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Fandom Jungle Moors


Five Thousand Club
Setting: During the height of the first wizarding war in 1970s.

Date: August 7, 1974

Important Information;
  • Hogwarts Students out for summer break
  • First day of school year Castleboruxo students-August 7th
  • Very warm August for England but pleasant 77 F for the high on August 7th
  • Hot and muggy in Peru
  • Height of the wizarding war

Rufino Agoshtinho
House Viaza was one of the seven houses that controlled the werecats, the others being House Bast, House Chapulin, House Obsanjo, House Jwala, and House Klandagi. Each house corresponded to a big cat with Bast or the lions being the leaders. Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Snow Leopards, Tigers, Cheetahs and Cougars. As a jaguar werecat, Rufino was a member of House Viaza, even though he belong not to the line itself. Werecats were a magical race, a rare were creature more commonly found in the America’s and Africa, specializing in a culture and magics of Mesoamerica, African and Asian. Located in Brazil, Castleboruxo served all of South America and was located in the Brazilian rainforest, guarded by Caipora, small forest spirit beings that not only protected the school but also the magical creatures within the school grounds at night. The same age as Hogwarts, they started school at nine instead of eleven but Rufino not started until his tenth birthday. Both schools appeared like ruins to any muggles who came across them but where Hogwarts was a castle, Castleboruxo was made up of several temples. Not only did they serve all of South America but also half the Caribbean, Central and Southern Mexico as well.

Rufino was enjoying the last week of summer vacation, school starting on August 7th like every year, he and his family currently holiday in him Peru and were visiting Machu Picchu, once a city of the Incas. He had already visited Teresina where students got their supplies for Castleboruxo as well as Nheegatu, a school serving the west coast and south cone of South America which was a smaller school, the students there speaking Spanish. Students in the northeast went to the school in Southern Florida. Though he wasn’t familiar with the name of this school, only knowing they took students from several regions. More importantly, Rufino was glad to not be taking the required flying class anymore but this meant having to choose electives. In the end he had chosen to take Ancient Runes, Ancient Mages of the Americas and Healing. Plus he was already taking Portuguese as it was required for the first three years, even if one were a native Portuguese speaker. This gave him three courses on top of the required nine courses. French he knew from his mother and English had been picked up from television and his pride.

Too soon did summer vacation end and Rufino found himself taking a bus from Yurimaguas, a port town in Peru, to La Huhuaylas, a wizarding village home to squibs and Muggleborn that either left the wizarding world behind or were kicked out. Once there, students would have to take canoes and head down the Amazon river for several miles before beaching their canoes and carrying them and their luggage five and a half miles through the rainforest to reach their school. The canoes would be stored at school until the end of the year. Rufino was quiet on the bus ride, his trunk secured in the cargo hold. Even though summer had ended, he was looking forward to seeing his friends again and helping with the mandatory agriculture at school. Hours passed on the Amazon as the students found cables and shrank their trunks, older students getting in with younger students. Once they were all safely loaded in, canoes would set off for several hours of paddling.

It was methodical work paddling along the winding river but Rufino thought it beautiful and not just because of what he was. In these moments coming to and from school, there were no tribes. Just children having to navigate the dangerous wilderness. After several hours and miles, the students began the trek through the rainforest to their school which was a five and a half mile hike. Upon arriving, their belongings were stored in the small building to the left which would be transported to their respective tribes, the students of Castleboruxo and the staff living in tree houses. They made their way up to the second floor of the small pyramid to the left and to the Banquet Hall, the bottom floor being the Entrance Hall, Kitchens, Grand Hall which was where the sorting took place, a lounge, and classrooms for first to second years. The main building housed the staff lounge, professor offices, a dueling room, classrooms for sixth to ninth years, infirmary, ballroom, a pool, storage and some empty classrooms as well as the library which was three stories and exam/study hall. The third building to the right housed classrooms for third to fifth years, a theater/auditorium for school meetings, extra curricular classrooms, apprentice rooms and visitor quarters. The mail room, Alchemy and Potions labs were also in the building to the right.

Rufino learned when he sat down in the the auditorium that evening that third and fourth years would be getting penpals for the year, a task which could be extended for the remainder of their education, so long as their pen pal was still in school. Having never had a pen pal, he listened as the deputy headmaster described the process. If things went well then fifth years might go in an exchange program for half the year while their own pen pal would come here for the other half the year. It was surprising and Rufino signed up, filling out the form and saying he had no preference on the school or gender of the student, though he did put no higher than 6th year. He had to fill out his own form as well,, this being sent along with the letter he would write.

Name: Rufino Agoshtinho
Age/Gender: 12/Male
Year: 3rd
School: Castleboruxo
Favorite Class: Naturalism
Least Favorite Class: Flying or Defensive Magic
Favorite Color: Green and Blue
Favorite Food: Cr Caipirinha and Bobó de camarão

There wasn’t alot he put in the form as he couldn’t think of what to put. Hopefully it would be enough and he decided to work on the letter after dinner so headed with the other students and staff to the Banquet Hall.

Dear Penpal,
It’s a muggy day outside and after our canoeing and hike to get to school, evening has come which doesn’t bring much relief in the summer heat. I’m a third year at Castleboruxo…that’s in Brazil. I love horses and archery…these taking for activities. Require sport and activity. Help character guess. I guess tell name from form. Rufino. Have pen pal before? New to me, third…fourth…require year…no idea. Escola bola? Ummm…school good for you? What year…Escola in?


Rufino finished the letter, more of a note really and folded it with the form before slipping them into a provided envelop, dropping in three Brazilian Cruzeiro of ten denominations each before sealing the envelope but it would not be easy since iy had been a long night and he wanted to sleep. Luckily the new moon wasn’t until the seventeenth.

606 606

Escola bola - ‘school good?’
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Surrounded by nature, that was a familiar place to be in. The scent of damp woods in the early morning soon to be dried up by the blisting hot sun. Some might find it lonely, left to nothing but yourself and the woods around you, but that wasn’t the case for Quinn. They didn’t live in a town, but it was within a reasonable walking/flying distance, they were not fond of either and tended to use floo powder instead if their family had it. She was an only child and with both parents working for the ministry, she was often, left to herself. Occasionally she might receive letters from friends but, she liked the solitude she had now, especially with the state that the world was in. The war that was happening, was causing chaos amongst them. Her parents now were even busier than before and Quinn knew, there was a target on theirs and her own back, being alone was best, for them.

However, today was an exhilarating day for the young witch, a year closer to graduating but also, one of her final years to participate in the pen pal exchange. From the moment Quinn knew about it, she had been participating for a long while, and it was fascinating. While most that she wrote too often only lasted for that required year some schools had, Quinn was an avid writer and learner and always took on more. The year before, a student left Hogwarts with their family and had a pen pal, so that year Quinn took on 2. It was exciting for them and allied them to think about anything else other than, well, you know who.

Enjoying the summer warmth and the cool shade under the tree, they eventually had to wander into the small wizarding town later that day to go to their post office, expecting a letter to arrive. So in their small little hut, filled with books, they took a small bag with some parchment and a few textbooks to read, perhaps going to stop for a drink since they would be in town. Standing in their fireplace, they looked around the empty house, sighing heavily before taking a handful of floo powder, watching it slip between her fingers before throwing it down, green flames engluing the witch and they would disappear from the house, only to appear in another building. This was their local inn, a safe place for them to go to when going into town, the owners out and about recognized the witch who had been traveling this way since they were little and waved.

“Good day, Ms. Quinn! It has been some time since you came last. Here for a bite?” A lady with more round and soft features, with a friendly smile but tired eyes.

“Not yet Mrs. Kingsley. I have to go pick something up but I will be back later. Need anything while I’m out?” They would ask, stepping out of the fireplace and dusting off their clothing.

