through with him), and if he is attacked or his hand motion is interrupted, the door will vanish. Also, the door can be destroyed as if it was a normal wooden door.

    -Mirror Image: With a few weaves with his hands, Isak can create up to two clones of himself, which are completely tangible as if they were made out of flesh and bone. They are able to use objects as the real Isak can, and they can all also cast spells. However, the spell they cast must be the same cast spell that the original Isak used recently. For example, if Isak throws a fireball, the clones can only use that spell until Isak uses another one. Also, any pain that the images feel, the OG Isak will feel it as well. Fortunately, if a clone is killed, it won't kill Isak. However, it will give him a massive migraine that will surely have him curse mean french words.

    -Chains of the Seventh Seal: Love Craft: Once Isak chants this spell under his breath (or he can shout it, whatever), black and silver chains will shoot our from the ground an encase the target he is looking at. These chains are very durable and hard to break. If the target is a demon, they will be inflicted with severe burns while the chains are touching them. If not, they are still difficult to break out of. Isak usually uses this spell as an escape method or a way to buy him some time to chant a very powerful spell.

    -Tomb of the Cursed Pharaoh: One of Isak's trump cards, this powerful spell will summon the spirit of a powerful pharaoh. The spirit is very large, towering at 15 feet, and equipped with monstrous strength, bandages that wrap and bind, and fire breath that is poisonous. The pharaoh is very durable, and it cannot be hurt with physical objects, such as bullets, blades, fists, etc. The only things that can hurt the pharaoh is magical objects, spells, fire, and ice.

    -Stick Up: A classic Isak spell, Isak makes two hand guns, and he mimics the pulling of a trigger by bending his thumb. A powerful little magic bullet will shoot out of his fingers. The bullet is encased in magical aura, and it will inflict burns as well as pierce its target. He can rapidly fire these bullets, but his fingers will cramp after the tenth shot if he doesn't shake them out for a few seconds.

    -Personal Hell: Coffin of the Damned Kings: A powerful sealing spell, this spell requires a shite ton (I know what I typed) of concentration, and a lot of magical chalk. After the ritual is complete (Aka drawing thirteen very complex circles), Isak is able to summon a large coffin that can seal virtually anyone. The box is intended to seal God's away, but it isn't a simple process to shove someone in there. Firstly, the entity must know that the box is there, meaning no sneak attacks. Second of all, Isak must lock the door, meaning no one else can do it. Once the door is locked, the whatever inside is locked in hell for all eternity, or once Isak opens the coffin. If his concentration or magical circles are disturbed, he has to start over again. If the disturbance is major enough , the magical shock could knock out Isak.

    -Glamour: This spell basically allows Isak to change his appearance. Only powerful magicians can see through his attire. The glamour spell cannot allow him to change genders, however. So if he turns into a very sexy lady in a bikini, he better hope no one looks at the abnormally large bulge in his bikini.

    -Babylon's Fire: This is basically a fireball. He throws it out of his hand, shite goes ba-boom. The magical fire can be dowsed by normal water, and it is insanely bright. Beware low light vision creatures.

    -Cursed Word: Fear: True to his last name -which means "fear" in French, he can utter his last name while he is looking at someone. The target must be looking at Isak, and Isak must keep his vision of the target, or the spell will be broken. The spell makes the target horribly terrified of Isak, and their worst fears are brought up to them.

    High Intelligence:
    Isak is extremely, both book smart and strategy wise, and definitely in magic. He is able to come up with a plan in seconds, and is extremely flexible and opportunistic.

    True Vision: Isak's eyes have a powerful clearance for magic or anything of the sort, being able to see straight through walls, magic, and clothes.


    While Isak has a bunch of super powerful spells, and is very adept at basic survival, he is still human. MEANING:
    -He can get killed by bullets
    -He doesn't survive large drops
    -He can drown (unless he uses a spell that allows him to breathe. Same will the falling thing. He could use a feather spell)
    -What I am trying to say, is that he is a human. Just like any normal Stan, he could flop.
    -He is strangely very weak to anything divine.
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Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Alias: Aithérios (Greek for Ethereal)
Nicknames: Chi, Chive
Species: Half Human + Half Fable
Sexuality: Pansexual
Team: Currently Teen Titans, about to 'graduate' onto Justice League

Chivahle, in essence, could be compared to a wise and much more patient child.

She is an aura of peace when out of combat, wanting to merely spread love, understanding and happiness. Along with her strive for peace, she is a patient and calm gal. Her having a cool head in nearly any situation proved to be beneficiary for her team. It allows them the ability to listen to reason in a tense and emotional situation.

