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One x One JUST WRITE STUFF (Azuria&Wixed)

Oh man morgan. Please let this be morgan. I can't imagine her as anything else. Regardless I'm going to end up thinking of fire emblem's morgan everytime I read it so...

y'know...character profile?

Her personality it totally like morgans too! at least i think. look!

Took this from the wiki...

tends to be more exuberant and wacky, and at times is shown to be rather insensitive about the feelings of others, and she appears to have something of a sadistic streak, such as when she decides to accompany Inigo on a night of the town solely because she wants to watch him crash and burn with the ladies, as well as when she pulls on Yarne's ears despite his painful protests.
I imagined her blond, but purple is fine I suppose. xD
Wixed said:
I imagined her blond, but purple is fine I suppose. xD
oh she can be blonde. The one in my game is. long story. Let me find a pic.
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.... We're getting somewhere. Not entirely sure where yet.

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