James 'Dog' Bartlett


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
Name:  James 'Dog' Bartlett
Age: Twenty Nine 

Gender: Male
Height:  6'1"
Weight: 155 lbs

Personality: Cool as a cucumber. Is normally just worried about getting paid and eating. Especially eating. If you do get on his bad side you are gonna be in for a world of hurt. He does have his morals despite his job, after all no reason to throw his morals for cash.  He has a fairly sharp wit. He is a chain smoker, smoking even when it rains or when there is a no smoking signs. He is pretty cynical though he does have some. He takes many martial arts teachings to heart, such as that of Bruce Lee. 

Alias: Cowboy Hound

A 9mm gun just like it sounds nothing too special though it does help.

An implant that James got after an accident, helps with aiming and reactions. 

A contact lense that is linked to the bounty hunting network. 

A net launcher of getting bounties.


Agility: James is one hell of agile guy being very skilled in parkour able to zip around like a cat on a sugar rush, it also isn't too bad in fight, helping him dodge. 

Martial arts: A few years of training and teaching made James pretty good a kung-fu fighting. He isn't unbeatable but he is still pretty good. 

Charisma: James is pretty good talker, able to get people to trust and believe him. The people who trust him normally do distrust. 


Human weakness: James is just a normal guy so he can be killed in all the wonderful ways he is killed. 

Implant Weakness: Dude to his accident and implant James can be caught of guard by high pitched noises and certain radio waves. 

Eye weakness: To do with his implant again, his eyes are weaker to certain kinds of light like. 
Bio: James grew up and had a pretty normal life. It wasn't anything spectacular but it was happy. As James grew up and grew distant from his family as his work took over. He started to fall in with bad man from a bad crowd. He hurt people, sometimes good people, people who didn't deserve it. One day something happened that woke James up making him leave. Though you never really leave an organisation so when Dog decided to leave, well they decided he would be a message. Only just surviving Bartlett takes the time to set out a new life for himself starting with getting an implant to help him with his new work. Bounty Hunting. After all he has the skills to do so. 
Occupation: Bounty hunter
Vehicle: The Red Arm (motorbike)
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