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Realistic or Modern Junk Rats (Open)

Carmela Bonanno

It’s a cold and crazy world that’s ragin’ outside
Well baby me and all my girls are bringin’ on the fire

Carmela arched a brow slightly as she spotted the smile that slipped across the others features. From what shes heard, he's an asshole and not really the type of guy to crack a smile or even a laugh. Now she was just curious to what made him do an 'unusual' act in her presence. She merely had to push it away though. She was about to conduct business. No time for asking peculiar questions on why someone smiled.

Carmela noticed a bit of surprise flickering in Dresden's gaze before he bit his lip. She presumed that her request wasn't doable. Regardless, she was going to make it work.

"Regardless of what I say, though, you're shit outta luck. He ain't here, and neither are the rest of the top tiers. So, if you wanna speak to someone, well, how 'bout me?"

She stared at him for a few brief moments, gaze sweeping over him before she parted her lips. She had to admit though, the smile was cute in a goofy, childish way. "That works. As long as you pass the message onto your Boss." Carmela nodded, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Anyways, shall we?" She asked, leaning against the wall.

Scythe Meister Scythe Meister
code by pasta
Alexander Morrison"Nobody Sees, Nobody knows." - Alex

Alex stayed quiet while the tension flared to life around him. After finishing his sisters braid and sighing to himself as DJ released what was building up in her mind. 'Kai is right we need to stay calm, however we should not just give up on Damon.' He thought, catching his sister and pushing her behind him protectively as the yelling commenced. Annoyed Alex scolded DJ with his Eyes, yet never spoke a word. Giving up on civil conversation he tugged his sisters hand, alerting her he was leaving before storming off into the tunnels.

Space, Silence. He had been fine, waking up to a calm morning then every little thing came back to him in a rush. Damon was missing. He knew that, heck everyone in the city and tunnels knew. What he didn't know was how to keep people from falling and cracking under the stress. Once he was out of their sight range, he started to slow down and rest against the walls. 'Maybe we can go up to the city. Me and Anna. We survived for a year a week should not be a problem. I would leave her down her but im afraid she get claustrophobic in the tunnels without me. '

His head hit the wall , not enough to hurt, but enough for him to feel a spark of pain. Everything was flawed. Let's try this, let's try that. No plan was without some form of risk or flaw. Some sacrifice. He could really use a smoke. Alex let his sister hide them from him to help stop his habit. However times like these flared up his desire. Of course he knew nicotine didnt actually help, but it distracted him from what his problems where building up.

u k i y o u k i y o
Scythe Meister Scythe Meister @C O F F EE @Everyonne ellse
Jaspar knelt down near Snow. He seemed to be a bit better than before; he hoped so at least. When Alex said he was right he smiled to himself. He knew he was right to begin with; he always was but the smile soon dropped when going to the surface was mentioned. He stood and walked up to Alex.

"Are you insane," he started. "You won't last five minutes out there. Everyone will be on a higher alert than usual. If you're going out there then more than two people are going, okay. I'll go. I look like a gang member as it is; people will believe me if I say I am one. I'll be able to bribe my way into places and, who knows, maybe I'll get a chance to play guitar for a different crowd for one."

It wasn't a completely stupid idea going to the surface but it wasn't safe. They'll all need guns and no one would be allowed to go anywhere by themselves. This would have to be a planned out operation and no police could find out. Every cop in the city is connected to a gang and once a gang found out, they'd want directions to the nearest Junk Rat sewer entrance for a raid attack. This won't be easy so careful they'd have to be.
Faith Kiftler
Snow listened intently to the conversation around him, agreeing to some parts and disagreeing with others. There definitely needed to be a team of people to walk through the city in order to look for Damon, but he wasn't entirely sure that they were the right ones to do it.

Kai mostly likely had one of the highest chances of surviving. He hadn't been blind to the fact that the other boy was packing, but it had never been Snow's place to question him about it. Thinking to himself, he wondered about the possibility of volunteering himself. He'd...he'd survived since he was ten, and had spent months as barely a teenager making his way through the city. He'd met people, some nice and others not so much. Maybe he could help.