“We will make sure a table is ready for you then, and yes dearie, I was just about to head out but if you could help an old lady that would be wonderful!” Mrs. Kingsley would hurry off before returning with a slip of parchment with a poorly scribbled down list, Quinn gently taking it, seeing how the handwriting was only getting worse but, they could read it and nodded.

“Of course. I shall return soon… please take care of yourself, you and Mr. Kingsley,” they said. With a bit more banter Quinn eventually would take off into town.

There were some minor stops with picking up ingredients but the biggest one was the post office, Quinn arrived, waved to the familiar worker, and stepped up, saying all that she was picking up, before they pulled out a wand, waved it, and things began to come down flying from various places before stacking up on the desk.

“Stay safe kiddo, your parents are working hard,” the worker would say, and Quinn nodded. “Yes…you too.”

Quinn immediately grabbed an envelope seeing a new handwriting and would smily brightly, grabbing the materials, struggling with carrying it all, before heading back to the Inn. Once there, Mrs. Kingsley was quick to cast a spell to help out the struggling 6th year, motioning to her usual spot, which was a single table by a window with a tree that shaded the area and had a great view of a building with an excellent garden. It was Quinn’s favorite spot and it was time, to open up the first letter of the year.

Sitting down, and tossing her bag onto the other chair, they examined the writing before flipping it over, gently opening up the sealed letter and two pieces of paper could be found. The information card, and then the letter.

This year her penpal was a boy named Rufino, a 3rd year as well. She didn’t often write to students from Castleboruxo so seeing he was from there, Quinn was even more excited. She pulled out from her bag a quill and ink, as well as her forum and a single piece of parchment, and began her response back.

Name: Quinn Firhold
Age & Gender: 16, Agender (she/they most used)
Year: 6th year
School: Hogwarts
Favorite Class: Herbology
Least Favorite Class: Flying
Favorite Color: Greens, browns, and purples
Favorite Food: Butter chicken
Favorite Book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Extra: Plan on becoming an Herbologist, Wandmaker, or Professor

It was simple and she wondered for a second what else she should add, looking between her own and then her pen pal but deciding, it was fine before the letter was next. At first, she would sit and think about how to start it, seeing a more shy or maybe tired response from their pen pal. After all, it was 3 hours difference for the two. Staring out the window, quill held close their face, they finally decided to simply, start.

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

It was getting later and Mrs. Kingsley would have sent over a cup of tea and something sweet at some point, Quinn only noticing once they finished writing. Looking out the window, the sun was beginning to go down as the dinner rush would come in. Quinn figured it might be best to sit and study here than return to their empty home. Their parents oftentimes didn’t come home some nights, and if they did it was very late. Quinn would have stayed the rest of the evening, returning home after helping the owners of the Inn clean up and paying for the bit of food they had, and came back to town to send their letter, seeing that it didn’t make sense to send their letter the p[revious night. It was always exciting to send that first penpal letter, and now to wait for the next one.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Rufino Agoshtinho

Rufino didn't understand that Hogwarts was still on summer break, not knowing much about the other great eleven wizarding schools nor some of the smaller schools barring a little about the South American school. Students at Nheegatu also went to school for nine years, starting at ten years old instead of nine years but it seemed there were a few schools that started at eleven years old. He had heard of one school, Mahoutokoro having day students from age seven and then becoming boarding students at eleven. Regardless of the fact that it was summer, the deputy had managed to get letters sent out, even to those students that were not in school at the moment. Trapped as a jaguar for the next day after the new moon, he at least had comfort in his partner, the fifth year student close by, the two werecats locked within the catacombs of their school with some other werecat students. Still they were safe as were the remaining student body and the staff though the staff and older students could handle themselves against the werewolves and werecats of the school.

It was two weeks, for despite owls being able to fly, they still couldn't traverse an ocean within a day. Even if they were magical owls but school work ended up serving as a nice distraction from worrying about if he would get a response, though he thought it would be nice to get a letter. His electives were enjoyable and interesting. He especially loved Ancient Runes and Healing, even if they were just learning about famous healers and an introduction into the field. Rufino was not sure what he wished to do upon graduation, whether to go to to work or travel the world. There was time but it was never too early to plan for one's future though Rufino knew that his main loyalty was to his chief and House Viaza.

Not yet thirteen and a Sigma under werecat hierarchy, he knew he only had this year left to decide which rank he wanted unless he was chosen to become a Herbalist Apprentice now that he was of age for that. Though honestly he wasn't too sure how that would work with being a student at Castleboruxo in terms of being given a mentor in the rank he chose, of which there were seven paths to choose from, one path for each of their pantheon. But he couldn’t get his letter as he was stuck in his Jaguar body, the full moon shining above the grounds of Castleboruxo as he and his partner, the wolf and other cat students having been sent below ground into the catacombs which were shut and sealed with magic. Rufino felt his partner brush against him, then a rough tongue licking between his ears as Rufino huffed and pulled away with a hiss. There were rats in the catacombs but he knew there was also prey, bigger prey that was, but the wolves were stronger then the cats so they tended to hunker down and avoid any fights with the wolves though some risked injury to hunt themselves. Rufino didn’t like wolves, they were rather testy and wild, more primal then the cats. Especially on the full moon and during their mating season.

Two days later and the cats and wolves finally emerged from the catacombs, having to catch up on classwork that had been missed when trapped as felines and wolves. Luckily, the professors and Headmaster were understanding of the moon’s effect on their werewolf and werecat students. He shook his head, heading towards the mailroom as he had been informed he had a letter but couldn’t get it until after classes. Heading to the stables, somewhat confused about the letter, he used a claw to open the envelope and beak the wax seal. Opening it, he saw there were two pieces of parchment and pulled them out, setting the envelope on the ground and then opening the smaller parchment which detailed information about his penpal. His pen pal? He’d gotten a response after all?!

Reading over the information, he learned his pen pal was a sixth year from Hogwarts named Quinn, though he didn’t know what asexual meant. Being a cat, he only knew one was male and one was female. It seemed that his penpal also hated flying and liked the color green. They even included their favorite class was herbology. Herbology, he understood and knew was the study of flora, only it was covered with potions to make Naturalism at Castleboruxo.

”Rufino, o que você tem aqui?”

Rufino looked up as the letter was snatched from his hands, seeing his friend Xaucux with the letter and staring at it. Xaucux wasn’t a Werecat, but rather a dhamphir, a half vampire and half human hybrid. Xaucux’s teal eyes sparkled with amusement and a predatory gleam at the same time. ”Encontrou uma garota? Não pensei que você estivesse falando sério sobre encontrar a mãe dos seus filhotes tão cedo.”

”Xaucux, devolva,” snarled Rufino. His face paled as the other questioned him. “Eu... eu não estou procurando uma companheira! É uma carta do correspondente. Você não deveria ter uma carta também?”

Xaucux scanned the letter again, dancing out of Rufino’s way. “Então é uma menina?! Ah, um estudante. Sim, tenho um amigo por correspondência de Beauxbatons.”

“Devolva a carta a Rufino.” Both Werecat and dhamphir looked around before a fifth year jumped down from the tree Rufino was sitting under and Rufino saw his partner land beside him. He hissed at Xaucux, a growl coming from his chest he swiped at Xaucux who dodged the cat’s sudden claws. He quickly handed the letter back to Rufino who took it and purred as the older Jaguar looked between them before retracting his claws and disappeared once he was sure things had settled, heading for the greenhouses.

Now, with letter in hand, Rufino was able to read and did so, hearing Xaucux plop down beside him.
“Itzamna é assustador quando se trata de você. Você não vai contar a esse correspondente o que você é?”

