• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐™ธ๐šƒ'๐š‚ ๐™น๐š„๐š‚๐šƒ ๐™ฐ ๐™ฑ๐š„๐™ฝ๐™ฒ๐™ท ๐™พ๐™ต ๐™ท๐™พ๐™ฒ๐š„๐š‚ ๐™ฟ๐™พ๐™ฒ๐š„๐š‚ ! | [ cs ]



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[class=tabs] color: grey; line-height: 1; margin-top: -30px; position: relative; z-line: 1; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; text-align: center; min-width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 20%; color: #FCFCFC; font-family: 'Lato'; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/X2LfhKo.png), auto !important; transition: 0.15s;[/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} sheet) (show tabsContentVee) if (eq ${currentTab} plot) (show tabsContentFinally) if (eq ${currentTab} info) (show tabsContentDoes) if (eq ${currentTab} roles) (show tabsContentTabs) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style=" margin: auto;"]sheet
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]plot
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]info
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]roles[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVee"]

โHang him on a hook and let me play with himโž
Nickname: [ optional, if any, how did your character receive their nickname? ]
Birthday | Age: [ Characters should be around 18-21 years old. But, Sister One: 27 , Sister Two: 26, Sister Three: 24/25, Old Flame: 21-23, and Chosen One: 16 ]
Sexuality: [ optional ]

Hair color:
Eye color:
Build | Body Type:
Distinguishing features | Markings: [ skin tone, hair, eyes, birthmarks, tattoos, scars, etc.]
Attire: [ optional, what kind of style do they have? you can describe and/or link outfit choices ]

[ Feel free to answer the questions in your character's perspective and/or through descriptions ]
"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?" [ Note: Can be in paragraph form if you'd like to list the traits and explanation ]

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?" [ Note: Can be in paragraph form if you'd like to list the traits and explanation ]

"What are some fun facts about yourself?" [ Dislikes, likes, , quirks, etc. ]

"What are some of your talents and skills?" [ Ex: Touching your nose with your tongue. Witches can place their abilities here ]

"What is your greatest fear?"

"What are your ambitions and goals?"

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"

"How do you feel about death?"

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters | Humans? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."

Brief History:

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"

Relationships: [ Please wait to plot this out after character acceptances ]

. / / OTHERS
Theme Song: [ optional ]
Moodboard: [ optional ]
Anything else you'd like to add can be placed here!
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentFinally" style="display: none;"]

โOh look. Another glorious morning. โž
โ Come little children. . . โž
Over 300 years ago, legend has it that in Salem, Massachusetts, three witches: The Sanderson Sisters lived in the neck of the woods, away from civilisation. The sisters' cottage was a place to never venture into as an agreement was placed between the Salem villagers and the witches. The agreement stated that The Sanderson Sisters will leave the Salem villagers alone as long as the witches can do whatever they pleased in their forest. However, that agreement only lasted for a short period of time. . .

Rumors of The Sanderson Sisters' terror against another village ran rampant. What the villagers in Salem feared soon came to light. People began disappearing slowly, but, without proof, the Salem villagers could do nothing but wait for The Sanderson Sisters to mess up their agreement and take them down.

But, at what cost?​

It wasn't until children slowly started disappearing and in particular: one of the Elder's from Salem's daughter, did things escalate quickly. Lured into the forest by a hypnotising and alluring song, the young child followed the witch into the cottage. With the help of the Eldest Sanderson Sisters' spell-book, The Sanderson Sisters made a potion and had only one goal in mind: to kill children - taking their life force - and by doing so, they will be able to gain immortality as well as maintain their beauty and youth.

But, it was too late for the young child. Before the Eldest daughter of one of the Salem Elder could save her little sister, The Sanderson Sisters achieved their goal successfully: reverting their age by killing the child. It is only when they kill as many children as they could would they be able to gain immortality. The eldest daughter fought against the witches only to be cursed by The Eldest Sanderson Sister to live forever with her guilt of not being able to protect her little sister.

The Salem villagers managed to invade The Sanderson Sisters' cottage, catching them. But, before they were hung, The Sanderson Sisters casted one last spell:

"Thrice I with mercury purify and spit upon the tables. Ah! Fools! All of you! My ungodly book speaks to you. During All Hallows month when the moon is round, a virgin will summon us from under the ground! Ohh! Ohhh! We shall be back!"

Despite the Elder asking the witches what happened to his eldest daughter, the witches refused to give a direct answer, only stating, "Cat's got my tongue!" With the witches hanged and killed, refusing to believe their words, the Salem villagers proceeded to leave but not without a black cat attempting to catch the attention of the Elder before the cat was kicked away.
โ . . .Into a land of enchantment โž


โ Itโ€™s a full moon tonight. Thatโ€™s when all the weirdos are out โž
It is 2003, 310 years since the reign of The Sanderson Sisters. October has approached and with it, all of the festivities of Halloween arrives. Salem, Massachusetts is booming with holiday cheer and spooks. A new kid and his little sister arrives in town with their family, but, the new kid refuses to get into the Halloween spirit and Salem's spooky legends. As Halloween approaches, scary stories are being told in classrooms, especially one legend in particular: The Sanderson Sisters. The tale is known throughout Salem and the Sanderson Sisters' cottage was once turned into a museum only to be abandoned due to the unluckiness that occurs in the cottage.

With skepticism and a dare made by classmates, the new kid and the others make their way to the old Sanderson cottage to see what will happen. Call it stupidity or teenage shenanigans, the group heads into the cottage, messing around with the items inside. But, what happens when the legends are true?

The Black Flame candle is lit by the new kid and within matter of minutes, the witches arise from the dead! Will Salem be thrust into another horror-filled reign by the Sanderson Sisters or will the group be able to save Salem and children before it's too late?

Author's Note

โCouldn't you forget about being a cool teenager for one night? โž
Hello everyone! Welcome to ๐™ธ๐šƒ'๐š‚ ๐™น๐š„๐š‚๐šƒ ๐™ฐ ๐™ฑ๐š„๐™ฝ๐™ฒ๐™ท ๐™พ๐™ต ๐™ท๐™พ๐™ฒ๐š„๐š‚ ๐™ฟ๐™พ๐™ฒ๐š„๐š‚ ! Since spooky month is arriving, I figured that having a Halloween-themed roleplay inspired one of my all-time favorite movie would be a great way to get into the spirit of Halloween!
Although Hocus Pocus is set for only one night, I think having the roleplay start out in the middle of October would be a great start so that our characters can grow, interact, and have a good ol' horror-filed time! Because there are changes that I made personally to turn this into a roleplay, we won't be following along closely to the plot event of the movie!
This roleplay will have mature themes because I do expect this to be a bit darker than the original.
Note: The Sanderson Sisters will not understand any of the 21st century technological advancements and pop culture. I think it'll be fun to see them interact with the world they aren't used to living in!
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentDoes" style="display: none;"]
General Housekeeping Rules

โ Book! Come to Mommy! โž
Please follow all RPN Site Rules and Guidelines and respect every player.
Please note that in-character drama should stay there and out of the out-of-character chat area. If there's an issue, please take it to private message and feel free to include me in the message so that we can resolve it together. Don't hesitate to reach out if there's any questions or concerns!
Romance is not a must or a requirement! But, if it so happens that relationships starts blooming then thatโ€™s wonderful!
Please drop a comment in this thread if you're interested and what role you're gong for!

Roleplay Information

โ Amok! Amok! Amok! โž
The role-play is inspired by Hocus Pocus but with an added twist. For the sake of the roleplay, canon characters, with an exception of the Sanderson sisters' lore and surname, do not exist. We are playing original characters! You do not need to know | have watched the movie to join the roleplay! [ Note: The year is 2003, 310 years later since the witches were hanged | Salem witch trials ]
Unfortunately, this is not first-come, first-serve. There will be an application process and a due date! Once the due date approaches, sign-ups will be closed and based on the applicants, I will choose the characters that I believe will best fit the roleplay! [ Eep, this is the hardest part ! But, I want everyone to get an equal fair chance of applying for a role ! ]
You may apply for two roles, however, the roles must be different. For example, if you already applied for "The Believer", you can not apply for it again. Only one character will be chosen for each player!
Please use realistic face-claims but if youโ€™re not comfortable with using realistic faceclaims, feel free to describe your character! Thereโ€™s going to be an appearance area on the sheet! For the Sanderson sisters, only their surname will be kept the same, you are free to change their first name. [ Note: The witches will look around mid-20s to late 20s while the others are 18-21 years old. The 'chosen one' will be the youngest approx. 16 years old.]
Although there are roles, the roles are used as vague character guidelines to help the plot and story! But, you are free to make up their names, personality, in-depth history, etc.! Go crazy and have fun!
As stated above, please reach out to me and the members of this roleplay. This roleplay will rely on a lot of character-driven actions and ideas so communication is a must. I expect there to be a lot of plotting going on in the out-of-character! I have quite a few plots and events that'll move and engage the story, however, this roleplay will not just rely on me as a GM but also you as players! [ Note: There will be a discord for out-of-character chats, however, it will be sent once acceptances are out ]

Posting Information

โ I smell children~ โž
I would like to aim for at least [ 1 ] post a week. Please communicate with me if you can not post or will be away for a certain period of time. I definitely understand that life happens and that things are out of our control sometimes. But, please, if you know you'll be away, please let me know.
As long as your post is readable and understandable, everything will be fine and dandy. The only minimum requirement is that your post should be at least be [ 2 ] paragraphs so that others can have something to work with when writing their post!
There will be no posting order in this roleplay, however, please wait at least [ 2 ] post after you have posted to post again so that way there wouldn't be any back and forth. Other than that, please feel free to post as much as you like and as needed.
The roleplay will be divided into "chapters" or even "episodes". There will be a "task" or a "goal" in each "episode" to help guide the players in a direction. But, how you achieve the goal is up to you and your characters. There will be a " time duration" of how long the "episodes" will take. For example, the beginning "episode" will start out with your characters' starting post. The time limit of how long we will stay on this specific scene will be "one week" and so forth. Depending on the players, the time duration on how long we will stay on scene will change. [ Every 'chapter' or 'episode' is considered a scene change or time skip, etc. ]
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentTabs" style="display: none;"]
The Cast
Sister One | mxlly mxlly
The oldest of Sanderson Sisters, Sister One is known for her brains; her cunning; and her twisted, wicked ways: traits her other two sisters do not have. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants. However, her jealousy will get in her way and may undo her. Sister one has an affinity for spellcasting, necromancy, and electrokinesis.
Sister Three | JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
The youngest of the Sanderson Sisters, Sister Three is known for her alluring presence and charming, honeyed words. Despite wanting to seduce [The Old Flame], Sister Three always manages to talk Sister One around and get her way. Her most potent weapon is her voice: compelling, seducing.
The Unlucky One | erised erised
A non-believer in the supernatural, The Unlucky One is the new kid in town, recently moved in from the city. He's taken an interest of some kind in [The Believer] and plays with fire, sometimes literally, unintentionally setting up the witchesโ€™ return.
The Believer | Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
Knowledgeable in the supernatural, The Believer is a local who has always believed in the impossible. With her mother owning the Sanderson Sisters' Museum, it's wondered if her family is connected to the Sanderson Sisters. She has a history with [The Outlier], but keeps her distance.
The Old Flame | sox sox
Descendent of Billy Butcherson, Sister Oneโ€™s old lover, The Old Flame catches the eye of [Sister One], who hopes for another chance and to bring him to the dark side. He becomes an unwilling participant in the affairs of the witches. What will he choose?
The Responsible One | Uxie Uxie
The glue of the group, The Responsible One is responsible and maternal, often going out of their way for others. They, like [Sister Two] are intensely loyal, and so their biggest concern is [The Old Flame], refusing to let [The Sanderson Sisters] seduce him.
Sister Two | deer deer
The middle child of the Sanderson Sisters, Sister Two is loyal and known for her bravery, following the lead of Sister One. She and Sister Three tend to have playful arguments and fights. Sister Two is known for her heightened senses, unerring detection of children, and supernatural strength.
The Shifter | deer deer
Cursed to be a cat and live forever with her guilt, The Shifter can only take human form in October while the rest of the year, she lives as a talking cat. She protects the old Sanderson Cottage, waiting for the day she'll get her revenge on the Sanderson Sisters and free herself from her immortal curse.
The Chosen One | apolla apolla
Sister of [The Unlucky One] and the youngest of the group, she sticks up against [The Sanderson Sisters]. Despite not being a child, she becomes a target to the witches due to the same vibrant youth which makes her so well-liked.
The Outlier | Xed Xed
With deep-rooted sadness, the outlier follows [The Instigator] but finds himself obsessed and fascinated with the [ Shifter ], wanting to live another life than his own. A life for a life. Why? Their reasons are secret and they are the most private of the group. He has history with [The Believer].

The Instigator | Pyosimros Pyosimros
Despite being the son of a policeman, The Instigator is known for their anarchic behaviour. He influences [The Chosen One] into a wild adventure. Will he be able to save his friends and prove himself a worthy inheritor of his father's legacy after all?
The Stubborn One | Cosmo Cosmo
The Stubborn One - The comedy relief of the group, The Stubborn One teases and banters with everyone, especially [The Responsible One]. He struggles with keeping focus and has trouble following other people's lead.

The Free Role | Open​
Is there any roles you see here that doesn't match the idea you have in mind? Send a private message to me and let me know your thoughts! The few restriction I have is that they must be a local and that they would somehow tie in with one of the character roles listed - whether it is someone in the group or with the Sanderson sisters! I'd like this 'free role' to be human. Can't wait to see what you lovelies come up with!
codedbycrucially | hidden scroll in tabs
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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ ๐…๐‹๐€๐Œ๐„
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margin-right: 3px; [/class] [class=tagb] display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; width: 220px; height: auto; background-color: #8B002E; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-weight: 700; color: #FFB078; box-shadow: 1px 2px #4F000B; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 4px; [/class] [class=basics] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 89px; height: 14px; left: 20px; top: 71px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4F000B; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #8B002E; [/class] [class=persona] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 89px; height: 18px; left: 18px; top: 230px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4F000B; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #8B002E; [/class] [class=hist] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 150px; height: 18px; left: 443px; top: 71px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4F000B; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #8B002E; [/class] [class=other] position: absolute; overflow: visible; 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[div class=bkgd]
[div class=name]dean flores[/div]
[div class=role]the old flame[/div]
[div class=line][/div]
[div class=basics]basics[/div]
[div class=persona]persona[/div]
[div class=hist]background[/div]
[div class=other]other[/div]
[div class=basicscont][div class=basicstext][div class=tag]name:[/div] dean flores

[div class=tag]nickname:[/div] chef boy-r-dean - as dubbed by his friends and family, since he's a wonderful cook

[div class=tag]age:[/div] 22

[div class=tag]birthday:[/div] june 23

[div class=tag]gender:[/div] male

[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] heterosexual

[div class=tag]role:[/div] the old flame

[div class=tag]hair color:[/div] dark brown

[div class=tag]eye color:[/div] light brown

[div class=tag]height:[/div] 6' 3"

[div class=tag]build/body type:[/div] Lean, extremely fit, but not too bulky | Mesomorph

[div class=tag]distinguishing features:[/div] tattoos - x x x

[div class=tag]attire:[/div] x x x

[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] rafael miller
[div class=personacont][div class=personatext][div class=tagb]"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why."[/div]
"Ah, that's a tough one, to be honest. People tell me I'm really good at comforting people, so maybe that? I like easing people's worries and helping them de-stress, and if my company can do that, I'm there. I like to think that I'm at least kind of funny, and I make friends pretty easily. Oh, I don't know if this is a positive trait, per se, but I'm really good at chatting people up. I've never had any specific enemies that weren't outside of my control, you know what I'm saying? I like to stay optimistic and keep moving forward even when I feel like shit, so that's probably a good thing. Hm, one more thing? I'd say I'm level-headed. It's hard to get me really riled up, unless you're being a twat."

[div class=tagb]"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you like to improve about yourself?"[/div]
"So many things, aha. I definitely trust too easily. Like, way too easily. What can I say? I'm a repeat offender. I also seriously suck at confrontation. When certain things went down a couple years ago, I let somebody walk all over me because I didn't have the guts to stand up for myself. I'd like to think I've gotten better about it, but I honestly haven't been put in such an extreme position since. Hm, what else... I feel things way too deeply, and sometimes take things to heart that I shouldn't. I'm a kid at heart, I guess. I really like to believe in the good in everyone, but that doesn't always work out for me. Also, I'm directionally challenged as fuck."

