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Fantasy Journey of Heroes



The God-Emperor of Mankind

  1. Use common sense.
  2. I'm always right.
  3. When I'm wrong, look to the rule above.
  4. Don't be a meanie.
  5. When you get new gear or learn a new spell, add it to your character sheet for safekeeping.
  6. Don't be overpowered.
  7. PM me if you have villain ideas.
  8. Hanarei Hanarei isn't allowed to complain.
  9. Neither is Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel .
  10. He is also not allowed to complain about the fact that he rarely complains and that the rule above is unnecessary.
  11. The rule above also applies to Hanarei, but in her case, it is justified.
  12. No one is allowed to complain, except for me.
  13. Breaking any of these rules will result in a painful execution.
  14. All of the rules from 8 to 13 do not make me into a tyrannic despot, okay? Just the fact that I'm telling you this should be enough due to rules 2 and 3!
  15. Have fun!
  16. We will hold a 'Best Waifu,' 'Best Husbando,' and 'Best Spoken Written Line' contest in OOC halfway through the RP once the characters have interacted enough.
2nd of August. The year is 230 of the calendar, counted ever since all the tribes united to create the kingdom known to sailors from abroad as Albion. Albion is a large country, spanning several islands and a piece of land belonging to a larger continent known as Pangea. The planet's name is Terra, and it is lush with life of all kinds.

The world itself is bleak, teeming with taint. Malevolent dragons taking sacrifices from villagers in the valleys, dark lords ruling over large wastelands, necromancers performing experiments to obtain a longer lifespan, corrupt bureaucrats ruling over extensive cities, or simply the everyday thief. If the world ever needed a hero, it is today that one would be needed most.


"Damn," he said.

In a chair sat a man. A soldier, almost. His body was covered in armor from toe to neck, only his head showing his sulky face and several spots on his body having spaces with ordinary clothing visible underneath. His legs were loosely relaxed on the desk in front of him, and in his hand, he clutched a single golden coin. "A week since my last job. I'm slowly running out of juice."

He sighed, taking a book about the adventures of three goblin brothers and started reading...


D-d-dring! The door opened.

The knight did not even look to see who it was. He pointed behind himself with his thumb. "The toilet's to the back."

... Silence. No response from the person that came in... William looked up.

"Actually, I need some help." A hooded, young girl came forward and sat down opposite of him. No older than 10.

"Your dad died and you want me to avenge him?" he asked as if this happened several times before.

The girl shook her head.

"Good. What happened then?" William replied, staring at her before looking back into the book.

"There's a... um... er..." She stopped.

William looked back up. "There's an 'um' and an 'er,' huh? Damn, that really is a problem. I'm shaking in my boots. We're all going to die," he said, dryly and sarcastically while looking back down at the book.


"So what's the problem?" William's eyes shifted back to the book after he asked, his face returning to apathy.

"A necromancer. There's a necromancer and he's--"

"And so?" he interrupted.

"Er... what?" The girl made a confused face.

"What do you want me to do about the necromancer?"

"S-stop him from raising the dead?"

"Okay, how much will you pay?"

Her confusion surged upward. "P-pay? I thought this was a hero service! That's what it says in the front!"

"Yeah, heroes don't come cheap nowadays, kid," she took his book, "Hey, I was reading that!"

"Please?!" she whimpered softly.


"Pretty please?!" she begged with a sweet voice and a heavy frown.



He gripped the book and wrestled it from her with one pull. "I don't do charity work." He opened it back on the page he was at and resumed reading, apathetic and uncaring for her plight.

"I don't have money!"

"Welcome to the club; me neither, princess," William gestured.

"Y-you're a big jerk!"

"Really!? Add that to the list," he smirked.

The girl got up and prepared to leave, turning away from him and taking a few steps.

"Wait... actually," he stopped her, laying the book down. "It sounds like a good story for a campfire. I'll do it for the thrill, but I'll need you to do me a favor or I can't do it otherwise."

"Can't do, or won't do?" she asked.

"Both. Besides, what's the difference?"

"What's the favor?"

"First, I need you to go and look for coworkers for me."

"Coworkers? Why do you need coworkers?"

"Necromancers are a tricky sort to beat. They rarely face you directly -- instead they hide in their lairs, flooded with zombies, skeletons, and traps. Getting to one is hard, beating one is another adventure on its own. I can do a lot, kid, but I can't beat an army on my own. Maybe if he was a novice, but if he's active enough that a girl like you or any of your relatives picked up on it means he's confident."

"Confident?" The girl didn't understand what he meant.

"Necromancers are not stupid. I can assure you that ninety percent of them do it to discover the secrets of immortality, the other five percent for knowledge, and the other five percent because they want rotting servants. Regardless, nine out of ten necromancers don't intend to leave this world soon. Thus, if a necromancer is confident it means that he will most likely have the power to back it up. I've seen it before; the ones that are confident boast coteries of undead servants and often small armies of rotting zombies."

The girl nodded, understanding him now, but there was another matter on her head. "But... for the thrill?"

"He's a necromancer. I don't need you to pay me. One would figure a mage of any kind will have some expensive stuff on him. I doubt he'll need it in the afterlife, and I'm willing to share, so, spread. The. News."

The girl nodded again, walking out of the store and running outside.