Along with this 'pure' appearance, she is oblivious to.. well, the dirty things. She does not understand any sort of sexual joke or any slang relating to it (especially memes). When getting close to her though, one will learn that she can be quite childish. She indulges in the little things (that are also considered child-like) like finger-painting and playing with legos. She'll ask for piggy-back rides and has a killer sweet tooth.

One of her most dangerous vices is that she trusts too much. If you prove an inkling of effort that you will stick by her side, she will fully believe you and stand by your side. Surprisingly being fragile, this can break her heart if she discovers the opposite. So, just don't break this smol beans heart pls (or do, bc im evil).


Chivahle was born and raised in Fabletown, New York by a couple of differing species. Her mother (Ella) lived in the Manhatten area also, taking an interest and even beginning to work in Fabletown. There she met Chivahles father (Jack), befriending him and then leading to much more. It was unbeknownst to her that he was a Fable throughout their time of dating. Months turned into years and Ella became pregnant with Jacks baby girl, planning their marriage later on in the year.

After Ella gave birth to Chivahle, she was worried and slightly scared of her daughters appearance. She had thick, white hair and an indentation where it seemed like horns would grow. Jack then had to come clean and tell her of their species, taking off his glamor to show a pair of horns also. Ella was utterly horrified and felt betrayed, canceling the marriage and fleeing her newborn.

Her father was heartbroken, but the other Fables supported him and helped take care of Chivahle.

Chivahle was then raised mom-less, but she still experienced love and was offered with guidance. Many of the Fables helped her learn how to control her powers and how not to exert herself. They worked and worked until she could become a creature bigger than her size.

Reaching her teens, Chivahle wanted to make a difference in the world and sought out the Teen Titans. There she further honed her skills, made wonderful friends and assisted many in need.



Mystical Creature Shape-shifting: Chivahle can transform into almost any mythical creature, but within reason and limitation. She can revert back to her normal form whenever she chooses, or shift into numerous creatures in a rapid succession. She is incapable of speech in this form unless she is a speaking creature (such as a Mermaid or Fairy). All of the creatures remain white like her hair (if they're creatures that are humanoid like, they'll look like her of course). She possesses a degree of heightened senses in her normal form.
Variable Invulnerability: Since she's only half-human, her invulnerability isn't as strong as the other Fables (unless the Fables are extremely unpopular). But, she's still harder to kill than a normally fit human.
Decelerated Aging: A normal Fable has immortality also, but since she is a halfing, she has this ability instead.
Marital Arts: She knows enough to defend herself if she can't shapeshift, taught by Starwing and Bluejay.


- Unconsciousness will make her revert to normal form
- Shifting can be disrupted and canceled from certain actions or objects (like, if she's wearing too tight of clothes or if she hits something)
- When she's sick, she can't control her shifting / Everytime she sneezes, she changes form
- Highly vulnerable to hypnosis
- She's part human
- She lacks in physical strength while in normal form
- Small (but can also be an advantage)




Chivahle first strived for world peace, but now she knows better. She knows that the world must be at a balance for everything to work out. So, she now strives to uphold the balance and to of course help those in need.
Height: 5'1
Weight: 117lbs
Hair: Snow white hair that's usually worn in two messy braids that descend to her mid-stomach.
Eyes: Eccentric light blue eyes.
Body Shape/Type: Petite with delicate curves.
Marks: She has a set of ivory antlers that spring out of her head when she has glamors off. With them on, they are gone.
Costume: Her costume is white and silver instead of the black and gold.

coding by cychotic
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Name: Mari Bonnet
Alias: Obsidian
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Most would describe Mari, as apathetic, and that wouldn't be far from the truth. Due to her powers and her up bringing she is extremely in control of her emotions, and is always able to keep a cool head at the expense of seemingly having none. This doesn't bother her, infact she believes it gives her strength. She is extremely driven and will do pretty much anything to achieve her goals, whatever they may be. She is a very serious person and is always calculating of everything and everyone around her. She can be very ruthless and extremely brutal physically and figuratively. She desires to be in control at all times. She is intelligent and decisive.