[div class=tagb]"What are some fun facts about yourself?"[/div]
"I love snakes. I've had a couple pet snakes in the past, but I've been looking to get a Mexican Black Kingsnake for a while now. They're beautiful creatures, seriously! I also love autumn. Sweater weather, baby! Hot cocoa and bonfires for days. Things I don't like? Hm, I don't really like candy. A lot of it is too sweet for me, but I don't mind dark chocolate here and there. Oh, I also can't stand when people have superiority complexes. It irritates the hell out of me, and with good reason. I have a tendency to get a bit of a cold bitch face if I'm pissed---it comes out on its own! I swear!"

[div class=tagb]"What are some of your talents and skills?"[/div]
"Not to suck my own cream cannon or anything, but I can whip up a bomb three-course dinner. I'm not bad at singing, snowboarding, and art, but I don't like to show those off. The only thing I really take pride in is my cooking. I speak some broken ass Spanish, too, if that counts."

[div class=tagb]"What is your greatest fear?"[/div]
"Wouldn't you like to know? Aha, just kidding. Drowning, hands down. No thanks. Absolutely not. My cousin tried to drown me once in a pond. Not funny. Didn't laugh."

[div class=tagb]"What are your ambitions and goals?"[/div]
"I don't necessarily have any specific dreams in life. I just want to live happily and spend my time on Earth with people who raise me up. Maybe conserve the planet while I'm at it. Having a family would be nice, whether that means with my pets, with a significant other, or with a couple friends that keep me going. I hate being alone."

[div class=tagb]"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"[/div]
"I'd like to say that I live in the moment, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my anxieties about the future. It's hard to push out those thoughts once they start creeping in, you know?"

[div class=tagb]"How do you feel about death?"[/div]
"Really diving right in, huh? I don't really think about it too much. I'm athetist, but I can't help but believe that we live on in some way after death. I've seen enough evidence to stand pretty firmly on that, I think."

[div class=tagb]"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"[/div]
"Half-full, always."

[div class=tagb]"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"[/div]
"Yes, and kind of. I don't believe in magic in the typical sense of the word. I think there are phenomena that we can't explain just yet because it's not in our mental capacity, and that's what we, as a society, call magic. Whether we should try and mess with it or not, though, is a whole other question. Some things are beyond our understanding for a reason."

[div class=tagb]"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"[/div]
"I used to love Halloween, and October as a whole. Spooky season all the way! Now I've got some dark memories tied to it, though, so I'd have to go with Earth Day. Compostable materials only in this household."

[div class=tagb]"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"[/div]
"Interesting question. I can't say I know them, because they're a bit of a legend in these parts, but I'd definitely be down to get to know them and their witchy ways. There's a lot of things I'd ask the eldest sister if I had the chance, but I don't think that'll ever happen. I have a tattoo on my right arm that ties back to the legend, which---actually, that's a story for another time."

[div class=tagb]"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"[/div]
"Night time. I'm a night owl all the way. There's something really tranquil about the world at four in the morning. Spend twenty minutes staring at the night sky a week, and it'll help you become a much happier person. I guarantee it."

[div class=tagb]"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"[/div]
"Who wouldn't choose dark forest? Nature is my kink. When life gets too overwhelming, I lay down on the ground in the woods behind my house and stare up at the branches. Owls are really great company!"

[div class=tagb]"If you had to eat or drink any of these foods for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."[/div]
"I'm a sucker for pumpkin pie. I can inhale one of those bad boys whole. Everything else except the tea sounds way too sweet for me, and I'm not a big fan of teas with cinnamon, cardamom, etc. in them."

[div class=histcont][div class=histtext][div class=tag]Family:[/div] His mother, who works in a nursing home full-time, and his older sister, who is away at university.

[div class=tag]Brief History:[/div] As a descendent of Billy Butcherson, Dean grew up in Salem with his older sister and mother in their grandparents' rickety old mansion on the outskirts of town. After his father passed, he left a huge wealth that he had been sitting on for years without telling them. Thanks to this, Dean's family never struggled with finances, and his sister was able to leave for university like she had always dreamed of, since the small town life had never been for her. On the other hand, Dean had a strong attachment to their weird little city and its beautiful land, so he stayed home and attended a local college to study the culinary arts. With his sister gone and his mother choosing to work full-time, he had a lot of alone time on his hands, which he killed by making friends with nearly everyone and their mothers in Salem.

When he was 17, Dean came across the legend of the Sanderson sisters, which he was initially entranced by. They were supposedly beautiful and mysterious and confident, and he tried his hardest to resist the temptation of seeking out their world. He knew it would prove to be one of the most ill-guided decisions of his life, but he couldn't say he wasn't alright with that. He left the thought of them behind once he began college, but a part of him still remained intrigued by the alternate perspective that the sisters could provide.

[div class=tagb]"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"[/div]
"I used to be super chubby and clumsy. Picked on at school, never got chosen for sports teams, got stood up before homecoming---the whole package. That's when I took up working out and really getting my body to a place where I was healthy and confident. I hit the gym six days of the week and lost fifty pounds, which I'm super proud of. Getting into shape was one of the best decisions I've ever made."

[div class=othercont][div class=othertext][div class=tag]Alignment:[/div] Lawful good

[div class=tag]Zodiac Sign:[/div] Cancer

[div class=tag]Theme Song:[/div] "Night Owl" by This Century

[div class=tagb]Moodboard:[/div]

[div class=tagb]Relationships:[/div]
Sister One:

Sister Two:

Sister Three:

The Shifter:

The Unlucky One:

The Chosen One:

The Believer:

The Outlier:

The Instigator:

The Responsible One:

The Stubborn One:

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[div class=credit]code by sox sox [/div][/div]

: Dean Flores
Nickname: Chef Boy-R-Dean, as dubbed by his friends and family, since he's a wonderful cook.
Birthday | Age: June 23 | 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Old Flame
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Light Brown
Height: 6' 3"
Build | Body Type: Lean, extremely fit, but not too bulky | Mesomorph
Distinguishing features | Markings: Tattoos - x x x
Attire: x x x
Faceclaim: Rafael Miller


"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why."

"Ah, that's a tough one, to be honest. People tell me I'm really good at comforting people, so maybe that? I like easing people's worries and helping them de-stress, and if my company can do that, I'm there. I like to think that I'm at least kind of funny, and I make friends pretty easily. Oh, I don't know if this is a positive trait, per se, but I'm really good at chatting people up. I've never had any specific enemies that weren't outside of my control, you know what I'm saying? I like to stay optimistic and keep moving forward even when I feel like shit, so that's probably a good thing. Hm, one more thing? I'd say I'm level-headed. It's hard to get me really riled up, unless you're being a twat."

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you like to improve about yourself?"
"So many things, aha. I definitely trust too easily. Like, way too easily. What can I say? I'm a repeat offender. I also seriously suck at confrontation. When certain things went down a couple years ago, I let somebody walk all over me because I didn't have the guts to stand up for myself. I'd like to think I've gotten better about it, but I honestly haven't been put in such an extreme position since. Hm, what else... I feel things way too deeply, and sometimes take things to heart that I shouldn't. I'm a kid at heart, I guess. I really like to believe in the good in everyone, but that doesn't always work out for me. Also, I'm directionally challenged as fuck."

"What are some fun facts about yourself?"
"I love snakes. I've had a couple pet snakes in the past, but I've been looking to get a Mexican Black Kingsnake for a while now. They're beautiful creatures, seriously! I also love autumn. Sweater weather, baby! Hot cocoa and bonfires for days. Things I don't like? Hm, I don't really like candy. A lot of it is too sweet for me, but I don't mind dark chocolate here and there. Oh, I also can't stand when people have superiority complexes. It irritates the hell out of me, and with good reason. I have a tendency to get a bit of a cold bitch face if I'm pissed--it comes out on its own! I swear!"

"What are some of your talents and skills?"
"Not to suck my own cream cannon or anything, but I can whip up a bomb three-course dinner. I'm not bad at singing, snowboarding, and art, but I don't like to show those off. The only thing I really take pride in is my cooking. I speak some broken ass Spanish, too, if that counts."

"What is your greatest fear?"
"Wouldn't you like to know? Aha, just kidding. Drowning, hands down. No thanks. Absolutely not. My cousin tried to drown me once in a pond. Not funny. Didn't laugh."

"What are your ambitions and goals?"
"I don't necessarily have any specific dreams in life. I just want to live happily and spend my time on Earth with people who raise me up. Having a family would be nice, whether that means with my pets, with a significant other, or with some friends that keep me going. I hate being alone."

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"
"I'd like to say that I live in the moment, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my anxietes about the future. It's hard to push out those thoughts once they start creeping in, you know?"

"How do you feel about death?"
"Really diving right in, huh? I don't really think about it too much. I'm athetist, but I can't help but believe that we live on in some way after death. I've seen enough evidence to stand pretty firmly on that, I think."

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"
"Half-full, always."

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"
"Yes, and kind of. I don't believe in magic in the typical sense of the word. I think there are phenomena that we can't explain just yet because it's not in our mental capacity, and that's what we, as a society, call magic. Whether we should try and mess with it or not, though, is a whole other question. Some things are beyond our understanding for a reason."

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"
"I used to love Halloween, and October as a whole. Spooky season all the way! Now I've got some bad memories tied to it, so I'd have to go with Earth Day. Compostable materials only in this household."

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"
"Interesting question. I can't say I know them, because they're a bit of a legend in these parts, but I'd definitely be down to get to know them and their witchy ways. There's a lot of things I'd ask the eldest sister if I had the chance, but I don't think that'll ever happen. I have a tattoo on my right arm that ties back to the legend, which---actually, that's a story for another time."

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"
"Night time. I'm a night owl all the way. There's something really tranquil about the world at four in the morning. Spend twenty minutes staring at the night sky a week, and it'll help you become a much happier person. I guarantee it."

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"
"Who wouldn't choose dark forest? Nature is my kink. When life gets too overwhelming, I lay down on the ground in the woods behind my house and stare up at the branches. Owls are really great company."

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."
"I'm a sucker for pumpkin pie. I can inhale one of those bad boys whole. Everything else except the tea sounds way too sweet for me, and I'm not a big fan of teas with cinnamon, cardamom, etc. in them."

Brief History:
As a descendent of Billy Butcherson, Dean grew up in Salem with his older sister and mother in their grandparents' rickety old mansion on the outskirts of town. After his father passed, he left a huge wealth that he had been sitting on for years without telling them. Thanks to this, Dean's family never struggled with finances, and his sister was able to leave for university like she had always dreamed of, since the small town life had never been for her. On the other hand, Dean had a strong attachment to their weird little city and its beautiful land, so he stayed home and attended a local college to study the culinary arts. With his sister gone and his mother choosing to work full-time, he had a lot of alone time on his hands, which he killed by making friends with nearly everyone and their mothers in Salem.

When he was 17, Dean came across the legend of the Sanderson sisters, which he was initially entranced by. They were supposedly beautiful and mysterious and confident, and he tried his hardest to resist the temptation of seeking out their world. He knew it would prove to be one of the most ill-guided decisions of his life, but he couldn't say he wasn't alright with that. He left the thought of them behind once he began college, but a part of him still remained intrigued by the alternate perspective that the sisters could provide.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"
"I used to be super chubby and clumsy. Picked on at school, never got chosen for sports teams, got stood up before homecoming---the whole package. That's when I took up working out and really getting my body to a place where I was healthy and confident. I hit the gym six days of the week and lost fifty pounds, which I'm super proud of. Getting into shape was one of the best decisions I've ever made."

Family: His mother, who works in a nursing home full-time, and his older sister, who is away at university.

: Lawful good
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Theme Song: "Night Owl" by This Century

Sister One:
Sister Two:
Sister Three:
The Shifter:
The Unlucky One:
The Chosen One:
The Believer:
The Outlier:
The Instigator:
The Responsible One:
The Stubborn One:

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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐ˆ๐๐’๐“๐ˆ๐†๐€๐“๐Ž๐‘
Shaun Beringer


August 14th






Jack Falahee
    Friendly - Shaun presents himself as a kind, approachable individual. Playful and friendly, his extroverted nature often keeps situations light-hearted and calmโ€”often being the person to try and raise the spirits of others. This upbeat personality often makes it easy for him to engage and hold conversations, allowing him to easily find new friends to accompany him in his many hijinks and adventures.

    Confident - He has an almost stubborn level of confidence in both himself and his actions. He scarcely falters, even if situations turn awry. Shaun puts an uncanny amount of trust in himself, almost giving him delusions that near impossible challenges are possible with enough effort and forethought.

    Calm and Collected - Shaun is a person that scarcely stresses himself. Tied to his confidence, he manages to keep composure in tense situations, capable of thinking clearly and determining what he feels is the best course of action.

    Caring - Despite his rather fickle and shallow characteristics, Shaun is a rather caring individual. While he is a troublemaker and enjoys causing chaos, it's typically controlled in a way that it would harm very little amounts of people...at least, those are his intentions.

    Intelligent - Having a natural talent in various fields of study, Shaun could easily become a model student. However, he is often defined as a complete waste of potential. He has a strange aversion to most work, lazing around and preferring to keep the expectations around him low.

    Manipulative - Whether he knows this or not, Shaun is a rather manipulative individual. He often convinces others to do arduous tasks for him, all in the while convincing them that they want to do the tasks he assigns them.

    Fickle - Shaun is an extremely fickle individual. He finds himself frequently in fleeting relationships and friendships, finding new people to take their place each time.

    Lacks Foresight - In terms of planning, while Shaun likes to call himself a genius, he's often an idiot in this sense. Despite his natural intelligence, he lacks proper foresight to his actions, often completely oblivious or refusing to take accountability for any wrongdoings he may've done.

    Arrogant - Tied to his virtue of confidence, it often feeds into a large ego he has. Extremely arrogant, Shaun finds himself always disillusioned by his own faux grandeur and believes he could do no extreme wrongs with his actions, no matter how risky some of his activities are.

    Rebellious - Since he was a child, Shaun has had trouble with authority figures. He often goes out of his way to act out against them, showing a specifically large amount of disdain towards overbearing expectations.

    Shaun has an uncanny ability to scale various walls and fences with high chances of success with extreme efficiency. In addition, he defines himself as a quick-thinker, capable of getting himself out of any bind he may find himself in.

    Greatest Fear
    Isolation. In spite of his fickle behaviour, Shaun is truly afraid that one day there won't be a single person that would have his back.

    Shaun believes that after he's grown bored of chasing short-term pleasures, he would acquire a high paying job and he would live a comfortable life.

    Feelings Towards Death
    In spite of his risk-taking behaviours, Shaun has an immense fear of death. However, he often refuses to think of the inevitability of his death.

    Glass Half-Empty/Half-Full

    Beliefs in Superstitions
    Shaun is not superstitious nor does he believe in magic. However, he also enjoys entertaining the possibility of supernatural elements or magic existing, especially to tease others.

    Favourite Holiday
    Shaun greatly enjoys Halloween, with it being one of his favourite holidays. He finds amusement in the mischievous aspects to the holiday and the festivities.

    Stance on Sanderson Sisters
    Shaun is rather neutral towards the Sanderson Sisters.

    Time Preference
    Shaun prefers nighttime, characterising himself as an extreme night owl.

    Location Preference
    He would prefer a dark forest. Shaun feels as though it would be a quieter, more serene environment compared to the dark alleyway.

    Food/Drink Preferences
    Ghost-designed vanilla cake pops.
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Name: Noel Butcherson
Birthday | Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Old Flame


Hair color: Light brown
Eye color: Green
Height: 6'3"
Build | Body Type: Athletic
Distinguishing features | Markings: Scar on cheek
Attire: T-shirts, Jean's [usually a faded black], plaid shirt over other shirts, off brand sneakers.
Faceclaim: Bill Skarsgรฅrd


"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?" Let's see...I can be considered adventurous. Everyone in the family has taken risks, some more than others. I'm also creative. I dabble bit in drawing. Gruesome maybe but a great outlet. I'm open minded. What else? Ah, punctual. I hate being late. Its fucking rude. I'd say I'm laid back too.

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?" Negative? Well, I'm shitty at finding good traits about myself. Even though I'm laid back I can get nick picky over certain things. I guess it's just the OCD. Definitely secretive. Growing up in my family...well there are a lot of skeletons in our closets. I don't care for people unless I'm close to them. Sometimes I get unfocused and dont pay attention to things going on around me.

