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Dice JoJo's Bizarre Roleplay: Shades of Heaven

SephirothSage said:
but you wouldn't put a spoiler on a motorcycle, it's pointless and just makes you look like a twat.
took me abit but I get yea.

Also looking for armor, since my boyo is abit squishy, and I still don't fully understand the mechanics behind being hurt, thankfully I've done a somewhat good job of not being shot.
all good man.

god dman I am so bored, I mean I got things to do on this site, but nothing i wnat to do yea know?
:| Man, two days, looks like they might take a bit longer to turn up. I might have to open some recruiting. Now'd be a good way to hook some people in, since I have a bit of a WHAM coming up. Said WHAM (Not the pillar man WHAM!, just a WHAM) making a good excuse for some Speedwagon Employees to get some field work!
Alrighty, i don't see why we can't get some more folks in.

we need more beefcake around here, Stein is muscled as fuck but we need some more.

Like, Part 1 character design amounts of muscle?

Nah. Jonathan Joestar is taller than Stein. And probably more muscular.
Poor Stein beaten by a 18-19 year old mass of muscle.
In fairness, he can even lift (and somehow manifest from thin air) that heavy rock. That's pretty damn convincing.
true enough... but Stein IS made of steel.

that said, what is the plan? Sitting here like a bump on a log is draining me to high hell, just wnat to know what were doing, even if its just waiting.
I've posted a Recruiting thread. We wait until Wednesday, if that thread never opens up. If we get a response, I'm pushing it to sunday to have time for the new player(s) to develop their characters. From there on. We go forward. Whether we have new blood, the rest of the old blood (that being @Thief of Words and @Kalin Scarlet ) comes back, or it's just you and Seph.

Besides, Maiden can slip off into shadows with a Fuck-This-Shit-I'm-Out as her excuse for vanishing from the campaign, and Simon can still say "Okay, this is too much, thanks for explaining my power, I have a concert tomorrow. Bye."
*shrug* whatever we gotta do man.
to extend our reach to the stars above.
So far we've had minimal casualties, a little injuries mind but thats to be expected.

Well, not counting the van.
Still here. Sorry for the late reply. I thought this had died...

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