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It's a 1x1 search!


Pink Enthusiast
Hello, people! Feels good to be back!

if you don't know me (probably don't tbh), I'm Lotusy, just an RPNer! At this point, I haven't been quite anniversed on RPN (and not an expert, too) but I'm not wet around the ears, either! Honestly, I've hit a point where I'd actually like to try my hand in 1x1s. All I am is a guy who knows what he wants to write about, then doesn't - so that's why I'm searching now. It's always good to have someone writing with you!

As for RPing preferences? Just the basic stuff! Not too big on gore or anything sexual in nature, but that doesn't mean I'll stop the RP if anything of those natures arises. I also don't really care much about the genders in pairings. I mean, love is love, right? I've got some experience i  MxM and MxF (or the other way around), and if you're patient enough to walk me through how FxF works, I'll do it too. Hell, the RP doesn't even need to have romance if you don't want it to. Also, if you have an idea that I don't list below but still hits one of the main topics I'm interested, feel free to suggest it, too! I'm into anything fantastical in nature, from magic to improbable scenarios, and then some. Also, I'm not limited to the fantasy tag, realistic's within my boundaries. I'll also throw in fandom if you're a pokemon fan. Finally, multiple characters are okay with me, so my partner can set the rules on that.

As for schedules and post frequency, that's something we can definitely iron out in a PM. I'm not able to post seven times a day, but I'm sure I can make it work all the same. Likewise, I won't put any pressure on you to post, unless you really want me to. The same understanding goes for times when real life gets in the way - as long as we're willing to work through it, it'll be fine.

Here are some basic plots. Bold is what I'd like to do:

1. Around a village in medieval times, a witch hunter has been hired to take out the local witch. The chase begins, and the witch must stave off his/her pursuer while hilarity ensues. Pretty light theme, even though it's subject is, well, hunting someone.

2. A superhero and his/her assistant, and the crap they do together! This has so many ways to go, so I'd like to work out the specifics with someone.

3.  Two travelers with no real destination. One's a cynic, and one's a romantic, but they both enjoy the nomadic lifestyle and need a companion. (This one is probably more dialogue-heavy than action-heavy).

4. Two utterly average people in a city full of superheroes and villains. Again, lots of directions, so I'd like to work on it with someone!

5. A cold-blooded killer and their next target, who they're trying to get close to. There are really two options for this (kill or no kill) so if you pick it, just tell me!

And next up, just some more detailed plots. Now, I don't mean detailed as in "you have to be a writing major to do them," just these are wayyy more specific than the above

Easiest one? Let's go.

A Mary Sue/Gary Stu-ish character crash-lands dramatically onto the house of a normal person. Of course, no crashed house is a problem for the eternal Mary Sue, but he/she eventually stays since their parents died/they're the last of their race/they lost their own home and basically have no contacts on Earth. In essence, it's the interactions between a Mary Sue hell-bent on telling their beautiful story and the person who has to keep the "perfect" from flowing out that make this story work

I'm willing to do either of these roles!

At the end of the year, two kids who aren't really friends are stuck in boarding school without families to go home to. To make matters worse, travel isn't an option, as they're quickly getting snowed in. It's a well-respected and well-stocked school, so there's no danger, but everyone inside no only has everyone inside for company. As the holidays roll around and their winter break ticks on, the kids will be forced to start interacting for fear of a their worst nightmare - boredom. 

Surprisingly, there's a lot of ways this can go. Romance is a possible option, thoughh it's not necessary to make this work. Additionally, I think it would be better for the two to have differing personalities, but again, it's something I can work out in a PM.

This one is the most specific of the bunch, and definitely requires multiple characters.

So basically, have you ever though of the amazing environment of a ship at sea? It's a giant container floating in the middle of the ocean, thereby trapping you in it with all of its other inhabitants. Now what if we add a little fate to the mix?

-One day, two nearly identical ships pull into a harbor. One is a cargo ship with an extra mission of transporting some passengers to the Americas while the other... well, it's a pirate ship.

-Both have nearly identical captains, so when bother ships dock and both captains go out for the night, the captain of the cargo ship stumbles onto the pirate ship, blissfully unaware of the pirates, as he now believes they replaced his crew, but can't be assed to complain. The pirates, similarly, haven't really seen their captain often (with the exception of the first mate), and nobody notices the switch.

-Meanwhile, a girl is about to be reunited with her father to travel to the Americas after a ten-year time period. Of course, in the past, they didn't have a very healthy relationship, so at the last minute, she decides to beat up the pirate's new deckhand (with a similar appearance) and in a Mulan-esque way, pretends to be a boy, takes his spot (as well as his gear) in order to escape her father and their travel ship.

-The deckhand, after regaining consciousness, is soon found by the girl's father after the girl switches positions with him (dress included). Unable to convince the oblivious man that he is, in fact, not his daughter (since the father believes she just doesn't like him), and to make matters worse, they follow the right captain - just to the wrong ship.

... Hopefully hilarity will ensue.

i know the first part seems a tad bit specific, but I thought it would be an interesting way to set up the interactions on the wooden container stranding these poor souls in the ocean, which is basically what it's all about.

The roles are:

Girl posing as deckhand

Deckhand forced to be girl

Girl's father

Wrong captain

Suspicious first mate

(Any pirate you want)

i'm willing to play either side of the deckhand/girl interaction, though it'd probably be easier if I did the former deckhand (makes the father run a lot smoother)

If you're interested in doing any of these at all, just shoot me a PM and we can run it from there! Here's to hoping for a great 1x1!
Hey there! If you're open for another partner, I'd be interested in discussing #2 (the superhero and his/her assistant/sidekick) or the snowed in boarding school idea. I've been trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, with an RP that's relatively low key but still lots of fun. I usually lean toward fantasy/magic as well, but I love a good old fashioned realistic roleplay here and there, too. So, let me know if you'd like to discuss either of these ideas, please! I'll be around. :)  
interested in the following

  • Two travelers with no real destination. One's a cynic, and one's a romantic, but they both enjoy the nomadic lifestyle and need a companion. (This one is probably more dialogue-heavy than action-heavy).

  • At the end of the year, two kids who aren't really friends are stuck in boarding school without families to go home to. To make matters worse, travel isn't an option, as they're quickly getting snowed in. It's a well-respected and well-stocked school, so there's no danger, but everyone inside no only has everyone inside for company. As the holidays roll around and their winter break ticks on, the kids will be forced to start interacting for fear of a their worst nightmare - boredom. 

    Surprisingly, there's a lot of ways this can go. Romance is a possible option, thoughh it's not necessary to make this work. Additionally, I think it would be better for the two to have differing personalities, but again, it's something I can work out in a PM.
I like the one with the normal people in a superhero world and the last detailed one.

Hey there! If you're open for another partner, I'd be interested in discussing #2 (the superhero and his/her assistant/sidekick) or the snowed in boarding school idea. I've been trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, with an RP that's relatively low key but still lots of fun. I usually lean toward fantasy/magic as well, but I love a good old fashioned realistic roleplay here and there, too. So, let me know if you'd like to discuss either of these ideas, please! I'll be around. :)  

@LotusyI'm interested in the 2nd detailed plot :D.

Gotcha, gotcha, and gotcha! PMs are coming your way! 

With that, though, I'll have to close this thread down, sorry. Thank you to all who participated!
Dang! Late to the party! All of these ideas looked great too! 

Could you keep me in mind if you ever find yourself looking for another partner? Please? 
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