"What are some fun facts about yourself?" I mess with my hair too much. I guess I need a hair cut. People say I snore. They're lying. I'm ambidextrous. Learned the skill when I broke my right hand in the seventh grade.

"What are some of your talents and skills?" I draw. I breathe. The skill of sarcasm.

"What is your greatest fear?" Being buried alive.

"What are your ambitions and goals?" I'm 23 and haven't thought about it honestly. It'd be cool to just leave everything and live off grid for a bit.

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?" I can't choose one over the other. I'm a laid back guy but there are times when things catch me off guard and I gotta think about it for a minute.

"How do you feel about death?" I'm 23. Its not something I want to think about.

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?" Empty.

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?" Sure I believe in it.

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?" Halloween equals free candy. I never say no to anything that's free. I like fall. Nature has more colors in fall than the other seasons. Favorite holiday? Bring your kid to work day.

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?" I don't hate them per say but they are intertwined with my family and its caused plenty of chaos.

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?" Nighttime. Night owl.

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?" Forest. The alleyway is dank.

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls." ??? This sounds like a Starbucks menu. My life would be short. I'd die from hunger.


Brief History: Noel, a descendant of Billy Butcherson, was raised in Salem. At seven years old his parents died in a car crash. Drunk driver. From that point on he lived with his uncle Thomas. Unc wasn't really a guy you should place kids with. Not that Noel was horribly abused but Unc was forgetful. The guy was a bachelor. Noel fended for himself in the sense that he had to make his own food and remind his uncle to buy things he needed.
There were family get togethers and that's when he learned of Billy. There was a saying for the teens, "be good or you'll be gone like Billy." Some family believed the sisters had a part in his disappearance and some believed Billy got drunk and died in an alley.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?" Graduating high school. By not skipping class...much.

Mother and father deceased
Many other relatives.


. / / OTHERS

Theme Song: Don't let me down - Fame on Fire cover
Anything else you'd like to add can be placed here!

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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’๐„๐ ๐Ž๐๐„
[class=major] width:488px; margin:auto; [/class] [div class=major][class=whole] width:327px; float:left;; [/class] [div class=whole] [class=mainim] width:327px; height:106px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; [/class] [div class=mainim] [class=border] height:99px; width:314px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border] [class=im] height:96px; width:310px; background:url('https://media.giphy.com/media/l1KVcpEO8235hE1Fu/giphy.gif'); background-size:100%; background-position: 50% 50%; float:left; margin:2px; [/class] [div class=im][/div][/div][/div] [div class=whole][div style="width:327px;height:112px;float:left;background-color:#333;float:left;"] [div style="width:314px;height:99px;float:left;border:1px solid #c6a79b;margin:5px;"] [div style="width:310px;height:96px;float:left;margin:2px;"] [div style="width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]name[div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]Melissa lastnametbd[/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;margin-top:2px;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]nickname[div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]Lissa [Lih-suh][/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;margin-top:2px;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]birthday | age [div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]August 27 | 16[/div][/div][/div] [div style=width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;margin-top:2px;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]gender[div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]Female[/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;margin-top:2px;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]sexuality[div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]Heterosexual[/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:310px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:#c6a79b;margin-top:2px;"] [div style="width:300px;height:14px;float:left;margin-left:5px;text-align:left;line-height:0px;color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;"]role[div style="color:#000;font-family:arial;font-size:8px;line-height:15px;float:right;"]The Chosen One[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:327px;height:42px;float:left;background-color:#333;float:left;margin-top:-5px;"] [div style="width:314px;height:29px;float:left;border:1px solid #c6a79b;margin:5px;"] [div style="color:#c6a79b;font-family:arial;font-size:20px;font-weight:800;;line-height:29px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;"]a little o.d.d.[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=mainim2] width:166px; height:255px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; margin-left:-5px; [/class] [div class=mainim2] [class=border2] height:242px; width:154px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border2] [class=im2] height:238px; width:150px; background:url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXr1vQESJq91Dhn2PeZyF5M9aeDwzcjRaPgM80T0XOXA2EaSBY'); background-size:160%; background-position: 100% 50%; float:left; margin:2px; [/class] [div class=im2][div style="width:0;height:0;border-bottom:100px solid #ceb2a3;border-left:150px solid transparent;float:right;margin-left:0px;margin-top:138px;"][div style="width:150px;color:#333;text-align:right;font-size:20px;float:left;font-weight:800;transform:rotate(328deg);margin-left:-163px;margin-top:60px;"]melissa[/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [class=mainim3] width:488px; height:122px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; margin-top:-5px; [/class] [div class=mainim3] [class=border3] height:110px; width:477px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border3] [class=im3] height:111px; width:474px; float:left; margin:2px; color:#c6a79b; [/class] [div class=im3][class=container1] width:494px; height:81px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#c6a79b; font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar1] width:105%; height:81px; float:left; margin:5px 5px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox1]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container1][div class=scrollbar1][div class=textbox1]Hair color: Dyed frequently; currently turquoise
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5'1
Build | Body Type: Thin
Distinguishing features | Markings: Hair color; mole on left cheek
Attire: x x x
Faceclaim: Rena Lovelis

"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?" "So I'm very passionate. Whatever I do, I throw my all into it! Even if it's not something I really want to be doing, I make sure it gets done. I'm also a fast learner, I don't normally have to be shown something over and over before I get it. I'm not afraid to ask questions, though, if for some reason I don't get it! I'm honest to a fault, or so I've been told my whole life. Loyalty is important to me as well. Oh, and I like to consider myself pretty brave, except when it comes to bees. I can't do bees."

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?" "I guess I'd say I'm a little hotheaded. Compared to the rest of my family, I'm a little firecracker. One good thing about that, though, is that I'm never really angry long. Sometimes my honesty comes across as being too blunt, but who can help that? I'm stubborn and impulsive; rarely do I think things through before I say or do them. Also, I'm impatient as hell. If you're taking too long to do something, I'll do it instead."

"What are some fun facts about yourself?" "I love music. Ever since I was little, I've loved being the center of attention. People staring at me has never bothered me, even if it bothers the people I'm with. Let 'em stare." *laugh* "I absolutely hate bees. They terrify me. Also, I change my hair color pretty frequently."

"What are some of your talents and skills?" "Does being an attention hog count? Because I think I could totally win an award for that. If not, then I'd say singing, definitely."

"What is your greatest fear?" "Bees. Or drowning. Or clowns."

"What are your ambitions and goals?" "I'd really love to become a professional performer. Singer, actress, dancer-- though I'd have to learn how to dance. Maybe I should just stick with what I'm good at."

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?" "Live in the moment, definitely. Who says you'll get another?"

"How do you feel about death?" "Death is a certainty. You never know when, or how. Might as well enjoy life while you have it."

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?" "Half full of the perfect sweet tea-lemonade mix."

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?" "Of course! Black cats and shattered mirrors, all of that. Only I love cats, and have broken countless mirrors over time."

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?" "Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday, and fall is my favorite season. There's something about fall weather after a hot summer that's just... perfect."

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?" "I think it'd be awesome to meet them."

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?" "Nighttime. It's when the spooky people come out. Like me! I'm a night owl, definitely."

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?" "Either of them might have spiders, but they don't bother me too bad... Hmm, I guess I'd say forest. Might be cooler creatures there."

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls." "Did you say celery? Gross. Vanilla cake pop, for sure. I'm a sucker for vanilla."

[/div] [/div][/div] [class=uhyes] height:20px; width:100%; background:#c6a79b; margin-top:5px; [/class] [div class=uhyes][div style="color:#333;font-family:calibri;font-size:8px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:20px;text-transform:uppercase;"]persona[/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [class=mainim4] width:156px; height:156px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; margin-top:-5px; [/class] [div class=mainim4] [class=border4] height:144px; width:144px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border4] [class=im4] height:140px; width:140px; background:url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHRxQOYbhrEuDJLGickPxUzH7TzujzQTw_bqhLxwKAyMc1aMq6iA'); background-size:100%; float:left; margin:2px; color:#c6a79b; [/class] [div class=im4][/div][/div][/div] [class=mainim5] width:186px; height:156px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; margin-top:-5px; margin-left:-5px; [/class] [div class=mainim5] [class=border5] height:144px; width:174px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border5] [class=im5] height:140px; width:170px; float:left; margin:2px; color:#c6a79b; [/class] [div class=im5][class=container2] width:176px; height:113px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#c6a79b; font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar2] width:110%; height:113px; float:left; margin:5px 5px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox2]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container2][div class=scrollbar2][div class=textbox2]

[/div][/div][/div] [div class=uhyes][div style="color:#333;font-family:calibri;font-size:8px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:20px;text-transform:uppercase;"]Theme Song[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=mainim6] width:156px; height:156px; float:left; background-color:#333; float:left; margin-top:-5px; margin-left:-5px; [/class] [div class=mainim6] [class=border6] height:144px; width:144px; border:1px solid #c6a79b; float:left; margin:5px; [/class] [div class=border6] [class=im6] height:140px; width:140px; background:url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRU1Y0mEY2Cek6nyuUbT-MQpZ3DvRM6tvJzmi4pgA-9HefBj_R6g'); background-size:100%; float:left; margin:2px; color:#c6a79b; [/class] [div class=im6][/div][/div][/div] [div style="width:488px;height:42px;float:left;background-color:#333;float:left;margin-top:-5px;"] [div style="width:475px;height:29px;float:left;border:1px solid #c6a79b;margin:5px;"] [div style="color:#c6a79b;font-family:arial;font-size:20px;font-weight:800;;line-height:29px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;"]most people really don't get me.[/div][/div][/div] [div class=mainim3] [div class=border3] [div class=im3] [div class=container1][div class=scrollbar1][div class=textbox1]Brief History:
Melissa was born second in her family, having an older brother who is basically her exact opposite, at least when it comes to the important things. Being the younger sibling left her a little spoiled, though if you actually ask her, she doesn't see it that way. She feels as though her parents are imposing and her brother is the most boring human on the planet. To her, her parents are too "into her business".

Still, she had a happy childhood. Now a teenager, she wants to venture out and do more, but those blasted words "is your brother going too" haunt her very existence. She's itching to be treated like an adult, and trusted with more freedom than she is given. She's snuck out a few times, too, to go meet her friends and just hang out. Sometimes there's even boys there.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?" "My greatest accomplishment? Not killing my boring, dateless brother? If that doesn't count, then I'd say probably winning the talent show back in elementary school."

Family: tbd

Relationships: tbd

[/div] [/div][/div] [div class=uhyes][div style="color:#333;font-family:calibri;font-size:8px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:20px;text-transform:uppercase;"]biography[/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div]
code by @pasta
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align-items: center; justify-content: space-between;"] [div class=imgHome][/div] [div class=textHome] hocus pocus there goes my focus [/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]REQUISITE[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/99/e9/25/99e92563ba4a1213e9c1cd079a62305c.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/c9/e8/47c9e8607c1ee90f5ac260499ee444d4.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/500a7543bc280eb519438d38a0f48bae/tumblr_pjygupddzj1sxe2o8_540.gif);"][/div] [/div] [div class=block]name[/div] elia leonardo alessi

[div class=block]age[/div] eighteen

[div class=block]birthday[/div] june 7

[div class=block]gender[/div] male

[div class=block]sexuality[/div] open to anyone and anything

[div class=block]role[/div] the unlucky one [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]APPEARANCE[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/89da2b5f955106cac1af026d2d8843a9/tumblr_pm8eqiU45J1w7t7yzo2_250.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c8a7fa4569209bd8aa9c84855da7adb/tumblr_pm8eqiU45J1w7t7yzo3_250.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/deluxehigh/images/8/82/Lycus_08.gif/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/320/height/320?cb=20190414002722);"][/div] [/div] [div class=block]height[/div] 5'10

[div class=block]hair color[/div] dark brown

[div class=block]eye color[/div] blue green

[div class=block]build | body type[/div] on the line between ectomorph and mesomorph

[div class=block]distinguishing features | markings[/div] olive/tan skin, dark, wavy hair, ever-changing eyes and a tattoo of a crashing wave on his rib cage

[div class=block]attire[/div] literally just board shorts in the summer until he gets to the water and puts on a wetsuit. when out of the water, board shorts again. in the winter, it's just mainly ripped jeans, a t-shirt and either a jean, leather or bomber jacket

[div class=block]faceclaim[/div] lorenzo zurzolo [/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]PERSONA[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/2bd98e6046cb8685f80f9c5ae3c65d2d/tumblr_pkot6bSuZn1ua1nbgo2_250.gif); background-position: 30% 50%;"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/afc342e19b5fcbfa040043ab6cfd733e/tumblr_pkot6bSuZn1ua1nbgo4_250.gif); background-position: 30% 50%;"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/a3f912b947fc66fa1a3c3373ec644347/tumblr_pkot6bSuZn1ua1nbgo1_250.gif); background-position: 30% 50%;"][/div] [/div]
[div class=block]Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i'm funny ; that's really all there is to it. i can make any situation seem lighter by just being myself and my humor always always makes people feel welcome
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ loyal ; once you've got my loyalty, there's no going back. i'm loyal to my friends and only my friends
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ embarrassing myself ; i'm not sure if most people would consider this a positive or good trait, but i'm really good at embarrassing myself. i often get in situations i probably shouldn't be in or try things i definitely shouldn't and it ends with me getting embarrassed. but people laugh so that's always a positive
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ honest ; very honest. to me, honesty is always the best policy. i'll always tell the truth and say it like it is, even though it might not be welcome or wanted
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ courageous ; i like to pride myself on my bravery. even if it's something i've never done, i'll step up to the plate and will be one of the first to do it

[div class=block]Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ losing focus ; i tend to lose my focus easily. it has to be a really interesting and/or engaging topic or else you've lost me within five minutes
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ getting bored ; i also get bored easily. like with focus, it has to be really entertaining for me
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ poor decision making ; i have a bad habit of not necessarily making the greatest choices for myself. okay, yes, fine, i make a lot of bad decisions. there. happy?
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ impulsive and impatient ; i do what i want, when i want to do it and never think about the consequences. and when something doesn't happen right away, i get pissed off
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ following directions ; i hate following directions and being bossed around by people. like, i hate it. don't tell me what to do. if i want to do it, i'll do it. leave me alone

[div class=block]What are some fun facts about yourself?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i'm ambidextrous and can write just as well with each hand
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ my eyes change color daily. during the day, they appear more green but at night, they look more blue than green. i have no idea why
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i really dislike cats, mangoes, pineapples, being told what to do and the word no
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i have severe fomo
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i've been surfing since i was six

[div class=block]What are some of your talents and skills?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i can fold my tongue into this trifold clover/club thing and i can roll it
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ yes, i can also touch my tongue to my nose
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i'm double jointed and can bend in all sorts of weird ways
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ not to brag, but i've won many surfing competitions as well

[div class=block]What is your greatest fear?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ losing my family and loved ones

[div class=block]What are some of your ambitions and goals?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ to make a name for myself, whether that's in surfing or finding a cure to cancer, who knows. i just want to be known and remembered
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ to give back to the world. i want to make the planet we live on a better place to live. i already spend a lot of my time volunteering at animal shelters, but i know there's way more i can and want to do
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ to get out of this town. i can't stay here forever. i want to go back home to italy or back to california

[div class=block]Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i live in the moment. focus on the present, the here and now. who cares about what comes next?