William left shortly after to leave an announcement about it near the board with advertisements and then told every barman at every corner tavern he's looking for comrades to help him beat a nasty warlock. He also mentioned a reward to drag along the cynical mercenaries, but also mentioned the sorcerer kills puppies to attract the idealist hero-wannabes. Perfect. It is only a matter of time before candidates show up.

Hanarei Hanarei Silver Wolf Silver Wolf FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Maki Maki Damafaud Damafaud
(A rather average intro, I'd say. Better than nothing, though.)

William Black
Hero Shop

The same man was reading a book titled 'The Adventures of Senor Frederico Caballero and El Unicornio.'

William flipped a page. His legs were resting at the desk and he was fairly invested in the lecture in his hands. Relaxing quite a bit, he was waiting for any interest regarding the posters and public messages he'd put out everywhere about the necromancer he wants to catch. Hopefully, the wait wouldn't have been fruitless, as he definitely didn't want to fight a necromancer all by himself. Sounds like a good way to end your life.

The room itself was dimly light. Some rays of sunlight peeked in through the windows near the entrance. The floor and walls were made out of oaken wood. Only a few meters of distance separated the desk and the entrance to the supposed hero shop. On William's desk, there laid a sword, a shield, a half-empty mug of steaming black coffee, several unread documents; some of which were still unpaid taxes and notices from the neighbors, and there was also a quill and some ink at the side.

Behind William, on the wall, there were several trophies. Not really anything impressive; the antlers of a deer, the stuffed head of a wolf, and some other animals he had the chance to hunt as a young kid and that he decided to move with him.

The place itself wasn't too impressive, but it looked professional on first glance. A very faint fragrance of coffee and paper lingered in the air, giving the room a sophisticated feel. The decorations on the wall gave the feeling that the owner was experienced, or, well, at least experienced in hunting if not mercenary work, which was still an effective way of drawing attention. There weren't many stimuli when it came to colors, as the room was rather bleak, save for the colored books on the shelf to the left.

William's hand reached to the desk, grabbing his mug of coffee and taking a short sip before he put it back where it was and returned to reading.
Birdsie Birdsie
(No escape.)

Han Alister

It wasn't a particularly brutal day for most. Clear skies, with a dash of sunlight, was the forecast- and it certainly showed such. Now, if you were Han, that was an entirely different story. Considering his very presence scared off most wildlife, as he was coated in dark magic enough that someone with even a novice ability to sense magic could feel the negativity flowing off him in waves. If one couldn't sense magic, they would merely get the feeling this man was decidedly untrustworthy, and that one couldn't trust him around children. His facial features were rough, as he would begin to make his way towards the 'Hero Shop' that promised the task of taking down a necromancer. Maybe it was merely a rumor, but if anything?

He wished to be useful again. It wasn't that absurd of a goal, as he tightened his light cloth cloak around him, obscuring his features and general build, and some might even be unable to detect what gender he was. But so he trudged on, his heavy boots weighing him down with each step.

"That's the issue with a long journey," came the quiet talk to himself, "One always ends up being tired on the way there, and unable to properly function by the time they get into town. Next thing I know, I'll be signing away a contract 'til my life ends." The voice that emitted from the cloak was surprisingly charming, and it would fit right in with some of the more attractive entertainers. But for now, Han kept his hood down, eyes of emerald looking up at the sign in front of him.

Hero Shop.

Reading this made Han take in a deep breath, and hope for the best. Last time he even managed to get this far into a town, he was chased out due to the ugliness of his own little quirks. They never failed to set off a priest who enjoyed to assume before even asking, would then shout Witch! Warlock! Fiend! before he even managed to get five feet in.

And so the fellow placed his hand on the door, and pushed it open. It was time for his debut into this small little place, as he kept his hood down. Anyone within the building could see the beard with silver streaks within, and the plain shirt with a wool vest around it worn below the beard. All the way down to his feet, were the leather greaves and heavy boots, and the easily notable sword hanging at their hip. But the most important part was the negative feeling that most would catch from the man.

The life of a wandering druid was always uncertain. There was no way to predict what the next day would bring you. A wounded living being needing your help? A town having a terrible harvest that needed help to get food for the winter? Curing a sickness affecting all the children of an area? Or simply walking along a path in the forest, chatting with the birds on the way? Such was the life of Chuluujsan.

It had been many years, now, that the cervitaur had left his herd to discover the world and help people with his healing powers. He had faced many obstacles, a few more dangerous than others as the scars on his back could tell, but he had the wits to overcome them. He wasn't mad at those creatures, as they were carnivores only trying to feed themselves. As for the human bandits that attacked him, he had left them to think about their life choice while hanging in a tree for a few hours.

Today, he had arrived in a human town. It was bursting with life as they went about their lives. He got a few look, cervitaurs weren't very commons in those parts of the land. He simply smiled at them with a small bow of the head. His hooves were clanking on the stone path, making a happy rhythm as the hybrid trotted in the city. This town looked peaceful enough. Until his ears caught something.

"Yes! And he's looking for help!"

It was a girl talking to a group of people with insistence. But the group of humans listening to her didn't seem very interested, going back to their task. The human girl looked distressed and sad at their disinterest. So the cervitaur walked to her with a smile.

"Excuse me, my dear. Somebody needs help, you said?"

The girl turned around, her jaw dropping at the sight of the hybrid. Though, she quickly stammered, "Y-yes. A hero is looking for a people to take down a necromancer that has been terrorizing people."

