• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek

Tiny Turtle

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง-]—- ᴇɴ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇ

General Information







Supernatural: (Either werewolf, vampire, witch/warlock/magic user, or human)


Picture: (Photo only)



Eye Colour:

Hair Colour:

Significant scars/other markings: (this may include if they have freckles)

Clothing Style:

The Little Things:

Fears: (At least three, these can be either rational or irrational or a mix of the two)

Goals: (At least three, these can be either realistic or totally ridiculous or a mix of the two)

Likes: (At least three)

Dislikes: (At least three)

Quirks: (At least three)

Personality in Paragraph Form:

At least one paragraph, keep the character balanced so not all good and not all bad (5 sentences per paragraph)

Personality in List Form:

List the traits from the paragraph form here


At least two paragraphs (5 sentences per paragraph) if you want something to be secret about your character please PM me and let me know you want to keep something secret (that way no one else will know)

Job Information:

Employed or Not: (If not employed ignore the bottom part but do not delete it)

Store Name: (Title of the store. Like 'Daisies Flower Market' or something idk)

Store Type: (What kind of store or restaurant is it?)

Full or Part Time: (Summer job, do they have more than one? Or work full time)

Store Position: (Do you own/are you the boss of the store or an employee? If you want to be a boss please PM me)

Relationships: *Don't feel obliged to fill this in right now as the roleplay has yet to start*
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Victoria Felix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_ntpx5pHg791qcar0mo1_1280.jpg.fe1513665521886cdf286e9fb00e1cd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_ntpx5pHg791qcar0mo1_1280.jpg.fe1513665521886cdf286e9fb00e1cd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

General Information

Name: Victoria Felix

Nickname: Vic

Age: 22

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Supernatural: Witch, specializing in Tarot and Water Magics.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c821893dc_StephbyAsherMoss.jpg.2522cdd0bf749d6bb79e41e72a0ef0d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c821893dc_StephbyAsherMoss.jpg.2522cdd0bf749d6bb79e41e72a0ef0d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'4

Weight: 110 pounds

Eye Colour: Chestnut Brown

Hair Colour: A dark redish brown, it can look almost black in certain lighting

Significant scars/other markings: She has a small tattoo of a snake on the inside of her right wrist

Clothing Style: Victoria enjoys wearing casual t-shirts and jeans. She's got a couple pairs of shoes, her favourite being the black cowboy ones, with slightly pointed toes. While she enjoys makeup, laziness generally wins over so she is rarely seen in it. Though when she does put on makeup, she goes all out and wears her white sunflower dress her mother gave her. During the winter she sticks to large sweaters and leggings as well as a thick black coat and dark green infinity scarf that snakes are known to slip into.

The Little Things




Small Spaces


Become a professional tarot reader

Win the hotdog eating competition held in town every summer

Travel to Alaska

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c82181e0d_ScreenShot2016-02-28at12.48.11AM.png.1c900b48dcb96281bc761ec05133b1ff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c82181e0d_ScreenShot2016-02-28at12.48.11AM.png.1c900b48dcb96281bc761ec05133b1ff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Likes:


Green Tea

Tarot Decks


Orange Soda




Cats (Allergic)

New Human Residents

People who rip her off



She tends to ruffle her hair when in deep thought

Always keeps the caps from her beer

Doesn't know how to blow bubbles with bubble gum but tries to anyways

Chews on the ends of pens
Personality in Paragraph Form

Victoria is a bold character, never much minding how people think of her opinions on things. She's rather stubborn on most things, and to admit she is wrong on something is a rather great wound to her pride, so she works rather hard to avoid doing it. She's the kind of person to pick fights rather quickly due to her hot head, although hardly ever holds grudges. Victoria is a rather clever person, always thinking and planning ahead, and despite her appearance is very well organized. She's got a rather big heart, although she's got a tendency to guard it, so while she's more than happy with flings once real feelings get involved Victoria tends to panic, although she has formed strong bonds in the past and looks at all of them with fondness. She likes to consider herself funny, and takes in the time to look up jokes online, although she does work on her own one-liners.
Personality in List Form

Firm in opinions


Hot headed



Big heart



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nyr2a2r5u61qcar0mo1_500.jpg.bd87d0757b19695d240d570ac9af58bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nyr2a2r5u61qcar0mo1_500.jpg.bd87d0757b19695d240d570ac9af58bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Victoria was born and raised in Johnson Creek, in fact she's yet to leave town. Born into a family of magical people, Victoria's mother and father are witches and warlocks, so from an early age she was surrounded by magic. Her mother did tea leaf readings, and her father mainly worked with nature. Since she was a little girl things such as floating pots and pictures that moved have always been apart of her life, and she has always embraced the magical. Both her parents had been confirmed as magical when they were around five, although Victoria only knew she inherited her parent's magic when she was seven and she had a rather interesting conversation with a snake at recess. When her parents found out, they became overjoyed, especially since she had so soon found her magical animal, something that could take between minutes and years. Soon after, all her other magical powers started to come in, and Victoria found herself very drawn to Tarot Cards as well as the magic of water. From there on she studied the practices, and before she even knew what happened jars of water of all different colours were in her room, and whenever she was bored she would play with them, making animals and levitating it.

Victoria's school life was rather average. She was never the best student, nor the worst. Always sitting in the middle. Her intellect was not generally with math but with reading and writing, excelling at the subject. Unfortunately her tendency to become quick to anger didn't earn her a spot as the teacher's favourite. But Victoria never much minded. She spent most of her recesses as a child playing in either the mud or snow, and making friends. While not everyone in the class loved her, Victoria had a rather nice group of friends in primary and secondary school. Although when high school came along they all found their own groups and Victoria tended to lean towards the werewolves who were a rather interesting crowd.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nu0d4atr4K1qcar0mo1_1280.jpg.0ecd3a3edf1edd12df12a9ab0cd120c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nu0d4atr4K1qcar0mo1_1280.jpg.0ecd3a3edf1edd12df12a9ab0cd120c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> College was never something that was too high on Victoria's priorities, although her parents both wanted her to at least attend some classes, so she decided to take up botany. Victoria attends classes on it sporadically at the local Johnson Creek Community College. Although her main focus is mainly on learning the tricks of the trade for running her parents tea shop as well as mastering Tarot and water magics.

When Victoria isn't off working or studying she's working with her little side business of Tarot Card Readings. She broadcasts her services to both tourists and the locals alike, being rather proud of her business. She gives more complex readings for those who live in town, knowing that they'll appreciate her work more than tourists.