Rufino looked down at the letter for a moment, reading it. “Ele é meu parceiro. Não temos apenas um parceiro para ajudar os filhotes mais novos a se transformarem, mas eles estão conectados ao longo da vida com um vínculo profundo, semelhante aos nossos pais e irmãos. Ele sabe que você não tem intenção de fazer mal. Não sei. Depende se eu conseguir a permissão do meu chefe para fazê-lo, suponho, ou a do meu pai. Bem como se eu confiar neles.” He read the letter, seeing that Quinn’s summer seemed well but was hot, the third year chuckling for it was true, with being in a rainforest. It seemed Quinn had penpals before and had started a few years ago.

He learned she was planning on taking apparition lessons and hoped to take Alchemy if the class were available but they weren’t a fan of athletics or athletes, preferring instead to read and garden.
“Essa Quinn parece ter muito em comum comigo, sexo, ano e escola. Ela está planejando fazer Alquimia.” Rufino continued with the letter, though looked at his friend. “O que?”

“Ver? Além da idade, companheiro perfeito para você. Vocês têm tantas coisas em comum. Ódio de voar, vocês dois gostam de herbologia e alquimia, gostam da cor verde, embora eu não saiba por quê. Acho que tem algo a ver com plantas.” Xaucux laughed at the stunned look on Rufino’s face, his laughter continuing as Rufino tossed the letter aside and lunged at him, the dhamphir dancing out of his way.“Brincadeira Rufino. É bom que você tenha um amigo, então parece o primeiro amigo por correspondência. Os meus parecem bem, eles são uma veela.”

Rufino went back to the letter and thankfully Xaucux no longer spoke or teased him. The letter was certainly a small insight and longer than his own short one but it seemed that this girl didn’t mind the letter being short if she were willing to write to him. He was asked what classes he was looking forward to this year, and Xaucux, who peered at the letter, groaned. There was mention of Quinn doing field studies and art which they were looking forward to and he was also asked about what the nature was like and that she’d heard of Castleboruxo students being skilled in Herbology and Mazioology, the letter finishing with her hoping to one day visit. Rufino folded the letter up and put it and the form back in the envelope, grabbing it in his mouth and then shifting into his Jaguar body before hauling himself up the tree and disappearing into the trees in the direction of the Six Trees. Really, it was more than six trees but the school had started with only a handful of students long ago. The students and staff of Castleboruxo could easily get from one area of the grounds to the other without ever touching the ground with a series of bridges, vines and even zip lines, bridges easily connecting the varying trees of each of the five tribes together. Xaucux just chuckled and headed for the Quidditch Pitch to do some flying. Xaucux loved flying and was a reserve Chaser on the Kuaraori team, Kuaraori’s animal being a tapir and one of the five tribes.

Dear Quinn,

I didn’t realize that Hogwarts was out of school still but must be country…culture difference? We start August 7th every year…have half term breaks…the carnival of course…winter…Easter…summer holidays. We get choose electives third year and Alchemy one elective offered. I chose Ancient Runes, Ancient Mages of the Americas and Healing. Looking forward to Healing and the Ancient Mages classes.

It true about Castleboruxo having proficiency in Magizoology and Herbology. We take Magizoology from first year. Your Herbology is combined with Potions to make Naturalism since the classes compliment each other but I enjoy that class. There are many plants, the school being in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. A lot of….color and thick foliage but also many dangers from wild animals to potential drownings when getting to school and muffle and magical poachers. We have a few clubs here, one being Jardim which mean ‘garden’ in Portuguese. You do herbology and gardening…learn fazenda….ummm…agriculture.

Students have nine required classes, though can drop Portuguese after third year. Then we can choose two to three electives in third year which are taken to fifth year and then dropped after exams. We have exams this year, fifth year, seventh year and then ninth year with…owls being fifth year and newts being seventh year. But our core classes are Portuguese, Naturalism, Mysticism, Magizoology, Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Marital Magic, and Defensive Magic. So, I’m taking twelve classes this year. Plus Archery, Equestrian, Football, and Mixed Martial Arts for my required extracurricular and sports.

Nurse Takeda is stern but nice and happy to help any student taking Healing elective. But she takes care of the animals too along with Professor Vaz and Professor Cerqueira Who are Magizoology professors. She teaches, I think the seventh to ninth years so I and other third and fourth years are taught by Professor Madruga. We’re currently learning an introduction into Healing and famous healers. I guess it…tediosa if not into History. Professor Madruga says a foundation into the history important…knowledge herbs…potions…so going over first two years Naturalism in class but Professor Rios…Potions professor for first and second year….allow us use potion lab as needed. What is Hogwarts like? I don’t know much of other schools. Do you have many friends?


Rufino, o que você tem aqui? - ‘Rufino, what do you have here?’

Xaucux, devolva - ‘Xaucux give it back.’

Encontrou uma garota? Não pensei que você estivesse falando sério sobre encontrar a mãe dos seus filhotes tão cedo. - ‘Found a girl? Didn't think you were serious about finding the mother of your kits so early.’

Eu... eu não estou procurando uma companheira! É uma carta do correspondente. Você não deveria ter uma carta também? - ‘I...I'm not looking for a mate! It's a letter from penpal. Shouldn't you have a letter as well?’

Então é uma menina?! Ah, um estudante. Sim, tenho um amigo por correspondência de Beauxbatons. - ‘So it is a girl?! Ah, a student. Yes, I have penpal from Beauxbatons.’

Devolva a carta a Rufino - ‘Give Rufino back his letter.’

Itzamna é assustador quando se trata de você. Você não vai contar a esse correspondente o que você é? - ‘Itzamna is scary when it comes to you. You aren't going to tell this penpal what you are?’

Ele é meu parceiro. Não temos apenas um parceiro para ajudar os filhotes mais novos a se transformarem, mas eles estão conectados ao longo da vida com um vínculo profundo, semelhante aos nossos pais e irmãos. Ele sabe que você não tem intenção de fazer mal. Não sei. Depende se eu conseguir a permissão do meu chefe para fazê-lo, suponho, ou a do meu pai. Bem como se eu confiar neles. - ‘He is my partner. We don't just have a partner to help the younger kits turn but they are connected through life with a deep bond, akin to our parents and siblings. He knows you don't mean harm. I don't know. It depends on if i can get my chief's permission to do so I suppose or my father's. As well as if I trust them.’

Essa Quinn parece ter muito em comum comigo, sexo, ano e escola. Ela está planejando fazer Alquimia. - ‘This Quinn seem to have lot in common with me, barring sex, year and school. She planning take Alchemy.’

O que? - ‘What?’

Ver? Além da idade, companheiro perfeito para você. Vocês têm tantas coisas em comum. Ódio de voar, vocês dois gostam de herbologia e alquimia, gostam da cor verde, embora eu não saiba por quê. Acho que tem algo a ver com plantas. - ‘See? Aside from the age, perfect mate for you.You have so many things in common. Hatred of flying, you both like herbology and alchemy, you like the color green though i don't know why. I guess it has something to do with plants.’

Brincadeira Rufino. É bom que você tenha um amigo, então parece o primeiro amigo por correspondência. Os meus parecem bem, eles são uma veela. - ‘Kidding Rufino. It's good that you have a friendly, so it seems first, penpal. Mine seems okay, they're a veela.’

Jardim - ‘garden’

fazenda - ‘farm’

tediosa (f)/tedioso (m) - ‘boring’
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Only the initial letter was sent at speed, simply to have communication be set in place early, but afterward, especially with England's more preferred mode of sending messenger being an owl, Quinn was prepared to wait however long it took. As the war went on, receiving letters became harder and harder, and being a child of ministry workers, there were extra precautions put into place for them as well.

At first, it was one week, and Quinn’s routine would remain the same but into the second week, there was a slight uprising of concern after some minor threat, making her parents drag her to the ministry with them. The first week she had read most of her textbooks already, and now that she was stuck in the ministry during this second week, it was spent mindlessly practicing non-verbal spell casting. While it did come more naturally to Quinn than other students, there was a component of her skill that did come from endless practicing, mostly from a lot of free time during the summer. Waving her want in the air, playing with some scrap pieces of paper, a ministry work would have stopped, seeing the student laying on the floor, her parents sitting at desks nearby working with little letters flying about.

