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Fandom Just Save Me (re-added and seeking)


New Member
Never was he one to stay out late because the bad kind of people that roam the land here without much reprecaution ruled here. It was such a bad idea to be here. He needed to hurry up and find some shelter before it was too late. Wherever he was, he knew he was internally scared, he was fearful of the outcomes of what would come from here. Stuffing his hands into his pockets quickly he made his way over to a large rock grunting and quickly pulling out his hands to climb onto the rock he perched himself on it staring out into the distance. Maybe he can relax here for a momen, maybe everything would be okay now. Blinking a few times he sighs resting a chin against his knees. 

Michael missed his old life of once having a childhood, once having a place to call him... a family he could love. Shuddering he wanted to cry again, but he knew that it wouldn't bring them back. His childhood would be forever ruined and there was nothing he could do about it unfortunately. Chucking the piece of rock that lied next to him with a "clack" against a tree he felt tears of anger and sorrow well up. "Don't be a cry baby, don't be... a cry baby," he tells himself although failing. His life fells apart before his eyes months ago and he knew it. This was over forever. 

Hey there, partner. Still looking for someone? I'm looking for the Overwatch setting, if you're interested. (I can't do PMs yet. Still figuring that out.)

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