When Victoria is in the mood for some down-time, she tends to favour going down to the local pub and catching a drink with her friends. Sometimes she enjoys a couple beers, although most times she's drinking sodas. The pub is not a place to get drunk for Victoria, more so a place of relaxation and socialization. A place she can enjoy herself without the watchful eye of her parents. Although that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy being intoxicated. Occasionally Victoria
will drink, and generally when that happens she ends up doing some rather wonky readings.

With the coming of the new residents, Victoria is rather unhappy with the idea of having a bunch of humans walking around, her parents are even more outraged, although she is trying to be welcoming.
Job Information

Employed or Not: Employed

Store Name: Mrs. Felix's Tea Shop

Store Type: Cafe

Full or Part Time: Full time

Store Position: Third in Command


= family

= best friend

= friend

= romantic interest

= does not get along with

= enemy

Emilie Smith




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General Information

Name: Winter Blake




Sexuality:Bisexual (preference for females)


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.69ee13488088361b294c20365e532cb0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.69ee13488088361b294c20365e532cb0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weight:123 lbs

Eye Color:Silver

Hair Color:Black

Significant scars/other markings: Scar running from her bottom lip to the bottom of her chin.

Clothing Style: Toyboyish, leather jackets and graphic tees

The Little Things

:Cats, Thunder, Complete darkness

Goals: Learn to control shifts durning the Full Moon, Find a partner, Learn to speak French

Likes: Food, Dogs, and Winter

Dislikes: Cats, Hot weather, Long sleeved shirts

Quirks: Has a tendency to growl when angry, hates when you play with her hair, won't kiss anyone without permission

Personality in Paragraph Form
: Winter tends to be quite shy at times, and won't normally approach someone. When one gets to know her, they'll find a very animated and talkative person. She's stubborn as a mule it's hard to convince her of something that goes against her own beliefs. Winter is very impulsive and acts without thinking, causing trouble for her self or others. The fact that she's half dog makes her extremely loyal and protective of those she cares about.

Personality in List Form:

Shy, Animated, Talkative, Stubborn, Impulsive, Loyal, Protective


Winter was born into a family infected with Lycanthropy. Her father having had it his whole life, turned her mother one month before Winter was born. She learned from her father how to avoid humans finding out about what she was, and she's quite good at hiding it. Winter had problems at school when she was young, her instincts would cause her to physically harm others in very animal like ways. After bein expelled twice, from different schools the family moved to Johnson Creeek.

Winter's high school years were spent in the small town of Johnson Creek, where she could be herself. She didn't have to hide the fact that she was what she was, and found comfort in that. Finding refuge with others of her kind, she quickly became a very friendly person.

Job Information

Employed or Not: Employed

Store Name: Newman Farming and Ranching Co.

Store Type: Sells supplies needed around a farm or ranch.

Full or Part Time: Part time

Store Position: Employee

Relationships: PM me



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no slide













Necromancy and Dark Spirit Magic





153 lbs.

Eye Colour:


(Blue, Silver, and Green)

Hair Colour:


Significant markings: Aside from the obvious tattoo work on his right arm, he has a special tattoo that he also uses. On his right hand is a glamour that hides ever shifting ink. He's only made it into two forms: A pentagram circle of protection with reverence to the Devil and the symbol of the crossroad loa, Papa Legba.

Clothing Style:

Nate dresses casually and prefers formfitting materials in his tops, save for the more formal looks. He usually goes sleeveless, if he even bothers to be seen in a shirt. Flip flops are also optional, though in his home he'll probably just walk around barefoot. To be frank, he dresses like a swamp witch would.

The Little Things:


Being consumed by his own power

Losing his soul

Having another loved one die


Building his own coven.

Being the strongest in said coven.

Finding a mate.



Potions that actually work

A set of nice eyes with a smile to match


Witch stereotypes


A bad casting of bones


He hexes his valuables with varying effects. Example: If you take one without permission, you become his Zombie.

Walks barefoot to feel the 'magic that binds all things to existence'.

Speaks with a creole twang, which his mother said sounded like music. Also knows French(both versions), Spanish, and a little Latin.

Personality in Paragraph Form:

The easiest way to describe Nate's personality is to label him 'True Neutral'--for now. He comes across very powerful, from his stance to his spoken tone. But, he has no idea how the world works. This is his first time being exposed to anything outside his home. It's all new and frightening...but exciting. His natural connection to magic is flourishing due to him exploring more and getting more attuned to things. He is also naive to the trickery of those around him, but that does not mean he is gullible or easily swayed. Yes, he uses his magic to survive--but only to that extent. Greed isn't something that is on his agenda, yet. The one thing on his mind is to find his 'tribe'.

Personality in List Form:







When Nathan was born, the grass leaves, the trees, even the animals in and around his house all shrived and cracked in death. His mother's husband also took his last breath in that moment, collapsing in as a husk near the site of birth. His Grandmama, Josephine proclaimed that he must have been cursed by the merging of two totally different types of witches. His momma, Emily Mae knew it to be true. She felt it when he was coming from her. Why she was spared, she had no clue.

The Lebeouf Family was a well known creole family, filled to the brim with powerful witches and warlocks. But their line of the family was revered the most dangerous of them all for the kind of magic the practiced: Voodoo. Though their skin was fair, their ancestral line led to the Islands, where their people were known to bend reality to their whim in the ways of the Loa. Josephine wagered that Nathan would the the strongest of their family to come in many a generation--even more so than Celeste Morgan, who was the current leader of their coven. But in that power lie a greater responsibility, which was something Emily Mae would have to have to step up and teach her child whom she named after her greatest love.

Nathan was taught everything he needed to know about the family art from the time he could read bones. It was no surprise to realize that he was a natural with these gifts. Nate grew from a child to a man who never knew the world past his home, but loved the nature and all life within it. Emily Mae and Josephine both agreed that it was best he also learn the arts that his Daddy was born with: the ways of the Satanic witch, specifically the lines of Salem. They found that the boundary between the two sources of power, one that should have been hard as nails to overcome, did not exist for him. It dawned upon her mind that his Daddy may have known this to happen to their child, a thought that grew into a dark tree of depression. Whatever Nathan was to become, she would not see it.

She burned down the house as the family slept. Nathan found himself on the dew covered grass as his childhood home danced in brilliant flames. He didn't even try to go in and save them--no witch ever came back from the flame. Instead, he thrashed and wept at the fact that he of all people was helpless in that very moment.