“Ms. Quinn! Why I haven’t seen you since you first went to Hogwarts!” The ministry worker said, Quinn shooting upright and the paper falling to the ground, a shocked look on her face before realizing who it was. It was someone slightly above her parents, but not too far above, and she got up and dusted herself off.

“Mr. Cogsworth! It’s so nice to see you again. How have you been?” She would ask, tucking her wand away and helping out her hand for the other. Mr. Cogsworth would take the hand, and she noticed like every other worker here, the tired eyes and a smile hiding the fear and panic everyone had.

“Oh, busy, as I’m sure you are aware. It will be best for you to return to Hogwarts soon, it’s the safest place here,” he said and she nodded. “I must be off, but I hope I get to see you more, perhaps you might get a job here,” he said, and Quinn gave a shrug and a small laugh as he walked off. It was annoying how everyone here always tried to drag in more students to work here, but she had a path set infront of her. With that being the most notable interaction, the rest of the week went on the threat died down some, and Quinn was able to stay home on Friday, at the very least, causing an end to the 2nd week, and heard nothing from her pen pal yet.

As the new week began and Quinn was able to go into town, she would wait at her home in the early morning, sitting at the table with her parents rushing around the kitchen, trying to get ready for work.

“Oh dear, I swear if I misplaced that file, it would be the end!” her mother whispered, flicking her wand as paper swirled around her.

“I got it right here!” Her father reassured his wife, pulling out his wand, and papers from the other room came flying into his hands. Quinn was sipping on a cup of tea with a small piece of toast in front of them, looking back and forth between the two.

“Great! That should be all yes?”

“Yes, I believe so.”

“Goodbye Quinn, stay safe and be home before it’s dark!”
Her mother first went past her, placing a kiss on her forehead before using the floo network to get to work, and her father stopped by her as well.

“I left some galleons in the jar for you, treat yourself, when it gets closer to school we will try and take some time off,” he said, placing a kiss then was off himself.

The once fluttering of paper flying around and food being made soon died down, and quietness covered the house, giving Quinn a chance to breathe and finish her tea in peace. Yet it was time for her to go into town again, figuring the early morning might be best and safest anyway. She grabbed her bag, going to her room to get her pen and parchment and before she could step into the fireplace herself, her mother appeared worried, but it was the same look as before.

“I…Quinn, I know that the threat died down but, just for one more day can you come with us?” she said and she smiled and nodded, and stepped in with her mom. Of course, Quinn was disappointed to be stuck in stitch a stuffy and anxiety-inducing place but, if it it caused her parents less stress, then so be it. This would happen for another week, barring Quinn from checking the post a week longer than usual. Yet thankfully, Quinn had talked to some other ministry members who went out and retrieved the letter for her, knowing it was for her safety now.

“Thank you, do you mind if I take a desk?” she would ask and the worker nodded and motioned to a small desk that had seen better days. “Thank you.”

She walked to it and set her bed down, seeing it rock a little and move back and forth. This wouldn’t do her any good, so she looked around for something to even it out. She saw a trash bin and quietly walked over, pulling out a few papers, looking at them, and forcing. It was wanted posters. Of course, they were, and her face dropped a little, a reminder of why she was here. Yet it was in the bin so she decided might as well, following up the pieces of paper before shoving it under one of the legs of the desk, testing it out and seeing it was no longer rocking.

At last, she finally sat down, looking at the letter, and began to read. It was dated about a week ago, after the initial threat died down but her parents preferred her being at the ministry than being home alone. She only had this final week before going back to school herself, which hopefully might mean an easier time responding to letters.

They were already in school, and Quinn knew that simply from some light reading but seemed to have more breaks than they did. She had pulled out her quill and began to take notes of important things about her pen pal on a piece of parchment.

- Has half-term breaks
- Taking Ancient Runes, Ancient Mage of Americas, and Healing elective
- most excited for ancient mages and healing)​
- Naturalist > potions and herbology in one class
- Very colorful but dangerous
- Learning gardening or Jardim as well as fenzeda (ask) ~ farm
- Require 9 classes but drop Portuguese -> learn some Portuguese
- tediosa > boring feminine​
- Exams 3d, 5th, 7th, and 9th
- Taking 12 classes on top of Archery, equestrian, football, and mixed martial arts for required extracurricular and sports
- Nurse Takeda > Healing elective professor
- Processor Vaz and Profess Cerqueira and Profes Madrga > Magizoology professors
- See if published.​
- Professor Rios, potions professor

It was a bit of information, and a large number and variety of classes as well, more than what was available at Hogwarts, especially since she has been taking many electives since she could, and passed many of them. So there was a large portion of her time also spent tutoring students in classes she had already taken, always keeping her notes from her classes neatly organized that she brings with her every year, just in case. There were some words she didn't understand and took note of then went around wandering the ministry to see if she could find someone who knew some Portuguese. Thankfully it wasn’t too much of a hassle as she found someone who was able to translate the few words for her and Quinn thanked them before wandering her way back to the desk she was at, quill in hand, looking up, before realizing there was no nature for her to stare into and ponder her thoughts and frowned a little but continued onward.

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

While she couldn’t get the letter out right away, in a day, she was able to talk to some other ministry worker and have them send the letter, after all, it was partially school-related so it was able to be slipped into other mail that needed to be sent out. Then it was back to school shopping but Quinn had already gotten many of the books she needed, and read a majority of her textbooks as she had nothing better to do in the summertime, only seeing friends once or twice this whole summer. Everyone was on edge, and even going to Diagon Alley was strange, but seeing first-year students excitedly get their first wands and books as well as their robes brought a smile to their face.
Rufino Agoshtino
Soon the new moon arrived and again found the cats in their feline forms, trapped. It would be during this time that Quinn would begin school once more herself, starting her sixth year. Yet how could one have a good education in the middle of a war? It wasn't something that people outside of Britain needed to worry about as they hadn't needed to worry about Grindelwald taking over Europe during World War 2, a trait shared by the magical community of the United Kingdom. Yet, once again, when the new moon had passed and they were able to transform back, he had homework to catch up on and thus was unable to get to the mail room to see if there were a letter from Quinn. Well, she doesn't know what I am.

Rufino didn't know what she must think with the letters taking weeks to get to the United Kingdom and wondered if things would be easier with them both back in school now. Would they keep sending owls to each other across the ocean or was there a faster way to get letters to pen pals? It was a couple days later after he had resumed his human form that he finally managed to get to the mail room where there was in fact a letter from Quinn. Taking it, he opened the letter to read it in the mail room, finding a bench to sit down on by a window so he could see. Opening the envelope, again breaking the wax seal with a claw that was quickly retracted, he began to read the letter.

Rufino smiled as he read that Quinn thought Castleboruxo sounded beautiful, learning students at Hogwarts started at eleven and apparently did not have as many classes as Castleboruxo students. She wrote there were seven core classes and listing them; Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology with Flying being mandatory only for first years. He didn't understand why Magizoology wasn't required from first year, at least he assumed that was what this 'care of magical creatures' was. Did they consider werecats as 'creatures' to study? Or wolves for that matter? Well, he couldn't ask without making this girl suspect what he was and he didn't think that would go over well with his sire or chief. Perhaps she would believe he was busy with school given his classes, the two sports and two activities he was in.

Getting to his feet he went to a table where letters could be penned if one didn't want to go to their tribe trees and took a couple pieces of parchment from a pile as well as retrieving a quill and ink though Castleboruxo also let them use pens as well. Leaving those there, he headed back towards his tribe, vanishing through the trees and upon reaching his tribe would go to his room and retrieve the first letter he'd gotten from Quinn, kept in a box and headed back out. Taking bridges and vines to get back to the school complex, he climbed down the ladder and headed into the mail room once more before resuming his seat at the table, the quill with its inkpot, the parchment sheets and his new letter there. Taking his first letter out of its envelope he began writing on one of the parchment sheets.

