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Realistic or Modern It's Witchin' Hour: Lore

Our Lovely Species
  • Here is the list of species and their breakdown
    (If you have a species in mind, you may send it to me through PM or discord and I will add it here) :)


    There is a process in becoming a vampire...

    When a person is bitten, they have twenty-four hours to basically choose life or death.

    • When first in transition, the victim will feel thirsty, irritating throat, high temperature, excessive sweating, irregular heartbeat, they become pale, and nausea.
    • In order to finish the transition, they must drink from a human and their 'master' or better known as the person who had bitten them.
    • Once the transformation is completed, that newbie vampire will be sired to their creator. (Meaning, you can feel their every emotion, and thought.)
    • The only way to break a sire-bond is by either killing the 'offspring,' or just getting a witch to cast a spell.

    Born or Bitten?:
    You are not born a vampire. Since the aging for vampires is much slower, the reproduction system of female vampires runs so slow that it does not work to its full extent.

    • The only way for them to have a child is with a werewolf/human/witch. (If a male vampire releases during intercourse in a female opposite of his species, then she can carry the child. The male reproductive system works to its full capacity.)
    • As for a female vampire getting pregnant after intercourse, that is ONLY possible if she mated with a werewolf. For some reason, a werewolf sea-men (haha), is much stronger and faster when it makes contact with the egg.
    Vampires can save the lives of others by giving them their blood. Since vampires have the ability to heal themselves, it is in their blood and when they give an injured person their blood, the victim becomes healed. (This cannot turn a person into a vampire. You have to die before you become an undead.)

    If a vampire chooses to save a human who has died and brought them back to life. Then the vampire must give them their blood and thus when they wake, they begin their transformation by feeding.

    If none of these apply, then just keep it traditional like what is stated above this. (How if a human is bitten they go through the slow process of becoming a vampire in 24 hours.)


    There are many different types of witches and warlocks, each having a special spell or power that is unique to them, making them stand out from the crowd.

    In the witch community, it is illegal to have a child with another breed because it breaks the chain. Power is passed through every full witch that is born and harnessed within the community so that it is distributed equally, and they can't do so if the chain is tainted.

    A half-breed is almost like chaos in the eyes of a witch because they can either create or destroy life if not taken care of.

    To a vampire, the blood of a newborn which is the key to WALKING IN THE FLIPPING SUNLIGHT (without a piece of jewelry on) and (only part of the key to the 'cure' for vampires)

    Resolution: The way they used to resolve a half-breed is by killing it before it is born by putting a terrible spell on the mother that kills the child from the inside (so in other words a miscarriage).

    • The spell requires the child being present (if it is already born), but if not then the mother. They tie them up to a cross with their hands spread as well. From there, they mix a couple of herbs while reciting a chant over the herbal potion, from there they sprinkle half of the potion on the belly of the mother or the child (if it is born). (This is a highly painful process). After, they take the remainder of the potion and add a single drop of blood from a werewolf (a werewolves blood is like part of a poison in the witch community. Very hard to get.) and have the mother drink it (if she doesn't drink it, then she is injected with the serum in her stomach. Lastly, they do one last chant and then the process is complete. (For the unborn child, the mother has a miscarriage and loses the baby. But if the child is born, then the child dies right on the cross. From there, the power has seeped into the ground, which later will be distributed within the witch community).


    • Females of these species will stand at 6 feet, while males stand at an astounding 7 feet tall.
    • They bear sharp teeth that can puncture through bones
    • Sharp claws that can tear through steel
    • Their fur is so heavy and thick that it glistens in the moonlight.
    • Female werewolves have a thinner coat then male werewolves

    Original Werewolf:

    • These werewolves as was said at the beginning to stand at 7 feet on all fours, which means that they are natural purebred werewolves. (Two werewolves that have mated together)
    Duo-Misce Werewolves:
    • (Latin meaning “Two Legs” since the first sighting of them was in one of the Latin American countries)
    • These types of breeds are when they stand on their two legs, being a mix breed of Human and Werewolf.
    • Even though they stand on two legs, werewolves who are born of the same breed are much faster than the ones who stand on both legs, what sets them apart is how agile the Duo-Misce are when running; since they can run, jump go under things grab stuff with their hands and over things more easily. They
    • are easiest to kill since their fur is not as thick as a four-legged werewolf. Their appearance is of a Lycan where they have the physical appearance of a human body and ahead of a werewolf.

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