From there on out, Nathan magically grifted his way to surviving. Glamours and concilium--mind control--were like child's play and within a week he'd had a drivers licence and a car. Many a night, he spent in hotel rooms. He never made the mistake of staying longer than a week in order not to raise questions. He knew the Coven would be looking for him and would question him about the deaths of their sister witches. He'd be burned at the stake if he could not prove his innocence. So, Nate put as much distance between himself and Louisiana as he could.

(He will be arriving in Johnson Creek, bringing drama with him)


Job Information:

Employed or Not: Unemployed(below will be filled out in due time)

Store Name: (Title of the store. Like 'Daisies Flower Market' or something idk)

Store Type: (What kind of store or restaurant is it?)

Full or Part Time: (Summer job, do they have more than one? Or work full time)

Store Position: (Do you own/are you the boss of the store or an employee? If you want to be a boss please PM me)



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  • giphy.gif

    Name: Emilie Smith

    Nickname(s): Emmie, Smiley, Rose

    Age: 178 years Turned at 18

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She/her

    Sexuality: Straight-Bicurious

    Supernatural: Vampire

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Claude Telrez

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-01.jpg.01a8b8d4c9af0afa083256993e629c8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-01.jpg.01a8b8d4c9af0afa083256993e629c8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

General Information

Name: Claude Telrez

Nickname(s): Mr. Eyebrows

Age: 24

Gender: Cisgender Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Supernatural: Human

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.f58f6acc8130d2d72872318c410c9999.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.f58f6acc8130d2d72872318c410c9999.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'2

Weight: 135 pounds

Eye Colour: A dark and crisp brown

Hair Colour: Dark brown

Significant scars/other markings: He has a small scar along his left knee due to him breaking the bone and the bone piercing out of his body when he fell out of a tree when he was ten

Clothing Style: Claude likes to keep things a little bit formal, opting for bowties and dress pants instead of a plain t-shirt and some jeans. He enjoys button-ups and looking smart finding that he feels more in control that way.

The Little Things


Growing old

Becoming cynical

Turning into his parents


Make a life for himself outside of his parents' drama

Run a successful bookstore

Win a bar fight




Rice and egg with sliced banana



Hooking up




Candy canes


Books in poor condition

Rock music


Eats the orange peels

Smells every single book he touches

Snaps his fingers when he's bored

Never wears matching socks
Personality in Paragraph Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-26.jpg.925659261aba0f55ad7ca957b1b92210.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-26.jpg.925659261aba0f55ad7ca957b1b92210.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Claude is a very relaxed man, generally. He doesn't mind when things don't go his way and tends to take it in stride. He's a rather happy guy who tries to look at the glass half full, ignoring the bad in things. He tends to be rather passive aggressive and sarcastic when he doesn't like someone, and then full out aggressive when he's had a couple drinks. His patience is thin and he has trouble keeping still. He has a very one track mind and tends to only focus on one thing, generally studying it until he's an expert, making his education not well rounded at all. So while he may be intelligent in some things, he's completely ignorant in other topics.

Personality in List Form

Goes with the flow

Glass half full kind of guy

Passive aggressive

Little patience

Tunnel visioned


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-24.jpg.d63a902264476a9993b174411cc1a349.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-24.jpg.d63a902264476a9993b174411cc1a349.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Claude was born into a very well off family in Toronto. His mother stayed at home and took care of him, and his father was a high ranking banker. He spent his childhood in happiness, watching his parents dance in the kitchen and enjoy each other's company. When Claude was five years old he went from being an only child to an older brother. His little sister was named Cynthia, and Claude thought she was a nice edition to the family. The pair got along well, and his parents were happy.

Claude was a very smart kid in grade school, excelling in all his subjects and making his parents proud, but as middle school rolled around things got worse and his math marks slipped up along with his science marks. The only thing he found he was decent at was english. This wasn't enough for his parents, his father especially, who pushed for him to go further and drove him to the edge. By the time Claude was in high school he took no interest in anything science or math related, frustrating his father to no end.

His social life made improvements through each grade. Claude was rather popular by the end of grade nine, having a bunch of friends. He attracted a lot of attention from both girls, guys, and anyone in-between with his looks and while Claude wasn't too interested in it in grade nine, when grade ten rolled around he became rather fond of hookup culture and became quite the player. He'd party quite a bit and found his grades slipping, only angering his father further. Eventually he picked up his grades, and while the drinking and pot mostly stopped, although the hookups continued.

Since Claude was twelve his parents' marriage was strained, and it only got worse when he was sixteen and he snuck home at three am only to run into his parents drunk and screaming about how his father had slept with someone else. Shortly after a divorce followed and Claude turned to friends and work to escape the mess. His sister went towards weed, and the family became torn. The divorce was so nasty that by the time Claude was twenty he was done with both his parents and his sister who'd started to do heavier drugs so he left. He spent two years on the road and only after finding Johnson Creek did he settle down, hoping to start a better life by buying a dirt cheap townhouse being sold in the masses as a project to get the town on the map.
Job Information

Employed or Not: Unemployed

Store Name:

Store Type:

Full or Part Time:

Store Position:

Relationships: *Don't feel obliged to fill this in right now as the roleplay has yet to start*



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Belle Peterson

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General Information

Name:Mason Black

Nickname(s): Mace


Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Homosexual

Supernatural: Warlock - specificically talented at emotional manipulation. Not to the extent where he can force a person to feel something, but that he can increase or decrease the power of a specific emotion that the person is feeling, or ramp up the power to a similar emotion and needs to be relatively close to the person, as well as this his own emotion tends to radiate from him, and sometimes can affect those around him.

Appearance:Mason has dark brown hair, almost black, the same going for his eyes, although they do have hints of being a very dark hazel. His skin is pale, making his features all the more startling, and he quite often has stubble or a short beard.He is fairly tall and lean, though does pack some power behind him thanks to his height, giving him some extra weight.


Height: 6'1


Eye Colour:Dark Brown/Hazel

Hair Colour: Dark Brown/Black

Significant scars/other markings: N/A atm

Clothing Style: His general style tends to be a t-shirt and jeans, said jeans often being gray or black, along with black combat boots of some form.

The Little Things:

Fears: Heights, Spiders, his powers completely failing him, homophobes.

Goals: To enjoy life to the full, deal with a spider in the shower, just once, rather than finding someone else to deal with it, to be able to make people happy and enjoy themselves.