[div class=block]How do you feel about death?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ eh. it's gonna happen to everyone eventually. i hope now isn't my time, but i know it's going to happen at some point

[div class=block]Is the glass half-empty or half-full?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ honestly, it really depends on the day and the mood im in

[div class=block]Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ superstitious? kind of. there are some superstitions, myths and legends i believe in and there are others that i don't
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ magic? yes. there's magic all around. not necessarily like... potion magic but magic in nature, magic in friendships, animals, etc. but i also sort of believe there's the other kind of magic in existence

[div class=block]How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i don't really have an opinion on halloween. it's not my favorite holiday but it's not my least favorite. i'm just not a huge fan of dressing up, mainly because i can never think of a costume
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ my favorite holiday has to be either thanksgiving or christmas. thanksgiving because food (obviously) and christmas because of the people and the holiday spirit

[div class=block]What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ neutral towards them

[div class=block]Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ daytime for sure. there's so much you can do during the day that you can't do at night, for instance, surf and ski. though i do like going out to clubs and bars at night, i definitely prefer the daytime
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ night owl without a doubt. i absolutely hate waking up early and often go to bed late

[div class=block]If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ dark forest. at least there's animals there and probably less of a chance of getting mugged

[div class=block]If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls.[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ ghost designed vanilla cake pop. can't stand anything pumpkin or pumpkin flavored (apart from pumpkin bread), not a fan of dummies, don't like tea, not a spider lover and celery takes forever to chew [/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]BACKGROUND[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/4d/60/fe4d60c1ea6ae84fcaebf0014860f1d1.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/3aab89c2da879defdca647c7aa33f8eb/tumblr_pka2n6GXOs1ua1nbgo2_250.gif);"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/2c24500d1bc828251e2d4887762445c0/tumblr_pka2n6GXOs1ua1nbgo4_250.gif);"][/div] [/div] [div class=block]brief history[/div] elia was born in florence, italy as the oldest of two children. the family didn't get to stay there long, however, as their father soon got a job in the united states and the family moved to long beach, california when elia was six. it was there that he learned to surf and soon became one of the top in his age category. but he didn't get to stay in california for long. at sixteen, the family moved to salem, ma. originally, elia put up a fight, but after a month or so of being there, he realized that the waves weren't all that bad in massachusetts and rhode island. so, he continued his practice and soon started winning all sorts of east coast competitions.

[div class=block]what's your greatest accomplishment[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ winning multiple surfing competitions as a pre-teen and teen
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ i succeeded by practicing every waking moment. literally. it was up at dawn, hitting the waves, going to school, and then back to hitting the waves until sundown. during the weekends and summers, i spent my day in the ocean

[div class=block]family[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ matteo, father
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ eleonora, mother
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ nicola, sister

[div class=block]relationships[/div]
[div class=indent][/div]โ†’ to be determined

[/div] [/div] [div class="content content05"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]OTHER[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/5f/61/695f610522c2150f43d769a440067f3f.gif); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/94/df/28/94df289330d36eea8b989d5fb4ab9d37.gif); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/b4368ce229433dcca913d9004097f090/tumblr_inline_pme31b1f3z1u2gcp5_500.gif); background-position: 50% 50%;"][/div] [/div] [div class=block]theme song[/div] highway by cheat codes [feat. sofia reyes, willy william]

[div class=block]moodboard[/div] here.

[div class=block]extra[/div] n/a [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
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font-size: 17px; cursor: pointer; color: white; font-size: 0.6em; font-weight: 700; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; position: relative [/class] [class=gade]height: 350px; width: 53%; padding: 25px 5px 5px 5px; position: relative; top: -800px; left: 44%; color: var(--font1); overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 10% [/class] [class=big]height: 50px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; color: var(--title); font-size: 30px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 900; position: relative; left: 1% [/class] [class=o]height: 185px; max-width: 260px; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; margin: auto; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px [/class] [class=firstword]height: 10px; max-width: 100px; display: inline-block; background: var(--firstword); padding: 0px 5px 7px 5px; color: var(--title); font-weight: 700 [/class] [class=columnhold]height: 75px; width: 100%; position: relative; font-size: 19px; color: transparent [/class] [class=image]display: inline-block; height: 75px; width: 28%; background-image: url(http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1768/2029/products/Pretty-In-Pink-Kristen-M-Brown-Samba-to-the-Sea-The-Sunset-Shop-Sx600v_600x.jpg?v=1525028939); background-size: cover; position: relative; filter: grayscale(50%) brightness(120%) [/class] [class=angle]width: 280px; font-size: 33px; text-align: center; position: relative; top: 10px [/class] [class=round]border: 5px solid var(--firstword); border-radius: 50%; height: 70px; width: 70px; background-image: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414054966567632896/626959980205047818/2WjogP6f8Ag3Zadt5ei6UAAAAASUVORK5CYII.png); background-size: cover; background-position: 30% 190%; filter: contrast(110%) brightness(95%); position: relative; top: -40%; left: 90% [/class] [class=bigtext]height: 70px; max-width:200px; position: relative; font-size: 15px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; [/class] [div class=container][div class=moon][/div] [div class=pic][div class=text] what you really really want
so tell me what you want
what you really really want
so tell me what you want
what you really really want
so tell me what you want
what you really really want
so tell me what you want
what you really really want
[/div] [div class=half][/div][div class=spryt][div class=ff][div class=ffor][div class=bor][/div] [div class=outs][div class="tabs first"]1.[/div] [div class="tabs second"]2.[/div] [div class="tabs third" style="top: 5px"]3.[/div] [div class="tabs fourth" style="top: 5px"]4.[/div][/div][/div] [div class=title]beautiful but deadly[/div][/div] [div class=stixt]I've been having dreams, Splashin' in a summer stream, Trip and I fall in - I wanted it to happen My body turns to ice Crushin' weight of paradise Solid block of gold Lying in the cold I feel right at home wait, if i'm on fire, how am i so deep in love when i dream of dying i've never felt so loved [/div][/div][/div] [div class=gade] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=big]hell yeah[/div] [div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]full name[/div] Penelope Penderghast

[div class=firstword]alias[/div] Penny [Way less of a mouthful than Penelope.] Sometimes also called P.P by old bullies.

[div class=firstword]age[/div] 20 ยฝ

[div class=firstword]birthday[/div] April 2nd

[div class=firstword]gender[/div] Female

[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] Heterosexual

[div class=firstword]role[/div] The Believer

[div class=firstword]height[/div] 5'7

[div class=firstword]weight[/div] 138 lbs.

[div class=firstword]build[/div] slim

[div class=firstword]disting. features[/div] Cropped, bobbed hair.

[div class=firstword]attire[/div] click

[div class=firstword]faceclaim[/div] Taylor LaShae [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"][div class=big]persona[/div] [div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]personality[/div] Penny is sort-of a dumb-ass, but at least she's aware of said dumb-assery. A bit kooky and odd, you'll always Penny in the strangest places. Sometimes she'll be draped dramatically over a headstone with a crystal to her forehead, claiming that she's soaking up the past sadness of a recently deceased ghost so they can move on to the afterlife happy. Other times she may be staring pensively at a body water, trying to catch her reflection doing something odd. Still, she can be a hoot to be around. Though her humor is subjective, there's never a dull moment with Penelope Penderghast. However, some claim there's a darker side to the young woman. That she's just putting up a stupid act so you don't suspect her of any foul play. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. Not like Penny is going to confirm it. (Click here for questions!) [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"][div class=big]biography[/div] [div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]biography[/div] Growing up, most people asked the same question. "What's the deal with Penelope Penderghast?" No one had the answer, though. An odd child with noticeably large tooth gap and far too many bruises, most kids found themselves creeped out by the stories she told of witches and ghosts. She wore, with a cross over her heart, that they were true because her mother told her them. And her mother didn't lie, period. Still, the troublesome stories got her in a butt-load of problems growing up, and she soon grew the reputation of the weird girl in the class. She didn't mind being weird, though the loneliness was something that silently gnarled at her. Friends have come and gone, and some hurt more than others. Some, she refuses to talk about. Penny would rather pretend they never happened. Is that a good way of coping? Absolutely not, but sometimes you just don't have a choice there. Especially when you're busy working on your big break. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"][div class=big]gallery[/div] [div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=columnhold][div class=image][/div] . [div class=image][/div] . [div class=image][/div][/div]
[div class=columnhold][div class=image][/div] . [div class=image][/div] . [div class=image][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class=angle]โ–ผโ–ผโ–ผโ–ผโ–ผโ–ผโ–ผ [div class=bigtext]Penelope [div class=round][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c] lavendre lavendre [/div]
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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐“๐”๐๐๐Ž๐‘๐ ๐Ž๐๐„


โHang him on a hook and let me play with himโž

Cassius Corden

Cas, Cece

Birthday | Age
Dec 16. | 20



The Stubborn One


Hair color

Eye color


Build | Body Type:

Distinguishing features | Markings

T-Shirt and Jeans. Sometimes flannel and jeans. Or whatever is clean... and jeans.

Darren Criss


"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?"
'Oh my, oh my, I didn't know you were interested, I am all aflutter now! Look before this gets any more cereal, I need you to understand a few things about me: I am hilarious... my mommy says so, I am okay looking, look its not me, its this town, seriously, they produce a ludicrous number of good looking people it has to be something in the water and with that said... I am a 6. Like a hard 6. Like if it was any harder, I would need to consult a doctor. Lets see, I am not saying I am stubborn just that I know what I want when I want and why pretend otherwise? Like, for instance, if y'all wanna go see some indie Oscar bait to feel like you are some fancy dancy and above pop culture more power to you, but my happy ass is going to see Finding Nemo and not even going to pretend I went with my siblings the next day when I am humming it and you want to smash my head in with the nearest object. As I am sure you've totally guess from this amazing self-centered monologue brought to you by... me, seriously, I am right fucking here, not going to say my name in the third person, I am excellent at conversations. I mean look at us! Feel like we have been talking since 'Nam yet its really just been me. I am pretty good at what I do and what I do is not shut the fuck up. Lastly... Don't date me. Look, I am flattered you same interested, really, no one is interested in me, just amused by me. Two out of Two of my ex-girlfriends agree to this, I am just a shitty boyfriend, yes, just two, I am a real lady killer. I am just.. I am a good friend. I should never be anything more. Going down that road just leads to disappointment and non-returned shirts. Related note: Fuck you Claire, I am keeping the Sex Bunny shirt.'

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?"
'You can't improve perfection. Okay, I admit I have flaws, but who cares? The world is full of flawed people, I am not going to sit here and whine. 'Oh, I had this and this guy said this to me when I was just a little piss ant and now I can't get hard without blue pills, and..' No one wants to hear that. There is a self-pity train going through packed full of people's hurt lil feelings and thoughts on how the world was out to get them and everything is everyone else's fault and fuck that. I am me. I am amazing. I am the humblest person on My Green Earth and Me is all I can ever be.'

"What are some fun facts about yourself?"
'I can sing any Disney/Pixar or Fox from the top of my head, yes, that does make me the coolest man in this room, also yes, it helps that I am the only man in this room. I can't skate because it scares me and I never learned. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until the fifth grade because I was too ashamed to ask anyone how to do it.... Also I like a good cuddle.'

"What are some of your talents and skills?"
'Being moderately amusing is my most visible skill. I can read extremely fast, and come on, all you need in life is the ability to read fast and make nerdy jokes to show everyone how cool you are... right? I'm pretty clever not just funny, but I am good at finding solutions and I never panic. Shit is going to happen no matter what you do and some things are just outside of your control, panicking won't fix that even if it can be hilarious to watch. Never had to test my manly man courage, so no idea, but I am probably a coward, always best to bet on yellow, right? I am a super good cook, also used to hunt and fish with my, well, doesn't matter now... I guess, as far as talents go, I am a hard 6.'

"What is your greatest fear?"
'Getting anally penetrated by a stick shift in a wreck so hard it kills me. Like door opens, my dead body is stuck there just impaled by the stick shift and the cop is just like 'Huh'... But really, being eaten alive by a feral pack of dogs is probably higher up there. Order of things is people eat animals, not the other way and I don't appreciate nature trying to change that up on me. Also the deep dark seated fear that I will never amount to anything like the rest of my family and end up living in some trailer park subsisting on paps blue ribbon as I hang out in the 'yard' with my boys reliving old glory days unable to go anywhere trapped in this quagmire of an existence just screaming for a release but being just too damn proud to check out early, but, come on, the stick shift thing, amirite?'

"What are your ambitions and goals?"
'I... Don't know. Way to punch straight through my soul there, skipper. Like I probably should be in a trade school. Manual labor is all us Corden's are good for and at least there I could make really good money if I become a welder, but that... I just don't want to be.. old, worn out and broken like, well, just not a good look on me. So here I am enrolled in fucking Pre-Med like that is ever going to be a thing, but well! Shit happens! I'ma just keep on keeping on, yea? Next question please.'

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"
'Wouldn't you want to know? I bet you would... Oh god, you probably would? But what else would you want to know and what else would you want to know after you know what you wanted to know after this? Someone get my bag, my brown bag, oh lawd, I can't breath.... Come on, look at me? I can't even manage to wear matching clothes.'

"How do you feel about death?"
'That death is a nice chap who should probably lay off the elderly?'

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"
'Better question: Who the fuck stole my drink?... But I am an eternal optimist'

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"
'In a young girls heart? How music can free her, whenever it starts? Because no. No, I do not. Life sucks, buy a helmet and deal with it.'

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"
'Remember when you used to get all excited cause candy? Well, now its that holiday where you either give out candy you spent what little money you had on... I mean, I guess there are certain parties where girls get to wear outfits that make you strongly desire to never have a daughter of your own someday.. I got off track. Mm, my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because food without all that pretense of the other holidays. Everyone knows what they are there for.'

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters | Humans? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"
'The three chicks from the old days of yore? Sucks to live in the puritan era as a woman? I dunno. More of a vampire fan instead, they can really suck.'

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"
'Daytime, nighttime is spooky. Like when you hear that sound behind you going upstairs so you like run those last few steps? Yep.'

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"
'Dark Forest. Been in dark forest all my life. Dank alleys be dank.... yo... is that what the kids say these days? But yeah, animals tend to stay away from humans, other humans? They be dicks.'

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."
'Like I had to eat them every day for the rest of my life? Uh... Pumpkin pie? Celery is icky.'


Brief History

Cas' life isn't exactly all that interesting nor is his history all that unique. Son to a mother that got knocked up way too soon, so he was raised mostly by his grandparents as a child and his relationship with his mother is closer to 'friends' then parental. Moved up from trailer park to cheap apartment, mother works two jobs, he works with her during the summer to help pay the bills and prepare for the next school year, there is zero money saved up for any future prospects so he is deeply in student debt from loans that he cheerfully remarks he will be done with when he is in his mid forties, just in time for him to date a younger woman and buy a sports car. There were no great tragedies in his life, no great moments that he was left wondering who he is wand what he is doing, in fact, if there is anything he could ponder it is how unremarkable it has all been. When push comes to shove, there is nothing that has happened to him that hasn't happened to other kids. He scrapped his knee, couldn't afford anything nice and usually got around with second hand clothes and often had to wash them in the sink with dish soap because laundry day had to be pushed back to pay for some hotdogs to stretch the food till the next pay check. Really, its all.... incredibly, painfully, normal. He has had a whooping two girlfriends, because he has never been skilled at the whole 'spotting the mood and seizing the chance' and he quickly learned he is a pretty bad boyfriend who is easily side-tracked and tends to get 'content' with life when they want more.. neither were 'great, grand loves that forever changed his life'... they were just people he used to be with.

Yep, totally, painfully, plain, or as Cas would say, 'If you came for a story of intrigue, drama, pain, loss and love... you've come to the wrong guy.'

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"
'Holy fuck this sounds like the essay question I had to do. Uh... I made it into college. First person in my family to do it, so you know, that is a low bar that people should be able to trip over and still get it. Go me! I succeeded by... taking the form.. filling out the form and wait for it.. I mailed the form. Now, that last part was tricky cause the stupid little blue door wouldn't open so I had to like get a stick and wedge that bitch and then I was almost arrested because they thought I was breaking into it, so, yea, go me.'

Rachel Mosseby [Mother | 39]
Lisa Baker [Sister | 15]
Anthony Baker [Brother | 14]
Anna Reese [Sister | 10]


Theme Song
Anything else you'd like to add can be placed here!
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[class=whole] width:520px; margin:auto; background:#fff; [/class] [div class=whole] [class=basicsline] height:40px; width:520px; background:#8c9b36; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; [/class] [div class=basicsline][div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:110px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]The Outlier[/div] [div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:38px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]19[/div] [div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:58px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:11px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]Male[/div] [div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:80px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:11px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]Heterosexual[/div] [div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:78px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:11px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]17th October[/div] [div style="background:#47491a;height:28px;width:84px;border:1px solid #fff;float:left;margin:5px 5px;font-size:11px;font-family:'Times New Roman';color:#fff;line-height:28px;text-align:center;"]Rob, Robbie[/div][/div] [class=img1] height:350px; width:250px; background:url('https://imgur.com/GizhQRr.png'); background-size:100%; float:left; [/class] [div class=img1] [/div] [class=post1] height:350px; width:270px; background:#47491a; float:left; [/class] [div class=post1][class=borderbox] height:165px; width:180px; margin:auto; margin-top:30px; border:1px solid #8c9b36; [/class] [div class=borderbox][div style="padding:10px 10px;"][div style="color:#fff;font-size:30px;text-align:center;font-family:'Times New Roman';"]Robert[/div] [div style="height:75px;width:160px;float:left;margin-top:15px;line-height:75px;;background:#8c9b36;color:#000;font-size:30px;text-align:center;font-family:'Times New Roman';"]Wilder[/div][/div][/div][class=idk] width:193px; margin:auto; [/class] [div class=idk][class=container1] width:195px; height:125px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#fff; font-size:11px; font-family:'Times New Roman'; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar1] width:105%; height:125px; float:left; margin:10px 10px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox1]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container1][div class=scrollbar1][div class=textbox1]PERSONA

"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?"
Are there even five good things that can be said about me? I guess I'm pretty observant, I pick up on a lot of details and it helps me to navigate my way through trouble. My grandma says I'm very patient and kind. I suppose it's true, waiting doesn't bother me and if you ask me to do something, I'll help however you want I guess. I feel like I'm reaching here but I suppose I could be considered resourceful, growing up I kind of had to be. My friends seem to think I'm brave, that nothing unnerves me because I always appear calm. I think they just don't know what does.