Chul scratched his head. "I see. May I ask you to explain to me what a necromancer is, please?"

"It's an evil mage that raises the deads to do their bidding. And those creatures attack the people in the surrounding area."

"That is horrible! Playing god and preventing the creatures to rest in peace in the afterlife. This is outrageous."

"Yes! Say, wouldn't you help the hero in his quest? This necromancer has to be stopped!"

The cervitaur sighed. "I fear that I am not a fighter, my friend. I am but a noble wandering healer."

The girl chewed her lip, then a bright smile appeared on her face. "That's perfect! The hero said it would be a quest full of danger! I'm sure they will need someone to heal them if they get hurt! You wouldn't need to fight!"

The deer man rubbing his hairy chin. "It is true. I do not want anybody to be killed, but this necromancer has to be stopped."

"So you will help him? Please, please, please!" she begged him, her hands together in front of her.

"I could see if my talents of healer could be put to good use. Maybe it is destiny that I arrived today in the town."

The smile on the girl's face widen. "Perfect! Let me show you the Hero Shop!"

The cervitaur chuckled at the human's happiness, following her quick pace through the city toward that mysterious 'Hero Shop' that was recruiting a band of heroes. Chul simply couldn't resist helping people.
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"It's a bit early for a drink."

"Says the dawrf half way through a bottle of rum."

A hearty chuckled echoed from the stout, beaded man sitting beside the drinking redhead, who smiled with her friend. A gentle breeze blew past them, careening the scent of a warm early morning; scents that filtered through the town streets, setylin on the two sitting outside a small cottage. Her shirt, a size to big, ruffled softly as she sighed.

"About ready then?"

She nodded, "Yes, Franklin, just about. Evil won't stop itself and that little girl sounded sincere. Though..." She paused for a second, taking another swig of bitter water flavored with lemon, "If she's talking about who I think she is, I may not come back im one piece."

"And who do you think it is? And old friend?" The dwarf would chuckle, fully aware he was her only friend at any given time.

"No. I think it's the one putting up posters, asking for help. The man who runs the Hero shop," Nora replied, squinting at the sudden light as a cloud moved away from the sun.

"Bollocks. Him?" The dwarf asked, a twinge of worry filling his voice. "He's just a mercenary."

"Aye. So am I you old fart," She chuckled, standing up. Quiet metal clunking seemed to rise with her, everything belt and below already on. Her chest peice going on soon after she rose, followed by the gauntlets and headband she chose to wear instead of a helmet. Franklin would.mutter someone about how she should get on, only earning a chuckled from the battle hardened woman.

"Stay safe alright? You need to make it to my age. Nothing reckless, use that 'ed of yer's lass," The old man would say, standing to give him friend a hug. She of course would have to been down in order to do so, but a firm bear hug from the old timer was just what she needed.

"Don't have to much fun without me. See you later Franklin," She said, grabbing her rucksack and heading off. Franklin lived a bit outside of Bowerstone, but not to far. She was only a about a two minute walk from it, and since Nora knew the city like the back.of her hand, finding the man she was looking for would be easy.

She heard about him before today. But not much, only knew his last name. Such an odd thing to know about someone before meeting them. But at the moment, it wasn't coming to her. Hmm, anyway, in her way to Franklin this morning, a little girl had asked if she was a hero. Nora said no. The little girl seemed dejected, and explained why she was asking before running off. Intrigued, She had called after the girl to get the full story; and so here she was. On her way, seeking out what may be her final job.

Necromancers were...well they were trouble and sooner or later became everyone's problem. They were a little tricky to deal with and really just aren't a fun type to deal with. They never seem to just die easily and there's always a trick and a convoluted plan for conquering something...the more she thought about it, the more Nora wondered why she doing this?

Somehow during her intense thought and wandering, Nora found herself right infront of the very place she needed to be. "Oh. Wonderful," She said, taking a quick look around the street to make sure that there were no ambushy or assassiny signs. Trust issues, am I right? Parinoid at the best of times.

Reguardless, everything but one seedy character looked fine, so she went on in. And was not expecting there to be people already. She paused, a bit surprised, but shook it off. "Oh, hello. This is the place for the I'm gonna kill a necromancer party isn't it?" She asked, a smooth accent of some kind drenching her words, rather posh, but somewhat rough. (Light Scottish basically)

Birdsie Birdsie HTCOR HTCOR
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FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR

William didn't even look at the first person to enter. "The toilet's to the back," he gestured behind himself.


William looked up. "What's up?" he asked, laying the book down on the desk next to his sword. His eyes examined the man in front of him. As William's gaze pressed against the sword, he looked back up at the bearded man. "You want in on the necromancer job? Great. But the two of us won't do."

Just as the mercenary was about to say something...

D-d-d-ring! Someone else walked in.

"Right," he replied to the question the woman asked, a light smirk painting on his lips at the cheesy entry. "William. William B--... Baragar, a descendant of the Vigar Clan up north. Pleasure to meet both of you." His voice was polite if lazy and slow. Despite that, he stopped for just a moment when saying his surname.

His thoughts were pinned to how quickly the news had spread. He's gotten this job from a little girl no more than a few hours ago. Plenty of mercenaries in town, apparently. That's bad for business. Probably explains why he's so short on cash recently. "Damn," William mused and drew his legs back from his desk, standing up. He looked at the two people that would probably be his co-workers on the upcoming contract.