Likes: Being around people, flirting, playing around, being cheeky, messing with people's emotions (within reason.) Houmous, Pancakes.

Dislikes: Spiders (He really does hate them). Fruitcake, irritating people, raisins.

Quirks: Has a tendency to just not care whether he knows someone or not, will treat them like an age old friend. Rubs his thumb across the palm-side of his fingers when thinking, sometimes grits his teeth when sleeping, so has to wear a special gumshield sometimes when going to sleep to prevent him from getting an achy jaw.

Personality in Paragraph Form:

If you were to describe Mason in one word, the perfect word would almost definitely be 'flirtatious'. He is one big, extroverted, flirt. He loves to crack jokes, whether they be immature or mature. Mason is incredibly happy go lucky and enjoys messing around with people, and finds it fun to play with them and often their emotions, generally to try and improve their mood however. It is a rare occasion when he actually does something in the name of cruelty.

Mason can be quite annoying from time to time, mainly because he does have a tendency to be quite teasing, and not always taking things seriously. He likes to lighten up the mood of a room, though clearly if necessary he is able to become somewhat serious, or at least try to be anyway, and it's the effort that counts.He is actually far more understanding than people take him for. He is generally what one would call a 'gentle giant' and wants to help people. Just not necessarily always knowing the best way to do so. Overall he is a trustworthy friend and is always willing to lend a hand.

Mason is highly protective, there are only a few times when he does really become angry, and that is when those he loves are being harmed. When he is angry, the feeling seems to permeate from him and those around him tend to get the sudden urge to run and hide. He does tend to go from being very calm and cheerful and friendly, to extremely angered, with very little middle ground, although it does take quite a lot for him to make this swing.

Personality in List Form:








Immature (at times)


Vicious anger


Mason had a reasonably normal life, growing up within Johnson creek. He loves being around people and is an effective social butterfly. Having grown up around these people all his live, he has become very friendly, loving anyone and everyone. He is entirely non-judgemental around the new people in town, though is of course a little wary as he does not know them very well and they do not have powers, not used to these new people.

His parents lived within Johnson creek, though they do not see their son very often, as he is often out doing other things, and is quite adept with his power. From discovering it when he was little, he has become quite mischievous and daring. Becoming very good friends with Emilie at a fast pace, the pair of them regularly enjoying annoying Michael to some extent.

Job Information:

Employed or Not: Self-Employed

Store Name: N/A

Store Type: N/A

Full or Part Time: Part time

Store Position: Mason is a musician, working on guitar and with vocals, he sells his songs outside of Johnson creek or performs in various areas.


Gay best friend of Emilie
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The Davenports


no slide
no slide

He's 6'3"

She's 5'9"

Both of the twins of brown eyes

Both of the twins have black hair

She has a scar on the inside of her right thigh.

He has a large scar on his abdomen.

Paxton's clothing style is fairly laid back with lots of leather jackets. He rarely goes shirtless aside from in his home due to his scar. He likes sweats more than jeans, but usually only wears them at home. He dresses slightly up when he's going to be working the front of the store.

Pandora's style is a little bit of everything. She loves dresses as much as she loves leather pants. Her style changes with her mood, from dark to light. You can always tell when her mood's the best, based on how she's dressing.



Paxton: losing Pandora, hurting someone, busy roads, small spaces

Pandora: being too weak, Paxton getting hurt, older men, losing her magic, being alone


Paxton: find a way to make up for his mother's sins, save Pandora from herself, become a master potion maker

Pandora: to stop being afraid, to forget, to become powerful, to find a way to stop her mother


Paxton: helping people, keeping Pandora safe, forests

Pandora: pretty things, the feeling of power, making potions


Paxton: his sister's necromantic tendencies, constant noise, traffic

Pandora: being around older men, her brother's overprotectiveness, being underestimated


Paxton: hates the sound of loud chewing, is very good at braiding hair, hates cold weather with an extreme passion

Pandora: writes left handed but does everything else right handed, says everything she's writing under her breath, covers her mouth when laughing



Paxton has been called a walking paradox. Contradicting personality traits are a huge part of who he is. He's a very cocky person and a bit of an asshole. At the same time he's incredibly down to earth and one of the nicest people you'll ever know. He's overprotective of those he cares about. It takes awhile for him to get to that point though, as he's a bit closed off at first.

Pandora, on the other hand, is a little simpler in terms of personality. She's sassy and always has a comeback waiting, no matter the situation. She uses sarcasm as a way to hide her sadness, and it usually works. She's generally detached from emotion as a protection mechanism. Under all of that she's a devoted friend and motherly towards those she cares about. On her good days, she's very sweet.


Paxton: cocky, an asshole, down to earth, a nice person, overprotective, closed off

Pandora: sassy/sarcastic, sad, emotionally detached, devoted, motherly, sweet



Pandora and Paxton were born to a blood and death witch. Their father was victim of one of their mother's many hexes, so they never knew him. She taught the twins magic, letting them pick their own speciality. Originally both of them practiced green magic, Pandora switching to the dark arts later in life. The twins lived a carefree life, unaware of their mother's dark activities. She was part of a coven of dark magic users. The twins eventually would find out about their mother's sins, and flee together.

Their mother was exchanging money for hexes, killing anyone that she'd get the most money for. The witch is searching for a way to gain immortality, and is quickly becoming closer to the achievement. She also had a bad habit of raising the dead for fun, which was causing the spiritual balance of their hometown to shift in a dangerous way. The two were nineteen when they found out and left her immediately after. They spent a year bouncing between cities with high magic levels, trying to find a spot to call home. Paxton became increasingly protective of Pandora as she delved further into the dark arts.

He could tell she was different, a part of her was gone. The innocent little girl he used to know was gone, in her place stood a young woman that could send a chill down the spine of even the bravest man. The deeper she delved into the dark arts, the worse it became. She held a new darkness within that scared her brother, though he'd never admit to it. They both had the gift of blood and death magic, but he ignored its calling, not wanting to become anything like their mother. He tried his best to keep his sister true to the light magic as well, and it's probably the only thing that's saved her soul from the darkness.

The pair found themselves in Johnson Creek on their twenty first birthday (Halloween). The two believed this was a good place to settle, buying a home and getting acquainted with the area. There they bought a small building downtown and turned it into a charm and potions shop - disguised as a self care shop. The pair are unaware that their mother is looking for them, wanting to take their magic for herself.