  • Penpal is a female called Quinn Firhold
  • 6th year at Hogwarts-British school and Ravenclaw House
  • Hates flying like me but loves Naturalism...at least herbology part
  • Core Hogwarts Classes: Not enough but Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts (defense magic?), History of Magic, Herbology, Potions
  • Flying only required for first years; seems to be activity after first year
  • Alchemy is not offered first year; seems to only be offered if enough interest
  • Looking forward to Apparation and potentially Alchemy this year
  • Electives in third year: Care of Magical Creatures (Magizoology?), Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Divination (Mysticism), Muggle Studies
  • Advanced Arithmancy; Alchemy potentially offered sixth to seventh years
  • Start school late at eleven years; check into other schools maybe and see when they start besides Mahoutokoro
  • Seems to have done penpal before a few times
  • What is asexual?
  • 5th Year Owls like Castleboruxo...possibly all schools; Newts in 7th year
  • Wants to be Herbologist, Wand Maker or Professor
  • Doesn't like athletics but enjoys reading
  • Solitary, few friends
  • Hogwarts Houses: Ravenclaw (intelligent yet ominous prey), Gryffindor (Griffins rideable, not so easy hunt), Slytherin (fox?-can be prey....mostly compete small rodent prey), Hufflepuff (why name after ratty pygmy dustball?-not good prey)

Once these notes were taken down, he slipped the first letter back into its envelope and set aside the second letter after softly blowing on the words to dry them before turning over in his mind how to answer this letter full of information. Setting the quill in the ink pot, he tapped his fingers on the table, some other students coming in to get letters or writing reading them throughout the mail room which even had perches high above for owls to rest and tall windows to let in light. Theft wasn't tolerated at Castleboruxo so they didn't have to worry about anyone messing with their things. Were someone to be caught thieving, even a first year, the student would not only have house points taken away and detention but also have a letter sent home to their parents and guardians. The second offense resulted in another letter to their parents, being locked in the dungeons for two weeks and denied access to sports or activities they participated in. Third offense resulted in suspension and the fourth resulted in expulsion as well as being blacklisted from not only Castleboruxo but also Ilvermorny, Aztlan which was the school in Mexico, Nheegatu, Loanyua which was in the Caribbean and Wakulla which was in Southern Florida. Of course, Aztlan, Loanyua and Wakulla all had a good relationship with each other, Castleboruxo even have a good relationship with Loanyua in addition to Nheegatu though it was more of a rivalary than friendly relations when it came to sports. He understood that Nheegatu participated in something called surfing. Something he had watched once and even tried...he wasn't good at it when he'd considered going to the smaller school as a kitten.

Dear Quinn,
I imagine you're back in school with it being September seventh. Castleboruxo and the rainforest are beautiful and hot, given we are a tropical climate here year round. But it is perfect for my family and the only time I get any semblance of cold is if I leave the Amazon and head to other countries around the southern America. Castleboruxo might serve all of South America but there is also Nheegatu which serves the West and Southern Cone. We have a rivalry with them...both in football and Quidditch. I was going to go there when I was a...child but chose Castleboruxo instead since I couldn't bear being away from my family. It's been a...stressful and tiriing few days...much homework. I tried to figure out what your house animals are...I guess Ravenclaw is a raven which is telling for the name. But why would you name a house after a pygmy puff, let alone have that as a mascot. Gryffindor...I can only assume that is a griffin and Slytherin...well foxes are mischevious and cunning.

Houses here, well we call them tribes, are Arashar with a mawcaw mascot, Pawanunga with a jaguar mascot, Kuaraori with a tapir mascot, Nomphyrian with a manatee mascot and Sucuri with an anaconda mascot. I'm in Nompyrian while my best friend is in Kuaraori. I don't really get while you have Magizoology as a class in third year...it'd make sense to have it from first year especially for students not from the wizarding communities so they know not to approach like a dragon or a Basilisk. It would be nice if you could come here to visit. I think you would like being here. How is...Hogwarts? We have a few magical communities here, including a beachside community known as San Borrija. The others are Caxambu, Manaus, and Teresina which also have wizarding communities, despite being Muggle and of course the Amazaon has some hidden magical tribes. Outside Castleboruxo we have two places we can go to visit, the city of San Juanando in the south and the town of Suzaricana in the north. Unfortunately I have more homework to do and then got Mysticism to attend before lunch so I'll have to end the letter and then History of Magic and Ancient Runes before dinner. But I would like to hear about these houses and how your classes are going.


Pulling out his wand, he tapped it on the letter, saying 'palavras secas' before repeating with the other parchment and both glowed white before the words were dried. Setting his wand down, he folded the letter up and slipped it into an envelope before writing Quinn's name and Hogwarts. Grabbing is wand and slipping it into the wand holster at his ankle, he gathered up the envelope and his notes on Quinn before heading to over to Professor Vaz, handing the letter to his professor and inquiring about the speed of the letters with Hogwarts being in school. Purring as he heard they would use floo to Hogsmeade and then owls from there with return letters being sent the same way only that macaws would be carrying letters to Castleboruxo from the post in Manaus, he nodded and left to head to his next class, glad it was outside today.

original spell:

palavras secas - 'dry words' | Light: White | Tapping one's wand or finger on the parchment or paper and uttering this spell causes it to glow white and warm heated air sinks into the the parchment whereupon it dries the words from a quill. | Portuguese Spell used by students in Castleboruxo to remove the wait of ink drying.
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There came a time when parents debated sending their kids to school, but with how busy their lives were, her parents that is, it was best if Quinn was somewhere else. After all, Hogwarts was seen to be the safest place on earth. So dropped off at platform 9 ¾ she was left by herself, as it was way before many students would ever begin to arrive so, she found herself a spot to leave her luggage and pulled out one of the herbology books she had gotten for light reading, looking at it before flipping it open where she had left off.

The year leading into the early afternoon, students began to arrive and soon after the train when they all would crowd on, she found herself with her peers once more, often with other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff, many of them in the herbology/gardening club and immediately began sharing about the things they have grown over the summer, some even bringing out freshly baked goods that had made, including lavender and honey cookies and various teas made from freshly dried leaves as well.

“Wow, this lavender is amazing! What was the process of growing it?” Quinn asked, taking a small bit out of the cookie, lavender filling their cart.

“Oh well from a previous year, my pen pal gave me a tip for growing lavender. This one was a French species they sent me,” she said and they all nodded. “Speaking of, is everyone doing pen pall this year?”

“I am, you know me,”
Quinn said and a few said no and a few more said yes in their little group. While the others proceeded to talk about who they were writing with, Quinn instead would continue to nibble on her cookie, leaving back into the seat of the Hogwarts Express and pulling out her book again, letting her friend's voices fall into the background, enjoying a bit of noise and simply relax the train ride.

Then began the year, and it was hectic the first few days, Quinn could not find time to check the mail right away. The first night, there was the usual banquet and sorting ceremony as well as the house's traditions. For Ravenclaws, they all enjoy waiting to see if first years can guess the riddle right, which usually after some tries one would get it, and quickly they began to work together and then she and the other Ravenclaw 6th years would go to their dorms, having to answer another question themselves.

The lard doorknobs doors would stand before them, the eagle soon bending and switching smoothly looking down at the students before the beal opened and the riddle was said.

“The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?”

She and the other students stood three thinking for a moment, looking at each other before Quinn’s eyes lit up and confidently looking up at the eagle.


The sound of a door unlocking would echo in the hall and slowly the door would swing open and she smiled proudly.

“I always want to be with Quinn when there are these riddles, I am not very good at them,” a student said and Quinn waved it off.