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?"
Secretive: My friends complain I don't tell them enough about what I'm doing and where I'm going. They say I wander off and do things on my own too much and I should keep them in the loop more but I just don't like talking about myself all that much and I like my private space.
I'm a passive guy. I think that's a good thing but my friends say that's just a nice way of saying I'm a pushover and it's infuriating at times that I won't really assert myself. Not that I think they mind all that much when they want to rope me in on something. I'm not sure if this is obvious but I have a pretty cynical world view. There's no such thing as fairytales and happy endings, at least for people like me. Just because a man appears kind or good, it doesn't mean he is. I'm quite reserved, large crowds and socialising aren't really my thing and I'm more brooding than cheery or energetic. If you're looking for joy and happiness, you won't find it with me.

"What are some fun facts about yourself?"
โ€ฆFun isn't the word I would use but I like animals, music (the soothing kind) and being outdoors. I can climb trees and play the flute decently and I tend to lose track of everything else when I'm caught up in something. I don't really like locked rooms or hospitals but other than that I suppose you could say I'm fine with most things.

"What are some of your talents and skills?"
I haven't crashed my car so I guess I'm not a half bad driver. I can climb most things, buildings, trees, walls...I also do a lot of fixing around the house. My grandma thinks I'm great but I don't think I'm as good as she tells others. I guess they count as talents though they probably fall in the not so useful category, other than maybe the driving.

"What is your greatest fear?"
I don't knowโ€ฆ I guess it would be my grandma. I don't want to lose her nor do I want her learning the truth. The last thing I wanna do is break her heart.

"What are your ambitions and goals?"
I don't really have any. I'm just looking to get through the rest of this life.

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"
I worry about what comes next, but not in the way most people do.

"How do you feel about death?"
I'm curious I guess, about what happens in the afterlife. There's so many theories, heaven, hell, rebirth. When you see things, you think about it a lot. Sometimes I just kind of want death to come for me and not keep me waiting anymore. Dark isn't it?

Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"
Half empty. My friends say I'm too pessimistic for my own good and an absolute mood killer, I like to think I'm just realistic. It doesn't do anybody any good to get carried away and lost in the clouds, hoping and dreaming for the impossible. I should know, I've been there.

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"
It's hard to be around people like the believer and not be influenced a little.

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"
Halloween's not too bad, there's less lies surrounding it than others but I don't really like holidays in general. The free time is not bad, just not everything else. I like spring I guess. The animals come back out after winter and it's easier to go out into the forest.

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"
I've heard a lot about them from the believer. In some odd way, I guess I relate to them. We're both sources of misery in our own way.

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"
I prefer night time. Less people, more time to myself. You put up with less at night and it's always nice to see the stars. I'm an insomniac.

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"
The forest. I like nature, it's calming and I'm less likely to run into any humans there. Gives me time to be alone with my thoughts and not have to worry about anyone else.

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."
I'm not much of a sweet tooth actually so it'd be the spice tea or celery I guess.

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|Height| 6'1 |Eye Colour| Hazel |Hair Colour| Brown |Distinguishing features/markings| Robert has a bit of a stubble and a small scar across his left eyebrow from when his mother threw a bottle at him while drunk and a stray shard hit him. |Attire| Casual attire that is comfortable and easy to move in like singlets and t-shirts. |Face Claim| Matthew Daddario [/div][/div] [class=mga] width:520px; float:left; margin-top:10px; [/class] [div class=mga][class=mgbox] height:150px; width:360px; background:#8c9b36; float:left; [/class] [div class=mgbox][class=container2] width:368px; height:140px; margin:0px -0px; overflow:hidden; color:#fff; font-size:11px; font-family:'Times New Roman'; text-align:justify; line-height:13px; [/class] [class=scrollbar2] width:105%; height:145px; float:left; margin:10px 10px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox2]width:92%; [/class] [div class=container2][div class=scrollbar2][div class=textbox2]BIOGRAPHY

Brief History|
Robert's parents were not a love match. They were an attractive couple whose mutual love of fun and outgoing personalities made them seem like a match made in heaven. But what they shared was meant to be nothing more than a fling with no intentions for anything more serious as they both valued their freedom. Everything changed when they fell pregnant with Robert and were forced to marry each other in 1983. While things appeared rosy on the surface and theirs seemed like a picture perfect marriage, the reality was far from the truth and they resented Robert for tying them down to each other. Robert grew up the only person aware that his parents' loving marriage was nothing but a sham, their tender displays of affection meant solely to maintain appearances. Though they never struck him, their hatred of him was apparent within the private confines of their home. The lack of familial affection and his knowledge of his parents' pretense made him cynical, questioning everything and anything. He could never bring himself to believe in fairytales as other children did, seeing them as no more than lies but the threat of his parents' fury taught him to keep quiet and pretend. The one place Robert found comfort was his grandmother's house and his parents often sent him there so that they didn't have to see or deal with him. Helena was a kind woman who gave him all the warmth and affection his parents never did and they spent most of their time together reading books, playing board games or playing on the outskirts of the forest near her home. The year he turned 8, she fell ill and had to be hospitalised so she bought him a kitten to keep him company in her stead. Robert would spend most of his time hiding in his room where he wouldn't disturb his parents, playing with his kitten, Oliver. He would confide in him all the troubles and thoughts he could never say to anyone else and developed a strong affection for the kitten, who sparked his preference for animals over humans. Helena was hospitalised for three years and during that time, Robert's parents used his desire to see his grandmother to get him to do things they wanted. Their treatment made him want to run away, believing that doing so would give him a better life and this hope that escaping them would make him happy only grew as he reread old fairytales and wanted to believe in them. Robert put his plan into action when he was 10 during the school holidays but his father caught him trying to sneak out with Oliver and grew furious. He was going to strike Robert but his mother stopped him, reminding him of the appearances they had to keep and that covering Robert in wounds and bruises was the not the option. That night, they locked him in his room and the next morning, Oliver was dead. The incident broke young Robert's heart and when school started again, he had withdrawn himself. He started to fixate on things that were broken and would spend his free time trying to fix them. His father died the year he turned 12 in a car accident and his mother remarried a few months later to a man who was only kind to Robert to keep him out of their way. When his mother had a baby girl, she was absolutely delighted and treated Ellie with genuine affection that she had never once given Robert. With Helena well and discharged again, Robert was regularly sent to her place again, so much so that he basically lived there. He could never bring himself to destroy his grandmother's belief that his parents had been happily married and that their family was a loving one, whenever she brought up his late father and he could never tell her that Oliver's early death was not caused by an accident as she had been led to believe.

That year he was 13, Robert stopped by his home before heading to his grandmother's and came across an unattended Ellie playing in her room. He decided to spare a few short moments playing with Ellie before leaving but during the course of the interaction, he was reminded of Oliver whom his parents had stolen from him and his mother's adoration of her. To try and quell his jealousy so he didn't do anything foolish and hurt her as he desired, he turned his attention a mini Lego model and pushed it off the crowded shelf where it was placed, the model breaking into its separate pieces on the floor. While trying to distract himself, he noticed Ellie crawl towards the Lego pieces from the corner of his eye and simply stood and watched as she picked up a piece and played with it. He made no move to stop her when she brought it to her mouth despite knowing the danger, his desire to hurt his mother through her taking over in that moment. It was only when Ellie had swallowed the piece and her face contorted in pain as she choked that he realised what exactly he was doing and panicked. Not knowing what to do or where his mother and stepfather were much less the numbers to contact them with from the house phone, he ran out of the house to look for help. The empty driveways led him to believe none of the adults in the neighbouring homes were in and he sprinted all the way to his grandmother's place. When he showed up on her doorstep sweaty and looking exhausted, the house phone rang, drawing Helena's attention away. Robert tried to think of how to tell his grandmother what had transpired when he heard her gasp and let out a cry while on the phone. Ellie had died after choking on a piece of Lego at home. Police were ruling her death an accident and a young woman who had been hired to look after her was being charged with negligence as she had been absent when Ellie's father had returned home early and found Ellie alone and unresponsive. No one ever learned that Robert had returned home that day and the incident left him full of guilt and self loathing, not only for having caused his baby half sister's death but for thinking that now his mother understood the pain of having something precious taken from her just as she had taken Oliver from him. His mother was overcome with grief and her second marriage ended in divorce not long after. She took to drinking alcohol whenever she returned home and ultimately committed suicide when Robert was 15. In those final months, the verbal abuse, berating and outpouring of grief she unleashed upon Robert left a deep impression on him and had him believing that he was as worthless and horrible as she said. Ever since then, Robert has lived under the care of his grandmother and suffers from severe insomnia, haunted by memories of the past leading him to take nightly walks outside when he should be asleep. He sees himself as a source of misery and pain for others as a result of his past and hasn't shown much joy or cheer since, rarely cracking a smile even as he tells others that he's fine.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"
I don't have one. I've done some things but I don't consider them great or accomplishments.

Mother| Jenny Halbrook | 38. Died in 1998. Jenny generally ignored Robert unless they were out in public or had guest over. He served as a reminder of her lost freedom and she treated him with disdain and later outright animosity in private, towards the end of her life.
Father| Dennis Wilder | 37. Died in 1995. Dennis didn't care very much for his young son unless they were in public and would coerce him into playing along with their image of a happy family with threats.
Grandmother| Helena Wilder | 72. Alive. Robert is very protective of her and they share a loving relationship. Though at times he distances himself from her because of his view of himself as a horrible human being, she is the most important person in his life.
Former Stepfather| Warren Halbrook | 46. Alive. Warren was no more of a father figure to Robert than his birth father. Though he didn't give him the same cold looks or comments, Warren paid him little to no attention unless necessary.
Half Sister| Ellie Halbrook | 8 months. Died in 1996. A source of immense guilt for Robert. He played a part in her death.


Robert avoids little girls because they remind him of his late half sister.
He's ambidextrous.
Robert doesn't take very good care of his body. He sometimes deliberately puts himself in harm's way or does dangerous things, seemingly trying to court death or pain as punishment for his past. He would rather hurt himself than hurt others again.

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[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Tessa Pembrook
Alias: Tess, Tessie
Birthday|Age: 12th of July / 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The believer
Face Claim: Dasha Taran


Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: N/A
Attire: Outfits
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in depth

"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?" Five traits? Well, let me think. I believe my friends would describe me as someone adventurous and courageous especially when it comes to spooky stuff I'm always the one that is up to explore a haunted place or stay outside after midnight and see if ghosts are real, caring and cheerful could be also words that people would use to describe me too, confident is a trait that I believe I have too. I'm not afraid of meeting new people or saying out loud what I believe. I think those were five, right?

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?" Five negatives? Okay, my mom tends to tell me I'm sometimes careless and clumsy since I'm always stumbling into things, people who don't know me might describe me as childish for believing in ghosts and witches and all that kind of stuff, I think my friends would describe me as naive since they can tell me the most random thing and I'm going to believe it. I guess I would consider myself impatient I tend not to wait for something, especially if it is something I'm excited about.

"What are some fun facts about yourself?" Oh! I have a collection of crystals, I just love how pretty they are and I love to learn about their properties, I also know random facts, like did you know that 29th of May is put a pillow on your fridge day. I wanted to do it but my mom got angry and throw the pillow at me instead, I think that's all the fun facts I have oh no wait! I prefer even numbers rather than uneven ones, I don't trust those numbers, especially number 13.

"What are some of your talents and skills?" I can do a handstand and then walk for a while, I think I'm really good at baking, I love doing it and I have been praised for that, I'm really good at math too

"What is your greatest fear?" My greatest fear it has to be to get lost especially on an unknown place where no one can help you I'm also scared of being forgotten

"What are your ambitions and goals?" To become a witch! Okay, I'm joking on that one, but it wouldn't be awesome to be a witch? I think my goal is to become a journalist I would also like to bring the museum back to life is such a shame that it shut down, we need a spooky museum! Find true love and have a family. I think those are my goals

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?" I live life at the moment, life is to short to worry if what you are doing is the best or no, life is about taking risks and settling for anything that seems like a safe zone.

"How do you feel about death?" I try not to think about it. I know is inevitable so I prefer to focus on things that I like and that makes me happy instead of worrying when my life comes to an end. I just hope that by the time it happens I have lived a life that I was proud of.

"Is the glass half-empty or half-full?" Well if I drink of that glass before then is half-empty, but if you just give me a glass then is half-full all the time

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?" You don't remember what I said about don't trusting the number 13, that should answer your question if I'm superstitious and if I believe in magic? Of course, I do! magic is always around us is up to us to believe in it.

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?" I love Halloween! Tell me another opportunity when you can dress up as popcorn or your favorite character. But I also love Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. I think I just love all the holidays, but my favorite season is definitely autumn I love seeing the trees changing colors.

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters | Humans? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?" They are super scary I wouldn't like to encounter them they seem pretty evil. I don't hate them but I don't like them either as much as I want to be a witch. I wouldn't want them as someone I like to follow.

"Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?" Nightime! That's when the spooky stuff shows up, but I also love watching the night sky and see the stars.

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?" The forest for sure, I know it might sound like the spookiest place, but the sounds and aromas of nature make everything better is just so relaxing.

"If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls." Do I really have to choose? That's so mean, but if I really need to choose then it has to be Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop, they look so cute and they taste amazing.
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Bio: Tessa was born into a family where scary stories were as common as asking how was your day, growing up with her family owning the Sanderson Museum until it close down five years ago, made her imagination go wild while growing up, creating magic worlds where she had magic and she even considered herself, and she even thinks that way still, but she doesn't say it out loud that much since people think that's childish, she is just waiting for her chance to prove that magic really exists and is not only an illusion-

While growing up Tessa was all the time the weird kid, but she didn't mind her mother always told her that she was special and found happiness in everything even if she wasn't able to see it, because happiness was something you felt just like magic, maybe you couldn't see it but it was there. Thankfully Tessa found friends that appreciate her even with her singularities and didn't make fun of her for her love in spooky stuff and magic.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?" Let me think, I think my greatest accomplishment it has to be when I dress up as Emily from corpse bride, it took a long of time to make the dress and the makeup took hours to be done, but I was really happy with the outcome. I'm sure something better is going to come.

Family: Mother: Violet Pembrook

Father: Scott Pembrook (Move away)

Relationships: TBA
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Theme Song: Ghost choir



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clara elisabeth binx
the shifter
Cursed to be a cat and live forever with her guilt, The Shifter can only take human form in October while the rest of the year, she lives as a talking cat. She protects the old Sanderson Cottage waiting for the day she'll get her revenge on the Sanderson Sisters and free herself from her immortal curse. She is the epitome of a walking tragedy due to belated insight and her memories worsens.
Svetlana Elisabeth Bazhanova
Clara Elisabeth Binx [ Her parents gave her two names so that she could remember where she came from, giving her a name native to her origin, but the young female goes by Clara so that she wouldnโ€™t get discriminated against. Both Svetlana and Clara mean luminescence, clear, or light while โ€˜Elisabethโ€™ is a moniker, a remembrance of the turning point of the House Bazhanova. Her surname Binx was chosen when her ancestors arrived in Salem and there's no clear meaning behind the surname. ]
October 31st [ She doesnโ€™t remember her real birthday and decided her birthday is the day her time stopped: a rebirth which is ironic considering her curse. ] | Nineteen
The Shifter

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[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]persona
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]biography[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVee"]
Hair color:
Not one to care if her hair is matted or tangled, Claraโ€™s hair, as a human, is as black as ebony and when de-tangled, falls down to her mid-back. She doesnโ€™t take much care of her hair and when it grows longer than her waist, she just cuts it off. On the other hand, as a cat, her silky, soft coat is quite pristine and shines under the moonlight. However, rarely does she like people touching her fur and petting her - believing human hands have germs and would only mess up her grooming process.

