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Realistic or Modern Italian Mafia

I'm sorry, I don't think I can be in this RP. I have too much work on my hands and I feel as though Other RPs need me, sorry.

Just pretend that you guys are at a club and that's that.
Alright. I'll just make my character leave you alone

Thanks for telling @Stew
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Seems like we did end up Roleplaying in a roleplay :) hihi

Remember me from your intro? :3

Also, just wanted to say to all in this RP that I've updated some things in the overview

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@Dreadpool10 you can start with some of he members here who aren't doing anything, like Aes whose character is just there or Four's character who ran away.
[QUOTE="Aeri Rosevier]@Dreadpool10 you can start with some of he members here who aren't doing anything, like Aes whose character is just there or Four's character who ran away.

Sounds good.
[QUOTE="Phantom King]Nope nope, things came up. Sorry for the wait :)

Welcome back then :)
THanks, and don't worry I know the struggles of tapatalk but I managed to type out something much longer than I expected though
Dreadpool10 said:
@Aeri Rosevier
What is the max amount of strengths one can have?
What do you mean? Well, I only allow non-realistic stuff like blocking bullets with knives and all. But I cannot allow superhuman strength, unless your character is a weight lifter or something. Is that what you meant?


Hey guys, do you think this roleplay right now has no direction? Since things are done in that pub, I was thinking of making a storyline in parts so we'd have to focus on only one thing. I noticed things are a bit messy right now, with people going off in different directions with no one to roleplay with, therefore, not being able to post.
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[QUOTE="Aeri Rosevier]What do you mean? Well, I only allow non-realistic stuff like blocking bullets with knives and all. But I cannot allow superhuman strength, unless your character is a weight lifter or something. Is that what you meant?

Oh, no that's not what I meant. As for strengths, I was talking about stuff like, "Marksmanship, combat," and stuff like that. Not anything superhuman.

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