“Oh please, you get plenty right yourself, faster than me even,” she said.

“Not true, you are the smartest in our year anyway. Do you mind if we do our usual study hall too?” Quinn nodded as everyone else agreed. It was a tradition for her year at this point. They work together often and study together, realizing more and more that they have different strengths and can help each other. Quinn had a mastery of non-verbal casting and herbology whereas another student might be better at Divination and Arithmancy. It was just for them though usually, and sometimes students their year from other houses would join as well.

Hogsmead was rather close to Hogwarts so it was easy for the letter to arrive during breakfast, watching it drop infront of her she smiled a little, expecting it after hearing word that letters had been received the night before, and had her notes at the ready and opened the seal carefully, seeing the growing more familiar handwriting and read it over.

-Other schools: Nheegtu, rivalry in football and Quidditch
-Choose Castleboruxo to be near family
-Houses called tribes

-Arashar > Mawcaw
-Pawanuga > Jaguar
-Kuaraori > Tapir
-Nomphyrian > Manatee
-Sucuri > anaconda
-Is in Nophyrian, bestfriend in Kauraori
-Near some magical communities and a beach

-San Borrija, Cazambu, Manaus, Teresina
-Look for a map
-Outside school have San Jaunando (S) and Suzaricana (N)
-Hidden magical tribes in the Amazon

It was a lot of information and insightful. Quinn was never the best with geography and had some time before class to at least go to the library and find a book with more information about South America and take it out. Yet class was coming up, along with club meetings and learning where classes are happening, wasn’t able to get much time to write a response back, especially with some of the questions asked. Yet during her 4th day at Hogwarts, she found herself with some extra time. So sitting down in the library, she claimed herself a table near some herbology books and pulled out a Quill and a piece of parchment before beginning to write.

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

It was a simpler message than what they might have planned but the Head of the House had come and found Quinn, more to talk about the peer mentoring that Quinn had started, while it wasn’t official, many know of this idea by now. Carefully folding the letter up and sealing it with a wave of their wand, she would hand it to the professor as they began to walk to the professor’s office.

“Still doing pen pal? You are something else, probably the busiest student in your year” the professor said and Quinn shook their head and gave a modest chuckle.

“No, please, I just enjoy learning about other places, I think learning from other people can be more insightful than books.” The professor nodded with a chuckle and soon the professor would send off the letter and Quinn and the professor had their meeting.
Rufino Agoshtino
"Rufino, tenho uma carta para você." An older student spotted the third year werecat coming from Greenhouse three, there being several greenhouses at Castleborxuo divided into years with first years only allowed in greenhouse one and seventh to ninth years allowed in both greenhouses seven to nine and the advanced greenhouses of ten to thirteen.


"Hogwarts." The letter was handed to Rufino who allowed a smile to grace his features. "Você está fazendo o correspondente?"

Rufino nodded, turning the letter over to see the familiar wax seal and Quinn's handwriting.
"Sim. Meu amigo por correspondência está no sexto ano."

"Eu Vejo."

"Obrigado Inês." Inês was a fifth year in his tribe and sometimes helped wit study groups for the younger four years. He would then excuse himself and head towards the waterfall to read his letter. He broke the seal when he found a mossy rock to sit on and pulled the parchment out to read it.

Quinn confirmed they had indeed started school and it was busy, saying they were getting back into the swing of things. By this time, everyone at Castleboruxo had gotten used to the school year, the kits no longer crying to go home. Quinn said it was interesting to hear about the tribes of his school and how Hogwarts was close enough to their home before speaking about the closest civilization being a place called Hogsmeade which third years and above could visit but they were currently restricted in their visits currently. Students apparently took a train to school which Quinn seemed to think was fun as they got to catch up with other friends on the train ride.

Chuffing as he read that he was close on some of the houses with their animal mascots, saying that it was not an raven but an eagle that was the animal for Ravenclaw...not a griffin but a lion and he snorted to himself, wondering how House Bast would deal with the knowledge they were represented on a European school's house. Was the founder of Gryffindor a member of House Bast then and really a werecat? Hufflepuff was a badger it seemed and Slytherin was apparenly a snake, not a fox. Well, a badger was better than a ratty prey that didn't taste nice. She even gave what they were known for...Hufflepuff sounded like a bunch of kits and Mu, Slytherin were apparently cunning and ambitons, the avians were smart and the lions were supposedly brave and daring though Quinn thought they were rowdy and rule breakers. Apparently the lions and snakes were competitive too and then there was the description of the sorting. It seemed students were sorted by a hat and then there was a feast.

There was mention that there was barely interest in alchemy this year and apparation lessons should be starting soon which Quinn was looking forward to but that alchemy depended on student interest. She wrote of hoping to learn more about the places he had mentioned in his letter and asked how classes were going for him.
Difficult. Classes were getting harder, especially with third year being their first set of exams. Was there anything happening during school that was exciting or the two communities nearby. Pulling out some parchment and pen this time, an interesting muggle writing utensil indeed, he also pulled out a textbook to use as a makeshift table and began writing.

Dear Quinn,

I am...happy...glad you take class you love. Tutoring? There is a fifth year in my house that has study groups for first to fourth years named Inês. She enjoys the tutoring and even acts like a surrogate mother to the first years of our tribe. I do not understand while Ravenclaw is an eagle instead of a raven. A hat sorts you? That is odd. Interesting...our stairs do not move. We have a few ghosts here, including a first year that likes sitting in on classes. It's a bit disconcerting for the first years but by second year, everyone's gotten used to the ghost child's presence.

Classes have been okay but growing difficult due to our first exams this year. There's an annual ball at school around Samhain and a second annual ball around a week before the summer solstice. We have annual mabon, samhain, yule, and summer solstice events here along with festivities on Imbolc. We also celebrate the carnival though have off school for that and the Brazilian Independence Day. There's a festival of both communities and the school to celebrate the coming of winter on Samhain since it's the beginning of winter in ancient Gael tradition where we engage in the traditional things, help neighboring villages with collecting harvests, performing old magic rites native to Brazil. Perhaps sometime you can visit. Carnival is fun, I enjoy it.


Rufino, tenho uma carta para você. - 'Rufino, got a letter for you.'

Carta? - 'Letter?'

Você está fazendo o correspondente? - 'You are doing the penpal?'

Sim. Meu amigo por correspondência está no sexto ano. - 'Yes. My penpal's a sixth year.'

Eu vejo. - 'I see.'

Obrigado Inês. - 'Thanks Inês.'
Quinn said they were going to be busy and that they were. Appreciation classes began, and helping students with their usual work but mostly the students who have to take OWLs, which she did take last year herself and of course, passed with flying colors. It had gotten to the point where Quinn had to ask the head of the house for a classroom to study in, which when one wasn’t available, Hogwarts ended up providing anyway.

She heard stories and rumors of such a place, the room of requirement, it wasn’t something she was expecting to stumble upon but as she was trying to think of a new place to have a big study session with other students, a faint almost whisper caem to her as the sound of moving stones and bricks caught her attention, Quinn’s hand going to their want as they looked up and around the room, only to see the once empty wall now having a mysterious door on it, and opening it up, a beautiful almost cafe like area was in the room, with enough setting for those who have asked her to help them. This all happened in a week, and she was unable to get a chance to pick up the letter, however, after one of her classes, before dashing off to meet with some other 6th years to study apparition, a professor came and stopped her.

“Ms. Firhold! There you are, it’s been difficult to find you these days.”

“Ah-Professor! Apologies. Did you need something?”
Quinn would ask, shuffling the books and parchment in her hands to grab her wand and flicking it quickly, her books and papers organizing themselves and now floating beside her.

“A letter, they seem to be arriving at Hogwarts slower and slower with the tension around…well you know,” the professor said, no one dared to speak any name of what was happening in the world around them and Quinn nodded slightly.