Clearing his throat, Snow spoke. "I-I'll go. We can form a team of the most fit...and we'll go. The rest of us can stay here and watch the others, k-keep them calm." He said. Turning to the twins, he gave them a look.

"I think you two should stay. If one of you gets hurt, well..." Snow trailed off. He didn't want to think about the idea of siblings losing each other. It hit a little too close to home, and so he pushed past it. "Maybe Kai and I. And also...DJ?" He looked questioningly at the girl who'd been urging them to take action from the beginning. _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ q r o w q r o w @C O F F EE MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Dresden Arch
Giving her one last look over, Dresden moved backwards to flatten his body against the wall and let her in. He'd deal with whatever the fuck she wanted quickly and move on.

Dresden truly wasn't even in the mood for this. He'd never been the one for 'quiet talk and discussion', but more of the 'brute force your way in' type. He was used when the gang needed someone intimidating, not when they needed someone for negotiation.

Regardless, this didn't seem very much like a negotiation, more like a 'she'll ask something and he'll decline'. Frowning to himself, he led her up the stairs to the top floor and down a hall to an empty room. It wasn't anything special, not that anything in this building was, but it worked well for what it was used for.

"Sit." He told Miss. Bonanno, motioning to a chair that sat at one end of a table. He dropped himself onto the one on the opposite side and turned his full attention to her, eyes serious.

"So, tell me miss. Whaddya want?"
uwupolice uwupolice
Ashton Anderson
Ashton watched as Kai calmed down a bit, much to his relief. He also saw that Kai's temper was quickly rising and it seemed to be directed towards DJ at the moment. He'd hoped a fight wouldn't break out between the two as it was really the last thing that they needed. What they needed to do was find out something about what happened to Damon, not bicker like cats and dog. He thought about saying something about the two of them and their arguing, though he decided against it considering that they were both older than him and should know how to handle their own problems without someone intervening.

He smiled a bit as they slowly started coming to the conclusion that going to the surface was the right thing to do. "I think I'll stay with the twins." He said as he picked up his coffee cup and stood up, lightly holding it in his hands while shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He knew that they most likely wouldn't need him while they were looking for Damon. Sure, he did know how to fight while using his height and weight on his side but he was hoping that it wouldn't come to that while they were up there.

q r o w q r o w @C O F F EE _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx Scythe Meister Scythe Meister
Carmela Bonanno

It’s a cold and crazy world that’s ragin’ outside
Well baby me and all my girls are bringin’ on the fire

Carmela brushed past the taller man, heels making the familiar click against the floor. She was unsure if he would even take it seriously, considering how he acted towards her earlier. To be honest, not many took her seriously. She was just seen as a pretty face sucking on a silver spoon.

Carmela would prove them wrong though. Or just leave them to their thoughts. Either way, she enjoyed being underestimated. It just gave her more room to surprise others.

She decided to dismiss her thoughts for now, letting her gaze travel around the base. No one from her Family had been in there, well, except for now. It's a pretty nice setup they have, though they weren't as flamboyant compared to theirs. They stuck with their 1920s-esque, that including their base/home. So, of course it was quite lavish, filled with pretty things like velvet and gold.

Soon, they had entered to an empty room, noticing nothing out of the ordinary or awing. Dresden had ordered her to sit, causing a raised eyebrow from her. Nonetheless, she plopped herself in the seat opposite of him.
"Well, I am here to call a truce between our gangs. Possibly even a partnership." Carmela replied, holding his gaze.

(I'm sorry if it's eh. Having writers block >~<

Scythe Meister Scythe Meister
code by pasta
Dresden Arch
Dresden wasted no time and raised a eyebrow at the woman. A truce? A partnership? He wasn't sure if he wanted to call bullshit or just straight out laugh. There was no way the Bonanno family actual wanted a truce with Red. After all, the male heir seemed to hate them more than anyone could think possible.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "The fuck you want a truce for? It's not like our groups come into contact all that often." He said. And it was true. Miss. Bonanno's family tended to involve themselves with more...high class crimes, while Red was moreso the place punk youths went to try and act tough in the world. He almost laughed. It wasn't even just a truce that she was offering.