"So, the two of you? Huh. Alright. You guys wanna schedule a date to go after the nasty necromancer, or do you want to go there right away?" William's hand shifted over to his belt, which included the scabbard he carried his sword in, as well as the shield he used.
"Nora Strauss."

She hesitated before actually saying her name, but if she was going to kill someome with these two, they might as well know her actual name instead of the nickname she would normally give. Stepping in further, side stepping around the man infront of her, She gazed around the "shop".

Like she said before, not much of a shop. It was small, the ceiling was a bit low, and for a hero shop it didn't seem to be very, uh, shop like. Once she had seen pretty much everything in the room, her eyes went to William. He hesitated on his surname, why? Should Nora ask, or wait for it be dramatically revealed later on? Perhaps with and explosions or vauge warning. Nora uh...she reads a lot when she's not busy.

"What's the deal with the little girl running around for ya?" The woman would finally ask, ignoring his question for now. It was a little odd, you have to admit, for a grown man to have a little girl run around advertising for him. Just a little weird. And the girl didn't resemble this man in any way, so that knocks off the little sister explanation. "And, let's deal with it today. Necromancers always get to cocky." Birdsie Birdsie
Chuluujsan followed the girl to this so-called "Hero Shop" a bit farther in the town. She pointed him the door and immediately left to go find more people for the hero, leaving the cervitaur in front of the shop. It was a small building, he already had trouble entering humans home as it was. He could squeeze himself through the door if it wasn't for his antlers.

"Better knock and wait," he said to himself, bringing his fist to the door.

The druid knocked softly at the door, just loud enough to be heard. He took a few steps back and waited. He knew someone was inside because he could hear people talking. His animal hearing was stronger than humans, but he couldn't quite make out of what they were talking about. Not that he wanted to eavesdrop.

The idea of going to fight a necromancer wasn't sitting totally right with the peaceful cervitaur. But it would be safer, like the girl said, if this group of brave heroes had somebody to heal them. He just hoped that this whole ordeal could be dealt without too much blood.

Birdsie Birdsie FireMaiden FireMaiden HTCOR HTCOR
Han Alister

The man paused, before speaking up from underneath his brown cloak. For his own voice, it was slightly rough with a hint of a Germanic accent, as he began his words. "Do you know the location of where the necromancer is? And are they a reoccurring one, or someone who merely popped up out of the woodwork upon a fine day?"

Han took a moment to step aside, allowing the more...posh person to speak. His eyes flicked about the newcomer, wondering if he could identify them- and sadly, he could not for the moment. But such was not always the case with nobility, as their tone implied they were. He'd move over towards the edge of the room, each step of his being quiet. There was not a mere sound emitting from him except for the faint fluttering of his cloak, as he quietly examined the room at large.

It wasn't long before his face turned to look at William once more. "So soldier. Knight. And a...rogue." He'd say, pausing slightly before he said the word 'Rogue', as if the word wasn't something he'd enjoy to say. He'd just keep his body mainly hidden underneath the cloak, allowing the others to come to what conclusion they would.

"Not exactly the best group so far for my sake, but...cheers to hoping we get someone else who can assist my job."

Birdsie Birdsie
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Sidon Dulian Keilen

Streets--->Hero's Shop

Not everything was going well. Talk of a necromancer was spooking the public. Without any clarification on who the necromancer was, the symbol of the Keilen family was his only saving grace. It was displayed on his cloak. A four pointed star emitting an aura that swirled into the form of a cloaked man holding the star.

It was rather damning honestly. His appearance that screamed mage didn't end well with the guards who were on the lookout for a necromancer, another type of mage. The sword strapped high up on the left side of his waist in order to not buldge out of his cloak. He could put it on his back, but he didn't want the off chance of a valuable artifact being stolen. Magic weapons were valuable, and often stolen.

It had been a while walking, gathering information on the rogue necromancer when he came across a young girl. She was pleading for anyone to stop the necromancer. She seemed to be covered in rags and was a slum girl. Of course. Something about abandoned and old areas plagued with famine and death attracted necromancers greatly. It wasn't out of the question either, but most necromancers had questionable practices since the art was driven underground by the Magus Association.

"Please, anyone!" the girl asked another man wandering by. He just ignored her and she hunched her head and began to sit by the wall again. She saw Sidon's boots and looked up. Once she did her face turned pale with fright and she was about to run when Sidon grabbed her collar and held her there. She was screaming for help and people were curious about the situation as they passed by.

"Hold dammit! I'm not who you think I am!" Sidon said in a suppressed voice. She stopped. She was crying now. She looked as if she was about to resign herself to death, but she looked up at Sidon and sniffled. When she did she said, "You aren't?"

"No, I may be a mage, but I'm a good one. Can you tell me anything about the necromancer?"

"Do you want to kill him?" the girl asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Yes. Very much so, kill him, capture him, whatever you want."

Her face lit up with beaming joy, but then it began to fade as a realization crossed her mind. She then asked, "What do you want though?"


"Nothing? Not money, or anything?" the girl asked curiously. Sidon shook his head. The girl didn't question it too much and excitedly dragged Sidon over towards the shop. "I can't believe it! A mage wants to help! That's so much better than random men. You probably know all the ways to stop the necromancer."

Sidon just let it happen. He didn't want to smash the poor girl's hopes. It would probably be better if she continued to see mages as powerful and mysterious. After all, there was a reason mages were in the hole they were. All he could hope to do was dig the ones who didn't want to dig deeper dig out.