“They must be taking extra precautions with letters and other packages arriving from outside the country, just to be safe…my parents warned me about this, thank you,” she said, taking the letter and heading off with a small wave. As she walked back to her dorm to drop off books, she opened the letter to read it while she had the chance.

Inês, someone Rufino must know also tutored, and Quinn couldn’t help but smile, knowing that in other schools there were other people like herself, and perhaps Quinn, though at a distance might be able to help Rufino. It would mean trying to get to letters more often but, she’ll ask some professors for extra permissions, or perhaps ask favors of prefects and head people to help her out, after all, they can come and go more frequently past curfew. And then some events and balls were happening which seemed like fun, as nothing much really happened around Hogwarts except quidditch and parties around those students throw but, it's been a tight lockdown. However, a Hogsmead trip is coming up, which hopefully won't get canceled.

Inês - 5th year tutor
Also Has ghosts around the school
Annual ball - Near Samhain
2nd Annual Ball - 1 week before solstice
Annual Maboon, Samhain, ule, and summer solstice events
Imbolc - research festivities
Carnival - have school off for the events
Brazilian Independence Day
Festivals to celebrate the coming of winter (ancient Gael tradition)
-help neighboring villages with harvests
-perform old magic rites native

There were a lot of celebrations and such that happened it seemed, making more sense as to why their school even started far earlier than other schools. If they had any laws about the required amount of days needed for a full school year, they would have to either start early or end later, which seemed to be true for all schools, magic and non-magical from what she has learned. At least there were breaks for him. When she got to the dorm, the books she didn’t need floated away and she sat down, deciding she could be late just this once, and decided to write a response, knowing she wouldn’t be able to send it until tomorrow anyway, but would do as soon as she could.

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

It was a bit of a rushed letter but Quinn was trying, and figuring out why many people don’t continue penpal this far, but she was determined to say the least. With a flick of her wand, the letter was quickly dried and neatly folded itself up and Quinn would head off to another apparition lesson, where she would see the head of Ravenclaw again and turn in her letter once more.

“I truly have no idea how you have time for all of this.” They said, looking at the letter.

“I surprisingly have a lot of free time between classes but honestly, I’m not sure either,” she joked, chuckling softly before going to sit amongst the other 6th years and lessons began.
Rufino Agoshtino

Rufino hated studying for his LAMP exam this year. September seemed to pass in a blur, the new moon coming and then waning but he wasn’t sure what he was doing for Half-Term break yet. Whether he was going home or visiting a friend’s as the school shut down for breaks, allowing students and staff to return home and spend time with family. Watching a Qoudpot game between Nomphyrian and Arashar, a hand fell on his shoulder as his partner appeared next to him, an open letter in his lap. “Rufino. Outubro será uma tri-viragem. Lua azul no Samhain.” His parrot squirrel sat on his other shoulder.

Rufino turned to face Itzamnaz. “Lua Azula?”

Itzamna nodded. “Sim. Como vão seus estudos? A lâmpada é este ano.” “Sim. Como vão seus estudos? A lâmpada é este ano.”

Rufino frowned down at the letter. “Eu odeio Lâmpada. Principalmente com o dever de casa. Mas pelo menos posso abandonar o português no próximo ano. As aulas estão ficando mais difíceis.“

“Apenas os primeiros dois anos devem ser fáceis. Isso aumentará à medida que você avança na escola, especialmente com os exames futuros. Você escolheu fazer três disciplinas eletivas mais suas três atividades. É uma maravilha que você tenha tempo para um amigo por correspondência.”

“Obrigatório e amigo por correspondência simpático. Ajuda que tenhamos coisas em comum. Mas as cartas estão lentas com a guerra lá.”

Itzamna sighed before turning his gaze to the match. “Fique seguro, Rufino. Somos parceiros... é meu trabalho garantir que você esteja seguro. Não sabemos como a nossa espécie é tratada fora da América do Sul e da África. Quem está vencendo?”


Rufino’s next letter wouldn’t be sent out until a couple days before began and that was because he was waiting on something to arrive so he could send it out with the letter. He had gotten a friend to take a picture of him as a Jaguar in the jungle, the friends having snuck off school grounds at night to get the still picture taken. This was to partly protect Rufino and separate him from the cat and not being trouble to the school. Not that the International Wizarding Confederation of Wizard could have a say in if creatures could attend school. Not everyone was as prejudiced as the United Kingdom. He also had a picture of him taken, not in his Jaguar form, in his dorm room which was designed for two students per room. All the dorms were set up this way, the beds being twin sized, a pair of desks and chairs and two wardrobes with space at the foot of the beds for trunks. Rufino had a potted Busy Lizzie, its pink flowers vibrant against the natural color of the tree, a small balcony outside a set of doors. Being third years they weren’t as high up as the first years but still every room had a small balcony.

Wrapping up the books on Castleboruxo, Nheegatu, and Wakulla which served South America though Wakulla was in Miami, FL in the southern USA and had needed to be looked up. The book on Castleboruxo explained Castleboruxo was not the school’s original name, how the name Castleboruxo had only been chosen after two centuries of Portuguese colonization to make it more attractive to colonists so it could survive through the quick reduction of indigenous population and how it also had a terraced mountain campus that held about twice as many students as Hogwarts. He did not go into the true purpose of the school and it wouldn’t be found in any public books. There were also mermaid blood vials and their scales as well as tears for potion ingredients, centaur tail hair and werewolf claws, having gotten them from a werewolf student. The blood of the merfolk seemed to be of various shades; purple, green, pink, red, silver or copper; a few of each with notes which were all packed away.

He had read over Quinn’s letter, finding himself curious about why a room would be built that would appear and disappear. Frowning as he read that the war in the UK was being a hinderance to students and staff. Was no adult or their government doing anything to stop the war? Quinn mentioned she would visit probably soon or at graduation and that it sounded like he had a lot of celebrations. But this strange room seemed most exciting and he hummed to himself as he saw she planned on using to teach kittens and age mates with friends. The letter ended with a message that he should remember to enjoy school and eat and sleep, admitting she did not always do so herself.

Dear Quinn,

Sorry no write. School busy with LAMP, 3rd year exam. It stands for Levels of Aptitude in Magical Performance while 9th year exam is MASGA which is Magical Aptitudes and Skills of Graduating Assessments. Sending present. Books on three wizard schools in South America, picture me, Jaguar in jungle. Friend and I snuck out to take picture at night. Not supposed to really be out at night but we are fine. Castleboruxo’s motto is O Sol Nasceu Para Todos, “The Sun Rises for Everybody.” It’s taken from its original Tupi and translated modern Portuguese. Sending plant seedling. You say might want be Herbologist. Including book on aquatic plants in Americas. By time letter send out, I will probably be home for Half-Term break. School closed until come back on October 21st. Will be nice to get away from school work.

I am sending some potion ingredients. The purple blood vials are blood from royal merfolk, the other blood types from non-royalty from understanding as well as their tears and scales. Rare and expensive ingredients…can be used in wands and potions. The tears have healing properties. I am…sorry school stressful. But good have place tutor kit…children with friends. My part…friend say school only get harder. He is a fifth year. I will try to make sure I eat and sleep. Maybe can come for visit if schools allow. Nice Quinn offer help. May take up on that if needed. But want to get this out before heading packing up for home. Oh…our admission, Students receive their acceptance in the form of a letter delivered by a tropical bird upon the first day of that year’s Carnival. We won our Quodpot game against Arashar.

He had to be careful. He had nearly revealed he wasn’t human to his pen pal. He has no wish to upset his chief or his father and stepmother. His stepmother…Rufino frowned as he sealed the envelope and the presents in a box, scribbling Quinn’s name and Hogwarts on before heading down to the common room so he could get the package and letter delivered. Hopefully Quinn would like the gifts. As October 7th dawned, Rufino was all packed, his Parrot Squirrel secured in its carrier and the luggage was then carried by students along the hike to the river where they would again board canoes. Once at the river, he was given a paddle and directed to a canoe, his luggage shrunk as was the luggage of all students and faculty alike, several dozen canoes then setting back upstream for their return home for the holidays. Rufino couldn’t wait to see his family again.


