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Dice JoJo's Bizarre Roleplay: Shades of Heaven


Just a sweet transvestite

  • First step: Set up an account on: Myth-Weavers - Powered by vBulletin

    From there.

    When filling out your character sheet, fill the "Identity" section of your sheet with: "MODE: Type" , "STAND: Example Name", or "RIPPLE gimmick-focus"





    Insert purple-prosy description of your beautiful beautiful special snowflake here. Or toss in an image. Whatever.


    Your big, long, tragic, dramatic, heroic (or vile) backstory!

    Musical Inspirations:

    Songs that match the character! Songs the character was named and themed for! Music!

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    Name: Rammes Stein
    Power: MODE: Metal
  • Heritage Pool: 7
    A hulking wall of a man, Stein towers over most men; in both sheer musculature and height. Every muscle defined, every inch of him ripped and corded in various ways; his blonde hair frames a beatific face, the angelic cast of his face only ruined by the bloody red eyes that gleam from his brow. His default expression is a sardonic smile, those unnerving eyes gleaming bright in the shadows. While he prefers a more antiquated manner of dress, he has enough understanding to wear more modern, appropriate clothes when needed; favoring army boots, jeans, and a heavy leather coat when doing so.

  • History: Many years ago, there was a young boy in Germany. The son of a local Lord, he was taught the arts of war and battle from a young age, taught the bible and faith of the Catholics by rote, and fed with the holy words of God and Church for his youngest years. Raised in a castle near the Black Forest, he yearned eternally for many things. For Glory and Honor as a warrior, for the love of his father, and for the righteousness of his faith- he yearned for it all. When he was fifteen, the Crusades where called. When he was fifteen, he marched to war. He returned three years later- his father dead, his faith murdered, and his soul frayed thin. Bathed in the oceans of blood shed at the Temple of Solomon, wreathed in the screams of women and children from the streets of countless Muslim cities, his dreams echoing with the crackle and pop of the countless flames that burned down whole cities of lives. It was on his trip home that he found it- a most curious mask.. something that intrigued him dearly. It caught his fancy- and he took it home with him.
    His righteousness spent, he turned himself towards managing his home and devising the workings of the mask. He took to wearing it while making his pronouncements, and studying it in his spare time. He discovered that it would spring out with painful metal spikes when exposed to blood; but not the why or how of it.. He discovered that truth after a specimen who he exposed to the mask returned as a vampire- and was barely slain by quick use of a torch and his blade. Still- that only fed his curiosity.. but by then, the peasantry had had enough of their Sinful Crusader Lord. He was slain by a mob with pitchforks and torches- but it was not the end. Having managed to don the mask before he was slain, he rose again- and with the unnatural strength of a monster and the honed skills of a boy born and bred for war, he rent his way through the people who he had called his subjects. It was a mad frenzy of hate and rage- the feelings of betrayal settling deep into his soul as he rampaged across the countryside.
    Who knows what horrors he might have wreaked- but his madness was cut short. A traveling priest came upon the scene of horror- and steeling himself, lashed out with arts learned from a foreign wise man; The Ripple. It tore through the legions of the damned Stein had made of his own soldiers- and nearly spelled his end for good, as well- blade against fists, light against shadow, the battle was waged for hours before it came to an end- Stein forced back time and time again, until he lept from the top of his castle... into a deep, dark lake. Winter was just beginning- and soon he was frozen to the bottom of it all.. damned to silence and shadow for years.
    It was the second world war that awoke him. Blood from a nearby concentration camp had soaked into the earth and water of the lake- and some faint traces and trickles reached the buried monster. He awoke in the depths- his body mended and healed, but weak and atrophied from centuries at the bottom of a lake. He surfaced- and what he found disgusted him. He rent apart the soldiers of the Camp for his first meal- and then he left, dissapearing into the night. He has wandered the world since, and grown only more disillusioned. He knows what he is, and glories in it- but he looks at the works of man, and see's only the darkest corners of it all, the most vile of men and wretched of deeds- and it fills him with a terrible rage.
    He feels this world is rotten to the core, and that something has to be done about it. He's not sure what, or how- but he knows that this world needs to be fixed. Perhaps it needs a villain, a monster, to unite the people against it- or perhaps it needs an invincible messiah to herald a new age. He knows not which- but he will seek a better future at any cost.... and above all, ensure that he may live fabulously forever.

  • Musical Inspirations:


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Name: Iron Maiden

Power: Mode--Dark





Tens of thousands of years ago, there existed an early human species possessed of powerful intellects, fearsome physical might, and a deathly aversion to sunlight. Aeons later, they would come to be known as the Pillar Men. At the time, they did not require such names for themselves, for all else in their world was hostile, hateful, and bent upon their destruction. And so for them, it was a matter of Us vs Them. Friend or Foe.

