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Fantasy Isekai

The prince snapped his fingers gently and pointed the door at the guard, who complied immediately. "... There. He's gone. Are you happy now? You could hurt me very much right now... But that's ok. Because I know you won't, right...?" He smiles with his cheeks red from the tears. "... You know, the reason why I want to be friends with you specifically is, because I'm honestly really tired of being treated so formally by everyone... I sometimes wish I wasn't Prince Ralsei. Just... Ralsei. Just me." He sighed. "... What can you tell me about your home, boy? I want you to be happy. So I decided to help you return home."
He didn't expect this to happen, but it happened. The prince told the guard to leave, and the guard left.. ..and undoubtedly kept himself standing 5 meters away from the room they were right now, ready to return at the slightest command from the prince..

Here we go.
More questions.

The prince them claimed the boy could hurt him..
"Really? Why would you say you're so powerful if I can hurt you?" That didn't add up. In fact, many maaany things in the prince's story didn't add up.
"Why don't you order them not to treat you formally?" There's that. If the prince can do whatever, then why not?
"If you don't want to be prince, why don't you pass the crown to someone else?" Its called, abdication. The prince could do that, right?
"Why do you want to help me return home, if you told me just before not to go away?" Isn't that contradictory? What's even going on!!!

And he didn't answer anything about his home. They were strangers, after all! .. Talking animal-like people..
It didn't help that the prince neglected to answer some of the boy's questions.
"What mark?" He spoke, asking again, what mark humans had.

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