Eye color:
Her eyes may come off foreboding and grim yet mesmerising, alluring others in. With dark brown eyes, Claraโ€™s eyes are quite expressive, especially when she talks. As a cat, however, she has black pupils with yellow irises, almost hypnotising towards those who look at her, almost as if there's something "odd" about this particular black cat.

Both small in length and height, Clara stands around five feet and two inches in human form while as a cat, sheโ€™s shorter than most adult cats. However, she's quite proud of her long legs.

Build | Body Type:
Petite and agile, Clara is able to fit into tiny cracks and small spaces.

Distinguishing Features | Marking:
She has quite a few battle scars sheโ€™s quite proud of. It takes an alley street cat to maintain their territory and her claws arenโ€™t just for show! Nevertheless, as a human, her back has a few scars while thereโ€™s a small healed scar on her cheek.

Clara doesnโ€™t have a style, especially since she can only be a human once a year for 31 days. However, what she does wear in those months may be considered โ€˜out-of-styleโ€™ but generally she sticks mostly to black outfits [ denim, leather, etc. ], sometimes venturing into neutral to earthy tone colours, nothing out-standing.

Diana Korkunova
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"Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?"
Scrunching up her nose, Clara tilted her head to the side, looking at her nails. They werenโ€™t as long as she liked. Clara had an itch. Lifting up her head from her nails, Clara pursued her lips, before slightly pouting. โ€œIndependent. It has been. . . what year is it?โ€ She questioned, waiting for an answer.

โ€œ2003, Miss.โ€

โ€œOh, itโ€™s not just birds that fly, but so does time, is that right? Over the past couple of years, it takes wit and cleverness to fend for yourself. Just you and the world - if you didnโ€™t know about yourself before, you will, especially the things you have to do to survive. Itโ€™s beyond your imagination, donโ€™t hurt yourself thinking too hard.โ€

A small strained chuckle was heard before a small silence filled the room.

โ€œWas that five?โ€

โ€œNo, Miss.โ€ The interviewer said patiently, โ€œJust three.โ€

โ€œProtective . . and if she were here, she would have said I was passionate, dedicated, hard-working, and inquisitive. But, she isnโ€™t here anymore and I donโ€™t know who sheโ€™s describing. Do you? We used to look at the stars together and weโ€™d connect the stars and - .โ€ Clara grew quiet before clearing her throat. โ€œAs the eldest, I took on the role to take care of her, but if there is one truth, I will not back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to my belief and ideals.โ€ She stated, a hint of confidence returning before a sly grin appeared on her lips. "With an added quip of sass and sarcasm, of course."

"Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?"
Shaking her head, a small huff escaped her lips as she blew her hair out of her face. She was done with the question already. No more. Finished. Bored. Bored. Many things to do than sit here. Like look out the window than these people.

โ€œGrumpy. You are making me grumpy. How much longer will this take? There is a lot to do and my time is being wasted here playing . . . whatโ€™s that game?โ€

The red-cheeked interviewer spoke up, โ€œ21 questions, Miss?โ€

โ€œYes, that. I will be straightforward and honest with you. So, is there anything else we can do other than this? Is this necessary? You have my attention but it's slipping, sirs. Itโ€™s almost Halloween, plenty of time for something to occur. Itโ€™s around this time I can sense her better.โ€ She said cryptically, hoping the humans would let her off. Clara was avoiding the question, it was easiest to do. To avoid than allow herself to feel again.

โ€œWho?โ€ A slight inhale was heard as Claraโ€™s gaze struck a nerve in the interviewer as she stared at him only for her eyes to dull slightly.

โ€œMy. . . .โ€ She stopped, swallowing the bile - fur ball - whichever one that was wanting to surface from the back of her throat. โ€œSister. It is my fault. Itโ€™s my fault. My fault. Itโ€™s. It. Responsibility.โ€ Clara muttered to herself, over and over again. โ€œGuilt. Regret, they are the same thing, are they not? It was a mistake. I was. โ€œ

At that, the interviewers allowed Clara a small break, not wanting to push the female over the edge. Nevertheless, Clara blames herself for her mistake. Despite being intuitive, she wasnโ€™t quick enough and since then, she overcompensated for her lost and her failure.

"What are some fun facts about yourself?"
โ€œPersonal space.โ€ She quipped without flinching. โ€œI donโ€™t like being touched and being โ€˜cooedโ€™ like a baby. Yes, I am a cat. Do I bring bad luck? Probably, if you attempt to hold me. Donโ€™t say I didnโ€™t warn you and you get scratched!โ€ She sighed, clicking her tongue before a shiver ran up her spine. โ€œNot even the tail.โ€ Clara hissed.

Amused, the interviewers stared at each other before facing forward at the girl before nudging Clara to continue.

โ€œMusic . . soft music is soothing to my precious ears. Loud noises will make me go deaf before I ever go blind or have broken bones. . . rolling around in soft grass, leaves, and warm clothes is nice.โ€ Wiggling her nose, attempting to stop her sneeze, Claraโ€™s nose twitched before a small yet high-pitch sneeze escaped as she jumped slightly. Rubbing her nose, Clara shivered slightly, looking at the interviewers. โ€œDo you have a jacket and a tissue? The fur kept me warm but now everything feels exposed. Vulnerable.โ€

โ€œYes, Miss. Of course!โ€ The red-cheeked interviewer quickly stood up and grabbed a jacket and a tissue, leaving the room for a moment as Clara looked towards the window, mesmerised by the bird outside.

"What are some of your talents and skills?"
Her slender fingers lightly tapped against the table as she narrowed her eyes, hearing the next question. Within an instant, Clara stood up, leaning forward across the table, chair squeaking as it pulled back. โ€œTalent? Skills? Reflexes and agility. If you donโ€™t have those, youโ€™ll be at the bottom of the food chain. Didnโ€™t know? Cats also have their own hierarchy.โ€ She stated, not so gently, as if the humans shouldโ€™ve known the answer.

The interviewers, on the other hand, cowered back slightly, seeing the cat-like female glaring down at them, annoyed. The hairs on her arms nearly stood up as she reigned in her temper. Clearing their throat as Clara slowly sat back in her seat, she spoke up as the interviewers were loosening their ties.

โ€œCats have nine lives. Imagine having a cat with more than that. Ever seen a cat fall from the roof only to land on its feet? Or a cat that managed to become one with a cardboard box no matter how small?โ€ Her voice raised an octave higher, toying with the interviewers as she spoke in a sing-songy manner. โ€œTrees donโ€™t count.โ€ She paused for a moment.

With the yarn in her hand, Clara moved it back and forth before the string began to move by itself. โ€œHypnotising, isnโ€™t it?โ€

โ€œAh, yes. It is um-โ€ One of them started, sweating slightly before getting a jab by the other one next to him. โ€œAnything else?โ€

A small hum escaped her lips as she shrugged her shoulders. โ€œKeen eyesight, chasing mice, sleeping, and running, but donโ€™t ask me to show how fast I run, especially when I only have two legs.โ€

"What is your greatest fear?"
A small yowl escaped her lips as she hissed, not at all amused at the question as her hand flailed forwardly, wanting to reach over to scratch them. The interviewers, on the other hand, flinched, scooting back as they were frozen in confusion at the girlโ€™s reaction. Clara never said a word for over ten minutes and that felt like hours to them.

โ€œTo live forever aimlessly, endlessly - forgetting my purpose.โ€

"What are your ambitions and goals?"
Defeated, Clara could only shrug her shoulders, feeling like a boxed-in cat.

No one puts baby in the corner! Echoed in her mind as she shook her head.

โ€œAmbitions. . . goals. Are they not the same thing? Donโ€™t look at me like that. Donโ€™t pity me.โ€ She stated, narrowing her eyes at the interviewers, seeing their forlorn expression. A small, empty chuckle escaped her lips. โ€œMorbid as it sounds but, death. How does it feel to rest? To be reunited with your loved ones? Can you imagine never being able to go back home?โ€

"Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"
โ€œThe moments cross path with each other. You live forever and your signals get all wired and crossed. Worrying will not solve anything. You do what you have to do. I heard. . . life is an adventure: all of it. The ups and downs. The boring moments and the exciting ones. It all comes full circle.โ€

Clara knew she was playing by their rules, their games. But the longer this drags on, the more anxious she got. She could never live life normally, not in a house, not in a box, but free and out.

"How do you feel about death?"
A small smirk crossed her pale features as she lifted her head up, determined. โ€œWhen Death comes knocking on my door, I will let you know. Unfortunately, it seems even Death doesnโ€™t want me.โ€

Oh how she prayed for the sweet embrace. But it would never be given to her. Perhaps this is her curse, her punishment. Danteโ€™s Inferno.

"Is the glass half empty or full?"
โ€œOh, when you have a thirsty cat, itโ€™s always going to be empty. Leave no trace behind and always take what you can get. Thereโ€™s no โ€œsavingโ€ for later. Nope. You only have one chance, make it count.โ€

"Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"
โ€œIs this a joke?โ€ She questioned loudly, scoffing as she folded her arms. โ€œIf Iโ€™m not living proof. . . living . . am I living? Hm. If I am not proof. Then I donโ€™t know what else you need and thatโ€™s frightening.โ€

"How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"
โ€œThe one time I can be human. The one month I find a semblance of normalcy only to be reminded of my rebirth, my curse. How melodramatic. It is better than summer and spring. The fall is the perfect temperature and right fit.โ€ Clara could only let out a soft sigh, ready to take a big cat nap. She hoped they could give her food already, she was starving.

"What is your stance on The Sanderson Sisters | Humans? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"
โ€œ. . . Have you not been listening?โ€ She frowned, rubbing her temples as she stood up from her seat needing to stretch her legs. Clara was aching to get out. โ€œIf . . .if they come back, I will be ready. But how many years must I wait for a virgin to light a candle? Let there be light. . . was it?โ€ She drifted off in her own mind.

"Do you prefer daytime or nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"
A small snort echoed in the room as she shook her head. โ€œNone of the above. Iโ€™m not a bird. But, the night is when itโ€™s coolest and encompassing. The dark, the shadow. I want it all.โ€

The interviewers, at this point, were slowly feeling relieved, knowing the tenseness in the pit of their stomachs and uncomfortable atmosphere in the room would fade away. Soon.

"If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"
โ€œWitches canโ€™t step foot on hallowed ground. The forest has a cemetary. But, the alleyway is a safe-haven for comfort. You either become the leader or be forced to run errands for a hissing cat. Which would you choose?โ€ Clara asked, moving around both the table and the interviewers in circular motion, as if she was waiting to pounce on its prey.

"If you had to eat or drink any of these foods for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin pie. Eye-gummy candies. Chocolate spiders. Spice Tea. Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop. Celery designed Ghouls."
Furrowing her brow, Clara stood behind the interviewers, whispering in their ear. โ€œPumpkin pie or latte. Maybe I wonโ€™t throw up eating it, maybe I will. Youโ€™ll be the first to know. This is the last of it? Good-bye.โ€ She finished before patting their heads, leaving them in their stupor.
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With a historical background filled with a variety of history, politics, travels, adventures, and cultural influences, House Bazhanova was found in Russia. Two varying backgrounds of ethnicity [ Russian and Kazahkstan ] met under great tension and influence only to fall involve and consummate their marriage together but kept hush-hush. It wasn't until British and Russian relations began did House Bazhanova travel between Russia to Britain since Svetlana [ aka Clara ]'s ancestor were part of the Moscow merchant Trading Company. Life in Britain went smoothly and a generation passed between the Tudor and Elizabethan Era. It wasn't until 1603 when King James ascended the throne did madness and the idea of supernatural ideals occur. House Bazhanova's lifestyle took an immediate turn when witch hunts started to run amok in England. With a plan for escape for religious freedom, economic freedom, and new opportunities away from the chaos and suffering that occurred under the influence of religion and the supernatural world, in 1626, House Bazhanova took a risk and went on the pilgrimage to Salem, Massachusetts.

When House Bazhanova arrived in Salem, the family, unfortunately, had their surname was changed to Binx to keep with time and to immerse themselves better in a new lifestyle with a European surname. Through another generation, life in Salem seemed to be peaceful, that is, until word spread of something sinister lurking in the woods of Salem. Before the Salem villagers knew what they were getting into, a witch was on their horizon. However, due to the Bazhanova's encounter with witches in England and experiencing the suffering and pain, the Binx family was named one of the Head and Elders of the village. With a witch in their midst, Svetlana [ Clara ]'s great grandfather was able to settle a deal with the witch before they ran back to their forest, running amok with whatever and whoever they wanted.

Peace was around for the Salem villagers and word of witches and other supernaturals were kept hush hush. Time pass and in 1673, Svetlana Elisabeth Bazhanova was born. Of course, like her relatives and ancestors before, she couldn't keep her birth name despite her parents wanting their daughter to remember where she was from. Nevertheless, her parents kept similar ideas and named her Clara Elisabeth Binx. But, as luck would have it, medical issues, hallucinations, and other out of this world illness started to spread in the village and no one knew what was going on. Before the Salem villagers knew it, rumors of witches destroying a nearby village was spread through town.

With the birth of a second daughter, Clara's younger sister, the Elders couldn't keep the secret of witches and the supernatural any longer. Everyone was forbidden to go into the forest and were headed and warned to not head into the other village. The Salem village was on locked down until . . . . children started to go missing and acting strangely. The witch hunts and belief of sorcery was something Clara grew up having to live and live through. It was only once within a few months a child would go missing by as time passed, between late 1691 and early 1692, accusations of witchcraft by villagers starting to flare up. Pain and destruction ran rampant and Clara knew that her life turned topsy turvy.

Her father knew it wouldn't be too long until The Sanderson Sisters would return to their village, not caring about past treaties. Clara and her sister were always on guard, ready to run away and were careful. But, it seemed they weren't careful enough. Before the Salem Elders could stop it, the treaty broke and children began to go missing every month and soon . . . Clara's own little sister was lured into the dark forest and the cottage.

The Sanderson Sisters were the talk of the town. They weren't captured and beheaded until it was too late for Clara to save her sister. The Eldest Sanderson Sister cursed Clara to live forever as a cat. Her parents, after The Sanderson Sisters were hung, tried to look for her. Clara desperately tried to get their attention but to no avail. They soon gave up and died of heartbreak. It wasn't before long that the hysteria of the Salem witch hunt grew to an end and Clara lived out her life protecting the Sanderson Cottage, never being able to pass on and reunite with her family.

"What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"
Clara doesn't understand the question. She's playing 'dumb' and refuses to answer such a vague question. What kind of accomplishment can she do as a cat? But, if someone really wants to know, she made sure to make all the sewage, drainers, and abandoned houses bug-infested free and mice-free. Isn't that nice?