Birdsie Birdsie Mystikelh Mystikelh FireMaiden FireMaiden HTCOR HTCOR
Location: Hero Shop​

Light blue eyes glanced about as the 'young woman' wandered through the town. Her long white hair stood out along with her very vibrant eyes. The woman was well endowed as many would say, her curved frame not at all seeming to be hidden away much. Her light blue Kimono clung to her frame, the top left off from her shoulders as her cleavage teased with the top almost looking as if it might fall away at any moment to expose herself. Despite the seemingly seductive look she put on, her expression seemed quite innocent. She didn't look in the least bit the seductress type looking with complete curiosity as she made her way through the town.

It had been sheer happenstance that had suddenly drawn Youko's eyes over curiously to the sign. "Hero... shop?" She spoke, a finger reaching up to tap at her own chin. She scratched at it seeming to be quite puzzled by it. She had heard of weapon shops and the like where people could purchase things like her but something with the revers existed? She didn't think there was to many of her type seeking strapping an able types to treat her nice. Truthfully... she wasn't sure she really wanted one or was ready for one... but the notion of seeing a place with heroes looking to be picked up seemed to fascinating for her to pass by!

She opened the door with a vibrate smile on her lips. The misleadingly seductive woman glanced inside a she stepped inside. "Hello! I wanted to see the fine selection of heroes that might be for sale here! I'm not relaly planning to buy... I am kind of without money... I was just hoping to browse out of curiousity sake. I'm not sure if I'm really ready to give myself to any of you all yet." She spoke speaking in innuendo... completely unintentionally as the rather strange mystical woman looked on seeing... a rather strange crowd of people around leaving her all the more confused not at all wasting much time in coming off a bit air headed in the process.

Birdsie Birdsie Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Mystikelh Mystikelh FireMaiden FireMaiden HTCOR HTCOR
FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei

"She's the client," William explained. "I assumed her dad died and she wanted some vengeance but didn't have the psyche to train herself for ten years and become the protagonist of a new best-seller. She probably saw the necromancer messing with his grave or something when visiting it. My guess might be just as good as yours, though."

William buckled up, his belt now firmly attached to his waist. Next, he put on a mail vest that reached down all the way to his thighs, before strapping on several plates of armor onto it, such as his shoulder pads and gauntlets. He reached under the desk, slipping his helmet on top of his head.


"No time like the present to get this done."

And then... a weird woman entered the room. The knight turned in her direction. "Do I look to you like I'm for sale? Or any of them? I mean, I am. For hire. Not for sale. Do I look like a slave... or slave lord to you? Besides, no money, no deal." He made note of the woman's bizarre language, like 'give herself to any of them.' Was that meant to be hinting at something, or was it in a more literal sense? Was she looking for work? Like a maid and master kind of deal?

The knight slowly walked across the room. "We're busy with a necromancer either way. Come back later." He walked past Youko.

"You coming? I'll fill you in on the details on the way." William looked back at his supposed companions.
Hmm, did that sound real? Nora furrowed her bros for a second, but shrugged it off. Reguardless, she was here now, and wether the story he was telling is true or not, the necromancer was. She had heard about him from other people, and possibly saw him while coming I to towns few days ago.

"Alright," She finally said, "Lead t-" A strange woman walked in. Gorgeous, but...my god she sounded a little dumb. There was another form outside, but she couldn't see who it was. William was laying into the girl who thought they were for sale; like seriously, who would think they're for sale? For hired, yes, because Nora was pretty sure everyone in the room was a mercenary.

Once William was done, Nora shimmed past the new woman to follow him. "I wonder what that was about."

Birdsie Birdsie Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Hanarei Hanarei
Chul waited patiently, tilting his head to the side. Nothing. Maybe they simply didn't hear him knocking, too absorbed by their conversation. The cervitaur was right about to knock again when a human girl zoomed pass him, entering the shop. The hybrid opened his mouth to say something, but it was too late, the door was closing again. He pouted. He really should learn to be more assertive.

The male trampled on the spot in an uneasy manner, his hooves clicking on the stone under him. But then, a person in full armor walked out and his bright smile was back on his face.

"Hello there, my friend. I am Chuluujsan, a noble wandering druid," he said, putting a hand over his heart and bowing slightly. He straightened again, not taking his hand off his torso. "I heard of your mission to put a stop to a necromancer wreaking havoc in the region. I am not a fighter, but I would gladly offer my services to aid you as a healer. I have trained for many years in healing magic and nature magic. I can make all sorts of potion with herbs and plants. Also, I have a good sense of direction so we will not get lost. There is no need to pay me. Money is irrelevant for me. I receive everything I need from the forest."

Chuluujsan always talked in long sentences and in many words. He also never used contractions, apparently. Well spoken and soft, he immediately gave a friendly vibe to anybody he met. Of course, this could be seen as an easy target to some people and they wouldn't be wrong. But despite being gullible, the cervitaur had a strong sense of right and wrong.

He stood there, looking at William with a smile, waiting for his response.

Birdsie Birdsie
Location:Hero Shop

Youko looked on, a bit surprised by the response she got. She blinked a bit confused, scratching at her chin. Slave? She was a bit puzzled by the notion, not at all expecting that sort of response. Her knowledge and understand of the mortal world wasn't exactly the most exact. As much as she might of 'tagged along' during it most of her time was in a much more basic thought process. Her more alert years she was only used sporadically and never even to her full extent in a partial hibernation. The response itself seemed a bit... confusing to her? She wasn't really sure how to react to it given her limited knowledge on things.