Dresden wouldn't think of anyway that would be mutually beneficial to the two, until he paused for the second. The only thing Red had over the Bonanno family was...information. More specifically, information on the Junk Rats.

"These fuckers..." He muttered under his breath before looking back up at her. "Don't fuck with me. There's only one thing you want from us, so cut the small talk and just fucking saying it. You want those sewer brats, don't ya?"
uwupolice uwupolice

((it's okay, don't force yourself ^^))

She crossed her arms her eyes like a ping pong ball bouncinh back and forth from each person who volunteered an idea. When Alex spoke up abouy going up to the top she almost laughed, and shook her head. Well at least it was something but she knew very well everyone deep down would wet their pants at the thought of surfacing again. Some of them hadnt seen the light in years. To be honest the unknown got on her nerves, and if only she knew what to expect it wouldnt be so bad but who knew if a gun would be sufficient enough to protect oneself.

She nodded when her name was mentioned, " I don't think I can bear sitting around much longer doing nothing," then she locked eyes with Alex, " Plus, some of you wouldn't probably mind if I didn't come bqck." She cracked a grin, and gathered her dark locks into a messy high bun. She breathed out slowly getting used to the idea that this was actually going to haplen. She was going to go out.

" So when do we leave?"
The corner coffee shop was busy but quiet. There was light chatter at every table, but Ace wasn't really a part of it.
"Alright. I love you too, ma."
Ace had just hung up his phone after talking to his mother who was checking up on him. She had been trying her best to stay updated on Ace's life after he finally moved out of her apartment. She was always especially cautious due to her history with a husband involved in criminal activities and she was proud that Ace was finally out of that horrible gang. Ace, on the other hand, wasn't worried at all in his new stage of life. He made sure not to move too far and chose an apartment on the floor below her mother's floor. Now all Ace's mother had to worry about was his younger sister, Alexandria. Although she was already technically an adult at nineteen years of age, she wasn't quite ready to move on. Ace didn't blame her, and preferred that she stayed close as well, although Ace had been teaching her how to defend herself for when she is ready to move on. Ace already takes the occasional trip out into the city with her by his side to build her confidence and prepare her.

So far, life has been treating him well, although Ace can't help a hidden longing for some action and danger. He had a feeling danger would creep up on him some day, but he didn't know when. One thing he did know, however, was that the Hustlers still had a grudge after he left their gang. Activity from them was dying out every day, though. Ace had gotten in contact with a cop and given him a plethora of information on their locations as well as how they operate. It was a goldmine for the police, and Ace made sure the cop didn't arrest him for his time in the Hustlers. The deal was a win-win situation. Now all Ace had to worry about were other dangerous forces in the city, as well as plans for the future.

After finishing his coffee, Ace walked out of the store and headed for his local gym before getting stopped by two large men with many old scars across their bodies and faces. One man had a black beanie, and the other was bald with a five o'clock shadow.
"Hold it right there. We need to have a little chat," the bald man said as he gripped Ace's jacket. Ace noticed the "HUSTLER FOR LIFE" tattoo on his collar bone and rolled his eyes.
"Aww come on, guys! It's still early! I've got no beef with you guys. Hey, what are you gonna do, huh? You really wanna do this right here, right now? With all of these fine people watching? And what's your deal?" Ace said to the man with the beanie after noticing that he was missing one eye.
"Geez. Now that's a face not even a mother could love. Ha!"
"You watch your mouth, Robin, or I'll bust your lip," said the bald man.
"Oh really? Go on then. Hit me."
The bald man launched his fist but Ace pushed his other hand off of his jacket so he could sidestep and dodge the haymaker.
"Alright then, gentlemen. You asked for this. Time for a nice warm up," said Ace as he put his hands up and went into a fighting stance.

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