That changed, swiftly and fatally, when a mad genius by the name of Kars introduced his plan to excise their weakness to the sun, to the other human tribes who wielded its power, and install them as the supreme creatures on Earth. It only had one, slight problem. It came at the cost of their humanity. Based upon experiments he conducted upon other human species, Kars had created a form of stone mask capable of nigh-supernatural feats of acupuncture, able to unlock the hidden potential within a race...be it turning homo sapiens into vampires or turning homo columna into element-controlling, immortal, near-invincible demigods.

His fellows decried him as mad. They called him a monster. They called him a fool. They died for that. Kars spared two members of his species beyond his own inner circle. Infants known as Wham and Santana. All else were cutdown without mercy or remorse.

And, as far as he knew, that was that for the rest of his race.

He was wrong.

Among those present for Kars' presentation of his findings and his subsequent massacre of his own species was a woman known as Maiden. To all subsequent record, she died that day. Her skin was split, and her blood was shed. But for all the horror in store for her in the future, Maiden had an advantage: she was, in her own strange way, lucky. When Kars himself opened her entrails to the open, Maiden was cast aside to fall amongst the masks the madman had brought to convert his kindred to his cause. Driven in equal measure by hatred and by terror, Maiden let herself become a monster and donned a stone mask, letting her blood activate the diabolical device. Transformed by Kars' creation, she found herself beset by a horrible hunger, one which drove her to feast upon the remains of friend, family, and foe alike. Horrified by her own actions and terrified of what would happen to her if found by her foes, Maiden called to the darkness, begging it to swallow her up and hide her from her enemies.

It did, and she escaped.

She spent years hunting and hiding in the Pillar Men's wake. Moving through and murdering the monsters they left behind them as she did. Eventually, however, she found herself forced to hibernate, no longer able to sustain such a high level of activity as once she had.

For a time, she knew no more.

New York City, 2015:

Tragedy struck the world of Art and the Met last night as the final night and pinnacle of a week-long exposition of Mesoamerican art and artifacts ended in horror as an armed robbery disrupted the unveiling of the piece de resistance of the entire exposition. The standoff between the theives and police ended in bloodshed around the immense stone mural-work which formed the key item in the exhibition. From there, reports disagree about what occurred, all that is known is that several died and many more were injured in what appears to have been a freak explosion. In a great loss to art and academia, the mural was destroyed in the ensuing chaos.

Musical Inspirations:









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Name: Rosie gunnery

Power: Stand: November Rain

Heritage pool: 7



Little more then a torso with eight large arms and a head on top, this stand bears a resemblance to a native totemic eagle then a human, seemingly comprised completely of wood and feathers this six armed, eagle headed torso stands just behind Rosie once summoned, withdrawing from it's back holsters a gun for each arm to use it's blast ability. These guns can be disarmed from the hands but return to it in under 5 seconds, the arms can also be used to deal with various tasks in day to day live such as.


Doing your laundry

Peeling an orange

Giving somebody one hell of a bear hug.



Denying your place at a creator god's side because he made your daughter cry.

Making fruit salad!

And many other wonderful things!


Now I know what your thinking. "Rosie? what kind of name is that?" Well its his name, and you best stop snickering because hes got one hell of an ear and an even better gun arm. Now if anybody knows about Johnny Cash his story is reminiscent to one of his songs, a boy growing up in a harsh world where his father named him Sue, so he grew up tough, he grew up mean, and hunted down his father in the name of vengeance, only to get to full story and go off a better man... However in this story Rosie shot the ass hat deader then a movie club for the blind, not to mention he ended up being one of his targets as a merc, two birds, one stone and a filled pocket, hell he bought night vision goggles with the money so he may as well consider it a present from the old bastard!

All in all hes seen quite abit of stuff in his line of work, worked for many people and not always on the right side of the law, more like the left side of it, when the law takes most of the sun and you can walk comfortably in the shade, saying he had a life of turmoil wouldn't exactly be true, in fact once he got good at his job, things just sorta became routine... Work for one criminal mastermind you've worked for them all, besides, generally people who come after the big bad evil guy aren't exactly the killing type... most the time. Regardless, he ain't above runnin' away, even if he has to take down a building or two to get the message of "Don't follow me or there will be more structural integrity damage" across people's minds.

Take life as it comes, thats how he lives, money is what matters.

Musical Inspirations:

Heres the song that made me go for this.

And heres the song that gave me the back story~!


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Character Sheet: My Sheet ^_^

Name: Suzaki Simon Konomi




Simon's stand appearance is that of a woman with her face half covered, wearing a combination of dress and armor and also wielding a whip as a weapon. She exudes an aura of cold, a trait she confers to Simon often.


When Simon was young, he was shunned by his father and ignored by his scared mother, because he had lacked talent while his older sister was a prodigy whose talents offered the sole income for their home. Despite his parents' treatment of him, Simon's sister was a constant support. She loved him, cared for him, and taught him many things, including how to play different instruments. Of all of the things she taught him, the one thing he always remembered were the words,"If you can't be the best at anything, then you should try your best to at least be capable of everything."