Her eyes glanced over, looking curiously at red haired woman, noticing her expression being a bit puzzled by it. As William stumbled forward she shuffled forward a bit looking on a sense of curiosity filling her. The voluptuous woman shuffled a bit as she seemed generally fascinated by the entire event before her even after having been verbally lashed at a bit by the leader of the group. A necromancer? She could only suspect it was some sort of evil person that was worthy of a hero to be purchased to take care of it.

"Ooo! That seems interesting, can I go and see how you all do? I promise I won't get in the way! You can even use me if you really want...though I do like to know you a bit better before I let you touch me. I've been mishandled before and I prefer to be a bit more careful in letting someone handle me." She spoke in a bit of a ditsy manner. Her words paused a bit as she peeked out noticing the strange centaur man. She tilted her head to the side not quite use to seeing such a being, much of her time having been spent primarily around normal human beings, never having been drawn around such a creature to even have a faint recollection of it. She held her hand behind her back, leaning over as if flaunting her chest a bit though doing so completely in an unintentional manner as she looked at him with childlike wonder.

Birdsie Birdsie Mystikelh Mystikelh FireMaiden FireMaiden
Han Alister

Han took a moment to look at the crowd of people, before looking at the 'maiden' of sorts. His eyes traced over her face, wondering who she could be- kimonos like such were normally a sign of luxury. That, and the fact that she seemed innocent to the eyes was rather...surprising. Or just the usual succubus trying to damn him to hell. Granted, this wouldn't be the first time his instincts said someone was 'okay' while the truth was actually they were a demon.

"Missus, I'd offer to help but...you seem like the type I cannot assist. Or unwilling to assist, if your words speak true to what I believe they mean- if you think yourself unclear, feel free to clarify your meaning so my mind changes upon the topic."

There was another pause, as he spoke on. "And a necromancer is no place for someone who wishes to merely tag along. Legions of the damned and dying are not a place that makes protecting one easy. So...who may you be, and how shall yourself be brought to the place you belong?"

And with that, Han went quiet, moving to the side, the malevolent curse still emitting its aura off of him. He was easily within sight of everyone, simply next to the door as William had opened it to talk with this druid figure.

Birdsie Birdsie
Hanarei Hanarei
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Mystikelh Mystikelh
Anyone else I forgot...?
Sidon Dulian Keilen

Hero Shop

The young girl barged in with little notice to the shop just as Youko had opened her mouth again. After the girl dragged him in, she excitedly announced, "Look look! I found a mage! Is this going to help against the necromancer?"

Sidon looked at the exchanges and scoffed. This woman dressed rather revealingly was saying some pretty odd things, but from those words alone he thought he would hit the nail on the head as to what was happening. As such, the first words Sidon said as he entered the building was, "Before I speak any terms of contract or consider joining, can I have an explanation why there's a whore trying to sell herself?"

It made sense to him. The revealing attire, the almost clear as daylight innuendos that most prostitutes spoke, and the way she was standing with her arms behind her back leaning forward that revealed some rather...attractive areas didn't help either. The girl's face turned pale at his words and she looked utterly terrified about something. She wanted to say something, but she was too shocked. Sidon continued to stand though, waiting for an answer.

Hanarei Hanarei HTCOR HTCOR Birdsie Birdsie FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh
William Black
Streets of Bowerstone

FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei

William looked at the newly-arriving cervitaur. "Good. A healer is always welcome. Being bitten and clawed to death by zombies is the last way I want to die."

And then, the bizarre woman with blue hair once again made an equally bizarre statement. William's expression was dry under his helmet, but that could be hard to read from his voice alone. "I honestly don't care. You can come along, just don't complain when you get shot by a stray arrow fired by a skeleton archer. It's hell you're walking into."

"The necromancer should live near the forest, in some grotto or abandoned mine. It's the most convenient placement considering how close the graveyard is, so that's where we'll look."

"And yes," William turned to the girl that told him of the necromancer. "You've done very well."

Then he looked at Sidon. "I doubt she's a whore, and you have nothing to discuss. You're either down for it, or not. Once we kill the necromancer, we're sharing the loot he had on himself equally - excluding me. I do it for the thrills but I'll take anything you guys don't."

William smirked and looked outside. He walked onto the busy streets and stood by the door to his business, waiting for each of his new allies to leave the building so he could close and lock the door.

Thievery isn't that rare in the capital, but it's not booming wide with it either, considering the guard's ever-present grip on the place. The streets themselves had plenty of paved rocky roads and a bunch of buildings with wider second floors, creating this kind of 'tunnel' feel to the place. The buildings were typically two to four floors tall, albeit one could see taller locales from time to time, especially houses belonging to the odd rich judge, or a local aristocrat or wealthy trader that came to sell exotic trades like rare alchemical ingredients, special dragon fruit, or just sugar and spices from the far east in addition to meat from the isles. The streets were busier than busy, with the crowds walking through being like a sea of humans, elves, dwarves, and other, more alien races. They only made way for the guard patrols that marched through in groups ranging from six to ten, depending on the size of that particular road. The capital was like a magnet for mercenaries, as well, and the hero shop wasn't the only place where one could hire a sword or archer in the city, but the whole 'adventuring' business had been dying out lately causing a rise in dark lord activity that has never been seen before.