Aquatic magical plants, Lumo-lilies are cousins of several magical strains of waterlily, known for their luminescence. Found primarily in North America they grow preferentially on highly magical floodplains, though they will also grow in freshwater provided there are mer to cultivate them.

Lumo-lilies bloom best at the new moon, but can be equally striking under the full. On some very rare occasions they have been observed blooming in the midst of thunderstorms and it is advised that one harvest them when they are brightest blooming, though this can be very dangerous. Interestingly Lumo-lilies have also been known to attract Pacific Moon Serpents and, when one has built up suitable rapport with the creatures, allow one to harvest some of their shed scales. However, most usually the plants are simply useful for their beauty and their few potioneering applications.


Rufino. Outubro será uma tri-viragem. Lua azul no Samhain. - “Rufino. October will be a tri turning. Blue moon on Samhain.”

Lua Azula? - “Blue moon?”

Sim. Como vão seus estudos? A lâmpada é este ano. - “Yes. How are your studies going? Lamp is this year.”

Eu odeio Lâmpada. Principalmente com o dever de casa. Mas pelo menos posso abandonar o português no próximo ano. As aulas estão ficando mais difíceis. - “I hate Lamp. Especially with the homework. But at least I can drop Portuguese next year. Classes are getting harder.”

Apenas os primeiros dois anos devem ser fáceis. Isso aumentará à medida que você avança na escola, especialmente com os exames futuros. Você escolheu fazer três disciplinas eletivas mais suas três atividades. É uma maravilha que você tenha tempo para um amigo por correspondência. - “Only the first two years are meant to be easy. It will hetcharder as you progress through school, esoecially with the future exams. You chose to take three electives plus your three activitues. It's a wonder you have time for pen pal.”

Obrigatório e amigo por correspondência simpático. Ajuda que tenhamos coisas em comum. Mas as cartas estão lentas com a guerra lá. - “Required and pen pal nice. Helps that we have things in commom. But letters are slow with the war there.”

Fique seguro, Rufino. Somos parceiros... é meu trabalho garantir que você esteja seguro. Não sabemos como a nossa espécie é tratada fora da América do Sul e da África. Quem está vencendo? - “Be safe Rufino. We are partners...it is my job to make sure you are safe. We don't know how our kind are treated outside of South America and Africa. Who is winning?”
Quinn as always was getting her work done efficiently. Whether it was because it fascinated them or maybe a distraction from the rest of the world, they took more classes than most students her year yet still had more free time than most. Sitting in the courtyard, a book in hand only for it to be snatched out and their eyes darted up to a group of Slytherins in her year, rolling her eyes.

“What is it?” they asked, slowly standing up and dusting off their robes. It would come as a shock to none that Quinn was quite frequently the target of bullying, despite always coming out on top. Typically they avoid these situations simply by being busy, however, today was not their lucky day, and at least it was already so late in the year. However, this Slytherin, in particular, didn’t bully her because they were nerdy or something silly, but more since the two were fighting to be the top student in their year, and always have been.

“I see you are sitting around reading books, guess you've given up on your assignments,” he said, a smirk on his face as he looked at the book she was reading. “Again? Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them? You are always reading this book, change it up if you want to beat me this year” He tossed the book behind him, Quinn calmly] flicked her wand, the book stopping mid-air, and a tense silence between the two. Non-verbal casting is one of Quinn’s more unique talents the only thing keeping her on top.

“I’ll have you know I’ve been finished with the assignments 2 weeks in advance. And it appears I’m not the only one out and about and not doing work. I can’t believe you have time, hearing you missed a point on the last paper, Mavrick” she said, a flick of her wand sending her book flying back to herself, the male Slythering seeming quite offended. She never liked being mean back to people but, he was the exception, as he never left her alone.

“So before you go around and judge people for relaxing, perhaps you should spend less time relaxing and more time double-checking your work, instead of assuming you got it right the first time.” Maverick’s wand would appear in his hands, his little lackeys slowly taking a step back and Quinn would as well, students gathering around them as it had been a while since these two had “fought” this year.

“Why you bloody arse. Watch your mouth! My parents also work at the ministry, and are in a higher position than your measly parents!” He snapped, pointing his hand at Quinn.


Flashes went off in the courtyard, students who were out and about cheering loudly as Quinn would be left standing, wanted to point at Maverick as his wand flew out of his hand and behind him, face turning red from what Quinn could only assume to be anger or embarrassment. However, before anything else could happen, Quinn quickly tucked her wand away, turning swiftly and speeding off pushing her way through the small crowd, a professor or 2 coming out, only to see the crowd of students and the Slytherin standing, dispersing the crowd.

Shortly afterward, Quinn was in the library when the letter was dropped off by a fellow Ravenclaw along with packages that seemed to have been open for inspections early.

“Sorry to bother you, It would have come with the morning mail but the Headmaster said they needed to inspect it first,” she said softly and Quinn smiled.

“Of course, thank you,” Quinn said and the student rushed off leaving them to read and see the lovely gifts they received. “So generous…maybe I can send something back,” she mumbled, reading the letter and looking through the pictures, eyes narrowing as they started to analyze it.

Of course, she could be over things but, there were some odd things she would begin to pick up. Naturally, she assumed mistakes in Rufino’s writing would be since English was a hard language and their native language, but some smaller errors seemed off. Now they were crossed off making it harder to tell what it was, but certainly something to look into.

“Perhaps that’s too nosy…I’m just being paranoid,”
she thought aloud but then looked at the two pictures. At first glance, both were amazing to see, even to see what their pen pal looked like. Yet as she looked a bit closer to study some of the foliage, there was a shocking similarity between the jaguar and Rufino, a similar look or shape in their eyes. Perhaps it was a coincidence but she would take note of that, more thinking it was interesting.

As the day passed, and returned to their room. Quinn would begin to not only prepare her gift but dive into the books she was gifted as well as tend to her new plant, which she so loving decided to name Stella, for no real particular reason other than it just seemed right at the moment.

Given that he was now on break as he mentioned in his letter, Quinn would be able to spend some time carefully thinking about what gifts to send back, as it would seem rude and impolite to send nothing back in return. As much as Quinn would have loved to send a book or two, reading might be too much, especially with the Exams, so they found themselves going back and from the greenhouse, and the potion room, deciding to make more practical gifts.

Wit-Shapening Potion, Potion of Dreamless Sleep, Invigorating Draught, Draught of Peace, Calming Drought, these were all potions that Quinn had quickly learned and made plenty of, having to often buy ingredients for them herself, many of them used to calm her down especially the previous year during intense testing seasons. She also included a handful of ingredients that might be harder to find in CastleBeroux and detailed instructions in case Rufino wanted to make more of any one potion. When Rufino would read it, her innate ability to simplify and explain complex steps would shine, revealing why she would be sought up to teach younger students. It was clear and simple, even including drawings and translation of words for ingredients in Portuguese, which was not easy to figure out, and her draft of the instructions all tossed out, used to help fuel the fire in the Ravenclaw dorm at least for a day. Just before Quinn sends her package, she would include 2 small started plants, Dittany, known for its usage for healing but also curing werewolf bites but not lycanthropy as a whole, and Flitterbloom, which has no practical purposes as far as research goes, it was a popular house plant in England wizard culture at the least. Alongside the two would be little written snippets of these plants and ideal growing conditions.

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

Once the letter was folded up and packed away, she would cast a simple protection charm on the gifts, simply to ensure nothing would break, and let it get sent off, aiming for it to arrive shortly after Rufino would get back from break, give or take a day or so.

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