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Fandom Jojo Yellow Rose CS


Funny wolf man
Character sheet: (Coding not mandatory


Stand Cry: (Optional)
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Name: Harriet Style
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Italian American

Height: 6' 1" Weight: 148lbs
Harriet is a young woman of fairly tall height and a fit athletic build, Beautiful and poised she holds herself with confidence staring outwards with light blues eyes and short onyx hair neatly styled. She stands physically and aesthetically as what many would consider a natural beauty resembling many an ideal. Her porcelain skin is unmarred with the exception of a splotched burn scar across the back of her neck from a previous stunt several years earlier that remains to this day a sensitive subject.

Normally clad within a combination of Blacks, Blues and Golds with various fashionable garments, often adorned with a wide variety of golden pins and patches collected. Finally, she is never seen without some sort of sunglasses, most notably large lenses covering most of her upper face.

Quote: "Sorry, what did you say? Did you mention "the rules"? Now listen, bit of advice - tell me the truth if you think you know it, lay down the law if you're feeling brave! But, never, ever, tell me the rules! the same goes for fate and destiny to"

Name:『ONE DIRECTION』-Drag me Down-

Appearance/Manifestation: A fairly humanoid stand resembling a tall athletic woman of similar proportions to Shizuka, though slightly bulkier in the limbs. Its head is encased in an insectoid style white helmet with large golden glasses over the eyes, the mask ending just above her mouth showing a small amount of their jaw to be visible. Twin golden antennae-like protrusions are attached where one would expect ears, and around its neck rests a bright pink feathered boa, wrapped around and trailing midway down her back.

Its full body is wrapped in thick white bandages, with additional black bands across the hands, though sections of golden armour are placed atop in various locations such as the elbows, chest, pelvis, knees and boots. The overall design of the stand resembles a cross between a Sentai character of some sort crossed with a mummy, though the colouration seems to bring an element of glamour to it as well.

Ability: When this Stand touches something that is in motion, it will continue said momentum indefinitely, until it is outside the Stand's range of 30 meters. The momentum is unimpeded by any barriers. For example, if a car is travelling at 60km/h, and this Stand touches it, it will continue travelling in that same direction regardless of outside forces.

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-- Character --
Cameron C. Codak

Age: 18
Ethnicity: American
Cameron is 6'0", which is a slightly higher than the average height in his family. He has curly light brown hair, with darker brown eyes protected by stylish turtle shell glasses. While he is easy to hunch, he is constantly trying to correct his posture ever since his mother noticed. His common attire is a school uniform, one he holds in high regard. This includes a purple checkered sweater vest on a white button up, a black tie on that, and a black blazer. Combine it with black slacks and his violet sneakers, and you'd have his favorite outfit.
Cameron also tends to carry around a schoolbag, one of the ones that hang from one shoulder like a computer bag, though much wider to store his camera and other items.

Cameron is the son of Cue and Colden Codak, a couple with a funny naming scheme that's been a laugh for the family for several generations. His mother was a freelance photographer that met Colden on a vacation to shoot for an old sea major on the Hawaiian island of Lana'i. After about a week of meeting with each other, they decided to officially date. Six months later, they wed, and shortly after that, had Cameron. It was only two years ago that the family moved to Austin, Colden now the owner of several camera shops across the States. That's where they live now, one of the more mediocre ones, called Black Rainbow. The family lives in the apartment above the actually store, which is located next to other buildings in the city. This is where Cameron regained his mother's favorite hobby of photography and has been practicing ever since.

-- Stand --
「Hawaii: Part II」

With a thinner design, 「Hawaii: Part II」's main body is mostly a dark sea blue, with short grey shoulder pads. It wears a small shiny white torso-top that resembles a crop-top cut in half, and fishnet-patterned shorts (similar to King Crimson). It has a tall shoulder collar resembling a popped-collar, shaded the same grey as the shoulder pads. The large belt is a bright design that resembles the synthwave/vaporwave sun design but with neon colors of the rainbow, running from red to purple, up to down. On it's upper back, six tubes of the same colors but darker protrude from its upper back into the tall grey collar. It wears white gloves with a lighter blue crystal design on the back of the hand, and bright colored crystals on each knuckle that change subtly. It wears short grey boots, with off-white keyhole deigns where the laces would be. 「Hawaii: Part II」's head is a very bright orb of white light that hurts when looking directly into it, jarring its face from distinction. This can act as a flashlight in dark areas, or even a distraction to Stand Users. The only 'face' that can be seen are two discernable circle shapes for eyes and a silhouette of a slightly disgruntled mouth.

「Hawaii: Part II」 is able to perform actions, remember them, and recreate the same impact of the action in the same space at another time. An example of this is as follows: The user swings a knife in a room, with 「Hawaii: Part II」 activated. Let's say that later on, someone is standing in that same spot where that action took place. 「Hawaii: Part II」can activate that held action, and the slashing damage of the knife would be recreated on the person in that space. Limitations are as follows; While the range is larger, say 14 to 15 meters, only six actions can be 'saved' by 「Hawaii: Part II」. When an action is saved, one of the darker tubes on it's back glows. Everytime a new action is saved, the user becomes a little more exhausted, and a new tube lights up. At six actions saved, the user may be unable to run, having the fatigue of running a mile. One last thing: When a saved action is recreated, that action itself cannot be saved. Using the example earlier, if someone gets slashed by the action of the knife from earlier on, the user would have to save another knife slash for it to be saved. Thus, the User must think ahead on where and what to use the ability.