The infrastructure of the city was similar to a hive, as it laid on top of a tall mountain. It was easily defendable, with two walls, one protecting the inner 'rich' district, and an outer wall protecting the city at large. The palace-slash-fortress in the middle is where the royal family lived. There were also a few towers and gates for easy movement as well as a large, more ominous mage tower belonging to the court archwizard near the fortress. The magical research lately has been increasing and creating a very comfortable way for the army to travel between cities; with the 4 major ones in all of Albion being connected with large teleportation sigils that allowed for troops to be transported more quickly. Many of the pious commoners were against magic, seeing it as a thing that belongs to celestial beings and gods alone. Whatever the case, one can't help but admire the large, 30-meter wide street that led to the royal castle, known as 'Holystone Street,' where roughly fifteen statues of the country's past rulers were built, with roughly forty-five more places with free space for more.

Enough socio-political exposition for now.
Ignoring the weird conversation behind her, Nora was one of the first out the door. Squinting slightly at the sudden bright light compared to the hero shop, the woman smiled. There was something about this city she always enjoyed. While she did somewhat hate how crowded it always was, she had good memories here. There was a baker who made the best sweet rolls that her and her siblings would get everything they came. She still gets one every now and then. Nora's eyes fell.upon a groups of little girls, running through the crowd giggling about something, causing her to chuckle lightly but stop quickly when something dawned on her.

They didn't have a plan.

So far, all she knew was that they were gonna go fight a necromancer and his undead armies, but there was no real plan for doing that. Just...change in guns blazing? Or would William share once they got there? Nora felt a small twinge of worry form in her gut, but for now, she's gonna have to deal with it. Instead, with a quick glance behind her, she had to ask. "So, you do have a plan for this right?"

(Tags don't work when I'm in town. Which is weird)
Han Alister

It wasn't long for Alister to make his way through the door, his feet carrying himself after William. It wasn't more than a moment for him to briefly give a name for the man to call himself by, as to help him understand who he was, and his role within this party- as most didn't seem to have any hint of his talents.

"Sai. I would be Han. Specialize in covert activity. Feel free to utilize me in a reasonable fashion." Was what the man said, before he glanced over at the Mage. There was a brief pause as he looked at them, a memory flowing through his mind- but not for more than a moment. And so Han gave him a nod, before looking on to the main street, and the species all around.

"And I'd vote figuring out how to flush them out more, rather than a direct confrontation..." he said, concern lacing his voice. He was not in the mood to deal with a necromancer in their own lair- they could be a lich, for all he knew. And the last he fought a lich was a story he didn't have. He'd pause, before taking a moment to move back and slightly guard the beautiful naive one, assigning himself as her bodyguard. It was a comfortable thing for him to do, as it reminded him of the past.

He'd flick his hood back, allowing his features to show- a handsome face and all, easily being some court-bred noble, or something akin to such. At the very least, he took care of his appearances, and didn't decide to make himself seem like the majority of the people upon the streets.

His cloak was slowly pulled off as well, revealing the eight pointed stars imprinted onto his back, with the silver thread that was sewn into his bracers and emerald colored coat. Now, he looked like some proper adventurer- or a blueblood mage of sorts, considering he wore no metal except his shortsword.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Birdsie Birdsie
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Hanarei Hanarei
Mystikelh Mystikelh
Did I forget anyone?
Chul smiled at the knight's approval about his offering of help. He always had everything on himself in the bag hanging onto his back and ready to go. He watched carefully the others that were probably going to go too, not intruding in their discussions. They were talking about a plan to take down the necromancer. Yes, a plan was always wise. Going into the unknown without being prepared was a bad idea.

"Do we know about the area where that necromancer has settled?" he added. "Know about the terrain can always prevent bad surprises. We would not want to be ambushed in a dead end or something like that. We can never be too prepared, you know."

He turned to the others behind William with a smile. "Where are my manners. Greetings, I am Chuluujsan the druid. It is an honor to meet all of you. If you feel ill or you are wounded, tell me immediately."
William Black
Streets of Bowerstone

William stopped in his tracks. A plan? Er.... "Pff-Of course I have a plan!" he replied in a tone that suggested it was obvious that he had one. His brows struggled not to tremble in frustration and tension. His mind raced to think of something very quick...




"Okay, I don't have a plan," he finally admitted, sighing. William's hands laid on his waist as he looked at the ground. Before long, he looked up at the group of mercenaries that he was now 'leading.' He opened his mouth to speak, but Hal was already in the move to give him advice. "Yes, that's a good idea. Flushing him out is better than fighting our way through his traps and zombies. I know the necromancer is somewhere near the cemetery, west of the city. There's a forest there and a few caves. That's where his base is. If any of you have any ideas... any ideas regarding this, I'm all ears."

With no better plan of his own, he opened himself to suggestion from the group. Cooperation was key, so it was better to put everyone's talents into a plan than thinking one up by himself and forcing it on everyone. That would not only be unjust but also terribly stupid.

FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei
That small peach pit of worry was starting to grow. It was now obvious William didn't have much experience when it came to leading a group, so in hindsight, blindly agreeing to come along was not a good idea. But, Han stepped up an suggest trying to flush the necromancer out. Pondering for a second, Nora nodded.