However she is not without a heart specifically having a soft spot small children and the poor. She believes in If she is anything she is fair, and upholds her own code of honor. She is very honest, even about her goals. She believes that society is corrupted and only way to fix it is by operating in the darkness.​
Dark Zone Conduit
Mari has the ability to harness dark energies from the extra-dimensional pocket known as "The Shadow Lands" or the "Dark Zone", which is comprised entirely out of primordial, quasi-sentient darkness. Like Speedsters and the speed force, she has a connection to the energy residue from the neighboring dimension, and thus can manipulate it for various effects unique to having the connection to it as well as unique to her own personal capabilities. Mari's connection to the domain is particularly rich and she has a particular amount of control over these forces.
  • Darkness Manipulation: The base ability from being able to tap into The Shadow Lands, Mari has the ability to manipulate Darkness. Umbrakinesis, Constructs, Projections, Illusions, force fields, simulate telekinesis with shadows, etc.
  • Umbrakinetic Teleportation: Mari is able to traverse between the dimensions of The Shadow Lands and back by sinking into her shadow or the shadows of other things, allowing her to appear from another shadow elsewhere. The longer the distance the more energy it takes.
  • Bio-Fission: Mari can splinter her consciousness into Shadow constructs of herself, however to do this her main body must be within 50 feet or within the Shadow Lands itself.
  • Shadow Mimicry: She can use her power upon herself to make herself Shadow like in different functions, such as making herself intangible like a shadow, literally becoming like someones shadow on the ground etc
  • Shadow Land Lordship: In the Shadow Lands, Mari can command it in various ways and shapes, essentially being the most powerful being within the dimension. She can command the Shadow Demons within the realm to the regular dimension, and command them to do her bidding.
  • Occult Knowledge:

  • Separation Vulnerability: Mari is vulnerable from being separated either from her power source or physically in the case of Shadow Mimicry and Bio-Fission, with the usage of magic. If it is physical her consciousness would be splintered from the physical world, and she would have to remain in The Shadow Lands as an entity. It would take her months to reform her physical body on Earth.
  • Power Instability: While she is a skilled practitioner of manipulating The Shadow Lands, it takes a lot of mental focus and a calm mind. She constantly has to keep her emotions in tact, as The Shadow Lands has a tendency to corrupt weak minds with dark emotions and consume them. Any self doubt or waning in conviction could cause it to take control or lose their effectiveness with their abilities
  • Humanity: Even though she has great powers she is still capable to be hurt like a normal human. She can drown, be shot when she is unaware, etc
Alignment: Anti-Villain
Brief History:
Mari was born in turmoil it is all she has even known. Her parents, while wealthy, were less than a stable. Then again she imagined every mob family was like that. Her family was infamous across the nation, however held the most power and influence in Gotham. Her father, the head of the family, wanted a boy to carry on his family name. Her mother was a servant of the family, and her father's mistress. He went to great lengths to hide the fact that Mari was his daughter, firing her mother and kicking them both out.

They lived in the worst of conditions, as work was scarce for her mother, who blamed Mari for losing her job. She would often beat her daughter and forced her into prostitution and child labor the second someone offered her money for time with the child. Sometimes she would not see her mother for weeks on end.

Her powers manifested when she was 13 years old, when her father found her and her mother. His wife had found out about Mari and apparently tried to leave him, but out of rage he had killed her. He blamed it on Mari and her mother, and came to kill them by his own hands just like they made him do to his wife. He nearly succeeded, only managing to off her mother before Mari lashed out, killing him.

No one really knows what happened to the little girl in that one bedroom apartment since the murder of her parents. However if there is one thing that is known, that whoever she was in that apartment, died with the both of them.

Aims and Intentions: To Purge the World of it's Defilements by any means necessary
Yes! Just, yes! I love Mister Black! You got that Speed of Darkness going on
Jonathan Nero Lancaster
Night Speed, Johnny, Brother Nero, Lanca-jerk, Professor Jerk



(Without the belt and the emblem was NS)
"I don't give a damn' From the first impression when people met him, let just say his not the best man to talk too. His a jerk and always harsh with someone who he didn't trust and might've got himself into a fight...but when you get to know him, this guy is actual caring and always tries his hard to help people...even he still a jerk. A prideful person and always in denial when someone corrected him or being good with him. When alone, this man shows his true side, a calm and kind person and even silent when his into reading or research. He is also an intelligent man with his skills in doing his scientific research.​
-Super Speed
-Creating Electricity from running
-Phase in solid object
-Turns into electric current
-Fast healing regenerative power
-Cannot phase into liquid or something hot
-Takes a lots of stamina
-Duplicated person tends to be uncontrollable and might explodes within 1 minutes into EMP kind of waves
-Turning into electric current tends to fail
-His ego

Heroic Speedster
Brief History:

"Life aren't always sunshine and rainbow...some people just want to watch the world burns..."
Xavier was a son of a noble family. Living in luxury, he's always been loner and only use money for popularity. One day, he almost being killed by one of the thugs in the night with an acid that the man got from black market. On his dying wish...he just want to change and relieve his life in right path. Fortunately, that night, a struck of lightning hits him (Along with a unknown explosion from a lab...), he got a second chance to live and without any injuries and also been gifted with a new found power. Using the money of his bank account, he manage to change his spare house in the town into a secret lab (Without the owner of the house knows about it) and create an armor, perfect for his powers. An thus, the night when Darkseid turns the world upside down, he now choose to take the mantle of another speedster and call himself the Night Speed.
Aims and Intentions:
Bringing peace to the world with his speed...and also find a friend...and change him attitude
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