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It's all about connection

The night wore on. At one point, Juliet managed to set one of the marshmallows on fire that they had been roosting and attempted to chase Cyril around with it until Lauren dragged her back down.

There were a few attempts at s'mores, though in the end them just made them by baking them in the oven for a little bit rather than over the fire.

Juliet offered her services in singing bad songs and Lauren laughed as Sylvia groaned and Cyril joined in, actually managing to carry a tune while Juliet simply yelled out the lyrics.

By the time Uncle Henrik came around and ordered them all to bed, the moon was high and Lauren felt giddy about being close to everyone all the time, her side still pressed against Garret and her fingers still in his hand.

She let go when Juliet arched an eyebrow at it and flushed a bit, though as soon as her cousin was out of sight, she slowly wrapped her hand in his again. It was warm and nice and she didn't want to let go.

Eventually, she had to to take a shower and crawl under the sheets, blinking at the ceiling and feeling content with life for once.
Garret was glad to say that their night outside went better than he had expected. He thought perhaps he would have been separated from Lauren the moment Sylvia arrived since her and Juliet were protective as always. However, he was pleasantly surprised that Lauren held onto his hand most of the time. He never thought he could love holding onto someone's hand so much in his life. Her hand was warm, though that was probably due to his own slightly sweaty hand, and it fit perfectly in his. She stuck close to his side at all times, and he was sure he'd been smiling like a goof the entire time. Catherine didn't even dare to comment in case she might ruin his fun.

Once it was late, everyone said their goodnights and headed off to their respective beds. Garret felt far too giddy to actually sleep, so he sat on his futon for a while after his shower, hair still wet and eyes bright with life. Pure joy was surging through him like electricity and he just couldn't help but shove his face into his pillow to try and stop himself from grinning so much. He must have looked strange, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Due to his overflowing glee, he hadn't noticed just how tired he was from the day. Physically he was fine, but emotionally...Garret just didn't know when to stop and give his mind a break. So, when he finally laid down, tucking his pillow under his head, he was out like a light.
Lauren frowned when Garret flopped onto the futon. She would have offered to sleep next to him again, but he seemed already out. She crawled under the sheets and lay awake, staring at the ceiling. She wondered what it was like, being so certain of how you felt about people. She wondered what it was like, knowing exactly what you wanted out of someone or a relationship. Lauren was still unsure.

Maybe she was overthinking things. She had a tendency to take something and run with it, uncertain of what it entailed, even when she had already ironed out the details. She could analyze every last piece of information, a habit drawn from classes that demanded she be certain that what she was being told was true. Lessons that drilled into her head the fact that some symptoms meant one thing, some bits of information meant another made her want to dissect everything and anything to ensure that what she thought was true was true.

Of course, that was impossible in real life, when things were jumbled together and mixed up.

Groaning, Lauren rolled over and shoved her face under her pillow, wishing things were clearer.

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