Shortly before finding out her mother's sins, one of the elder members of the coven assaulted her. He claimed to want to help her learn to harness blood magic, but that's not what happened. The young witch cut her thigh while fighting him, using the blood to seal his fate with a hex. After killing him, she felt a little bit of herself die. She has yet to tell Paxton about this, but, in a way, he knows.


Paxton was a football player in high school, a really good one. On the way home from a game, the bus driver had a heart attack and crashed, sending many of the students flying around the bus. Five students died in the crash and the others were all injured. Glass from one of the windows lodged itself in Paxton, and he pulled it out himself, which of course made the bleeding worse. He still doesn't know that the bus driver was a victim of his mother's hexing.

Employed or Not: Both employed

Store Name: The Magic Touch

Store Type: Self Care

Full or Part Time: Full time, but as they want to, really.

Store Position: Owners

Relationships: Both are open for anything. PM ME.


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Name;; Joseph Scott.

Nickname(s);; Joey, Joe, Jojo.

Age;; Twenty one.

Gender;; Male.

Pronouns;; He, Him.

Sexuality;; Bisexual, has a slight preference towards men.

Supernatural;; He's a human.

Appearance;; Joey is quite an attractive boy, or so he's been told. He doesn't consider himself to be particularly intimidating, as he's not that tall, although he does have something that resembles a partial six pack thanks to his swimming and gymnastics. Much to his irritation, Joey doesn't tan that easily, but can't complain much because while his skin is pale, he's got a nice, clear complexion and never suffered too badly with acne as a teenager. The combination of his dark hair and blue eyes is somewhat striking, and he has sort of feminine eyelashes that are the envy of his best friend.

Height;; 5'8".

Weight;; Ooh, not a clue!

Eye Colour;; Bright blue.

Hair Colour;; Dark brown, often mistaken for black.

Clothing Style;; Comfortable and casual, but he can dress up really smart when necessary. He likes to keep up with trends, within reason, and always seems to be being bought new clothes by his housemate.



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Name;; Anya Hinchcliff.

Nickname(s);; An, Annie, Babydoll, Blondie.

Age;; Twenty one.

Gender;; Female.

Pronouns;; She, Her.

Sexuality;; Bicurious.

Supernatural;; She's a human.

Appearance;; Anya is average sized, neither the smallest nor the tallest of those around her- she's always liked her height because she doesn't feel as if she stands out, and people won't notice her much unless she wants them to. Through a mix of genes and sunshine, she's got a caramel hue to her skin, a light tan that remains all year round; with it, she has a dusting of freckles two shades darker than her skin scattered across the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are a bluish green, but can appear duller and darker if the lighting is off. Her hair is thick and blonde, worn in loose, chunky curls- she's thinking of having it cut.

Height;; 5'7".


Eye Colour;; Bluish green.

Hair Colour;; Blonde.

Clothing Style;; Depends on the occasion. Anya tends to dress in a way that's subtlety sexy, yet understated enough so that she doesn't just look trashy. Sometimes she just wears whatever she can find.





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Adam Halson

  • tumblr_m30ackssJP1qk6fqao1_1280.jpg

    Name: Adam Halson


    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Supernatural: HUMAN, BITCHES

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Name: Chris Jacobson

Nickname: Jacob | The Guy

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Him | His | He

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Supernatural: (Unfortunately) Human




Height: 6'5

Weight: 189 lb

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Significant scars/other markings:

Abdominal scar: Obtained when he was nearly mauled to death by a grizzly bear. Fortunately, he survived, but he got a scar to remind him and everyone else that he's a real man. Ironically, he was hunting for some bear who was being a nuisance to the other townies.

Clothing Style: Formal to Semi-formal. He usually wears whatever he finds comfortable and looks cool and stylish. Most of his clothes aren't that much flashy or promiscuous. Thus meaning he wears both plainly dyed clothes which are decent enough. All in all, he just likes to wear what he feels are comfortable and stylish at the same time, while not immediately going for an informal look.



Acrophobia (irrational fear of heights | fear of falling)

Arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders)

Vampire (rational fear of vampires)


Create a franchise of surplus stores

Achieve a true state of nirvana and harmony

Get to do something worthwhile or actually thrilling


Synthwave (music genre)

The good ol' 60's (timeline)

Coffee (beverage)

Pizza (food)

Smoking (habit)

Peace and tranquillity (environment)

Quiet and calm (behaviour)


Punk/heavy metal (music genre)

The damned 21st century (timeline)

Eggnog (beverage)

Porridge (food)

Singing in the shower (quirks | habits)

Crowd and loudness (environment)

Chaotic and irritating (behaviour)


Readily puts himself in the way of danger without careful consideration.

Always has change in his or her pocket to give to beggars or homeless.

Has a weakness for rescuing stray animals.

He gets physically angry when people mispronounce a certain word (e.g Illinois, precedent as president, especially as expecially).

When dining out, he always tidies up the table and resets the condiments.

He can cause mutation in planta or animals, causing them to evolve into an extra-sentient state (i.e. granting them powers, although the powers are really mundane or just plain stupid, he can make an animal or plant, below the size of a dog, sentient).

Always has the precise amount of money to purchase any specific thing.

Personality in Paragraph Form: While he may be a caring person, who never seems to be out of hospitality or charitable feelings. He does have his more grumpy or moody side. Whenever the feels at okay and everythings going A-okay. He too, will be okay. And by okay, I mean he gets energetic, enthusiastic, optimistic and assertive. Whenever it's dark, or just really dank. He can be seen cursing underneath his breath, being grumpy and a general asshole. But whatever the circumstances be, he's extremely calm, observant and quite confident too.

Whilst he may be a calm person, he is prone to anger, mainly if he's constantly gets irritated or annoyed about some certain things. Normally, he's just another helpful neighbour, who's mild on the inside, and mild on the outside too.

He's also quite humorous, but sarcastic too. Whenever he gets pushed off to the edge and unto the abysmal depths of anger, he turns intensely aggressive and rude. Though, many consider him as rude in his normal form because if his blunt yet honest attitude.