After Simon's sister died in an accident, his father fell into depression and became alcoholic. He started to abuse his son and wife. Finally, unable to cope with her husband, Simon's mother took a stand moved out with her son. However, after a few months, Simon's father found his way to their house and assaulted Simon's mother. Simon, after being smacked in the face by his father, awakened his Stand out of fear and desperation. His father was frozen solid, along with his mother when she touched him in an attempt to calm him down.

With all of his family gone that night, Simon ran away, and for a time, that was all there was to his story...

In recent years, A popular red headed musician has emerged who is making waves across America. He's become quite popular, he maintains his personal space from the public, keeping to himself, and escaping the press and fanatics consistently after every performance. Something of note, however, is the chilling presence he seems to leave behind at every venue...

Musical Inspirations:

(This is the Artist that provided the name, and the anime it was used in provided the concept for my stand, and some traits of my character.)


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Since they have apparently added a new rule restricting media usage in posts, I will now be editing this copy, so as to leave my original media references intact in the post above.


Name: Iron Maiden

Power: Mode--Dark

Heritage Pool: 4





Tens of thousands of years ago, there existed an early human species possessed of powerful intellects, fearsome physical might, and a deathly aversion to sunlight. Aeons later, they would come to be known as the Pillar Men. At the time, they did not require such names for themselves, for all else in their world was hostile, hateful, and bent upon their destruction. And so for them, it was a matter of Us vs Them. Friend or Foe.

That changed, swiftly and fatally, when a mad genius by the name of Kars introduced his plan to excise their weakness to the sun, to the other human tribes who wielded its power, and install them as the supreme creatures on Earth. It only had one, slight problem. It came at the cost of their humanity. Based upon experiments he conducted upon other human species, Kars had created a form of stone mask capable of nigh-supernatural feats of acupuncture, able to unlock the hidden potential within a race...be it turning homo sapiens into vampires or turning homo columna into element-controlling, immortal, near-invincible demigods.

His fellows decried him as mad. They called him a monster. They called him a fool. They died for that. Kars spared two members of his species beyond his own inner circle. Infants known as Wham and Santana. All else were cutdown without mercy or remorse.

And, as far as he knew, that was that for the rest of his race.

He was wrong.

Among those present for Kars' presentation of his findings and his subsequent massacre of his own species was a woman known as Maiden. To all subsequent record, she died that day. Her skin was split, and her blood was shed. But for all the horror in store for her in the future, Maiden had an advantage: she was, in her own strange way, lucky. When Kars himself opened her entrails to the open, Maiden was cast aside to fall amongst the masks the madman had brought to convert his kindred to his cause. Driven in equal measure by hatred and by terror, Maiden let herself become a monster and donned a stone mask, letting her blood activate the diabolical device. Transformed by Kars' creation, she found herself beset by a horrible hunger, one which drove her to feast upon the remains of friend, family, and foe alike. Horrified by her own actions and terrified of what would happen to her if found by her foes, Maiden called to the darkness, begging it to swallow her up and hide her from her enemies.

It did, and she escaped.

She spent years hunting and hiding in the Pillar Men's wake. Moving through and murdering the monsters they left behind them as she did. Eventually, however, she found herself forced to hibernate, no longer able to sustain such a high level of activity as once she had.

For a time, she knew no more.

New York City, 2015:

Tragedy struck the world of Art and the Met last night as the final night and pinnacle of a week-long exposition of Mesoamerican art and artifacts ended in horror as an armed robbery disrupted the unveiling of the piece de resistance of the entire exposition. The standoff between the theives and police ended in bloodshed around the immense stone mural-work which formed the key item in the exhibition. From there, reports disagree about what occurred, all that is known is that several died and many more were injured in what appears to have been a freak explosion. In a great loss to art and academia, the mural was destroyed in the ensuing chaos.

  • Name: Tyler A. Zeppeli

    Power: Ripple - Generalist




    Tyler A. Zeppeli. Great-grandnewphew of the deceased Caesar Zeppeli. Great-great-great-grandson of William A. Zeppeli. It's a big legacy to live up to. Emphasis on live - because they both died, and Tyler ain't going out like that!

    Being a Zeppeli, training in the Ripple began once he was of sufficient age and health. Before that, physical training that hadn't any match in a dozen gyms put together. And when the time came... it was his twin sister, Taylor that seemed to get the big nod.

    Tyler wasn't sure why he felt that, but she always seemed to get the techniques a little better, more approval... and while the Speedwagon Foundation appreciated his being sent to them, he got the sense that Taylor was being prepped for bigger things.

    Such concerns and anxieties he channeled into his work - and in beating down vampires. Now, after a few years of field experience, they called him back to New York.

    Musical Inspirations:

    Tyler's theme music: [media]

    Taylor Zeppeli is a Taylor Swift focus.

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