Story jack n thelma #just4fun



jack soren ronnenfelt

♫/punch and judy - elliott smith/♫


dejected, but kind of having fun


eckstein middle school




jack had known of thelma since.. about seventh grade. technically they’d been moving through the same schools for a good part of elementary school, but thelma was a lot different back then. not that jack was opposed to hanging with anyone for any particular reasons, but the combination of him being fairly timid and them being.. well a pageant kid–it just didn’t make a whole lot of sense for the two to be associating with eachother more than average. in general, the awareness of eachother’s existence didn’t seem to dawn on either of them–at least jack’s recollection of it anyway.

somewhere around december of 2014, school was on rainy day schedule and jack wasn’t too keen on attending class in general today much LESS fourth period gym with mr. boyer. smoking cigarette after cigarette on the muddy soccer field was far more bearable especially under the concealment of the tarp away from any and all staff. how could a public school be under a pretense of large funding yet refuse to change creaky wooden bleachers out for some steel? they’d probably still be shitty knowing eckstein–knowing seattle–but at the very least they wouldn’t have to cover it with a molding tarp every other day of the year. besides, it always ended up reeking of weed. it’s like they were asking for kids to just skip school and hot box in there.

today, there was a huge rupture in the tarp probably done by some stupid kid or a homeless person needing an air vent for their bonfire. it worked out rather perfectly, jack didn’t have to suffer inhalation poisioning from any smoke–plus it was still warm. pretty nice as long as he ducked any time a teacher or security guard passed by which was unarguably of slim chance today. it was pouring.

sparking up yet another, he toyed with the cord of his earphones–barely hanging on both materially and audially. upon doing so a figure appeared out of nowhere and climbed over the wooden planks, hood tightly pulled over their hair–blonde and short. jack wasn’t too startled by it as kids came through the tarped bleachers often and this kid was considerably shorter than him so there was no chance it was a teacher in disguise. jack couldn’t really see their face, though and he didn’t bother making much eye contact even when the figure quietly asked to bum a cigarette off him.

“here.” he said, placing the cigarette between his fingers and handing it over along with a red lighter. they smoked adjacent from eachother in a bit of silence aside from the pattering of rain on the tarp. jack was a little too dejected and a lot too sooted to feel any awkwardness in this. it was kind of calming anyway.

“mr. boyer stares a little too hard at everyone. i’m starting to think he’s a pedo. or worse.. a government spy..” they trailed before taking another drag.

jack, understandably taken aback but rather pleasantly, straightened up a little at the sound of femininity in their voice. aside from that, their claim though started out considerably substantial yet ended humorously. if they were joking though, the joke aspect was entirely missed by the tone of voice. dark humor, he could vibe with that. he leaned back on the wood, a creak as he did. “oh yeah.. that guy’s really creepy. more like the government’s spying on him. i hope.” he responded, a little too pleased with his own joke.

“working as a middle school p.e. teacher for thirty years is too suspicious. all of these teachers have been here too long. there really is no other explanation.” they continued all too seriously.

jack nodded his head, “it’s like they’re programmed to make sure we follow the rules of society. we get punished otherwise and sometimes even on our school records, totally public to the government and the police department."

"i got caught for stealing two years ago and when i got here they somehow knew about it. i wouldn’t be surprised honestly.”
he continued.

he didn’t really mean to agree with the claim that eckstein middle was full of government spies. more so just going with the joke, but technically the ways of the system were not false claims. and the government could technically keep tabs on anyone in the public school system and most likely anybody in general. for the rest of our lives. this is mainly why he used a vpn when using his computer and admittedly he had gone through a phase of covering his webcam up. perhaps he was still in that phase. still, the harmless banter seemed to spark much interest from the figure.

this turned into a back and forth of conspiracy talk.

jack and his own little friend group enjoyed discussing these things, but not entirely in depth. luke would say he didn’t really give a fuck. laury would occasionally join in, but mostly to poke fun. and emily was just scared of it all. so this little chat turning into a full on theorist forum board was actually quite invigorating and he shared his thoughts freely, intuitively. the figure’s ability to fire back with new information, some he hadn’t even heard prior, was surprising.. coming from a girl. no offense, of course. jack never truly committed to any theories publicly, but many they discussed he always felt were totally plausible.

no names were revealed during this small exchange, not by any internalized choice but more so lack of awareness. jack thought it may have been for the best when a patroller noticed his big head through the gaping hole and started for them at a breakneck pace. not only would this be jack’s third offense in a little less than a month, but it was imperative he did not go back to the hell that was gym class. aside from this, he couldn’t really tell if the stranger was the type to freak if they did end up getting hassled into their principal’s barf-color carpeted office. it was best not to take such chances.

“oh shit. we–h-have to go.” jack stammered, “come on, i know how to lose him–” already making his way out of the tarp on the other end, the boy started running through the soccer field toward the brick wall on the east end. the rainwater was still pillowing down. he looked behind him and by pleasant surprise, stranger had followed him. the two were running through the thick of it, mud and all, from the stumbling heavy set man.

“here, here!” he hollered, turning towards the baseball backstop, “climb the fencing, i’ll throw our backpacks over.” without a second thought, he tossed both their backpacks over onto the concrete and followed suit with the climb. by this point the figure knew exactly what they were doing, using the backstop to get over the vine-covered brick wall and hopped over with a thud on the other end. jack looked back at their enemy who was just heaving barely half-way to them. they were home free. the sight made jack laugh out loud, moving the wet hair sticking over his eyebrows before making the descent down the wall himself. mission complete. and even the rain was starting to let up.

“..well what do we do now?” they said, their eyes following the cars whisking by on the road. something in their voice like they’d never exactly skipped school this way before.

“...i don’t know..usually i just go to the skatepark at this point..i’m kind of hungry though.” jack responded, throwing a small pebble into the road. “i’m jack.”

“you’re thelma right?”
he asked, a hint of uncertainty by the small crack in his voice–to which he cleared his throat right after, “i haven’t really seen you around…or i dont know, you’ve changed. a lot.”

“i’m in your p.e. class. but yeah..that’s my name.”

“fuck. i never show up. i hate that class–sorry, i guess i just didn’t recognize you.” now jack just felt like a huge jerk. he just never showed up in time for roll call. like ever. but to be fair, the person they were speaking with now was somehow the same little girl in hairsprayed curls and glitter blush from years ago. except they fit nowhere near their former self. at all. there’s no way he’d be expected to put two and two together so easily. their hair was short, but short in a way that looked like they performed the chop themselves with a handheld mirror or maybe with no mirror at all. and instead of patten tights and a bright-colored peacoat, a dark grey hoodie was thrown over them–mangled black vans to match.

he liked this version a lot better though. “you look better these days.” he pressed his lips together into a half-smile.

“thanks.” they mumbled, still staring out onto the road, “..i think so too.” it seemed like they were about to say something else about the topic of change, but decided not to.

“well.. do you wanna get snacks at the shell?”


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© weldherwings.

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