Personality in List Form:

The good side:

  • Caring

  • Charitable

  • Assertive

  • Helpful

  • Energetic

  • Enthusiastic

  • Optimistic

  • Calm

  • Confident

  • Observant

  • Humorous

The bad side:

  • Prone to anger

  • Aggressive tendencies

  • Sometimes rude

  • Moody

  • Grim

  • Blunt

  • Sarcastic

Biography: Born and raised in Johnson creek and lived with supernatural creatures almost all of his life. Being one of the few human beings who stayed at the place at pretty much the beginning of settlement there. Whilst his life was faced with many oddities, he grew up to get connected to other species and meta-humans. His family took care of a hardware store since the beginning of the place, whilst the surplus section was added in the 80's. As time grew on, so did the tech of the place.

His father died while he was 19, his mother died soon afterwards, leaving only him and his brother, who quickly decided to move onto New York, for a better job opportunity. Since then, he has been managing the family business, catering to every hardware needs. While his bond with other species were really strong, his relations with vampires are a tad bit shaky. Involving many kill attempts.

When his father, mother died and brother left. He was left to take care of the shop. Before slowly gaining a reputable social status.


Employed or Not: Employed

Store Name: The Local surplus store

Store Type: The exact type of store that sells hardware and old military surplus items. Including hunting equipment.

Full or Part Time: Full time

Store Position: Boss | Owner

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Insaf Kassab

  • Nickname(s): None

    Age: 43

    DOB: January 14th, 1973

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She/her

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Supernatural: Human

    Ethnicity: Arabic

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(almost complete WIP just being posted to show I'm not dead)

Still not dead, but it's finished.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/black-and-white.jpg.d6f3436ac8422b41bcc5785c1e835fc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/black-and-white.jpg.d6f3436ac8422b41bcc5785c1e835fc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Willow Sanderson

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Asexual

Supernatural: Witch

Height: five feet exactly. She insists on there being an extra half inch, but she’s wrong.

Weight: 120 lbs

Eye Colour: green

Hair Colour: black with green highlights

Significant scars/other markings: a small blue tattoo in a slightly swirly shape on the inside of her left ankle

Clothing Style: If she had her preference, she’d never wear anything but hoodies paired with sweatpants. However, when she’s forced to adult, she usually only switches the sweatpants for jeans. Summertime sees her in tees and shorts and very displeased.

Fears: Paying bills, saying the wrong thing to store employees, and drowning

Goals: Finding people who will treat her like family, starting a rock band, and finally finding someone who won’t look at her funny for being asexual.


• cats

• astrology

• tea

• obscure indie video games

• fluffy blankets

• those times and days when summer is ending and it’s bright and sunny and nice but juuuuust chilly enough outside to finally wear warm clothes

• disney movies


  • swimming (she can't do it)
  • coffee
  • the ocean
  • bees
  • knitting
  • dogs
  • nosy people


  • Always removes the strings from the hoods of hoodies
  • fidgets with any nearby small objects while waiting(ex. pens, change, paper clips)
  • always carries a tea bag in her wallet. Just in case she needs emergency tea

in Paragraph Form:

Willow is generally easygoing and friendly, liking to get acquainted to people around her. However, she prefers not to get too close to people, and can even tend to be fairly defensive when asked for personal information unsolicited, strongly disliking it when people are nosy. On the flip side of this, she does want to make friends close enough to consider family, as ironic as that may be. Sometimes, she might spill details of things she has on her mind in casual conversation, which leads to her being occasionally awful at keeping secrets. She can be slightly clingy if someone’s considered trustworthy to her.

in List Form:

  • easygoing
  • friendly
  • a little distant
  • secretive
  • can be a blabbermouth
  • slightly clingy

Willow grew up in a small town in the southwestern US, with a mother and father and at least five cats. She had a generally mundane childhood, until around the age of fourteen. She had a casual boyfriend, as many do at that age, and one warm summer evening was out at a lakeside with him and his friends. They were on a dock and joking around as normal, and a light offhand shove sent Willow into the water.

However, Willow couldn’t swim. It took a few minutes of flailing for him to realize that fact, and in that time she had already disappeared under the water. A wind stirred the water, and when realization struck he dove in to find her- and found her clinging to a pylon of the dock, with a bubble of air surrounding her head, understandably panicked. He and the group of friends got her out through shenanigans involving a dog and a length of rope.

For the most part, they avoided the topic of the air bubble as they went home, sobered by the event, but Willow kept thinking about it. She also shivered the whole way home, as cool breeze followed her. The next day saw her with a cold.

Breezes became her constant companion, though she wasn’t sure why. On a hot day, no matter how still it may have been, a cool breeze would always find her.

This was understandably pretty odd, and she ended up pretty much on her own by the time she was a senior. She didn’t mind terribly, it wasn’t like she needed them. You know, friends. Romantic relationships were few and far between as well- that boyfriend dropped away after a month or two.

She went to a generic college, and found herself just quietly going through the same old routine- get up, go to morning classes, get lunch, go to afternoon classes, go back to the dorm, disappear into the internet for a few hours, go to bed. Repeat daily.

One night conveniently near the end of her spring semester saw her lost in the depths of the internet, and discovering an advertisement for a college in a small, rural Canadian town- quiet and out of the way… But perhaps a change she needed…?

After consulting her parents, she transferred to Johnson Creek College, either sharing rent on one of the new apartments or living on campus.

So she came to Johnson Creek, and is sure to enjoy herself.

(I’m so sorry it sucks.)

Employed or Not: Unemployed, but looking

Store Name: -

Store Type: -

Full or Part Time: -

Store Position: -



  • black-and-white.jpg
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Elizabeth Kassab

  • Nickname(s): None

    Age: 17

    DOB: June 21st, 1998

    Gender: Demigirl

    Pronouns: She/her, though she will also respond to they/them

    Sexuality: Asexual demiromantic

    Supernatural: Human

    Ethnicity: Half-Arabic, Half-German

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no slide
I will never become a revenant of the past...

Elliott Dravenport




He appears to be in his twenties, while he and his sister's true names are spoken in the languages of the Dead and Forgotten.






Omnisexual, for he has had partners of many gender types but has never truly had his heart claimed.









166 lbs.

Eye Colour:

Ice Blue

Hair Colour:

Ink Black, with the occasional accent.

Significant scars/other markings:

Eli has no marks, no scars or abrasions. An unknown hallmark of an Original is to appear to have glowing, radiant health. His skin, though soft when he was cursed with the Thirst, is now hard as marble. His heart beats 4 tenths slower than a human, even slower than other vampires.

His appearance shifts back to it's original form at every dawn. Being that his hair was midway down his back, the fact that he constantly has to cut it could be considered tiresome. But, that's only due to wanting to stick with the times.