"That's a good idea. Forcing them out of those comfort zone could give us the upper hand. A few of us could do that while the others lay in wait for an ambush," Nora said, mostly to herself, but wasn't hiding her thoughts from anyone. "Hmm, that could go bad quickly though....we could set soemthing to blow near the...no, that would only give them another way out..." Nora continued to mutter, brows furrowed.

Eventually, she'd look around at the group, then back at William, "What we do to flush them out is gonna depend on what we see when we find them. We're gonna have to come up with our final plan once we see where they are, and what we're working with."

Birdsie Birdsie Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hanarei Hanarei
Elrich Antiochus

The young warlock had just finished his tea, and stood up from his chair. A tavern wench made her way to him, preparing to take his dishes for cleaning. It was not Elrich's first time staying at this pub, and he happened to know this wench quite well - moreso than through just acquaintance. "Elrich, will you be returning soon?" She said, nervously fiddling with the rag in her hands. Elrich ran his thumb along her chin, "It's not my place to know of our fates. That being said, I feel as though our fates are intertwined. I shall return someday soon... and I eagerly await another rendezvous in your chambers." He lifted her chin, reclaiming his hand from her face, causing her to catch her breath a moment. Elrich smirked, and stepped out the door, the wench nearly swooning as she observed him leaving.

The bustle of the city was nearly deafening at this time of the day, and the warlock stretched and adjusted to the noise and activity. Well done with that tavern wench - that line sounded rehearsed, Elrich said to himself - or rather, he heard his own voice in his head speak to him. The speech startled him for a moment, before he remembered; this was no longer a rare occurrence, not since his unwitting enslavement to a cosmic entity. He would think to himself on some occasions, and on others his own voice would speak to him, though it was cursed with dark magic, or Elrich assumed as much.

Perhaps you've forgotten about your wife?

Elrich swallowed nervously, reminded of the life he had left behind. Ignoring the torment of his mind, he made his way through the city streets. There was a young girl yelling about a necromancer in the town square, which caught his interest. The crowd that formed around her was too big to penetrate, however, so Elrich backed against a building to focus on listening. As he did so, he heard the crunch of paper. Turning around, he saw a large poster - NECROMANCER threatens BOWERSTONE, and then below it, hastily added in with childish handwriting, APPLY at the HERO SHOP!

The warlock rubbed his chin, Indeed, a necromancer is bad news... ah, so it is up to a fellow necromancer to slay him in hypocrisy? I am no necromancer, nor did I choose to carry these powers. I might as well do some good with them. Despite the argument in his mind, Elrich had made his decision. He planned to seek out this Hero Shop. As he turned to begin his search, he saw a group of the strangest warriors he'd ever seen - a cervitaur? Some buxom, pale-skinned woman in a kimono? Some gentleman with an aura of magic surrounding him so dark, he'd likely get along well with Elrich's evil-tainted conscience. Around these characters were a gaggle of rag-tag soldiers. "Well, I believe my search is over." Elrich muttered to himself, approaching the group.

"Excuse me, are you the heroes in search of the necromancer? I'm a... I-I'm a wizard, and I believe my arcane powers can aid you. Call me Elrich."
Location: Streets​

Youko seemed a bit puzzled by Han as he spoke, confused as to what was unclear. She was further tkaen a bit back by his comment on a necromancer. The whole notion of it being usual for a weapon to be wandering around wasn't at all in her thought process, particularly given she took on such a form. It was only natural given where she originated from her appearance would take on the more visually appealing elements from that location along with the wardrobe. In some part her being perhaps reflected a crude idealistic image of her creators daughter... granted likely in a much more 'liberated' form.

It was Sidon however that had managed to snap the weapon out of her thoughts looking towards him. ".... but I'm not asking you to pay to have me..." She muttered under her breath a bit confused looking up. Thinking more on it didn't seem to make much sense to her. As far as she knew a whore was one who took money in order to provide services. She would provide it for free if they liked. Though wasn't that typically associated with tasks of a more 'intimate' nature? She was only left more confused by being called such a thing thinking about it in such a fashion. She didn't think of the obvious fact they had no clue what she was.

She followed along, listening to the planning staring curiously over. She listened to their planning (or more in particular... a decent lack of one as they fumbled to put one together on a whim) simply nodding as she followed around rather care free not at all seeming phased by the warnings she was given. It wasn't as if she was carrying any weapons on her for them to really suspect she could do much, and her outfit left little for the imagination, never-mind a place to store weapons of tools on her person. She looked to the red head who seemed to try and add a bit more to their 'leader's lack of a plan only to find something else caught her eyue.

She looked ahead, hearing a new voice. A bright smile was on her lips She stared at Elrich prancing ahead. She heard the nervous wizard, bending over a bit as if to emphasize her bust (albeit unintentionally) looking towards him. "Hello sir! It is nice to meet you! They are working on going for the necromancer, though they do currently lack a a solid plan. A lot of vague concepts but none of which are accompanied by actual solid methods in which they might properly allow their method of attack to function. It is nice to meet!, I am Youko!" She spoke out coming out bubbly, her words not at all seeming pointed speaking it so 'matter of fact' not at all looking to intend to be mocking them or anything in the process.

Birdsie Birdsie FireMaiden FireMaiden Mystikelh Mystikelh HTCOR HTCOR Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Khanmon Khanmon

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