1553: British-Russian Relation Began. Russia's Trading Company started trading with Britain. Clara's ancestors traveled and moved from Russia to Britain.
1558: The Elizabethan Period started and her ancestors were living humbly as merchants and healers.
1603: Peace is destroyed when King James ascended the throne with his fascination of the supernatural vs. religion.
1612: The first witch trials began and the hysteria of witch hunting was exposed in Lancashire.
1626: Wanting safety and comfort with their ideals and belief, House Bazhanova went on the pilgrimage to Salem.
1640s-70s: Around this time, The Sandersons appeared and the Salem villagers had their first encounter and a treaty was made.
1674: Clara Elisabeth Binx was born
1691-1693: The witch-hunt began. The Sanderson Sisters returned. Clara's little sister was killed and Clara was turned into a cat.
2003: Present Day
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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‘๐„๐’๐๐Ž๐๐’๐ˆ๐๐‹๐„ ๐Ž๐๐„

[div class=container][div class=bigimage][div class=img1][/div][div class=img2 style=display:none;][/div][div class=img3 style=display:none;][/div][div class=img4 style=display:none;][/div][/div][div class=header][div class=hname]lottie[/div]
the responsible one

[div class=tag]twenty[/div][div class=tag]capri[/div][div class=tag]female[/div][div class=tag]hetflex[/div][/div]
[div class=tabcon][div class=tab1][div class=appearance][div class=scroll][div class=bigtext]full name[/div] charlotte monreau
[div class=bigtext]nicknames[/div] lottie
โ it's a little cutesy now that i'm older, but it stays. it's grown on me. โž
[div class=bigtext]age[/div] (almost) twenty
[div class=bigtext]birthday[/div] december twenty-fifth
[div class=bigtext]zodiac[/div] capri-sun capricorn
[div class=bigtext]sexuality[/div] heteroflexible
[div class=bigtext]role[/div] the responsible one

[div class=bigtext]height[/div] 1.72m
[div class=bigtext]weight[/div] 58.7kg
[div class=bigtext]build[/div] ectomorph
[div class=bigtext]eye colour[/div] brown
[div class=bigtext]hair colour[/div] dark brown/black
[div class=bigtext]body mods[/div] double pierced earlobe
[div class=bigtext]distinguishing features[/div]
eyebrows, wavy hair, she's also kinda tall.
[div class=bigtext]style[/div] โœฟ โœฟ โœฟ โœฟ

[div class=bigtext]faceclaim[/div] christina nadin

[/div][div class=tab2 style=display:none][div class=scroll][div class=bigtext2]personality[/div]
growing up as the oldest of 4 with parents that were almost always absent, lottie is very independent, being self-sufficient and more mature than most of her peers. though she speaks strongly of tough love and for others to develop their own values and accomplish things through their own means, lottie softens easily at even the slightest of requests, usually more than willing to lend a hand to help with the task, though she'll chide you the whole time about "watching closely to pick this up yourself". lottie believes strongly in ownership, and she prides being trying to complete something by your own merit. however, her independence and ideals often lead lottie to reject help from others. she dislikes having to bother others for her personal affairs, especially when she knows she'll be able to deal with it on her own. after all, she's done it herself before, why not now?

lottie cares greatly about those around her, and her fierce loyalty is no secret. she's quick to jump to the defence of her friends and family, regardless of the situation, and is willing to go the extra mile to make sure her loved ones are okay. though usually sweet and pleasant to be around, mess with her friends or family and lottie will not hesitate to end your career. she's a great listener, and her friends often go to her when they need a good cry, but lottie tends to give the most awful advice. she distrusts her intuition and usually ends up over-analysing the situation, and it's become routine to do the opposite of what lottie suggests, and she'll usually agree.

perhaps because dealing with 3 other children tested her patience in ways few can understand, it takes a lot to get lottie angry, and even then she defuses easily, never one to hold a grudge. she may shoot you a playful evil eye if you tread on her pet peeves too much, but it's all in good fun, and she knows that. practical and levelheaded, lottie usually serves as the voice of reason and peacemaker, but doesn't do well in unpredictable and bizarre situations. she doesn't like straying too far out of her comfort zone and is often dubbed as a spoilsport because she always protests the dangerous activities, but really, she's the only thing between them and the grim reaper sometimes.

as an ambivert, lottie has never had trouble forming connections with others, and her pleasant and kind nature makes her sincerity shine when she reaches out to make friends. however, lottie tends to judge quickly and is especially wary of strangers, profiling and analysing them from the get-go. sh but it's not difficult, really โ€”all you've got to do is not be an asshole.

[div class=bigtext2]fun facts[/div]
โ i love baking and cooking, and i'm pretty good at sewing too. you kinda pick it up caring for 3 kids. i'm also billingual, i speak french and english because my dad's parents are french and i used to visit them every summer when i was younger. i've dabbled in photography, and every once in a while i model for my friend gabriel. otherwise... i know how to play the piano? but i'm quite awful at singing. there's not much else, really. i'm not terribly interesting. โž

[div class=bigtext2]talents & skills[/div]
โ i have a pretty good memory, and i remember faces really well. that's why i know i've never seen you around town. i hope you're having a good time so far. i think i have pretty good foresight and can do some good decision-making, but not in high-pressure situations. i guess i'm somewhat agile too? good reflexes, yeah. i don't really do parkour or anything, though, so i can't say for sure. โž

[div class=bigtext2]greatest fear[/div]
โ hm... probably getting my friends or family seriously hurt because of something dumb i did. i try my best to look out for them, and i can't imagine ever intentionally hurting or getting them hurt, y'know? also werewolves are pretty scary. dogs are cute, but that scene in michael jackson's thriller scared me so much for ages. โž

[div class=bigtext2]ambitions & goals[/div]
โ i'd like to travel the world! but before that i'd like to study law at harvard, graduate with at least a masters', get married and buy a house by, say, 28 or something? travelling the world can be an ongoing thing, like a side gig, y'know? and i've already started a little too! โž

[div class=bigtext2]living life[/div]
โ it's difficult to live just in the moment, isn't it? if we don't plan for the future, we'll suffer. we can't just rely on our luck, 'cause that's gonna run out eventually. our fate's in our hands, and all that stuff! and i love planning ahead. it makes me feel more assured.โž

[div class=bigtext2]dying death[/div]
โ it's natural, but i dread it. โž

[div class=bigtext2]a glass of water[/div]
โ half-full! pessimism isn't "practical"! it's just being a total mood-killer. there's no need to see all of the negatives when there are so many positives around for you to feel better instead. โž

[div class=bigtext2]superstitions & magic[/div]
โ i'm not really a big believer, really, though i think it's interesting. i lean more towards skepticism, though i can't for sure eliminate the possibility. personally, though, i'd rather all of it stays as just stories. โž

[div class=bigtext2]halloween[/div]
โ it's fun, but i'm more of a christmas gal myself! i do make sure to set aside a bit of money every year for treats for the little ones who go knocking on doors, though, and last year i helped paige dress up as michael myers in honour of the new film, and she had a lovely time terrorising the neighbourhood. if you come by later i'll show you some photos! โž

[div class=bigtext2]sanderson sisters[/div]
โ just an old myth that scares the children. it's outdated and a little lame, to me personally, but i think it makes the history and culture of salem a whole lot more interesting! it'd be cool to be a witch too, i think. but yeah, hopefully not real. โžin a lower tone, lottie adds: โ better not be. gosh. โž

[div class=bigtext2]daytime/nighttime[/div]
โ definitely daytime. 100%! i don't like being out alone at night. can't really put a finger on why. โž

[div class=bigtext2]between dark alley/forest?[/div]
โ neither. i can't pick that? a dark forest, then? it's got... more room to run? but, oh, there might be werewolves. just... neither. โž

[div class=bigtext2]between some treats?[/div]
โ pumpkin pie. you can't go wrong with a classic, and good pie always warms the soul. โž

[/div][/div][div class=tab3 style=display:none][div class=scroll][div class=bigtext]history[/div]
lottie's had to be independent for as long as she can remember. her parents seemed to never be home, both of them working adults. the monreaus are pretty stable financially, even considered on the richer side of the little town, but they're definitely not known to be close. with most of the babysitters brought in too stoned to care about a little girl, charlotte spent most of her childhood bringing herself up. in efforts to win her parents' attention that she craved, lottie worked hard to excel at school and be the perfect child, quickly becoming the subject of other mothers' "you should be more like her".

when jamie and delilah came, lottie focused her attention instead on them instead, striving to be the best sister ever.

[div class=bigtext]greatest accomplishment[/div]

[div class=bigtext]extra[/div]
โœฟ fluent in french
โœฟ has a pet brown maltese named cookie, short for cookie dough

[/div][/div][div class=tab4 style=display:none][div class=relationships][div class=scroll][div class=bigtext2]family[/div]
jonathan monreau
lottie is closer to jonathan monreau's parents rather than he himself, and though he seems relatively proud of what his daughter has become, the two have sparse interactions.

karin amari
though still distant, lottie is closer to her mother than her father, having at least learnt some of her favourite recipes from her.

jamie monreau
this is my little brother george jamie

delilah monreau
this is my little sister george 2 delilah

paige monreau
this is my little sister george 3 paige

[div class=bigtext2]the unlucky one[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the chosen one[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the believer[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the outlier[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the old flame[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the instigator[/div]
[div class=bigtext2]the stubborn one[/div]


[/div][div class=buttoncon][div class=button1]basics[/div][div class=button2]personality[/div][div class=button3]history[/div][div class=button4]relationships[/div]


โ €โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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๐’๐ˆ๐’๐“๐„๐‘ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
This CS is still a W.I.P! Check back later for final character.​

[class=bkgd] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 600px; height: 400px; background-color: #1F181F; border: 3px solid #CFA185; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; border-radius: 10px; [/class] [class=pic] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 224px; height: 402px; left: 0px; top: -2px; background: url(https://www.rpnation.com/gallery/anto-res-png.41162/full); border-right: 3px solid #CFA185; [/class] [class=title] position: absolute; left: 183px; top: 10px; overflow: hidden; width: 400px; height: auto; color: #A83C20; text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #240A03; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: right; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 30px; padding-right: 3px; [/class] [class=role] position: absolute; left: 383px; top: 46px; overflow: hidden; width: 200px; height: auto; color: #EC9889; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #45130E; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; padding-right: 3px; [/class] [class=underline] overflow: visible; position: absolute; top: 62.5px; left: 247px; width: 337px; height: 3px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #CFA185; [/class] [class=tab] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 38px; height: 38px; background-color: #8D220C; border: 3px solid #CFA185; border-radius: 100px; color: #DFDEE6 font-size: 30px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; font-weight: 700; [/class] [class=body] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 297px; height: 240px; color: black; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 11px; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=bodycont] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 290px; height: 256px; left: 270px; top: 119px; background-color: #773530; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px #001F2C; border-radius: 10px [/class] [class=sub1] position: absolute; left: 270px; top: 90px; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; color: #A83C20; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #CFA185; [/class] [class=sub2] position: absolute; left: 270px; top: 90px; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; color: #A83C20; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #CFA185; [/class] [class=sub3] position: absolute; left: 270px; top: 90px; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; color: #A83C20; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #CFA185; [/class] [class=sub4] position: absolute; left: 270px; top: 90px; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; color: #A83C20; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #CFA185; [/class] [class=tag] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 10px; display: inline; background-color: #EC9889; border-radius: 50px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #45130E; color: #8D220C; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 700; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-right: 3px; [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #CFA185; opacity: 0.8; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: #45130E; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} I) (show tabsContentBasics) if (eq ${currentTab} I) (show sub1) if (eq ${currentTab} I) (hide sub2) if (eq ${currentTab} I) (hide sub3) if (eq ${currentTab} I) (hide sub4) if (eq ${currentTab} II) (show tabsContentPersona) if (eq ${currentTab} II) (show sub2) if (eq ${currentTab} II) (hide sub1) if (eq ${currentTab} II) (hide sub3) if (eq ${currentTab} II) (hide sub4) if (eq ${currentTab} III) (show tabsContentBackground) if (eq ${currentTab} III) (show sub3) if (eq ${currentTab} III) (hide sub1) if (eq ${currentTab} III) (hide sub2) if (eq ${currentTab} III) (hide sub4) if (eq ${currentTab} IIII) (show tabsContentOther) if (eq ${currentTab} IIII) (show sub4) if (eq ${currentTab} IIII) (hide sub1) if (eq ${currentTab} IIII) (hide sub2) if (eq ${currentTab} IIII) (hide sub3) [/script]

[div class=bkgd]
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[div class=title]I'll take thee away[/div]
[div class=underline][/div]
[div class=role]sister three[/div]
[div class=line][/div]
[div class=sub1]basics[/div]
[div class=sub2 style="display: none;"]persona[/div]
[div class=sub3 style="display: none;"]background[/div]
[div class=sub4 style="display: none;"]other[/div]

[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 100px;"]I[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 154px;"]II[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 208px;"]III[/div][div class=tab style="left: 205px; top: 262px;"]IIII[/div][/div]

[div class=one]I[/div]
[div class=two]II[/div]
[div class=three]III[/div]
[div class=four]IIII[/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentBasics"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]name[/div] diana sanderson

[div class=tag]nickname[/div] ana - shortened form of given name; used only by sisters

[div class=tag]age[/div] 24

[div class=tag]gender[/div] female

[div class=tag]role[/div] sister three

[div class=tag]body type[/div] ectomorph

[div class=tag]hair color[/div] brown

[div class=tag]eye color[/div] green

[div class=tag]height[/div] 5' 10"

[div class=tag]distinguishing features[/div] xxx

[div class=tag]attire[/div] x x x

[div class=tag]faceclaim[/div] antonina vasylchenko


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersona" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]virtues[/div] "Tell me five good traits about yourself and why?"

[div class=tag]vices[/div] "Tell me five negative traits about yourself and why. What would you'd like to improve about yourself?"

[div class=tag]fun facts[/div] "What are some fun facts about yourself?"

[div class=tag]talents[/div] "What are some of your talents and skills?"

[div class=tag]greatest fear[/div] "What is your greatest fear?"

[div class=tag]ambitions & goals[/div] "What are your ambitions and goals?"

[div class=tag]question & answer[/div]

1. "Do you live life in the moment or do you worry about what comes next?"

"Dare I say I live in the moment? My sister Winona might just yell at me for that one. She's so focused on the future, what's next for us, and even revenge from the past. Marie is better but her views align with that of Winnie. I'd like to think if my sister's slowed down and weren't so focused on everything else, they wouldn't miss the little joys in life. Like the morning birds singing... oh how I missed that sound..."

2. "How do you feel about death?"

"Death is such a painful experience, but yet such an important one. Without death, my sisters and I cannot become younger and beautiful again. Then again, without death I dare say I may have had a chance with dear Billy..."

3."Is the glass half-empty or half-full?"

"Whatever do you mean? If there is water in a glass, then it is full. At least until one drinks the water. Then it is empty."

4. "Are you superstitious? Do you believe in magic?"

"Are you okay dear? Here come sit, I'll go get thee that glass of water."

5. "How do you feel about Halloween? What is your favorite holiday and season? Why?"

"Oooh! I happen to enjoy this season. The children love to frolic in the leaves and wander from their parents sights. It's easy to lure them away while the leaves are red and crisp. Not to mention it's so very pretty..."

6. "What is your stance on humans? Do you hate, admire, like, and/or neutral, etc. towards them?"

"Humans are interesting. They have no concept of magic though. How, I don't quite understand. Their children are quite useful however."

7. "Do you prefer daytime or the nighttime? Are you an early bird or a night owl?"

"Oh how I used to love walking in the early morning with the birds singing. But the nighttime was quite nice as well, cool and crisp and decorated with stars."

8. "If you could choose between going down a dark, dank alleyway or into a dark forest, which would you choose and why?"

"I am not entirely sure what an 'alley' is. The forest used to be my home though. It's secluded and private, easy to go find a nice place to nap in."

9. "If you had to eat or drink any of these food for the rest of your life, which would you choose?"
Pumpkin spice latte -- Pumpkin pie -- Eye-gummy candies -- Chocolate spiders -- Spice Tea -- Ghost-designed Vanilla Cake Pop -- Celery designed Ghouls

"Pumpkin pie sounds like it would be delicious."


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentBackground" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]history[/div] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Non nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam. Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean. Volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in. Tincidunt arcu non sodales neque sodales. Eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl. Odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc. Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi.

[div class=tag]greatest accomplishment[/div] "What is your greatest accomplishment? And how did you succeed?"