Clothing Style:

Now, Elliott keeps up with trends, opting for more gothic cuts and slim styles. Many have used him as the face of their fashion, so he has many connections to many different designer labels from Balenciaga to Versache. But, when he is home he keeps thins simple. Nice, linen shirts and loose pants. He likes to be comfortable in his domain. And he never fully buttons up a shirt. One thing he never removes is a talisman with half of his family mark, passed down to him and his sister by their father. A more refined version of the whole image can be seen on the gate leading into his estate.

The Little Things:


The Eternal Void

The Five returning

Never finding out what happened to his sister

Goals: Keep up the farce of being a younger vampire, while educating those vampires who think they are "hot shit". On a smaller note, he'd like to get his bar on the map.




Watching others

Eating(though he doesn't have to)


Death in any means, even if necessary

Drugged blood(even if his age dulls the effects, it still sucks)

When a "brave" person tries to kill him.


Coughs when he catches himself being too
inhuman(sitting too still, not breathing)

Overtips when he eats at the Fire House(their food deserves it)

Adopts Cats(out of both superstition and just being a cat person)

Personality in Paragraph Form:

Eli has lost a sense of his self over all these years frozen in his state. He can come across cold and has been called an Ice King by many. Comments like that run off his shoulders like rain on a glass pane, never getting past the surface. For underneath the surface that has been hardened by a long time of isolation lies a heart that yearns to be familiar and even loved. These facts won't be easily lay bare, for Elliott is an aloof mystery, not wanting to reveal the true nature of his past through the way he is. His loving heart is eclipsed by a dangerous involvement that concerns the likes of all vampires.

Personality in List Form:







"We were part of a tribe...and well loved. I was an honored hunter, while my sister was a healer revered by all the tribes in the valley. Though primal, our days were peaceful then. At least before the war and what our people did to 7 of us survive it.."

How does one explain things like turning the lady known as Helen of Troy? Or influencing the rebellious to end the life of the "Cake Princess", Marie Antoinette? Elliott has gone through many a name, identity, and time. He is an enigma, known but unknown to all of history. What is known by the vampires is that he was there at the foundation of the town known as Johnson Creek, and he also witnessed it's founder being placed in the ground. He prefers not to interfere, as many old ones do. He just wants to continue living as best he can-- it is critical for him to do so.

Job Information: "Heir" to many different, currently building a bar on the edge of town.

Employed or Not: (If not employed ignore the bottom part but do not delete it)

Store Name: (Title of the store. Like 'Daisies Flower Market' or something idk)

Store Type: (What kind of store or restaurant is it?)

Full or Part Time: (Summer job, do they have more than one? Or work full time)

Store Position: (Do you own/are you the boss of the store or an employee? If you want to be a boss please PM me)



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Embry Maria Amello


no slide no slide


110 pounds

Brown eyes

Dark brown hair

No significant markings

Embry's clothing style is very fun. She loves dresses and heels. She never sacrifices style for comfort, but has somehow become comfortable in even the most terrifying heels. She'll occasionally be caught in sweats, but it's usually because she was up too late. She's always fairly colorful. Though, she does love the aesthetic of all black or all white.



Being alone, death, ducks


To be famous, to live up to her expectations for herself, to travel the world, to be on Broadway


Pretty people, performing, being recognized for her talent


Being insulted, bigotry, Donald Trump, people fighting


Tabs her heel against her toe when she's thinking, pushes her hair back compulsively when nervous, extremely annoyed by continuity inconsistencies



Embry is a ray of sunshine. She's very nice, bubbly, and outgoing. She's also a space queen, constantly spacing out. She has a bad habit of not paying attention and is very flighty. Getting her to settle down is nearly impossible, as her brain never seems to stop. Don't catch her on a bad day though, the bubbly girl is replaced with a hateful, snarky girl. Though, it's rare to find her on a bad day.


Nice, bubbly, outgoing, spacey, flighty, hateful, snarky


Embry comes from a pretty big family. She's the middle child of four kids, and was never really noticed much by her parents. She didn't really mind, focusing her energy on her preforming instead. Her love of all things performance arts started young, watching musicals with her grandparents. This passion carried her through life, and she trained herself into a triple threat. Actress, dancer, and singer.

In high school, Embry was classified as the Drama Queen. Not because she started drama, but because she played the lead in all of the school's plays and musicals. She was fairly popular because of this. She thrived in her circle of popularity, and it carried into college. She went to Juliard, gaining her degree in performing arts. After graduating a year ago, she travelled a lot. Taking gigs along the way.

Her grandmother died eight months ago, causing Embry to take a break from her theatrical journey. She bounced from town to town, taking odd jobs as she went. She's worked everything from bars, clubs, bookstores, grocery shops, pretty much everything. She found her way to Johnson Creek not long ago, renting a small house and settling in for a little while. Her decision to settle here was based on it's "quaint vibes."


Job Info

Employed: Not yet

Store name:

Store type:

Full or part time:

Store position:

Relationships: She doesn't know anyone. PM me!


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Name: Paul Woodpod

Nickname(s): Stu (he received this name while working at a fast food restaurant as a cashier, and the name stuck)| Pod (if you wanna get on his bad side)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Him | His | He

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Supernatural: Warlock

Knows the correct way to manipulate all sound effects, volume and range in a 300 feet radius around him. (E.g He can lower the volume of a drill machine around his place, but others far away from him can still hear it.) He can also make a sound really high, the above example also applies here. He can also create random sounds outta nowhere, and can also use high pitched concentrated sound to push back someone or create enough friction to break glass.




Height: 6'1

Weight: 169

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Black

Significant scars/other markings: N/A

Clothing Style: He wears exactly what every stereotypical skinhead wears, complete with a Harrington jacket and jeans cut to reveal the boots. He also wears grunge or punk clothing sometimes. He prefers normally coloured clothing rather than flashy templates, and likes to wear his outfits modestly.



Losing his ability to hear (rational fear of deafness)

Acrophobia (irrational fear of heights)

Getting mugged (rational fear of getting mugged or kidnapped)


Attend a rock concert

Climbing the empire state building (which is close to impossible due to his aforementioned fear)

Winning a fist fight (utterly stupid)


Potato/chicken fusion (food)

Cola (beverage)

Heavy metal/minimalistic (music genre)

Loudness (environment)


Spring onion (food)

Milk (beverage)

Quietness and tranquillity (Environment)


He cracks his knuckles whenever he's bored, untile there are no knuckles left to crack.

