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Realistic or Modern Jurassic Explorers: A dinosaur/ time travel RP


King of Prehistory
Human sheet








Equipment/weapons (if any)

Reason for application to time travel

The human sign up is pretty simple, however the Dinosaur sign up is a little more complicated




Size (up to the maximum for your species! E.g No 12 meter allosaurs

Appearance (only if you're the first person to play this species)


It seems simple, but here are the complicated bits, the appearance of each dinosaur species is decided by the first person who plays that species, for example if person A decides to be an allosaurus and specifies that allosaurus is red with black stripes and a crest of blue feathers for males and person B wants to play as an allosaurus too, then his allosaurus looks as Person A described it, basically it's first come, first served.

There are a few rules regarding appearance however:

1 All theropods (two legged meat eaters) are feathered, I know some people might not like this, but it seems likely this may have been the case.

Small herbivores, like Dryosaurus can be scaly, feathered, or have quills like a porcupine

Sauropods (giant long necked herbivores) Probably didn't have much feathering, although you can give them some kind of feathery display structure if you wish. As for all other herbivores, either scales or feathers are fine.

More speculative features (Like dewlaps, crests, or odd feather arrangements) are allowed, just don't go overboard. Dinosaurs with ridiculous levels of intelligence or poisonous bites would be examples. (And before the more dinosaur knowledgeable types mention Sinornithosaurus, it has been proven not to be venomous.)

Also you MUST be a dinosaur that lived in or near the Morrison formation 152 million years ago. No T.rex. Sorry.

And now the boring bit, the rules.

No God modding

No killing other players (unless they allow you)

Romance is OK, just keep it PG

Don't be a jerk

Have fun!
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My characters

Name: Wallace Goldsmith

Gender Male

Appearance A tall man with blonde hair and a small moustache, he dresses in grey and wears a white broad brimmed hat

Age: 35

Job: CEO of Time corp, the company that is sending people to the Jurassic

Likes Dinosaurs, wildlife, soda, people who share his views.

Dislikes People who would wish to use his time machine to hunt or kill dinosaurs, sour food, disagreeable people, the smell of rotten eggs, the sight of blood

Equipment/weapons (if any) Tranquilizer pistol

Reason for application to time travel: Owns the company and feels it is his right to use the time machine.

Name Razor

Species Saurophaganax Maximus

Age 8 years

Size (up to the maximum for your species! E.g No 12 meter allosaurs) 10.5 Meters long

Appearance (only if you're the first person to play this species) Green with black stripes and a red tail tip, has sort of feathery beard on the lower jaw, which is blue, has a dark red head and blue eyes, females lack the beard and are larger, reaching about 12 meters.

Other He is quite territorial and will chase away any predator that comes into his territory, he isn't above stealing prey either.
Name: Harry Lux

Gender: Male

Appearance: Quite short, long-ish sandy blonde hair, clean shaven, wears a dusty leather sleeveless jacket and trousers, roundish face, light blue eyes.

Age: 28

Job: Ornithology professor

Likes: Birds (preferably birds of prey), playing the guitar, a good beer in the afternoon, talking

Dislikes: Poachers, bugs of any kind, the cold, feather-haters, prudes (people who are easily offended to an irritating level)

Equipment/weapons (if any): An electric cattle-prod (in case something gets a bit too close), a shotgun (in case shit really hits the fan), camera (for documentation and for a bet with another professor)

Reason for application to time travel: He always wanted to study dinosaurs to see just how similar and connected they are to birds. Plus, when finding out about this opportunity, he formed a bet with one of his fellow professors (who was a Jurassic Park fangirl) that he could prove that dinosaurs had proper feathers once and for all.

Name: Click

Species: Ornitholestes hermanni

Age: 4

Size (up to the maximum for your species! E.g No 12 meter allosaurs): 1.7 metres

Appearance (only if you're the first person to play this species): Dull pink head and front torso, with black stripes from the middle of her back to the tip of her tail, black legs, raggedy black and red wings, copper-coloured eyes.

Other: She is curious and quite skittish, getting violent around things that confuse or scare her.
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Name: Gianna Areoleous

Gender: Female



Age: 27

Job: Geologist

Likes: Rocks, volcanoes, animals.

Dislikes: Spiders,

Equipment/weapons: Tranq gun, because she doesn't want to truly hurt any of the dinosaurs, bags and tools for collecting rock samples, a .50 cal pistol for when shit really goes down.

Reason for application to time travel: To study the rock formations and how it is different from present day.

Name: Bash

Species: Mymoorapelta

Age: 3

Size: 2 metres long

Appearance: Yellowish brown thick, spiky plating all along the back, to the point at it's tail where it becomes clublike. Rectangular head with more massive crown spikes gives it a more intimidating look. It has strong thick legs.


Other: Playful and often likes to smash things with his massive tail.
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Carter Price



Long, dark brown wavy hair with piercing blue eyes, Full lips and the height of 5'4.




+Discovering new things





+Being a failure



+Judgmental people


A knife strapped to her thigh.

Reason for application to time travel:

Carter loves her job, being an archaeologist. She loves digging, doesn't mind getting her hands dirty, loves the history of their Earth. Her reason for time traveling is to have her own experience with this Dinosaur age. She has been in love with Dinosaurs ever since she was a little girl. Now being able to time travel and see them?! She's going to risk her life doing this!





1.8288 meters. {About 6 feet long. 3 1/2 feet tall from hip.}

A reddish skinned dinosaur with orange and yellow messy spots. His Feathers are a magenta color, with stripes of orange and sunkiss yellow.

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Velociraptor wasn't from the Morrison Formation. Maybe Stokesosaurus? Just some friendly advice.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.d603ea0fbf5be148a3056adbc4129749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.d603ea0fbf5be148a3056adbc4129749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eckhart Parson

Gender: male

Appearance: 6'3" tall, black hair, dark brown eyes, 210 lb., lean build

Age: 24

Job: survival expert, geography specialist

Likes: medium-rare steak, late nights by a campfire, surviving the wilderness,

good-natured people

Dislikes: nosy people, ignorance, big cities, rudeness

Equipment/weapons: custom-fitted CZ75 9mm w/ suppressor, custom hand grip, and extended magazine;

high tensile carbon polymer bow; standard issue crowbar; goggles; binoculars; flint and steel; and digital,

water-proof watch

Reason for application to time travel: He's been there, done that. Just looking for something else to

add to his belt, especially something this big.



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Ava Montgomery

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/large.gif.8fa012d8578ef63b1d630b681ab35541.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/large.gif.8fa012d8578ef63b1d630b681ab35541.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_nnliangHwa1r0ya3zo1_500.jpg.840c0c672892bf8124daa45c85fbf9b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_nnliangHwa1r0ya3zo1_500.jpg.840c0c672892bf8124daa45c85fbf9b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Ava collects artifacts for her parent's museum.


Warm weather

iced tea

whipped cream


romantic comedies



insensitive people


grape flavored medicine



Ava carries a pistol

Reason for application to time travel

Ava's parents run a very successful museum in New York City, exclusively dedicated to prehistoric artifacts. When time travel became an option her parents were considering hiring someone to retrieve artifacts, but Ava insisted she go as it seemed like an amazing opportunity.



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