Stand Cry:
「Hawaii: Part II」does indeed have a stand cry, but it is subject to change. When the cry is used, it corresponds to the last tube used by it's user. The cries themselves refer to the Hawaiian words for each color in the rainbow, relating to each tube sequentially.
For example: The last tube used was red. 「Hawaii: Part II」begins a barrage, and it's cry is: "ULAULAULAULAULA, UUUUULLAAAAA!". If the last tube used was yellow, it would be: "Melemelemelemelemele, MMMEEEEEEELLEEEEEE!", and so on.
: Isaac D. Adler
Age: 22
Isaac stands over 6 feet tall, but tends to lean so it's not as noticeable as it would have been. His clothing is baggy and hides the fact he's chubbier than he looks. While Isaac wears whatever he thinks looks and feels good, he's incredibly focused on where on his body any given thing is. Isaac always keeps the various objects on his person in specific places. But he's also prone to double and triple-checking, so one of his tics is patting himself to reassure himself that his wallet, keys, etc. are where they should be.

: Nickelback
Nickelback appears as a dull liquid metal blob that flows over whatever it's affecting to use it's abilities. Since it interacts with non-Stand objects while it can't be seen except by Stand Users, whatever it's affecting can be.
Ability: Nickelback's liquid form can reshape itself to coat any physical substance it's capable of covering. After doing so it can reshape itself (and whatever it's covering as well) into any simple shape it's user can imagine. Examples include covering durable material like rocks or metal and then reshaping itself into a humanoid shape to battle, shaping itself into a gun to fire whatever it's coating as bullets, opening up a hole in a wall by pulling out the building material, or immobilizing an enemy by constricting them. If necessary it can turn into living armor for it's user, covering them except for whatever parts need to be left open to breathe and see/hear. As a last resort Nickelback can hold wounds closed, but this is a stopgap solution at most.
Other: Parts of Nickelback can be separated from it's main 'body' without damaging it/it's user (such as if it coats a bullet it fires with itself or it's shaken apart by an enemy's attack), but it's weakened the more of it that's missing and the more parts it's in the harder it is to control. At it's weakest all it can do is try to recombine as quickly as possible, which can lead to issues.

Name: Kurt Halloway

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Irish-American

Standing at the height of 5'9" Kurt is an average size man and weighs about 165 pounds in total, he has blue, ocean like eyes, black, long hair that he usually ties up when walking around in public, and also keeps his hair up to avoid it going into his mouth that often happens when it's down. He's slightly has toned skinn and a smaller nose, h has a athletic body structure similar to a 100m sprinter.

Quote: 'Slow down there buddy, if you rush into things you'll be surely mistaken and ruin your day.'





A humannoid stand that takes the appearance similar to a cowboy from the wild west back in the past, though instead of being composed of different maters the stand is composed by patches of cloth , wool, leather,buttons, and other materials similar to those items. The stand wears a long cloth cape to capture more of the cowboy aesthetic and persona. It's left pupil consists of a badge similar to a sheriff's badge, and its right pupil is a simple plain ol' red button, it's shoes and hat made out of leather that's quite flashy and its belt mad out of leather too.


Right down the line's ability is it's accessibility to create small weapons with its wool and other items that it's body is made out of, it often makes a revolver that shoots small projectilles at high enough speeds to cause damage and even destroy a rock, it can use it's wool to grab things and people within a 60 meter radius, often using it to travel short distance in a small amount a time, though Right Down the Line can make more items costing it to use up more wool degrading the stand if it uses to much wool, though if it has more wool the stand's strength is back to normal. The range of it's attack is in a radius of 60 meters with it's revolver. The range of its attack depends on what weapon is made, for close range attacks including punching the range is 10 meters.


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Character (Forgot to post this lol)

Name: Felix Pastel
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Spanish-American
Appearance: A Man Of average build and height (6 Feet). Matte Red Hair With a white patch in the Front. Felix likes 3 piece suits and wears one most of the time.
Other/Info: A rather aggressive but overall levelheaded man. Chainsmoker. Comes from a Wealthy family of Texan Oil Barons. Owns a lot of big guns and shoots them too. Older brother possesses a stand aswell, Louie Pastel「X1 SKY PILOT」His is natural however.

「X2 MAGIC CARPET RIDE, X2 マジックカーペットライド」()
Apperance/Manifestation: X2 Appears as a Humanoid Skeleton of a Large mammal, Presumably a Wolf or a Big cat. Standing at 6’ 2, X2 is only Slightly larger than Felix. It appears to be wearing the uniform of a US army grunt during the Vietnam war. (This is likely due to his family’s history of having the eldest son serve in any wars. So in a way, Felix’s grandfather was NOT a fortunate son) His Helmet has a Joker Playing card, A cigarette pack, Two 5.56 Rounds, And bug spray. X2 Has a Drab Green-Colored Aura.
Ability: X2 is able to match the speed of his punches to a BPM of a song with a multiplier of when the song was first performed (60s 5x, 70’s 5x, 80’s 4x, and so on decreasing) and if he is able to do this for the entire duration of the song, X2 will then punch the enemy with the force of the entire song combined.
Stand Cry: KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA, KEEAAAAAAAA (As this is what a guitar sounds like in Felix’s Mind)
Other/Info: It is a very fast stand, Even without its ability it is on the faster side for a stand. X2 is also capable of smoking cigars/cigarettes for some reason.

X2 has unprecedented development potential.

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