Whenever he can, he always opens a door by kicking it.

Collects (fictional) action figurines.

He can travel through mirrors.


He's really a chill guy, or at least he looks like one at first glance. He's actually a really volatile person, who has aggressive tendencies, and self-confidence. While he may be a savage, he's not a savage most of the time, especially to his friends, who he's caring and protective to. Nevertheless, he can easily get panic-stricken and can usually be seen overreacting to something, or (humorously) exaggerating certain situations. He's quite sarcastic and also cynical at the same time, though he's not at all self-absorbed and likes to admit his mistake, and others mistakes too, making him brutally honest and blunt.

He's quite a straightforward guy, who doesn't really prefer using deceit or trickery to make the situation more tangled up. Although he isn't actually a pacifist or a subtle guy who has regard for order and peace, thus, unwittingly making him a troublemaker. He's also a team player, even though he has a disregard for unity, he believes that certain stuff cannot be completed without teamwork. He may also be ignorant or grim, especially if he's in a bad mood or of he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


The good stuff:

  • Looks chill

  • Protective

  • Caring to his friends

  • Self-confident

  • Team player

  • Admits his mistakes

  • Humorous

The bad stuff:

  • Cynical

  • Sarcastic

  • Uses exaggerations

  • Aggressive

  • Volatile/short-tempered

  • Chaotic

  • Neither a pacifist nor a subtle guy

  • Easily panic-stricken

  • Savage

Biography: Born in the stupid outskirts of Russia to two American immigrants who were now brainwashed Russian patriots. His father was a simpleton who was indirectly controlled by his scheming wife, who was a sociopath. Thus, making his life way too harder than it actually should be. His father eventually turned into a complete robot who's only purpose was to serve his master, or in this case, his wife. But before we dwell on anything further, we'll detail his lifestyle.

His father was a simple barber while his mother was a farmer's girl, with no job of her own. Thus he lived a life of an upper-lower class citizen. His house was no bigger than about to four rooms, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. He was often ridiculed in his class for being so poor, and how he dressed. Trust me, his dressing style wasn't that very good during that time.

As his father grew more and more estranged to his own son due to his wife's influence, Stu grew more and more angry, eventually to the point of seeing her mother as an antagonistic figure in his life. His mother would usually mentally abuse him and his father, and also regularly insult them. His mother even attempted to murder him, though he still doesn't know it.

As he graduated from college, he left Russia and went to the United States using the help of his uncle's friend, who was a rich guy. Arriving at the US, life at first was really hard for him. Since who's job experience wasn't that very high, and he was only twenty at that time, he started doing various odd jobs around town. Each time, he got rid out of a town was because of his aggressive tendencies and his weird powers. Yeah, he discovered his powers, when a construction site's constant noise were bothering him, he in a fit of mental anger, somewhat disabled the sound around him, and that's when he discovered that he could mentally manipulate the power of sound.

As time grew on, he travelled from towns to towns due to his habit to avoid paying rents, aggressive tendencies and spending money at a fast rate. He eventually came across a quiet town called Johnson creek, before eventually getting a job at a tattoo parlour. It was eventually the place he was looking for all the time, where people had similar attributes to him. He eventually grew accustomed to the area, and lives in the neighbourhood in a tall olive green skinny building with a strange guy named Vito le'posh.


Employed or Not: Employed

Store Name: Zodiac Tattoos

Store Type: Tattoo parlor

Full or Part Time: Full time

Store Position: Employee

Relationships: N/A at the current moment
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  • tumblr_o2vcmdTook1qh109ao1_r1_540.png


    Gunnlaug Sursson

    Taken name: Michael Smith

    Nickname(s): Micha, Gunny (Only Emilie uses that)

    Age: Was born sometime late 8th century

    Gender: Male

    Pronouns: He/Him/His

    Sexuality: Bisexual with preference for females

    Supernatural: Vampire


Haneul Choe

  • Aliases: Bidwell Mormonte, Ciel Baldwin

    Age: 21

    Gender: Genderfluid

    Pronouns: He/him, they/them

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Supernatural: Magic user

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Anastasia Slava

Nickname(s): Ana

Age: 22

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Pansexual

Supernatural: werewolf





Height: 5ft6

Weight:8 and a half stone

Eye Colour: green

Hair Colour: blonde

Significant scars/other markings: a deep scar that runs from the bottom of her neck and down her neck, vanishing under her shirt. There are more similar scars all along her back.

Clothing Style:


The Little Things:

Fears: claustrophobic, her past returning and having to trust someone.

Goals: to be happy, to become a chef and own her own restaurant.

Likes: kind people, being alone and peace and quiet.

Dislikes: arrogance, unneeded violence and argumentative people.

Quirks: sings and dances around people she's comfortable with, cracks her knuckles and fidgets often.


Slava has extreme trust issues, due to things that have happened to her in the past, so she doesn't make friends often. But it out of fear. Due to this fear people tend to look past her humour and kindness. Once you get to know this usually quiet girl you'll realise she's actually a good hearted person and that she doesn't mean to be ignorant and cold it's just that she wants to push them away. This also accounts for her short temper that her wolf exerts upon her during these times.

Personality in list form:

Anastasia Slava

  • Trust issues
  • Cold
  • Ignorant
  • Quiet
  • Funny
  • Kind
  • Short temper/hot headed


Ana hasn't had the easiest life. On the run from Russia, because of what she is, it took her a while to find this place. She didn't exactly fit in at first since she kept to herself, however she seems to have settled. It's been six years since Ana moved into one of the original coloured houses. For once in her life she is happy and has a real life, free from her past. Apart from the nightmare that she still has.

When Ana was on the run she was mentally and physically abused by other people and supernatural's alike. It all started with her family, her mother was no more of a drunk that sat back and watched as Ana's father knocked her about. After the unexplained murder of her parents, that she no doubt had a part of, Ana ran away. But she found, that just like her mummy and daddy, that people where crule. They beat her for being a freak and called her a monster because she didn't understand that being a werewolf was a problem for them. This has made her distrust people as a whole as she believes that they will cover her in scars (like the ones on her back) and treat her like a freak.

Job Information:

Employed or Not: self employed

Store Name: Artist

Store Type: Home/art studio

Full or Part Time: full time

Store Position: Artist

Relationships: *Don't feel obliged to fill this in right now as the roleplay has yet to start*:N/A

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I would like to sign up but I'm not in front of my computer at the moment. I'll be home in about an hour so I can post my character sign up :)

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