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One x One Justice and Crime Go Hand in Hand (Distorted x LaFille) - Additional IC


Professionally Curious


The Wonders of the Mind
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Lyvian spun slowly in her swivel desk chair. She had just finished an appointment with a rather bleak client, and felt that she needed to do something to raise her mood. For the time being, the only entertainment was to spin around until her eyes became so scrambled that she couldn't see straight any longer. She knew she probably shouldn't carry out the action, however; she had another client coming in within the next few minutes so she had to be composed- not dizzy out of her mind. Sighing, head still reeling with ideas on how to help that gloomy patient she had just met with, she opened up the file on who she was to see next.

This one was new, and apparently a bit disturbed. It wasn't strange, many of her patients were at least a bit odd, but this one had scheduled so last minute and had somehow piqued her interest within seconds of her gaining intel on his mental state, that the whole ordeal just seemed surreal. "Andrew Coleman." She tested out his name, the words rolling over her tongue easily. She felt as if this one would be more upbeat- those who are labeled as 'insane' aren't ever nearly as bad as others make them out to be, and can be rather pleasant to be around if you have the patience for them.

A shrill ringing tore her from her thoughts- her secretary was buzzing her- probably just informing her that a client had either shown up for their appointment, or cancelled. Lyvian dealt with actually scheduling appointments herself, but everything else went to her lovely assistant at the front desk. Picking up the phone, she closed the folder in front of her. "Yes?" She called into the speaker. A hum of soft words coming from the quiet woman strung over into her ears. Lyvian nodded to herself; tidying up lose papers on her desk.

Looked like Andrew actually showed up. "Alrighty, send him in. I'm ready." She informed the assistant before hanging up and relaxing in her chair, eyes trained on the door. As it creaked open, an anxious crooked smile worked its way onto her features and she greeted the man that stood in the doorway. "Welcome, come have a seat Mr. Coleman. I'm glad you could make it." She chirped, words genuine.
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Andrew stepped out from the elevator stepping foot on to his designated floor. His eyes wonder around the place observing it. He began to wonder if this was going to be another fail therapy session like usual. All his therapist had lost hope in him after a few months or so and he always recommended to someone else who could possibly help him. His last therapist didn't recommend him to anyone considering at this point he was a lost cost, the therapist actually words. Frequently, Andrew had saw no change during the sessions and still found joy in his creeper sadistic side. He was only going out to these sessions for his dear little sister sake.

He walked up to the lady at the from desk. His mood and posture a bit eerie despite his broad structure and his face held a disdain emotionless expression. He stared down at the lady, "Hi. I'm here for my 11'o'clock appointment with Ms. Jones." He said, his voice clear and deep. He watched as the lady picked up her office phone and called her boss to inform he had arrived for the last minute therapy session. Andrew wasn't as thrill to go to yet another new therapist and hoped for it to end quick. He walked once the front lady told him Ms. Jones was ready for him and directed him to where her office was. Andrew thanked the assistant and walked off following the direction she gave. He easily founded the room and open the door gszing upon the female that sat behind a large desk.

"I didn't have a choice.." He commented as he enter the room shutting the door behind him. He took a seat at one of the chairs that sat in front of her desk. His eyes once again looking around the office before placing them on her once again. "..Nicely decorated." He said. He leaned back into his chair bit resting his elbow on the arm rest and the side of his head placed on his knuckles. His gaze never left the woman direction, he took the time to observe every bit of her to get a clear gist of whom he would be dealing with.


Lyvian chuckled in understanding under her breath at his first remark. "Never do anymore, I'm afraid. It seems that we have our own actions planned out for us before we even know it. None the less, I'm not going to force you to come here after today if you feel like this will all be a waste. I know you probably have other things you'd rather do- not to say that I wouldn't be a bit disappointed if I never got to see you again- but I understand." She usually tells all of her patients that during their first meeting, hoping that they'd see that she didn't want to make them do anything, and that they had a choice so long as they were in her office. "I find that the first step in helping anyone regardless of the situation is to give them choices. It's been said that only you can truly know what's best for yourself, so naturally you should be able to decide on what happens to you. I know you haven't really been given that ability up until now, but so long as you are here with me, I will never force you to do anything- within reason of course. If you choose to do something that could potentially harm you or others, I may have to step in, but otherwise you have free will." She explained, leaning back in her chair. "Even if you don't wish to speak, that's fine. Silence can be comforting in itself, and even if no words are spoken, I'll be able to hear you loud and clear- if that makes any sense."

"Oh, and thank you, I try my best." She smiled warmly, folding her hands together in her lap. She knew he was sizing her up, for lack of better terms, so she let him do his analyzing. Lyvian decided that while he kept to himself, she would try and initiate the conversation. Whether he replied or not didn't matter, body language was sometimes much more expressive then words, and she prided herself in being fluent when it came to subtle gestures. "So, Mr. Coleman, or Andrew; whichever you prefer. It seems that you've got a lot on your mind from what I've been told, though the information I receive is never from the mouth of the horse, so I must ask: What exactly do you think has caused you to wind up here?" She inquired, tilting her head curiously as she gazed gently at him. She knew what the papers said- that he was clinically insane- but she wanted to know what he thought.
(( Sorry for such a very very late reply! Got busy >.< ))

He listen to her ramble on carefully, he was pretty good listener. As she spoke he took the time to analyze her still, from appearance and the way she spoke. He got a bit of information than he thought hw would and liked that. He couldn't help, but smirk at the thought of it. His smirking may have came out rather strange but he didn't care. He was rather relief that she wasn't forcing him to come back and just giving him choice. All his past therapist seemed to make a seem like an option, force, for him to come considering he was insane. He planned to speak if he felt like it but he didn't given enough body language to when he was silent. His eyes were hard to read at times.

He adjusted himself in his chair now sitting up straight and his head up, his eyes never loosing sight of her. "You're welcome." He crossed his arms leaning back into the chair. "You may call me Andrew.." He told her, he felt more comfortable being called by his first name. He didn't take a second to think about her question, he was quite prepare for a question like that to pop up. "Others cannot comprehend, fear mostly, of the things I can do. Think most likely." He answer. "I'm sure the papers say I'm clinically insane but I beg a differ." He chuckle softly follow by a grin. "I like to call it art... Art that isn't recognize, accpeted often. Do you agree Ms. Jones?"
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