[div class=tag]family[/div]
Winona Sanderson: "sister one" -- feelings

Magdalena Sanderson: "sister two" -- feelings

[div class=tag]relationships[/div]

the old flame:

the shifter:

the unlucky one:

the chosen one:

the believer:

the outlier:

the instigator:

the responsible one:

the stubborn one:


[div class="tabsContent tabsContentOther" style="display: none;"][div class=bodycont][div class=body]
[div class=tag]theme song[/div]

[div class=tag]gallery[/div]





[/div][div class=credit]code by sox sox [/div][/div]
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๐’๐ˆ๐’๐“๐„๐‘ ๐“๐–๐Ž
magdalena sanderson
sister two
Magdalena Sanderson
โ€œOh! Why, only my sisters call me โ€˜Marieโ€™. Everything else is off the tables, unless thereโ€™s food on there.โ€
April 21st | "26" [ โ€œAs Winnie says, โ€˜Weโ€™ll be younger in the morning!โ€™โ€ ]
โ€œOnce upon a time this mattered, but not anymore. My loyalty lies with my sisters.โ€
โ€œAs the middle child, Mother always told me make sure my sisters and I were getting along. So, perhaps, Iโ€™m the peacemaker and mediator between Winnie and Diana. A girlโ€™s gotta do what a girlโ€™s gotta do. I suggest we form calming circle.โ€
Hair color:
With medium-length, light golden blonde hair, Magdalena keeps her hair either all down or all up in a bun and out of her way - a preference when she has to cook.
Eye color:
Depending where the light reflects, Magdalenaโ€™s eyes has a mix of green and yellow hues in the light while in the dark, her eyes are more emerald than yellow. At times, her eyes may seem droopy or sleepy even. However, they are quite haunting, sending chills down someone's spine if she stares at you long enough. Perhaps its in fear of one's safety or feeling vulnerable when she stares, but either way, Magdalena has quite a neutral face - hard to read and pinpoint her thoughts.
Not necessarily small in stature, Magdalena stands at five feet and four inches
Build | Body Type:
Magdalena is average height and weight though she is slightly on the curvier side with a few assets.
Distinguishing features:
Between her sister Winnie and Diana, Magdalena is easily distinguishable due to her light hair color compared to Winnie's fiery red hair and Diana's darker hair. Nevertheless, eyes are the windows to the soul and Magdalena's eyes are seen as slighty gloomy and melancholy if one looks close enough. She has a scar on her wrist that has been there for a long as she could remember and a burned mark on her lower back.
Elizabeth Olsen

[class=tabs] margin-top: -47px; line-height: 1; position: relative; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; text-align: center; min-width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] background-color: white; color: black; box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid black; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 30%; font-family: 'Lato'; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/X2LfhKo.png), auto !important; transition: 0.15s;[/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} persona) (show tabsContentVee) if (eq ${currentTab} herstory) (show tabsContentFinally) if (eq ${currentTab} miscellaneous) (show tabsContentDoes) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style=" margin: auto;"]persona
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]herstory
[div class=tab style="margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: auto; margin-right: auto;"]miscellaneous[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVee"]
Five Good Traits:
With a small head tilt, Magdalena furrowed her brows, "Good?" Her voice raised an octave higher before finding herself choking on her own words. A loud gasp before a gulp was heard as Magdalena patted her chest to calm her nerves. "Well, I don't know. Sisters? I am confused. Winnie? Winnie! Winnie!" She called out towards her eldest sister. "Oh, Winnie! Where are you?"

Frowning slightly, though still stumped by the oddity of the inquiry, Magdalena tapped her chin. "Hm, I am great at following directions, especially listening to Winnie. Did you know that she has the most knowledge? She's quite brilliant. The only people who have my loyalty are my sisters." Nevertheless, Magdalena continued, trying to remember the words her mother told her all those years ago. "It's not easy taking care of both Winnie and Diana, but, they are worth it. Sisters must stick together, after-all, they're the only ones you can rely on. Mother did always say that I had to balance them out. She - what's the word - considered me more 'down-to-earth' than the both of them. Instinctive, is what she said, or was it maternal?"

Shaking her head, Magdalena wrapped her red cape around herself as a blanket. "It's easy scaring off children, you know. All it takes is to observe their nature, or rather anyone and you can get a sense of how they are. But, enough of that! I do hope my humor makes you laugh! Or at least, rather, it makes my sisters at ease. It's always nice to hear their joy. But it also takes a lot of bravery and an adventurous nature to scope the world to find what it is my sisters seek."

Five Bad Traits:
โ€œOh! Bad? Why, itโ€™s my middle name! Or was it wickedness? Whatever the case, I consider myself at least second to Winnie, of course!โ€ A slight laugh escaped her lips as she stuck her tongue out at sister Diana. As much as she competed with Diana for Winnieโ€™s attention, she still loved to playfully fight with her little sister and was quite protective over her.

"We could be here forever if we're listing down our wickedry! Do you have the time? Will you be bored? I can cook something for us, what do you say?" She asked, though her question left no room for denial as she grabbed a few treats off the shelf. It was an exotic food choice if it meant anything by the fruit flies that were buzzing all over it. "Don't worry, dear, I kept the fresh ones for my sisters. You can, of course, have the leftovers." She stated, a small grin forming from cheek to cheek.

Scooting her chair back across the table, Magdalena nodded, "Right, where were we? Oh, of course. Clumsy. I burned my hand quite a few times, but nothing like a simple spell couldn't fix. Though, I'd imagine I'm not as beautiful as Diana or as intelligent as Winnie, I'm quite average with an added twist. Minding your own business will help you live - at least - I've been taught and told such thing. But, the end does justify the mean and I don't know what you consider 'bad'. Perhaps it is the opposite for us? Having calmness does help but maybe being a doormat and not thinking for myself can be an issue. I do think of my sisters first but, I am quite neutral and have a tendency to not care about others who are not them. If you die, you die. If you choke on that food, it will not help me and so why should I help? It's odd. But, if you have something to offer, I may just do that."

Tapping the table, Magdalena shook her head. "I do like playing with my food, but not in the way Diana does. Affection doesn't suit me. Is that being cold? Reticent? Maybe. But, mind games are quite fun. You never really know what you can get out of someone if you mess with their head. Manipulation and cleverness, to us, is a good thing. Mother always told us to be. But, perhaps it's horrible for our enemies. Imagine that." She wistfully finished.

Fun Facts:
Magdalena is great at comforting and listening. If one finds a "friend" in her, or get on her good side, it's quite easy for her to involve herself in your problems, especially that of her sisters. She has a love for food and has quite a big apetite which is a good way to bribe and appease her. Nevertheless, she's a great cook, if you count all of her experiments with exotic food and all of that. She absolutely hates children - or rather - since she can't have any, no one can. It's really simple and clear as that. Magdalena doesn't like humans too much, finding them to be a nuisance, however, she will put up with them and be civil as long as they are worth something. But, she also has a fascination with them

Talents and Skills:
"My cooking and baking skills surpass my sisters and that I am proud of. If there was one good thing I was good at it was anything dealing with food and having a better sense of smell. Having strength to pick up boulders without a sweat and tracking people and animals alike make me useful. It's something worth noting and what makes me different than my sisters. You can run but you can't hide from me. I will find you." She said in a singy-songy voice, mimcking sister Diana's voice.

Greatest Fears:
"My fear? There's nothing to fear when the Sandersons are around, don't you think? It would be questionable if we were fearful of ourselves. Though . . you do drive a good point. Being fearful of our power, of what we can do is definitely smart. But," She paused for a moment, narrowing her eyes slightly, her forehead wrinkling just a bit to show her true age, "to fail." And what it was she meant, it wouldn't be known, a secret that could have so many answers.

Ambition and Goals:
"To rule Salem? No. To kill the children and take their soul for our own? Perhaps. To help Winnie and Diana? Quite blaringly so. But, that's just theatrics and simple answers, isn't it? Have you ever wanted to start over, fresh, and live in a world where it was made just for you? Doesn't it sound marvelous? No pitchforks and fire being taunted our way. No throwing woman into water. But, acceptance of the other side, the other ways. But, it's a dream. One you must ever tell."

Live in the moment? Worry?:
Raising a brow, Magdalena could only sigh. "There is no point in worrying. Every second you waste over-thinking is another second lost to pity. Of course, I live for revenge and for my sisters. If our goals aren't met, disappointment ensues. And that's not good for anyone. No one should attempt to anger dear Winnie. So rather worry, it's best to live in the moment and achieve those goals, right? Giving up isn't an option." She pondered for a moment, knitting her brows together, "And perhaps, figure out if the blood moonstone is here."

"Why, no one likes dying, especially when there's so much for live for and things to do. But, if I may say so myself, Hell isn't so bad. Not when you're in cahoots with the man downstairs himself. So, are we really burning and being tortured? Who knows. I could think of better ways for punishment but. . . I won't bore you with the details." She finished, clicking her tongue.

Half-empty or Half-full?:
"What sort of question is this? Half what? Why half? It needs to be filled to the top! Why would you give something that's half-filled? Unless, you're poisoning someone? Well, go ahead then."

Superstitious? Magic?:
"Next question."

Halloween? Holiday? Season?:
"It's blatantly obvious what it is. Perhaps asking questions that aren't easy to identify will help you in the long run. You're wasting your time and it's best to not waste any. Winnie wouldn't like that." She chastised, waving her hand to indicate that she wanted the next question.

Stance on Humans?:
As mentioned before, Magdalena is fascinated by them. They're so easily pluckable off the face of Earth and ignorant of the otherly worldly things. How prideful are they to think it is just them that lives on these soil grounds. Magdelena could only shake her head in disappointment. "They're missing so much. Their innocence, purity - it's gross. But, they're also easily tainted, don't you think?"

Daytime or Nighttime? Early bird or Night owl?:
"In-between, the middle. Evening is the best time to awaken - not too early and bright, but not too late and dark. Just right. But, perhaps dusk, dawn, and evening are the best time where it's peaceful enough and cool. Yes."

Dark alleyway? Forest?:
"An alleyway? Do you know the amound of smells there are in those places? No, thank you. Pass. The forest is home."

Which Halloween food?:
Scrunching up her nose in digust, Magdelana glared, "You call that food? It's not delectable treats at all. I'd rather starve."
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The Sandersons have been in Salem since 1623 ( or even years before then, the record's lost), three years prior to the arrival of the pilgrammage from Britain [ 1626 ]. Since their arrival, the Sandersons kept to themselves, keeping under the radar from the colonist despite the rumours of witches lurking about. But, at the age of 17 years old, Anette Sanderson [ Winnie, Marie, and Diana's mother ], in 1640 went with her mother to sign a treaty between the humans and her family. The treaty was a protection against the Sanderson's wicked ways. Of course, at first, the Sandersons denied their claims of them being witches and doing any "ill deeds" but the colonist knew and were smart. So, in the end, to keep peace and protection from one another, the Sandersons accepted the conditions and the treaty. The witches would be allowed to do what they want as long as they kept Salem alone. And, for awhile, the Sandersons kept their end of the deal.

In 1657, Anette Sanderson, in her early thirties, gave birth to her second daughter: Magdalena Sanderson. She was born with pale skin and rosy cheeks that matched her worldly emerald green eyes. Her hair was much different than her older sister Winnie's, contrasting it in hue as she was blonde while her sister was a red-head. Nevertheless, two years laters, her younger sister Diana was born with darker hair. Despite there being three daughters, it was easy to distinguish the girls from not only their hair colour but temperments. Whether their father was murdurered or pushed away, the Sanderson Sisters never knew.

But, for years, Magdalena was curious of who her other parent was, believing a part of her was missing. However, because of her obsession of finding her origins, or rather her father, she was also detached from the world. She strayed from others who weren't her family and stuck closely to her siblings despite fighting often with her younger sister. They weren't malicious or mal-content fights, but it was fun bickering and playful, mischevious schemes. Despite Winnie's ire of their nuisance and being a pain in her arse, the sisters were close.

Every morning, every minute, every hour, and every night, the girls were practicing their craft. Mother was strict in her teaching but she meant well. Teaching with an iron-hand, practice made perfect. Despite being as skillful and talented as her sisters, it was only when Magdalena found herself playing her food did she realise she had an affinity towards smells unlike her sisters. And while she found her niche, so did her sisters. It was a normal occurence for the girls to practice their gifts on animals and even sometimes, people.

But, one day, Magdalena only realised her unnatural strength during her morning hike in the woods when she heard a cry by the river. A boulder collapsed atop of a young boy and while Magdalena would have turned the other way, remembering her mother's words to never talk to strangers, at the age of sixteen, it was an impressionable age and Magdalena did it anyways. She was iniquisitive of the outside world and although she'd never get close to humans, she was fascinated by them.

Before she knew it, Magdalena was able to lift the boulder from the boy's leg and aided him in being returned to the village - which one Magdalena doesn't know. But, it was her first contact in the "outside" world. But . . . who would have thought that the day Magdalena was able to find her second power, a few weeks later, she, her sister Winnie and Diana would be burying their late mother. It was a sad day and Magdalena mourned her mother's death. She wasn't sad that she passed, no, she was quite angry yet calm enough to understand that she would do her mother's bidding. Legends of the blood moonstone was a bedtime story for the Sanderson Sisters and whether they believed it or not, she didn't know. But, Magdalena, any chance she had, went out looking for it.

In mourning, she and her sisters did their deeds, bringing fear in the other villages around them. Their mother's death was unnatural to them and she shouldn't have died without suceeding in taking back their lands and overthrowing the humans. At first, the sisters went ahead and avenged their mother, raiding other villages but Salem by bringing the fear in their eyes. No stones were left untouched. Who said to give powerful spells to emotionally charged witches? And young ones at that? Foolish they were but the Sisters did their dirtiest, taking what was rightfully theirs. Time pass and between going willy nily to Winnie's ways or traveling towards different parts of the "state", Magdalena was able to pick up on different habits and pick-pocketing skills. It was all in good fun and name while it lasted.

However, it wasn't until her sister Winnie found a lover and her sister Diana started going out more, mingling with boys and did other tom-foolery that didn't need all three of them together did Magdalena find herself feeling lonelier as the days pass. Her daily routine life was practicing her spells, helping Winnie with whatever she needed, tracking the misfortune that befallen their late mother, and watching over Diana whenever she played in the field or the woods. It was entertaining spying on the humans and seeing their mundane life, pulling pranks when they didn't resort to "zapping" or manipulating them. Soon, she was in her early twenties and she never thought about it having any affairs. It wasn't until she remembered the boy she saved a few years ago as they crossed paths.

Magdalena was on her way back from searching in a few towns over for any clues or hints to the blood moonstone when her tracks were stopped by a boy named Sebastian. Her life turned upside down and for a good while, they met in the meadows and spoke about nonsensical things and ideas that Magdalena never heard of. It was weird and butterflies. A sort of feeling she wasn't used to getting. At one point, she thought of a different life than the one she led. But, it was not in her fate and all things must come to an end. When Winnie's lover was found cheating with sister Diana, the world shook. It took a few weeks or even months before the sisters starting to become "normal" , as if they ever were.

It was around the same time Magdalena found out she could never have kids and for that, she was angry with the world. The boy she thought who would stick around disappeared and no matter much she searched, he was nowhere in sight and what was left was betrayal. Pitchforks and angry mob of humans surrounded her in their "place". She felt the fingers being pointed to her of the hardships and the turmoil that plagued the different villages. It was their secret and no one was suppose to know. Magdalena knew it was that boy that spilled the bean. She trusted the wrong human. Witches were being hunted down and Magdalena could only rely on what her sisters and her mother taught her. Magic, power, and survival was their greatest instincts. She wouldn't be drowned in the lake and she would never allow herself to forfeit herelf unwilling to be burned to death. Humans lie and she was heartbroken. So, she killed them all.

Years passed and 1691 sprang forward. Moments of her silhouette being stained with blood and tears were no more. With Winnie with her new spellbook, granted to her by the Devil himself, as she says, the Sanderson Sisters came up with a plan, a way for humans to never hurt them again. They were sure that their dear mother must have been harmed by them and their treacherous ways were exposed. The Sanderson Sisters finally started their vengeance and with a new potion to renact, sister Diana was able to capture an Elder from the Salem village - the village that wasn't supposed to be "touch". How foolish. The treaty was no more and the Sisters wouldn't have any of it - taking back what is theirs and fighting for their right.

With the Elder's youngest daughter in their grasp in 1693, they completed the potion and finalised the spell. They were able to age 10 years younger and it was a start. New-found hope filled in the pit of their stomach and bosom. With the youngest daughter of the Salem chief dead, the other daughter who offended Winnie was turned into a black cat and Magdalena could only gleefully smile as the spell transformed the human into a cat. "O' Winnie, Diana, how art divine!" Magdalena knew that despite the potion working, reverting their life force by taking other's, it wasn't enought to immortalise them. They needed more children.

However, they were caught. But, before she and her sisters faded from the world . . for now, another spell was cast and they will be back.
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The Sanderson witch bloodline continues in the females. Through each generation, the witches become more powerful as long as they do not meet their untimely deaths in a manner that is not suited for them. It isn't known when the bloodline began except that grimoires were passed down from each generation to the next. The blood moonstone is a Sanderson legend, a powerful stone that could move mountains and make the earth quake: destruction of the world and renewal of life - immortality to the one who wields it. But, as generations pass, the location of the blood moonstone is lost and the map is hidden. It is now currently a legend only the Sandersons know, though there are some who hope to weild its power.
codedbycrucially | hidden scrolls
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