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Fantasy Isekai Tensei 変更の数日前 ooc

It's been a week since the op has responded. I say we just move on with it tbh
All righty, give me some I just woke up and have work in a few hours, any body have a preference as to their first job before the whole group meets up?
I'd be very interested if this is still available- I've got another friend who would be interested as well... Granted I read that the host left so idk how it's doing as of rn- but if anyone would let me know?
tai can probably do whatever, honestly. hes easy

I'd be very interested if this is still available- I've got another friend who would be interested as well... Granted I read that the host left so idk how it's doing as of rn- but if anyone would let me know?
were still trying to make it run! op said it was fine for someone else to run it so i think were all kinda just winging it with wolf at the forefront of things
Okay, I'd say there's still hope then! Would we still be using the same character sheet page or?
At the moment no, if you have a suggestion I’m all ears
if the idea is everyone kinda converging after their most recent mission to tackle the slavery plotline, could lead into the guilds front desk quest giver npc either actively receiving the quest from some concerned individual or touting it to adventurers coming in as sort of like a... sponsored mission?

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